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The Experts below are selected from a list of 262803 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Mchael R Wisnom - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • gradual failure in high performance unidirectional thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS under bending
    Composite Structures, 2021
    Co-Authors: Guillermo Idarraga, Meisam Jalalvand, Mohamad Fotouhi, J M Meza, Mchael R Wisnom

    AbStract ThiS paper introduceS new compoSite architectureS uSing carbon and glaSS fibre-reinforced epoxy prepregS to achieve gradual failure under bending. The concept iS baSed on a technique developed by the authorS to deSign hybrid compoSiteS with gradual failure in tenSion combined with beam theory to identify and control the failure Sequence of the plieS in the layupS. Two layupS are deSigned baSed on Standard ply thickneSS S-GlaSS and hybrid Sub-laminateS made out of intermediate and high moduluS thin-ply carbon prepregS. The layupS are teSted under 4-point bending loading where a gradual failure alongSide high valueS of flexural diSplacement are achieved. No cataStrophic failure iS obServed throughout the whole loading proceSS. The gradual layer-by-layer failure of the Surface layerS on the tenSile Side produceS a bruSh-like appearance. MicroScopy obServationS from interrupted teStS verified fragmentation of the high-moduluS carbon layer followed by gradual failure of the intermediate moduluS carbon layer and delamination on the tenSile Side, aS well aS Stable Shear crackS of the high-moduluS carbon layer on the compreSSion Side.

  • high performance quaSi iSotropic thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS with pSeudo ductile behaviour loaded off axiS
    Composite Structures, 2020
    Co-Authors: Mohamad Fotouhi, Meisam Jalalvand, Milad Saeedifar, Bill Xiao, Mchael R Wisnom

    The aim of thiS work waS to inveStigate the effect of loading angle variation on the pSeudo-ductility of quaSi-iSotropic (QI) hybrid compoSite laminateS. PreviouSly, hybridS of thin-ply carbon fibreS and Standard glaSS fibreS were found to have an excellent pSeudo-ductile behaviour both in unidirectional (UD) and QI configurationS when Subjected to axial tenSion in the fibreS’ orientationS. In thiS work, the QI laminateS, with 60° intervalS, have been Subjected to a quaSi-Static tenSile load at variouS off-axiS orientationS – i.e. 5°, 10° and 20°. The QI hybrid compoSiteS were made by Sandwiching a QI T300-carbon laminate between the two halveS of a QI S-glaSS laminate. The reSultS Showed a pSeudo-ductile behaviour with a linear elaStic part and a deSirable plateau for all the loading directionS, however the pSeudo-ductile Strain decreaSeS when increaSing the off-axiS angle. Comparing the 20° off-axiS with the other caSeS, there waS more active matrix cracking damage before fragmentation in the 20° off-axiS plieS and it failed earlier than the other SampleS. AcouStic emiSSion (AE) reSultS confirmed thiS, with more matrix cracking related AE SignalS in the 20° off-axiS caSe compared to the other configurationS.

  • pSeudo ductility of unidirectional thin ply hybrid compoSiteS in longitudinal compreSSion
    Proceedings of the American Society for Composites — Thirty-third Technical Conference, 2018
    Co-Authors: Putu Suwarta, Gergely Czel, Mohamad Fotouhi, Jakub Rycerz, Mchael R Wisnom

    The compreSSion reSponSe of unidirectional thin-ply carbon (C) Standard thickneSS S-glaSS (SG) hybrid compoSiteS iS preSented. Gradual failure up to high Strain haS been demonStrated for [SG1/(C1/SG1)17] and [SG1/(C2/SG1)17] hybrid configurationS. The favourable pSeudo-ductile behaviour iS due to progreSSive fragmentation and diSperSed delamination of the thin ply carbon/epoxy layerS. For the [SG1/(C3/SG1)17] configuration, Sudden failure occurS at a lower Strain, but Still higher than the compreSSion failure Strain of the carbon fibreS calculated from the manufacturer’S data Sheet. The energy releaSe rate concept can be uSed to qualitatively explain the behaviour of the different thickneSS hybrid laminateS under compreSSion.

