S Wave Amplitude

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T Schroeder - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • meaSurement of the i 1 2 kπ S Wave Amplitude from dalitz plot analySeS of ηc k k π in two photon interactionS
    Physical Review D, 2016
    Co-Authors: J P Lees, V Poireau, V Tisserand, E Grauges, A Palano, G Eigen, D N Brown, Yu G Kolomensky, H Koch, T Schroeder

    We Study the proceSSeS γγ→K^0_SK^±π^∓ and γγ→K^+K^−π^0 uSing a data Sample of 519  fb^(−1) recorded with the BABAR detector operating at the SLAC PEP-II aSymmetric-energy e+e− collider at center-of-maSS energieS at and near the Υ(nS) (n=2, 3, 4) reSonanceS. We obServe ηc decayS to both final StateS and perform Dalitz plot analySeS uSing a model-independent partial Wave analySiS technique. ThiS allowS a model-independent meaSurement of the maSS-dependence of the I=1/2 Kπ S-Wave Amplitude and phaSe. A compariSon between the preSent meaSurement and thoSe from previouS experimentS indicateS Similar behavior for the phaSe up to a maSS of 1.5  GeV/c^2. In contraSt, the AmplitudeS Show very marked differenceS. The data require the preSence of a new a_0(1950) reSonance with parameterS m=1931±14±22  MeV/c^2 and Γ=271±22±29  MeV.

  • MeaSurement of the I=1 /2 Kπ S -Wave Amplitude from Dalitz plot analySeS of ηc →k K ¯ π in two-photon interactionS
    Physical Review D, 2016
    Co-Authors: J P Lees, V Poireau, V Tisserand, E Grauges, A Palano, G Eigen, D N Brown, Yu G Kolomensky, H Koch, T Schroeder

    We Study the proceSSeS γγ→K^0_SK^±π^∓ and γγ→K^+K^−π^0 uSing a data Sample of 519  fb^(−1) recorded with the BABAR detector operating at the SLAC PEP-II aSymmetric-energy e+e− collider at center-of-maSS energieS at and near the Υ(nS) (n=2, 3, 4) reSonanceS. We obServe ηc decayS to both final StateS and perform Dalitz plot analySeS uSing a model-independent partial Wave analySiS technique. ThiS allowS a model-independent meaSurement of the maSS-dependence of the I=1/2 Kπ S-Wave Amplitude and phaSe. A compariSon between the preSent meaSurement and thoSe from previouS experimentS indicateS Similar behavior for the phaSe up to a maSS of 1.5  GeV/c^2. In contraSt, the AmplitudeS Show very marked differenceS. The data require the preSence of a new a_0(1950) reSonance with parameterS m=1931±14±22  MeV/c^2 and Γ=271±22±29  MeV.

Kris L Pankow - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • modeling S Wave Amplitude patternS for eventS in the kurile Slab uSing three dimenSional gauSSian beamS
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002
    Co-Authors: Kris L Pankow

    [1] The Shear velocity Structure of the Subducted Kurile Slab iS modeled uSing Shear Wave Amplitude reSidual SphereS. We meaSure long-period SH and ScSH phaSe AmplitudeS for 10 intermediate and deep focuS earthquakeS recorded at World-Wide Standardized SeiSmograph Network and Canadian SeiSmic Network StationS from 1967 to 1986. After correction for Source radiation pattern, geometric Spreading, and empirical receiver/upper mantle effectS, the data for intermediate depth Kurile Slab eventS Show Smoothly varying Amplitude reSidual Sphere patternS with low AmplitudeS concentrated in the direction down the Slab dip. The data are modeled uSing three-dimenSional dynamic ray tracing and a three-dimenSional GauSSian beam method. Starting modelS are taken from previouS P and S Wave arrival time reSidual Sphere StudieS. Three-dimenSional ray tracing indicateS that ray patternS and reSulting AmplitudeS are very SenSitive to the depth extent of the Slab and to the poSition of the event relative to the acroSS-Slab velocity gradient. ThiS SenSitivity allowS uS to place Some conStraintS on the Kurile Slab geometry, poSition of each event within the Slab, and penetration depth of coherent Slab Structure. Our final Slab model iS defined by an aSymmetric error function that peakS at 4% higher velocity than Preliminary Reference Earthquake Model 25 km from the top of the Slab. The total width of the thermal anomaly averageS 140 km. The Slab iS tabular and extendS to 670 km in the northern half of the Kurile Subduction zone. In the Southern half of the Subduction zone the Slab flattenS along the 670 km diScontinuity and deflectS laterally, perSiSting to 750 km depth.

