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Jose Manuel Agreda Portero - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
una aproximacion a la historiografia sobre el frente Sandinista de liberacion nacional 1961 1979 an approach to historiography of the frente Sandinista de liberacion nacional 1961 1979
Historiografías, 2017Co-Authors: Jose Manuel Agreda PorteroAbstract:El presente articulo es una aproximacion a los contenidos, y las coordenadas politicas y epistemologicas de la bibliografia relativa al Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional en Nicaragua. Seleccionando el periodo de guerrilla (1961-1979), nos hemos centrado tanto en las investigaciones academicas como en los libros de memorias personales, de testimonios y de caracter institucional. A traves de esta clasificacion hemos examinado la evolucion cronologica de las publicaciones, los posicionamientos de los autores y los temas especificos de que tratanPalabras claveFrente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional, violencia politica, guerrilla revolucionaria, testimonio. AbstractThis article is an approach to contents, value and political and epistemological aspects of the sources and bibliography concerning the Nicaragua Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional. Choosing the guerrilla period (1961-1979) as main topic, we shall focus both on the academic research and the books of personal recollections, witnesses and institutions. Through this classification we examine the chronological evolution of the publications, the authors’ positioning, and the specific topics with which they deal.Key WordsFrente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional, political violence, revolutionary guerrilla, witness.
solidaridad con la revolucion Sandinista comparativa de redes transnacionales los casos de la republica federal de alemania y espana
Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas, 2016Co-Authors: Jose Manuel Agreda Portero, Christian HelmAbstract:The article offers a comparison of solidarity movements with the Sandinista Revolution in Spain and the Federal Republic of Germany. A central argument is the influence of national contexts and factors on the development of solidarity and its shape in both countries. In terms of actors, the motivation of national activists, the organization of foreign solidarity in Nicaragua itself and the case of solidarity brigades, both movements share many similarities. Main differences exist in the organization on a national level and in their relationship with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and their organizations. While solidarity activists in Spain were more open to Sandinista efforts to organize solidarity hierarchically, West German solidarity severely opposed them and took a more critical step towards the Sandinista Revolution.
el frente Sandinista de liberacion nacional 1961 1979 reflexiones para su analisis
Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas, 2012Co-Authors: Jose Manuel Agreda PorteroAbstract:Considering from the existing bibliography about the Sandinista National Liberation Front and the concepts used for social movements, we aim to submit a case study model for the Nicaraguan guerrilla. We are trying not to lose the objectives of History: the human being, time and space. We believe that the Political Opportunities concept lets us take a look at all the factors that can change the emergence and further development of the events. The Sandinists are under a number of transformations from 1961 to 1979 when they succeed in overthrowing Anastasio Somoza Debayle. These transformations can help us to appreciate how the guerrilla spreads out all over Central America. In this way, we can understand the kind of this process, the one joined Cuba what get their revolutionary target. At last, another one is founding the chance for making common points with others movements.
Christian Helm - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
solidaridad con la revolucion Sandinista comparativa de redes transnacionales los casos de la republica federal de alemania y espana
Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas, 2016Co-Authors: Jose Manuel Agreda Portero, Christian HelmAbstract:The article offers a comparison of solidarity movements with the Sandinista Revolution in Spain and the Federal Republic of Germany. A central argument is the influence of national contexts and factors on the development of solidarity and its shape in both countries. In terms of actors, the motivation of national activists, the organization of foreign solidarity in Nicaragua itself and the case of solidarity brigades, both movements share many similarities. Main differences exist in the organization on a national level and in their relationship with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and their organizations. While solidarity activists in Spain were more open to Sandinista efforts to organize solidarity hierarchically, West German solidarity severely opposed them and took a more critical step towards the Sandinista Revolution.
booming solidarity Sandinista nicaragua and the west german solidarity movement in the 1980s
European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, 2014Co-Authors: Christian HelmAbstract:This article explores the reasons for the strength and persistence of West German solidarity with Sandinista Nicaragua during the 1980s. The image of Nicaragua played a key role for activists, as it motivated commitment and identification with the revolution. Their positive perceptions were shaped by the revolutionary reforms in Nicaragua and an effective image campaign by the Sandinista government as well as by activists' political desires and their discontent with West German politics. By promoting their reform policies through a transnational communications infrastructure, by practising cultural and public diplomacy as well as by playing host to thousands of visitors, the Sandinistas encouraged supporters to identify with the revolutionary process and feel part of it at a time when many activists felt like an isolated leftist minority in the Federal Republic.
the sons of marx greet the sons of sandino west german solidarity visitors to nicaragua Sandinista
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 2014Co-Authors: Christian HelmAbstract:This article explores the phenomenon of revolutionary tourism to Nicaragua under the Sandinistas and conceives of it as a practice of transnational solidarity, which was fostered by activists and Sandinistas alike. Individual visits and solidarity brigades proved to be an effective tool to strengthen support for the revolution. It provided activists with the possibility to experience the revolutionary process first-hand and to establish personal, emotional bonds. The knowledge and experiences collected during visits represented a strong incentive to engage in solidarity actions afterwards, thus emphasizing the multiplying propagandistic effects of solidarity tourism. On the one hand, personal motivations of solidarity visitors mostly met the official political expectations of Sandinistas and their solidarity partners abroad, on the other hand, they also reflected notions of protest against contemporary West German politics and sometimes also purely touristic desires.
Salgado, María Mercedes - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Activistas de alto riesgo: El Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) ¡Patricia Libre o Morir!
