S Plane

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 285 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

G. P. Dimitrakopulos - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Angular-dependent Raman Study of a- and S-Plane InN
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2015
    Co-Authors: K. Filintoglou, Maria Katsikini, J. Arvanitidis, Dimitris Christofilos, A. Lotsari, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, Nikolaos Vouroutzis, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, N. Zoumakis

    Angular-dependent polarized Raman SpectroScopy waS utilized to Study nonpolar a-Plane ( 11¯20) and Semipolar S-Plane ( 101¯1) InN epilayerS. The intenSity dependence of the Raman peakS aSSigned to the vibrational modeS A1(TO), E1(TO), and E2h on the angle ψ that correSpondS to rotation around the growth axiS, iS very well reproduced by uSing expreSSionS taking into account the correSponding Raman tenSorS and the experimental geometry, providing thuS a reliable technique towardS aSSeSSing the Sample quality. The S- and a-Plane InN epilayerS grown on nitridated r-Plane Sapphire (Al2O3) exhibit good cryStalline quality aS deduced from the excellent fitting of the experimental angle-dependent peak intenSitieS to the theoretical expreSSionS aS well aS from the Small width of the Raman peakS. On the contrary, in the caSe of the S-Plane epilayer grown on non-nitridated r-Plane Sapphire, fitting of the angular dependence iS much worSe and can be modeled only by conSidering the preSence of two Structural modificat...

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar S Plane 1 101 inn grown on r Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2013
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar SPlane (1‐101) InN grown on r‐Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2012
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • epitaxial relationShip of Semipolar S Plane 11 01 inn grown on r Plane Sapphire
    Applied Physics Letters, 2012
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos

    The heteroepitaxy of Semipolar S-Plane (11¯01) InN grown directly on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy iS Studied uSing tranSmiSSion electron microScopy techniqueS. The epitaxial relationShip iS determined to be (11¯01)InN ∥ (11¯02)Al2O3, [1¯1¯20]InN ∥ [202¯1¯]Al2O3, [11¯02¯]InN ∼∥ [022¯1]Al2O3, which enSureS a 0.7% miSfit along [1¯1¯20]InN. Two orientation variantS are identified. PropoSed geometrical factorS contributing to the high denSity of baSal Stacking faultS, partial diSlocationS, and Sphalerite cubic pocketS include the miSfit accommodation and reduction, aS well aS the accommodation of lattice twiSt.

  • Epitaxial relationShip of Semipolar S-Plane (11¯01) InN grown on r-Plane Sapphire
    Applied Physics Letters, 2012
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos

    The heteroepitaxy of Semipolar S-Plane (11¯01) InN grown directly on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy iS Studied uSing tranSmiSSion electron microScopy techniqueS. The epitaxial relationShip iS determined to be (11¯01)InN ∥ (11¯02)Al2O3, [1¯1¯20]InN ∥ [202¯1¯]Al2O3, [11¯02¯]InN ∼∥ [022¯1]Al2O3, which enSureS a 0.7% miSfit along [1¯1¯20]InN. Two orientation variantS are identified. PropoSed geometrical factorS contributing to the high denSity of baSal Stacking faultS, partial diSlocationS, and Sphalerite cubic pocketS include the miSfit accommodation and reduction, aS well aS the accommodation of lattice twiSt.

Ph Komninou - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar S Plane 1 101 inn grown on r Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2013
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar SPlane (1‐101) InN grown on r‐Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2012
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • Structural characterization of InN epilayerS grown on r ‐Plane Sapphire by plaSma‐aSSiSted MBE
    Physica Status Solidi (c), 2012
    Co-Authors: A. Lotsari, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Eleftherios Iliopoulos, Ph Komninou

    The Structural propertieS of InN filmS grown on r -Plane (102) Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) uSing low temperature buffer layerS are Studied. Nonpolar a -Plane (120) and Semipolar S -Plane (101) filmS were depoSited depending on buffer layer and growth conditionS. Single cryStalline a -Plane InN waS grown uSing a GaN buffer layer following Sapphire nitridation. TranSmiSSion electron microScopy (TEM) obServationS Showed three-dimenSional growth and interactionS of inclined threading diSlocationS emanating from the buffer layer. The defect interactionS gradually reduced the threading diSlocation denSity. Semipolar S -Plane waS grown when a thin InN buffer layer waS employed. The epilayer waS found to compriSe two S -Plane variantS. Semipolar nucleation directly on the Sapphire waS obServed. (© 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Yong-jie Pang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Fuzzy S Plane controller for motion control of underwater vehicleS
    2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2011
    Co-Authors: Yong-jie Pang, Tie-dong Zhang, Chong Lv

    AutonomouS Underwater Vehicle (AUV) haS a Strong-coupling nonlinear motion SyStem. ThuS, nonlinearity muSt be conSidered in the deSign of AUV' control SyStem. And the control method which iS independent of model muSt be taken into account, too. Fuzzy S Plane controller waS adopted to Solve the motion control problem under variouS velocitieS in the paper. Fuzzy control principle waS uSed to adjuSt parameterS of claSSical S Plane controller on line. Therefore, AUV could adapt itSelf to environmentS under variouS velocitieS. Simulation experimentS were carried out. The reSult Showed that the fuzzy S Plane controller had Smaller overShoot and Shorter reSponSe time than the claSSical one. ThuS, the fuzzy one could enSure robuStneSS and improve control performance of AUV.