  • Modeling S Wave Amplitude patternS for eventS in the Kurile Slab uSing three‐dimenSional GauSSian beamS
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002
    Co-Authors: Kris L Pankow

    [1] The Shear velocity Structure of the Subducted Kurile Slab iS modeled uSing Shear Wave Amplitude reSidual SphereS. We meaSure long-period SH and ScSH phaSe AmplitudeS for 10 intermediate and deep focuS earthquakeS recorded at World-Wide Standardized SeiSmograph Network and Canadian SeiSmic Network StationS from 1967 to 1986. After correction for Source radiation pattern, geometric Spreading, and empirical receiver/upper mantle effectS, the data for intermediate depth Kurile Slab eventS Show Smoothly varying Amplitude reSidual Sphere patternS with low AmplitudeS concentrated in the direction down the Slab dip. The data are modeled uSing three-dimenSional dynamic ray tracing and a three-dimenSional GauSSian beam method. Starting modelS are taken from previouS P and S Wave arrival time reSidual Sphere StudieS. Three-dimenSional ray tracing indicateS that ray patternS and reSulting AmplitudeS are very SenSitive to the depth extent of the Slab and to the poSition of the event relative to the acroSS-Slab velocity gradient. ThiS SenSitivity allowS uS to place Some conStraintS on the Kurile Slab geometry, poSition of each event within the Slab, and penetration depth of coherent Slab Structure. Our final Slab model iS defined by an aSymmetric error function that peakS at 4% higher velocity than Preliminary Reference Earthquake Model 25 km from the top of the Slab. The total width of the thermal anomaly averageS 140 km. The Slab iS tabular and extendS to 670 km in the northern half of the Kurile Subduction zone. In the Southern half of the Subduction zone the Slab flattenS along the 670 km diScontinuity and deflectS laterally, perSiSting to 750 km depth.

Shigeki Machida - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • RelationShip Between the S-Wave Amplitude of the Multifocal Electroretinogram and the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer ThickneSS in GlaucomatouS EyeS
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2005
    Co-Authors: Junfuku Nitta, Yutaka Tazawa, Ken-ichi Murai, Isao Egawa, Takashi Nabeshima, Tomoko Endo, Michiko Tanaka, Shigeki Machida

    PurpoSe To determine whether a Significant correlation exiStS between the Amplitude of the S Wave of the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickneSS (RNFLT) in glaucomatouS eyeS. MethodS Twenty-three eyeS of 23 patientS with glaucoma were Studied. In all eyeS, the Severity of the defectS in the upper viSual field differed Significantly from the Severity of thoSe in the lower half. PatientS having viSual field halveS with mean deviation (MD) valueS lower than −5 dB were placed in group A, and patientS having viSual field halveS with MD valueS greater than −5 dB were placed in group B. The mfERGS were elicited by 37 StimuluS elementS alternating from white to black in a pSeudorandom binary m-Sequence at a frequency of 9.4 Hz. The mfERGS in the upper and lower viSual field halveS were Summed to yield upper and lower averaged WaveS. The GDx variable corneal compenSator and optical coherence tomography were uSed to meaSure the RNFLT. ReSultS The retinal nerve fiber layer waS Significantly thinner in group A than in group B. There waS a Significant correlation between the RNFLT and the MD valueS of viSual field defectS. The S-Wave Amplitude waS Significantly Smaller in group A than in group B. The S-Wave Amplitude alSo correlated Significantly with the MD and the RNFLT. ConcluSion The Significant correlationS between the S-Wave Amplitude and the MD, and between the S-Wave Amplitude and the RNFLT, indicate that the S-Wave receiveS Significant contributionS from the retinal ganglion cellS and their axonS. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2005;49:481–490 © JapaneSe Ophthalmological Society 2005

  • relationShip between the S Wave Amplitude of the multifocal electroretinogram and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickneSS in glaucomatouS eyeS
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2005
    Co-Authors: Junfuku Nitta, Yutaka Tazawa, Ken-ichi Murai, Isao Egawa, Takashi Nabeshima, Tomoko Endo, Michiko Tanaka, Shigeki Machida

    PurpoSe To determine whether a Significant correlation exiStS between the Amplitude of the S Wave of the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickneSS (RNFLT) in glaucomatouS eyeS.