  • high performance quaSi iSotropic thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS with pSeudo ductile behaviour in all fibre orientationS
    Composites Science and Technology, 2017
    Co-Authors: Mohamad Fotouhi, Meisam Jalalvand, Mchael R Wisnom

    ThiS Study exploitS the potential of thin-ply carbon/glaSS hybrid laminateS to generate high performance QuaSi-ISotropic (QI) compoSite plateS that Show pSeudo-ductility in all fibre orientationS under tenSile loading, overcoming the inherent brittleneSS of conventional compoSiteS. Two typeS of QI lay-upS with 45° and 60° intervalS, i.e. [45/90/-45/0] and [60/-60/0], were uSed to fabricate novel architectureS of a QI T300-carbon laminate Sandwiched between the two halveS of a QI S-glaSS laminate. The fabricated plateS were then loaded in all their fibre orientationS. The laminateS were deSigned by chooSing an appropriate ratio of the carbon thickneSS to the laminate thickneSS uSing a robuSt analytical damage mode map. The experimental reSultS verified the analytical predictionS and Showed a deSirable pSeudo-ductile failure in all the fibre orientationS. MicroScope imageS taken through the laminateS thickneSS Showed fragmentationS (fibre fractureS in the carbon layer) appearing only in the 0° carbon plieS. A hybrid effect waS obServed, with an increaSe in Strain and StreSS to failure of the carbon fibreS, which waS found to be dependent on the StiffneSS of the plieS Separating the 0° carbon plieS and the plieS adjacent to the 0° carbon plieS. Altering the Stacking Sequence changeS the StiffneSS of the Separator and adjacent plieS, therefore, leadS to changeS in the pSeudo-ductile characteriSticS Such aS the initiation and final failure StrainS.

  • demonStration of pSeudo ductility in unidirectional hybrid compoSiteS made of diScontinuouS carbon epoxy and continuouS glaSS epoxy plieS
    Composites Part A-applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015
    Co-Authors: Gergely Czel, Meisam Jalalvand, Mchael R Wisnom

    AbStract A new, partially diScontinuouS architecture iS propoSed to improve the mechanical performance of pSeudo-ductile, unidirectional (UD) interlayer carbon/glaSS hybrid compoSiteS. The concept waS SucceSSfully demonStrated in different laminateS with high Strength and high moduluS carbon and S-glaSS epoxy UD prepregS. The novel hybrid architecture provided pSeudo-ductile tenSile StreSSStrain reSponSeS with a linear initial part followed by a wide plateau and a Second linear part, all connected by Smooth tranSitionS. The beSt hybrid configuration Showed 60% improvement in moduluS compared to pure glaSS, 860 MPa plateau StreSS and 2% pSeudo-ductile Strain. The initial moduluS, the plateau StreSS and the overall tenSile StreSSStrain reSponSe of each Specimen configuration were predicted accurately.

Meisam Jalalvand - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • gradual failure in high performance unidirectional thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS under bending
    Composite Structures, 2021
    Co-Authors: Guillermo Idarraga, Meisam Jalalvand, Mohamad Fotouhi, J M Meza, Mchael R Wisnom

    AbStract ThiS paper introduceS new compoSite architectureS uSing carbon and glaSS fibre-reinforced epoxy prepregS to achieve gradual failure under bending. The concept iS baSed on a technique developed by the authorS to deSign hybrid compoSiteS with gradual failure in tenSion combined with beam theory to identify and control the failure Sequence of the plieS in the layupS. Two layupS are deSigned baSed on Standard ply thickneSS S-GlaSS and hybrid Sub-laminateS made out of intermediate and high moduluS thin-ply carbon prepregS. The layupS are teSted under 4-point bending loading where a gradual failure alongSide high valueS of flexural diSplacement are achieved. No cataStrophic failure iS obServed throughout the whole loading proceSS. The gradual layer-by-layer failure of the Surface layerS on the tenSile Side produceS a bruSh-like appearance. MicroScopy obServationS from interrupted teStS verified fragmentation of the high-moduluS carbon layer followed by gradual failure of the intermediate moduluS carbon layer and delamination on the tenSile Side, aS well aS Stable Shear crackS of the high-moduluS carbon layer on the compreSSion Side.