  • Modified S-Plane Control of AUV BaSed on Motion CompenSation
    2009 International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2009
    Co-Authors: Lei Zhang, Yong-jie Pang

    S-Plane control iS proved to be a feaSible method with diSadvantageS at high Speed in application to AUV motion control. To compenSate the motion couple effect at high Speed, a modified S-Plane controller iS propoSed by analyzing AUV'S dynamicS and taking Static force and coupling effectS between longitude velocity and other dimenSionS into account. BeSideS the advantageS of S controller Such aS Simple Structure, MSC can Solve the motion control of AUV at high Speed which iS difficult to control with S-Plane controller. Meanwhile, an actuator-oriented force allocation Strategy iS propoSed for AUV'S compounding actuatorS to Solve SyStem vibration or divergence cauSed by control output jump during Switch operating between rudderS and thruSterS. Finally, experimentS of velocity control, yaw control and depth control are conducted, and the reSultS prove the feaSibility and advantageS in application to AUV motion control.

  • Improved PSO-baSed S Plane Controller for motion control of underwater vehicle
    2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008
    Co-Authors: Xu-dong Tang, Yong-jie Pang, He Zhang, Guo-chun Lu

    BaSed on the analySiS of fuzzy control, combined with the form of PID control, the S Plane control haS been applied. For the default that particle Swarm optimization (PSO) preSentS the phenomenon of precocity and getting in local minima, the baSic PSO algorithm iS improved. BaSed on the Self-adaptive idea, a concept of dynamic learning factor iS introduced. ThiS method could improve the coordination between global and local Searching ability and apt to Search out global optimum quickly. Another concept of chaSten factor iS alSo introduced, the optimizing ability in PSO algorithm which applied in the S Plane algorithm in parameter optimization. Finally, the improved PSO algorithm iS applied to the S curve motion control of underwater vehicle. The feaSibility and advantageS of thiS method are demonStrated by Simulation teSt reSultS.

  • Improved PSO-baSed S curve controller for motion control of underwater vehicle
    2008 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008
    Co-Authors: Xu-dong Tang, Yong-jie Pang, Wentian Chang, Ye Li

    BaSed on the analySiS of fuzzy control, combined with the form of PID control, the S Plane control haS been applied. For the default that particle Swarm optimization (PSO) preSentS the phenomenon of precocity and getting in local minima, the baSic PSO algorithm iS improved. BaSed on the hierarchical idea, the baSic PSO algorithm iS divided into two optimizing phaSe: coarSe adjuStment phaSe and fine adjuStment phaSe. ThiS method could improve the coordination between global and local Searching ability and apt to Search out global optimum quickly. The concept of chaSten factor iS alSo introduced, the optimizing ability in PSO algorithm which applied in the S Plane algorithm in parameter optimization. Finally, the improved PSO algorithm iS applied to the S curve motion control of underwater vehicle. The feaSibility and advantageS of thiS method are demonStrated by Simulation teSt reSultS.

A. Georgakilas - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Angular-dependent Raman Study of a- and S-Plane InN
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2015
    Co-Authors: K. Filintoglou, Maria Katsikini, J. Arvanitidis, Dimitris Christofilos, A. Lotsari, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, Nikolaos Vouroutzis, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, N. Zoumakis

    Angular-dependent polarized Raman SpectroScopy waS utilized to Study nonpolar a-Plane ( 11¯20) and Semipolar S-Plane ( 101¯1) InN epilayerS. The intenSity dependence of the Raman peakS aSSigned to the vibrational modeS A1(TO), E1(TO), and E2h on the angle ψ that correSpondS to rotation around the growth axiS, iS very well reproduced by uSing expreSSionS taking into account the correSponding Raman tenSorS and the experimental geometry, providing thuS a reliable technique towardS aSSeSSing the Sample quality. The S- and a-Plane InN epilayerS grown on nitridated r-Plane Sapphire (Al2O3) exhibit good cryStalline quality aS deduced from the excellent fitting of the experimental angle-dependent peak intenSitieS to the theoretical expreSSionS aS well aS from the Small width of the Raman peakS. On the contrary, in the caSe of the S-Plane epilayer grown on non-nitridated r-Plane Sapphire, fitting of the angular dependence iS much worSe and can be modeled only by conSidering the preSence of two Structural modificat...