A Palano - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • $K\pi$ $I=1/2$ $S$-Wave from $\eta_c$ decay data at BaBar and claSSic MeSon-MeSon Scattering from LASS
    arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2017
    Co-Authors: A Palano, M.r. Pennington

    A recent analySiS of data on the two photon production of the $\eta_c$ and itS decay to $K(K\pi)$ haS determined the $K\pi$ $S$-Wave Amplitude in a "model-independent" way aSSuming primarily that the additional kaon iS a Spectator in thiS decay. The purpoSe of thiS paper iS to fit theSe reSultS, together with claSSic $K\pi$ production data from LASS, within a formaliSm that implementS unitarity for the di-meSon interaction. ThiS fixeS the $I=1/2$ $K\pi\to K\pi$ $S$-Wave Amplitude up to 2.4 GeV. ThiS reSolveS the Barrelet ambiguity in the original LASS analySiS, and conStrainS the amount of inelaSticity in $K\pi$ Scattering, highlighting that thiS becomeS Significant beyond 1.8 GeV. ThiS reSult needS to be checked by experimental information on the many inelaStic channelS, in particular $K\eta^\prime$ and $K\pi\pi\pi$. Our analySiS provideS a Single repreSentation for the $K\pi$ $S$-Wave from threShold, controlled by Chiral Perturbation Theory, through the broad $\kappa$, $K_0^*(1430)$ and $K_0^*(1950)$ reSonanceS. There iS no arbitrary Sum of Breit-Wigner formS and random backgroundS for real $K\pi$ maSSeS. Rather the form provideS a repreSentation that can be tranSlated to other proceSSeS with $K\pi$ interactionS with their own coupling functionS, while automatically maintaining conSiStency with the chiral dynamicS near threShold, with the LASS data and the new reSultS on $\eta_c$ decay.

  • meaSurement of the i 1 2 kπ S Wave Amplitude from dalitz plot analySeS of ηc k k π in two photon interactionS
    Physical Review D, 2016
    Co-Authors: J P Lees, V Poireau, V Tisserand, E Grauges, A Palano, G Eigen, D N Brown, Yu G Kolomensky, H Koch, T Schroeder

    We Study the proceSSeS γγ→K^0_SK^±π^∓ and γγ→K^+K^−π^0 uSing a data Sample of 519  fb^(−1) recorded with the BABAR detector operating at the SLAC PEP-II aSymmetric-energy e+e− collider at center-of-maSS energieS at and near the Υ(nS) (n=2, 3, 4) reSonanceS. We obServe ηc decayS to both final StateS and perform Dalitz plot analySeS uSing a model-independent partial Wave analySiS technique. ThiS allowS a model-independent meaSurement of the maSS-dependence of the I=1/2 Kπ S-Wave Amplitude and phaSe. A compariSon between the preSent meaSurement and thoSe from previouS experimentS indicateS Similar behavior for the phaSe up to a maSS of 1.5  GeV/c^2. In contraSt, the AmplitudeS Show very marked differenceS. The data require the preSence of a new a_0(1950) reSonance with parameterS m=1931±14±22  MeV/c^2 and Γ=271±22±29  MeV.

  • MeaSurement of the I=1 /2 Kπ S -Wave Amplitude from Dalitz plot analySeS of ηc →k K ¯ π in two-photon interactionS
    Physical Review D, 2016
    Co-Authors: J P Lees, V Poireau, V Tisserand, E Grauges, A Palano, G Eigen, D N Brown, Yu G Kolomensky, H Koch, T Schroeder

    We Study the proceSSeS γγ→K^0_SK^±π^∓ and γγ→K^+K^−π^0 uSing a data Sample of 519  fb^(−1) recorded with the BABAR detector operating at the SLAC PEP-II aSymmetric-energy e+e− collider at center-of-maSS energieS at and near the Υ(nS) (n=2, 3, 4) reSonanceS. We obServe ηc decayS to both final StateS and perform Dalitz plot analySeS uSing a model-independent partial Wave analySiS technique. ThiS allowS a model-independent meaSurement of the maSS-dependence of the I=1/2 Kπ S-Wave Amplitude and phaSe. A compariSon between the preSent meaSurement and thoSe from previouS experimentS indicateS Similar behavior for the phaSe up to a maSS of 1.5  GeV/c^2. In contraSt, the AmplitudeS Show very marked differenceS. The data require the preSence of a new a_0(1950) reSonance with parameterS m=1931±14±22  MeV/c^2 and Γ=271±22±29  MeV.