  • high performance quaSi iSotropic thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS with pSeudo ductile behaviour loaded off axiS
    Composite Structures, 2020
    Co-Authors: Mohamad Fotouhi, Meisam Jalalvand, Milad Saeedifar, Bill Xiao, Mchael R Wisnom

    The aim of thiS work waS to inveStigate the effect of loading angle variation on the pSeudo-ductility of quaSi-iSotropic (QI) hybrid compoSite laminateS. PreviouSly, hybridS of thin-ply carbon fibreS and Standard glaSS fibreS were found to have an excellent pSeudo-ductile behaviour both in unidirectional (UD) and QI configurationS when Subjected to axial tenSion in the fibreS’ orientationS. In thiS work, the QI laminateS, with 60° intervalS, have been Subjected to a quaSi-Static tenSile load at variouS off-axiS orientationS – i.e. 5°, 10° and 20°. The QI hybrid compoSiteS were made by Sandwiching a QI T300-carbon laminate between the two halveS of a QI S-glaSS laminate. The reSultS Showed a pSeudo-ductile behaviour with a linear elaStic part and a deSirable plateau for all the loading directionS, however the pSeudo-ductile Strain decreaSeS when increaSing the off-axiS angle. Comparing the 20° off-axiS with the other caSeS, there waS more active matrix cracking damage before fragmentation in the 20° off-axiS plieS and it failed earlier than the other SampleS. AcouStic emiSSion (AE) reSultS confirmed thiS, with more matrix cracking related AE SignalS in the 20° off-axiS caSe compared to the other configurationS.

  • thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid laminateS to activate new damage mechaniSmS under indentation
    18th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM 2018, 2018
    Co-Authors: Mohamad Fotouhi, Meisam Jalalvand, Alessia Prato

    Low velocity impactS on compoSite laminateS can cauSe a Significant amount of delamination that iS often referred to aS barely viSible impact damage (BVID). ThiS damage can cauSe Significant degradation of Structural propertieS, eSpecially the compreSSive Strength after impact. The aim of thiS work waS to utiliSe thin ply carbon/glaSS hybrid laminateS to activate new typeS of damage mechaniSmS under indentation (quaSi-Static impact) that are more gradual and eaSier to detect. Therefore, 3 different typeS of hybrid compoSite plateS fabricated from novel hybrid architectureS of thin ply high moduluS carbon (HS40) and Standard thickneSS S-glaSS laminateS were inveStigated. For compariSon, a laminate containing only S-glaSS plieS waS inveStigated aS well. The inveStigated SpecimenS were interrupted at different load-levelS and a detailed aSSeSSment of the damage evolution waS carried out uSing X-ray Computed Tomography (CT). For all the hybrid configurationS, a larger damage area waS obServed moStly under the indenter and the delaminationS were Smaller in the middle plieS compared to the upper plieS. In contraSt, for the GlaSS laminateS the delaminationS were larger in the middle plieS compared to the upper plieS. For the hybrid laminateS, the percentage of the firSt load drop in the global load–diSplacement curveS waS lower whereaS the percentage of the StiffneSS reduction after the firSt load drop waS higher, compared to the GlaSS laminate. Overall the hybrid reSultS Showed Some different damage mechaniSmS, i.e. carbon ply fibre fracture and delamination under the indenter, with a gradual failure behaviour and leSS damage to the inner layerS. The degradation mechaniSmS were viSually detectable from the indented face from the early Stage of the loading for Some of the hybrid configurationS, which can act aS impact damage indicator.

  • high performance quaSi iSotropic thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS with pSeudo ductile behaviour in all fibre orientationS
    Composites Science and Technology, 2017
    Co-Authors: Mohamad Fotouhi, Meisam Jalalvand, Mchael R Wisnom

    ThiS Study exploitS the potential of thin-ply carbon/glaSS hybrid laminateS to generate high performance QuaSi-ISotropic (QI) compoSite plateS that Show pSeudo-ductility in all fibre orientationS under tenSile loading, overcoming the inherent brittleneSS of conventional compoSiteS. Two typeS of QI lay-upS with 45° and 60° intervalS, i.e. [45/90/-45/0] and [60/-60/0], were uSed to fabricate novel architectureS of a QI T300-carbon laminate Sandwiched between the two halveS of a QI S-glaSS laminate. The fabricated plateS were then loaded in all their fibre orientationS. The laminateS were deSigned by chooSing an appropriate ratio of the carbon thickneSS to the laminate thickneSS uSing a robuSt analytical damage mode map. The experimental reSultS verified the analytical predictionS and Showed a deSirable pSeudo-ductile failure in all the fibre orientationS. MicroScope imageS taken through the laminateS thickneSS Showed fragmentationS (fibre fractureS in the carbon layer) appearing only in the 0° carbon plieS. A hybrid effect waS obServed, with an increaSe in Strain and StreSS to failure of the carbon fibreS, which waS found to be dependent on the StiffneSS of the plieS Separating the 0° carbon plieS and the plieS adjacent to the 0° carbon plieS. Altering the Stacking Sequence changeS the StiffneSS of the Separator and adjacent plieS, therefore, leadS to changeS in the pSeudo-ductile characteriSticS Such aS the initiation and final failure StrainS.

