The Experts below are selected from a list of 51423 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Scott Hood - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Food Microbiology - Food Safety Management Systems
Food Microbiology, 2019Co-Authors: Kelly Stevens, Scott HoodAbstract:Food Safety Management can be viewed from different levels: broadly from the perspective of government food Safety Management systems or more narrowly from that of industry-wide food Safety Management systems or that of food Safety Management within an individual establishment. The role of the food industry is to provide safe foods; industry is responsible for establishing food Safety Management systems that ensure that foods present a minimal risk to the consumer. Risk analysis allows the development of risk-based metrics, such as food Safety objectives (FSOs), performance objectives (POs), and performance criteria (PCs), which are addressed in this chapter. Seven hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) principles form the framework of a systematic approach to ensure the determination and control of significant food Safety hazards associated with a product and process. Monitoring is the first line of defense in the preventive HACCP system. In addition to those related to GMP or sanitation regulations, prerequisite programs can include other programs, such as ingredient specifications, consumer complaint Management, glass control programs, allergen Management programs, microbiological monitoring of the plant environment, ingredient-to-product traceability programs, and supplier approval programs. PCs can easily be translated into product or process criteria by industry or by government. In integrating a farm-to-fork food Safety system, there will be a variety of metrics at points along the food chain.
Kelly Stevens - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Food Microbiology - Food Safety Management Systems
Food Microbiology, 2019Co-Authors: Kelly Stevens, Scott HoodAbstract:Food Safety Management can be viewed from different levels: broadly from the perspective of government food Safety Management systems or more narrowly from that of industry-wide food Safety Management systems or that of food Safety Management within an individual establishment. The role of the food industry is to provide safe foods; industry is responsible for establishing food Safety Management systems that ensure that foods present a minimal risk to the consumer. Risk analysis allows the development of risk-based metrics, such as food Safety objectives (FSOs), performance objectives (POs), and performance criteria (PCs), which are addressed in this chapter. Seven hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) principles form the framework of a systematic approach to ensure the determination and control of significant food Safety hazards associated with a product and process. Monitoring is the first line of defense in the preventive HACCP system. In addition to those related to GMP or sanitation regulations, prerequisite programs can include other programs, such as ingredient specifications, consumer complaint Management, glass control programs, allergen Management programs, microbiological monitoring of the plant environment, ingredient-to-product traceability programs, and supplier approval programs. PCs can easily be translated into product or process criteria by industry or by government. In integrating a farm-to-fork food Safety system, there will be a variety of metrics at points along the food chain.
Pentti Kujala - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
bayesian network model of maritime Safety Management
Expert Systems With Applications, 2014Co-Authors: Maria Hanninen, Osiris Valdez A Banda, Pentti KujalaAbstract:This paper presents a model of maritime Safety Management and its subareas. Furthermore, the paper links the Safety Management to the maritime traffic Safety indicated by accident involvement, incidents reported by Vessel Traffic Service and the results from Port State Control inspections. Bayesian belief networks are applied as the modeling technique and the model parameters are based on expert elicitation and learning from historical data. The results from this new application domain of a Bayesian network based expert system suggest that, although several its subareas are functioning properly, the current status of the Safety Management on vessels navigating in the Finnish waters has room for improvement; the probability of zero poor Safety Management subareas is only 0.13. Furthermore, according to the model a good IT system for the Safety Management is the strongest Safety-Management related signal of an adequate overall Safety Management level. If no deficiencies have been discovered during a Port State Control inspection, the adequacy of the Safety Management is almost twice as probable as without knowledge on the inspection history. The resulted model could be applied to performing several Safety Management related queries and it thus provides support for maritime Safety related decision making.
Carl Rollenhagen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Safety Management – A multi-level control problem ☆
Safety Science, 2014Co-Authors: Björn Wahlström, Carl RollenhagenAbstract:Activities in Safety Management build on a control metaphor by which control loops are built into the man, technology, organisational and information (MTOI) systems to ensure a continued Safety of the operated systems. In this paper we take a closer look on concepts of control theory to investigate their relationships with Safety Management. We argue that successful control relies on four necessary conditions, i.e. a system model, observability, controllability and a preference function. The control metaphor suggests a division of the state space of the modelled system into regions of safe and unsafe states. Models created for selected subsystems of the MTOI-system provide a focus for control design and Safety assessments. Limitations in predicting system response place impediments to risk assessments, which suggest that new complementary approaches would be needed. We propose that polycentric control may provide a concept to consider in a search for a path forward. We investigate approaches for modelling Management systems and Safety Management. In spite of promises in the use of a control metaphor for Safety Management there are still dilemmas that have to be solved case by case. As a conclusion we argue that the control metaphor provides useful insights in suggesting requirements on and designs of Safety Management systems. The paper draws on experience from the Vattenfall Safety Management Institute (SMI), which started its operation in 2006.
Safety Management - A multi-level control problem
2012Co-Authors: Björn Wahlström, Carl RollenhagenAbstract:Safety Management is a crucial activity in maintaining acceptable Safety levels of large hazardous industrial facilities. Risk analysis and Safety engineering are two important activities of Safety Management by which safe designs of such facilities can be achieved. A continued Safety during the operation of the facilities relies furthermore on successful and efficient experience feedback and Management of change. Activities in Safety Management build on a control metaphor by which control loops built into the technical, peoples and organisational systems ensure Safety of the facilities. In this paper we take a closer look on concepts of control theory to investigate their relationships with Safety Management. A conclusion of the paper is that the control metaphor provides useful insights in suggesting requirements to be placed on Safety Management. The paper draws on experience from the Vattenfall Safety Management Institute (SMI), which started its operation in 2006.
Wang Lin-gen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Strengthening On-Site Safety Management of Construction Enterprises
Construction Management Modernization, 2006Co-Authors: Wang Lin-genAbstract:The measures to strengthen the on-site Safety Management of construction enterprises includes: establishing the organizational system and standard system of Safety Management of enterprise, intensifying the total plan and process plan of project Safety Management, enhancing the process control of on-site Safety Management, improving the professional stuff and work skills of responsible person for Safety Management.