Yutaka Tazawa - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • The S-Wave of the Multifocal Electroretinogram in CatS
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2006
    Co-Authors: Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Junfuku Nitta, Yutaka Tazawa, Isao Egawa, Akira Hayasaka, Daijiro Kurosaka

    PurpoSe To characterize the S-Wave of the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) in catS, and to determine the contribution of the inner retina to the S-Wave by examining the effectS of tetrodotoxin (TTX) and N -methyl d -aSpartate (NMDA) injected into the vitreouS cavity. MethodS mfERGS were recorded from 15 eyeS of 15 male catS under general aneStheSia. The StimuluS conSiSted of 37 elementS, and the luminance of the bright and the black elementS were 200 and 4 cd/m^2, reSpectively. The Stimuli were preSented in a pSeudorandom binary m-Sequence at Six different baSe periodS (bpdS) from 13.3 to 426.7 mS. Fifty microliterS of 7.0 µM TTX followed by 50 µl of 4.0 mM NMDA were injected into the vitreouS cavity. ReSultS The Shape of the mfERGS in the catS reSembled that in humanS. The S-Wave appeared on the deScending limb of P1, aS Seen in human mfERGS, in 11 eyeS, and the S-Wave Amplitude increaSed Significantly aS the bpd waS increaSed. TTX and NMDA reSulted in the diSappearance of the S-Wave at all bpdS, while the Amplitude of P1 remained unchanged. ConcluSionS The S-Wave iS preSent in the mfERG in the cat, and itS loSS following injectionS of TTX and NMDA SupportS the view that the S-Wave reflectS the function of the ganglion cellS and their axonS.  Jpn J Ophthalmol 2006;50:432–437 © JapaneSe Ophthalmological Society 2006

  • RelationShip Between the S-Wave Amplitude of the Multifocal Electroretinogram and the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer ThickneSS in GlaucomatouS EyeS
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2005
    Co-Authors: Junfuku Nitta, Yutaka Tazawa, Ken-ichi Murai, Isao Egawa, Takashi Nabeshima, Tomoko Endo, Michiko Tanaka, Shigeki Machida

    PurpoSe To determine whether a Significant correlation exiStS between the Amplitude of the S Wave of the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickneSS (RNFLT) in glaucomatouS eyeS. MethodS Twenty-three eyeS of 23 patientS with glaucoma were Studied. In all eyeS, the Severity of the defectS in the upper viSual field differed Significantly from the Severity of thoSe in the lower half. PatientS having viSual field halveS with mean deviation (MD) valueS lower than −5 dB were placed in group A, and patientS having viSual field halveS with MD valueS greater than −5 dB were placed in group B. The mfERGS were elicited by 37 StimuluS elementS alternating from white to black in a pSeudorandom binary m-Sequence at a frequency of 9.4 Hz. The mfERGS in the upper and lower viSual field halveS were Summed to yield upper and lower averaged WaveS. The GDx variable corneal compenSator and optical coherence tomography were uSed to meaSure the RNFLT. ReSultS The retinal nerve fiber layer waS Significantly thinner in group A than in group B. There waS a Significant correlation between the RNFLT and the MD valueS of viSual field defectS. The S-Wave Amplitude waS Significantly Smaller in group A than in group B. The S-Wave Amplitude alSo correlated Significantly with the MD and the RNFLT. ConcluSion The Significant correlationS between the S-Wave Amplitude and the MD, and between the S-Wave Amplitude and the RNFLT, indicate that the S-Wave receiveS Significant contributionS from the retinal ganglion cellS and their axonS. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2005;49:481–490 © JapaneSe Ophthalmological Society 2005

  • relationShip between the S Wave Amplitude of the multifocal electroretinogram and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickneSS in glaucomatouS eyeS
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2005
    Co-Authors: Junfuku Nitta, Yutaka Tazawa, Ken-ichi Murai, Isao Egawa, Takashi Nabeshima, Tomoko Endo, Michiko Tanaka, Shigeki Machida

    PurpoSe To determine whether a Significant correlation exiStS between the Amplitude of the S Wave of the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickneSS (RNFLT) in glaucomatouS eyeS.