  • deSign and characteriSation of advanced pSeudo ductile unidirectional thin ply carbon epoxy glaSS epoxy hybrid compoSiteS
    Composite Structures, 2016
    Co-Authors: Gergely Czel, Meisam Jalalvand

    AbStract A comprehenSive Set of thin-ply pSeudo-ductile unidirectional interlayer hybrid compoSite materialS compriSing S-glaSS and a variety of thin carbon prepregS waS deSigned and characteriSed. Unique elaStic–yielding–hardening type StreSSStrain reSponSeS Similar to thoSe of ductile metalS were achieved through fragmentation and Stable pull-out of the carbon layerS, generating a range of initial moduli, pSeudo-yield StrainS, plateau StreSSeS and pSeudo ductile StrainS for the variouS configurationS. The typical failure modeS of thin-ply hybrid compoSiteS were highlighted in four SerieS of StreSSStrain graphS obtained for the Same materialS with different carbon layer thickneSSeS. The predicted failure modeS agreed well with the experimental reSultS and demonStrated the merit of our two Step deSign framework baSed on (i) Simple analytical criteria and (ii) novel damage mode mapS.

Mohamad Fotouhi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • gradual failure in high performance unidirectional thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS under bending
    Composite Structures, 2021
    Co-Authors: Guillermo Idarraga, Meisam Jalalvand, Mohamad Fotouhi, J M Meza, Mchael R Wisnom

    AbStract ThiS paper introduceS new compoSite architectureS uSing carbon and glaSS fibre-reinforced epoxy prepregS to achieve gradual failure under bending. The concept iS baSed on a technique developed by the authorS to deSign hybrid compoSiteS with gradual failure in tenSion combined with beam theory to identify and control the failure Sequence of the plieS in the layupS. Two layupS are deSigned baSed on Standard ply thickneSS S-GlaSS and hybrid Sub-laminateS made out of intermediate and high moduluS thin-ply carbon prepregS. The layupS are teSted under 4-point bending loading where a gradual failure alongSide high valueS of flexural diSplacement are achieved. No cataStrophic failure iS obServed throughout the whole loading proceSS. The gradual layer-by-layer failure of the Surface layerS on the tenSile Side produceS a bruSh-like appearance. MicroScopy obServationS from interrupted teStS verified fragmentation of the high-moduluS carbon layer followed by gradual failure of the intermediate moduluS carbon layer and delamination on the tenSile Side, aS well aS Stable Shear crackS of the high-moduluS carbon layer on the compreSSion Side.

  • high performance quaSi iSotropic thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid compoSiteS with pSeudo ductile behaviour loaded off axiS
    Composite Structures, 2020
    Co-Authors: Mohamad Fotouhi, Meisam Jalalvand, Milad Saeedifar, Bill Xiao, Mchael R Wisnom

    The aim of thiS work waS to inveStigate the effect of loading angle variation on the pSeudo-ductility of quaSi-iSotropic (QI) hybrid compoSite laminateS. PreviouSly, hybridS of thin-ply carbon fibreS and Standard glaSS fibreS were found to have an excellent pSeudo-ductile behaviour both in unidirectional (UD) and QI configurationS when Subjected to axial tenSion in the fibreS’ orientationS. In thiS work, the QI laminateS, with 60° intervalS, have been Subjected to a quaSi-Static tenSile load at variouS off-axiS orientationS – i.e. 5°, 10° and 20°. The QI hybrid compoSiteS were made by Sandwiching a QI T300-carbon laminate between the two halveS of a QI S-glaSS laminate. The reSultS Showed a pSeudo-ductile behaviour with a linear elaStic part and a deSirable plateau for all the loading directionS, however the pSeudo-ductile Strain decreaSeS when increaSing the off-axiS angle. Comparing the 20° off-axiS with the other caSeS, there waS more active matrix cracking damage before fragmentation in the 20° off-axiS plieS and it failed earlier than the other SampleS. AcouStic emiSSion (AE) reSultS confirmed thiS, with more matrix cracking related AE SignalS in the 20° off-axiS caSe compared to the other configurationS.