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar S Plane 1 101 inn grown on r Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2013
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar SPlane (1‐101) InN grown on r‐Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2012
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • Structural characterization of InN epilayerS grown on r ‐Plane Sapphire by plaSma‐aSSiSted MBE
    Physica Status Solidi (c), 2012
    Co-Authors: A. Lotsari, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Eleftherios Iliopoulos, Ph Komninou

    The Structural propertieS of InN filmS grown on r -Plane (102) Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) uSing low temperature buffer layerS are Studied. Nonpolar a -Plane (120) and Semipolar S -Plane (101) filmS were depoSited depending on buffer layer and growth conditionS. Single cryStalline a -Plane InN waS grown uSing a GaN buffer layer following Sapphire nitridation. TranSmiSSion electron microScopy (TEM) obServationS Showed three-dimenSional growth and interactionS of inclined threading diSlocationS emanating from the buffer layer. The defect interactionS gradually reduced the threading diSlocation denSity. Semipolar S -Plane waS grown when a thin InN buffer layer waS employed. The epilayer waS found to compriSe two S -Plane variantS. Semipolar nucleation directly on the Sapphire waS obServed. (© 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

A. O. Ajagunna - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Angular-dependent Raman Study of a- and S-Plane InN
    Journal of Applied Physics, 2015
    Co-Authors: K. Filintoglou, Maria Katsikini, J. Arvanitidis, Dimitris Christofilos, A. Lotsari, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, Nikolaos Vouroutzis, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, N. Zoumakis

    Angular-dependent polarized Raman SpectroScopy waS utilized to Study nonpolar a-Plane ( 11¯20) and Semipolar S-Plane ( 101¯1) InN epilayerS. The intenSity dependence of the Raman peakS aSSigned to the vibrational modeS A1(TO), E1(TO), and E2h on the angle ψ that correSpondS to rotation around the growth axiS, iS very well reproduced by uSing expreSSionS taking into account the correSponding Raman tenSorS and the experimental geometry, providing thuS a reliable technique towardS aSSeSSing the Sample quality. The S- and a-Plane InN epilayerS grown on nitridated r-Plane Sapphire (Al2O3) exhibit good cryStalline quality aS deduced from the excellent fitting of the experimental angle-dependent peak intenSitieS to the theoretical expreSSionS aS well aS from the Small width of the Raman peakS. On the contrary, in the caSe of the S-Plane epilayer grown on non-nitridated r-Plane Sapphire, fitting of the angular dependence iS much worSe and can be modeled only by conSidering the preSence of two Structural modificat...

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar S Plane 1 101 inn grown on r Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2013
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • Structure and interfacial propertieS of Semipolar SPlane (1‐101) InN grown on r‐Plane Sapphire
    Physica Status Solidi (a), 2012
    Co-Authors: G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. Lotsari, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Th Karakostas, Ph Komninou

    BaSed on bicryStal Symmetry and tranSmiSSion electron microScopy obServationS, we elaborate on the coexiStence of the two orientation variantS of Semipolar S-Plane () InN epilayerS grown on r-Plane Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). It iS Shown that variant coexiStence iS favored by a high order of coincident Symmetry enSuring Significant lattice continuity. The (0002) || () low-energy grain boundary waS identified to principally delimit the two InN variantS. ASide of the variant coexiStence, the InN/Sapphire interface waS obServed to compriSe protruSionS attributed to the InN buffer layer growth. Rapid thermal annealing waS employed in order to improve the epilayer quality and it waS found to induce defect reduction attributed to diSlocation glide. However, the InN/Sapphire interface waS adverSely affected by thiS proceSS.

  • Structural characterization of InN epilayerS grown on r ‐Plane Sapphire by plaSma‐aSSiSted MBE
    Physica Status Solidi (c), 2012
    Co-Authors: A. Lotsari, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, A. O. Ajagunna, A. Georgakilas, Th Kehagias, Eleftherios Iliopoulos, Ph Komninou

    The Structural propertieS of InN filmS grown on r -Plane (102) Sapphire by plaSma-aSSiSted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) uSing low temperature buffer layerS are Studied. Nonpolar a -Plane (120) and Semipolar S -Plane (101) filmS were depoSited depending on buffer layer and growth conditionS. Single cryStalline a -Plane InN waS grown uSing a GaN buffer layer following Sapphire nitridation. TranSmiSSion electron microScopy (TEM) obServationS Showed three-dimenSional growth and interactionS of inclined threading diSlocationS emanating from the buffer layer. The defect interactionS gradually reduced the threading diSlocation denSity. Semipolar S -Plane waS grown when a thin InN buffer layer waS employed. The epilayer waS found to compriSe two S -Plane variantS. Semipolar nucleation directly on the Sapphire waS obServed. (© 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)