  • Amplitude of the S-Wave of Multifocal ElectroretinogramS Can Indicate Local Retinal SenSitivity in GlaucomatouS EyeS
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004
    Co-Authors: Ken-ichi Murai, Yutaka Tazawa, Masaki Kobayashi, Akira Hayasaka

    To determine whether the Amplitude of the S-Wave on a multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) iS correlated with the degree of viSual field depreSSion in eyeS with glaucoma. MethodS Twenty patientS (20 eyeS) with glaucoma,ageS 46 to 69 yearS, were Studied. Twenty healthy volunteerS (20 eyeS) with normal intraocular preSSure and with no eye diSeaSeS Served aS controlS. The retinal SenSitivitieS of the upper and lower viSual fieldS of the glaucomatouS eyeS were determined with a Humphrey Field Analyzer. The Severity of retinal SenSitivity depreSSion waS rated aS mild (Group A), intermediate (Group B), or Severe (Group C). To record the S-Wave, mfERGS were elicited by pSeudorandom Stimulation, with the StimuluS alternating according to a binary m-Sequence for baSe periodS (bpdS) of 13.3, 26.7, 53.3, 106.7, and 213.3 mS. The mfERGWaveS recorded from the upper and lower viSual field were Summed Separately. ReSultS In the control group, the S-Wave in the Summed mfERG waS obServed in all viSual field halveS at all bpdS 53.3 mS or longer. The S-Wave Amplitude at a bpd of 213.3 mS waS Significantly larger than that at a bpd of 53.3 mS ( P < 0.05). The S-Wave waS alSo preSent in the glaucoma patientS’ eyeS, and the S-Wave Amplitude increaSed aS the bpd increaSed. At bpdS of 53.3, 106.7, and 213.3-mS, the mean S-Wave AmplitudeS in GroupS B and C were Significantly Smaller than thoSe in the control group ( P < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.05, reSpectively). At bpdS of 53.3 and 106.7 mS, the mean Amplitude of the S-WaveS in Group C waS Significantly Smaller than that in Group A ( P < 0.05). At a bpd of 106.7 mS, a Significant correlation waS obServed between the retinal SenSitivity and the S-Wave Amplitude ( P < 0.05). ConcluSionS The Significant correlation between the retinal SenSitivity and the Amplitude of the SWave at a bpd of 106.7 mS SupportS the SuggeStion that the S-Wave originateS from the retinal ganglion cellS and their axonS. The Amplitude of the S-Wave may Serve aS an objective indicator of the Severity of retinal ganglion cell damage.

  • ChangeS in the S-Wave of Multifocal ElectroretinogramS in EyeS with Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004
    Co-Authors: Masaki Kobayashi, Yutaka Tazawa, Takashi Nabeshima, Marie Haga-sano, Ken-ichi Murai

    To determine whether the S-Wave iS preSent in the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) and whether it iS altered in eyeS with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). MethodS A ViSual Evoked ReSponSe Imaging SyStem waS uSed to record mfERGS from 15 eyeS of 15 normal adultS, aS control eyeS, and from 15 eyeS of 15 patientS with POAG. The StimuluS conSiSted of 37 hexagonal Stimulating elementS with luminanceS of 200 cd/m^2 (white), 66.6 cd/m^2 (gray), and 4 cd/m^2 (black). The white or black element waS preSented at five different baSe periodS (bpdS) from 13.3 to 213.3 mS according to a binary m-Sequence. In the intervalS between the white and black (or white) elementS, gray elementS were inSerted at 75 Hz. The changeS in the Amplitude and implicit time of the S-Wave of the all-trace Waveform of the firSt-order kernel of the mfERG were compared with the mean deviation (MD) of retinal SenSitivity in the whole viSual field meaSured with a Humphrey Field Analyzer. ReSultS The S-Wave waS preSent aS a poSitive Wavelet on the deScending limb of the firSt-order kernel reSponSe of the mfERGS of all eyeS with POAG. The S-Wave Amplitude increaSed with prolongation of the bpd, aS occurS in normal eyeS. The mean AmplitudeS of the S-WaveS at bpdS of 53.3 and 106.7 mS were Significantly Smaller in the eyeS with POAG than in the control eyeS. The correlation between the S-Wave Amplitude and the Severity of diSturbance in the entire viSual field indicated by the MD waS not Significant in eyeS with POAG. ConcluSionS The characteriSticS of the S-Wave in glaucomatouS eyeS were the Same aS thoSe in the control eyeS, but the Amplitude of the S-WaveS in POAG eyeS waS Significantly lower than that in the control eyeS. ThiS SuggeStS that ganglion cellS may be involved in the development of the S-Wave. When comparing the S-Wave with Static perimetry, more local reSponSeS of the S-Wave and more local retinal SenSitivity in the Static perimetry will be appropriate.