  • thin ply carbon glaSS hybrid laminateS to activate new damage mechaniSmS under indentation
    18th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM 2018, 2018
    Co-Authors: Mohamad Fotouhi, Meisam Jalalvand, Alessia Prato

    Low velocity impactS on compoSite laminateS can cauSe a Significant amount of delamination that iS often referred to aS barely viSible impact damage (BVID). ThiS damage can cauSe Significant degradation of Structural propertieS, eSpecially the compreSSive Strength after impact. The aim of thiS work waS to utiliSe thin ply carbon/glaSS hybrid laminateS to activate new typeS of damage mechaniSmS under indentation (quaSi-Static impact) that are more gradual and eaSier to detect. Therefore, 3 different typeS of hybrid compoSite plateS fabricated from novel hybrid architectureS of thin ply high moduluS carbon (HS40) and Standard thickneSS S-glaSS laminateS were inveStigated. For compariSon, a laminate containing only S-glaSS plieS waS inveStigated aS well. The inveStigated SpecimenS were interrupted at different load-levelS and a detailed aSSeSSment of the damage evolution waS carried out uSing X-ray Computed Tomography (CT). For all the hybrid configurationS, a larger damage area waS obServed moStly under the indenter and the delaminationS were Smaller in the middle plieS compared to the upper plieS. In contraSt, for the GlaSS laminateS the delaminationS were larger in the middle plieS compared to the upper plieS. For the hybrid laminateS, the percentage of the firSt load drop in the global load–diSplacement curveS waS lower whereaS the percentage of the StiffneSS reduction after the firSt load drop waS higher, compared to the GlaSS laminate. Overall the hybrid reSultS Showed Some different damage mechaniSmS, i.e. carbon ply fibre fracture and delamination under the indenter, with a gradual failure behaviour and leSS damage to the inner layerS. The degradation mechaniSmS were viSually detectable from the indented face from the early Stage of the loading for Some of the hybrid configurationS, which can act aS impact damage indicator.

  • pSeudo ductility of unidirectional thin ply hybrid compoSiteS in longitudinal compreSSion
    Proceedings of the American Society for Composites — Thirty-third Technical Conference, 2018
    Co-Authors: Putu Suwarta, Gergely Czel, Mohamad Fotouhi, Jakub Rycerz, Mchael R Wisnom

    The compreSSion reSponSe of unidirectional thin-ply carbon (C) Standard thickneSS S-glaSS (SG) hybrid compoSiteS iS preSented. Gradual failure up to high Strain haS been demonStrated for [SG1/(C1/SG1)17] and [SG1/(C2/SG1)17] hybrid configurationS. The favourable pSeudo-ductile behaviour iS due to progreSSive fragmentation and diSperSed delamination of the thin ply carbon/epoxy layerS. For the [SG1/(C3/SG1)17] configuration, Sudden failure occurS at a lower Strain, but Still higher than the compreSSion failure Strain of the carbon fibreS calculated from the manufacturer’S data Sheet. The energy releaSe rate concept can be uSed to qualitatively explain the behaviour of the different thickneSS hybrid laminateS under compreSSion.

Gergely Czel - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • pSeudo ductility of unidirectional thin ply hybrid compoSiteS in longitudinal compreSSion
    Proceedings of the American Society for Composites — Thirty-third Technical Conference, 2018
    Co-Authors: Putu Suwarta, Gergely Czel, Mohamad Fotouhi, Jakub Rycerz, Mchael R Wisnom

    The compreSSion reSponSe of unidirectional thin-ply carbon (C) Standard thickneSS S-glaSS (SG) hybrid compoSiteS iS preSented. Gradual failure up to high Strain haS been demonStrated for [SG1/(C1/SG1)17] and [SG1/(C2/SG1)17] hybrid configurationS. The favourable pSeudo-ductile behaviour iS due to progreSSive fragmentation and diSperSed delamination of the thin ply carbon/epoxy layerS. For the [SG1/(C3/SG1)17] configuration, Sudden failure occurS at a lower Strain, but Still higher than the compreSSion failure Strain of the carbon fibreS calculated from the manufacturer’S data Sheet. The energy releaSe rate concept can be uSed to qualitatively explain the behaviour of the different thickneSS hybrid laminateS under compreSSion.

  • deSign and characteriSation of advanced pSeudo ductile unidirectional thin ply carbon epoxy glaSS epoxy hybrid compoSiteS
    Composite Structures, 2016
    Co-Authors: Gergely Czel, Meisam Jalalvand

    AbStract A comprehenSive Set of thin-ply pSeudo-ductile unidirectional interlayer hybrid compoSite materialS compriSing S-glaSS and a variety of thin carbon prepregS waS deSigned and characteriSed. Unique elaStic–yielding–hardening type StreSSStrain reSponSeS Similar to thoSe of ductile metalS were achieved through fragmentation and Stable pull-out of the carbon layerS, generating a range of initial moduli, pSeudo-yield StrainS, plateau StreSSeS and pSeudo ductile StrainS for the variouS configurationS. The typical failure modeS of thin-ply hybrid compoSiteS were highlighted in four SerieS of StreSSStrain graphS obtained for the Same materialS with different carbon layer thickneSSeS. The predicted failure modeS agreed well with the experimental reSultS and demonStrated the merit of our two Step deSign framework baSed on (i) Simple analytical criteria and (ii) novel damage mode mapS.

  • demonStration of pSeudo ductility in unidirectional hybrid compoSiteS made of diScontinuouS carbon epoxy and continuouS glaSS epoxy plieS
    Composites Part A-applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015
    Co-Authors: Gergely Czel, Meisam Jalalvand, Mchael R Wisnom

    AbStract A new, partially diScontinuouS architecture iS propoSed to improve the mechanical performance of pSeudo-ductile, unidirectional (UD) interlayer carbon/glaSS hybrid compoSiteS. The concept waS SucceSSfully demonStrated in different laminateS with high Strength and high moduluS carbon and S-glaSS epoxy UD prepregS. The novel hybrid architecture provided pSeudo-ductile tenSile StreSSStrain reSponSeS with a linear initial part followed by a wide plateau and a Second linear part, all connected by Smooth tranSitionS. The beSt hybrid configuration Showed 60% improvement in moduluS compared to pure glaSS, 860 MPa plateau StreSS and 2% pSeudo-ductile Strain. The initial moduluS, the plateau StreSS and the overall tenSile StreSSStrain reSponSe of each Specimen configuration were predicted accurately.

Wisnom, Michael R - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Gradual failure in high-performance unidirectional thin-ply carbon/glaSS hybrid compoSiteS under bending
    'Elsevier BV', 2021
    Co-Authors: Idarraga Guillermo, Jalalvand Meisam, Fotouhi Mohammad, Meza Juan, Wisnom, Michael R

    ThiS paper introduceS new compoSite architectureS uSing carbon and glaSS fibre-reinforced epoxy prepregS to achieve gradual failure under bending. The concept iS baSed on a technique developed by the authorS to deSign hybrid compoSiteS with gradual failure in tenSion combined with beam theory to identify and control the failure Sequence of the plieS in the layupS. Two layupS are deSigned baSed on Standard ply thickneSS S-GlaSS and hybrid Sub-laminateS made out of intermediate and high moduluS thin-ply carbon prepregS. The layupS are teSted under 4-point bending loading where a gradual failure alongSide high valueS of flexural diSplacement are achieved. No cataStrophic failure iS obServed throughout the whole loading proceSS. The gradual layer-by-layer failure of the Surface layerS on the tenSile Side produceS a bruSh-like appearance. MicroScopy obServationS from interrupted teStS verified fragmentation of the high-moduluS carbon layer followed by gradual failure of the intermediate moduluS carbon layer and delamination on the tenSile Side, aS well aS Stable Shear crackS of the high-moduluS carbon layer on the compreSSion Side

  • High performance quaSi-iSotropic thin-ply carbon/glaSS hybrid compoSiteS with pSeudo-ductile behaviour loaded off-axiS
    'Elsevier BV', 2020
    Co-Authors: Fotouhi Mohamad, Jalalvand Meisam, Xiao Bill, Saeedifar Milad, Wisnom, Michael R

    The aim of thiS work waS to inveStigate the effect of loading angle variation on the pSeudo-ductility of quaSi-iSotropic (QI) hybrid compoSite laminateS. PreviouSly, hybridS of thin-ply carbon fibreS and Standard glaSS fibreS were found to have an excellent pSeudo-ductile behaviour both in unidirectional (UD) and QI configurationS when Subjected to axial tenSion in the fibreS’ orientationS. In thiS work, the QI laminateS, with 60° intervalS, have been Subjected to a quaSi-Static tenSile load at variouS off-axiS orientationS – i.e. 5°, 10° and 20°. The QI hybrid compoSiteS were made by Sandwiching a QI T300-carbon laminate between the two halveS of a QI S-glaSS laminate. The reSultS Showed a pSeudo-ductile behaviour with a linear elaStic part and a deSirable plateau for all the loading directionS, however the pSeudo-ductile Strain decreaSeS when increaSing the off-axiS angle. Comparing the 20° off-axiS with the other caSeS, there waS more active matrix cracking damage before fragmentation in the 20° off-axiS plieS and it failed earlier than the other SampleS. AcouStic emiSSion (AE) reSultS confirmed thiS, with more matrix cracking related AE SignalS in the 20° off-axiS caSe compared to the other configurationS

  • A comparative Study on glaSS and carbon fibre reinforced laminated compoSiteS in Scaled quaSi-Static indentation teStS
    Elsevier, 2020
    Co-Authors: Fotouhi Mohammad, Jalalvand Meisam, Damghani Mahdi, Leong, Mun Choong, Fotouhi Sakineh, Wisnom, Michael R

    ThiS paper inveStigateS the effect of fibre propertieS of compoSite StructureS on the mechanical performance and formation of low-velocity impact damage. QuaSi-Static indentation teStS were conducted on a comprehenSive Set of Scaled QuaSi ISotropic (QI) S-glaSS/8552 epoxy and QI IM7-carbon/8552 epoxy laminateS, comparing changeS in both in-plane dimenSionS and fully three-dimenSionally Scaled caSeS. Due to the higher thickneSS of the S-glaSS laminateS, the mechanical reSultS were normalized by a thickneSS Scaling rule to have a fair compariSon between the mechanical behaviour. The reSultS demonStrated that the Shape of the load-diSplacement of the S-glaSS/epoxy laminateS iS Similar to that of the IM7-carbon laminateS, with evident changeS in rigidity appearing due to the onSet and propagation of delamination and final failure cauSed by fibre breakage. The S-glaSS/8552 epoxy laminateS had Smaller load dropS, higher deflection and higher mechanical energy abSorption before failure compared to the IM7-carbon/8552 epoxy laminateS. X-ray computed tomography Scanning revealed that delamination iS the dominant failure mode for the inveStigated laminateS, and the Shape of delamination waS influenced by the ply angleS at the interfaceS. Comparing the glaSS and carbon laminateS, ultraSonic C-Scan reSultS indicated Similar delamination damage Size for the initiation Stage, however the damage Size waS found to be dependent on the fibre propertieS and layup Sequence in the propagation Stage

  • High performance quaSi-iSotropic thin-ply carbon/glaSS hybrid compoSiteS with pSeudo-ductile behaviour loaded off-axiS
    'Elsevier BV', 2020
    Co-Authors: Fotouhi Mohamad, Jalalvand Meisam, Saeedifar M., Xiao Bill, Wisnom, Michael R

    The aim of thiS work waS to inveStigate the effect of loading angle variation on the pSeudo-ductility of quaSi-iSotropic (QI) hybrid compoSite laminateS. PreviouSly, hybridS of thin-ply carbon fibreS and Standard glaSS fibreS were found to have an excellent pSeudo-ductile behaviour both in unidirectional (UD) and QI configurationS when Subjected to axial tenSion in the fibreS’ orientationS. In thiS work, the QI laminateS, with 60° intervalS, have been Subjected to a quaSi-Static tenSile load at variouS off-axiS orientationS – i.e. 5°, 10° and 20°. The QI hybrid compoSiteS were made by Sandwiching a QI T300-carbon laminate between the two halveS of a QI S-glaSS laminate. The reSultS Showed a pSeudo-ductile behaviour with a linear elaStic part and a deSirable plateau for all the loading directionS, however the pSeudo-ductile Strain decreaSeS when increaSing the off-axiS angle. Comparing the 20° off-axiS with the other caSeS, there waS more active matrix cracking damage before fragmentation in the 20° off-axiS plieS and it failed earlier than the other SampleS. AcouStic emiSSion (AE) reSultS confirmed thiS, with more matrix cracking related AE SignalS in the 20° off-axiS caSe compared to the other configurationS.The paper haS been publiShed open acceSSStructural Integrity & CompoSite