2018Co-Authors: Salgado, María MercedesAbstract:The objective of this research is to explain how the high-risk activism of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) of Nicaragua was generated and developed. For this, the political opportunities for its emergence and the reasons for the choice of violent confrontation repertoire in combination with another non-violent one are reconstructed; the leadership of Carlos Fonseca and his angular role in the construction of Sandinist frameworks that attracted thousands of young people to mobilize are examined; and, finally, the profile of the activists is reconstructed, the factors that influenced that type of commitment, the volume and forms of recruitment according to different contexts of recruitment and political conjunctures. For this purpose, a corpus of 121 in-depth interviews of activists of the Sandinista Front was used, giving them a qualitative and descriptive statistical treatment.El objetivo de esta investigación es explicar cómo se generó y desarrolló el activismo de alto riesgo del Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) de Nicaragua. Para ello se reconstruyen las oportunidades políticas para su surgimiento y las razones de la elección del repertorio de acción política violento en combinación con otro no violento; se examina el liderazgo de Carlos Fonseca y su rol angular en la construcción de los marcos interpretativos Sandinistas que atrajeron a miles de jóvenes a movilizarse; y, finalmente, se reconstruye el perfil de los activistas, los factores que incidieron en ese tipo de compromiso, el reclutamiento en distintos contextos y coyunturas políticas. Para ello se utilizó un corpus de 121 entrevistas en profundidad de activistas del Frente Sandinista, dándoles un tratamiento cualitativo y estadístico descriptivo
Maria Mercedes Salgado - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
activismo de alto riesgo el frente Sandinista de liberacion nacional fsln patria libre o morir
Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, 2018Co-Authors: Maria Mercedes SalgadoAbstract:The objective of this research is to explain how the high-risk activism of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) of Nicaragua was generated and developed. For this, the political opportunities for its emergence and the reasons for the choice of violent confrontation repertoire in combination with another non-violent one are reconstructed; the leadership of Carlos Fonseca and his angular role in the construction of Sandinist frameworks that attracted thousands of young people to mobilize are examined; and, finally, the profile of the activists is reconstructed, the factors that influenced that type of commitment, the volume and forms of recruitment according to different contexts of recruitment and political conjunctures. For this purpose, a corpus of 121 in-depth interviews of activists of the Sandinista Front was used, giving them a qualitative and descriptive statistical treatment.
García Vásquez Ramiro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Raíces de la revolución Sandinista: Fundamentos epistemológicos de Sandino
'Latin America Journals Online', 2019Co-Authors: García Vásquez Ramiro, Espinoza Vallejos, Sandra VerónicaAbstract:On July 19, 2019, the people of Nicaragua commemorate forty years of the momentous triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution, the most beautiful Sociocultural Anthropological Project based on the Episteme de AC Sandino, based on anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, nationalism and community cooperativism, libertarian, emancipator, firm in the defense of the sovereignty of the homeland and of the peace that is not that of the slave; but the one that dignifies an entire people. Sandino builds his own scientific episteme, which takes up the thoughts of Diriangén, Tomás Ruiz, Benjamín Zeledón and Rubén Darío. Sandino inherits a free Nicaragua from the invading Marines and from his heroic deed a new Popular Revolution will be born, forged in the delivery of the legitimate children of Nicaragua as Rigoberto who offered his conscious life that his patriotic action would be the Beginning of the End of the Dictatorship , Comandante Carlos Fonseca, who founded the Sandinista National Liberation Front to lead the struggle of an entire town until reaching the final victory and Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra, Darian Caupolicán, carrying the sturdy tree trunk on the shoulder of a titan; it has carried the Sandinista Popular Revolution on its shoulders until it germinates and flourishes in this Nicaragua that, as a result of the Great National Literacy Crusade, is no longer illiterate, but a progressive, decolonized, anti imperialist nation; where the restitution of social and cultural rights are finally a reality for everyone.El 19 de julio del año 2019, el pueblo de Nicaragua conmemora cuarenta años del trascendental triunfo de la Revolución Popular Sandinista, el más hermoso Proyecto Antropológico Sociocultural sustentado en el Episteme de A.C Sandino, fundamentada en el anticolonialismo, antimperialismo, nacionalismo y cooperativismo comunitario, libertario, emancipador, firme en la defensa de la soberanía de la patria y de la paz que no es la del esclavo; sino la que dignifica a todo un pueblo. Sandino construye una episteme científica propia, que retoma los pensamientos de Diriangén, Tomás Ruiz, Benjamín Zeledón y Rubén Darío. Sandino hereda una Nicaragua libre de los marines invasores y de su gesta heroica nacerá una nueva Revolución Popular, forjada en la entrega de los legítimos hijos de Nicaragua como Rigoberto que ofrendó su vida consciente de que su acción patriótica sería el Principio del Fin de la Dictadura, el Comandante Carlos Fonseca que funda el Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional para liderar la lucha de todo un pueblo hasta alcanzar la victoria final y el Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra, Caupolicán dariano, cargando el robusto tronco de árbol al hombro de un titán; ha cargado en hombros la Revolución Popular Sandinista hasta hacerla germinar y florecer en esta Nicaragua que como resultado de la Gran Cruzada Nacional de Alfabetización ya no es analfabeta, sino una nación progresista, descolonizada, antiimperialista; donde la restitución de los derechos sociales y culturales son finalmente una realidad para todos y todas
Raíces de la revolución Sandinista: Fundamentos epistemológicos de Sandino
UNAN-Managua, 2019Co-Authors: García Vásquez Ramiro, Espinoza Vallejos SandraAbstract:El 19 de julio del año 2019, el pueblo de Nicaragua conmemora cuarenta años del trascendental triunfo de la Revolución Popular Sandinista, el más hermoso Proyecto Antropológico Sociocultural sustentado en el Episteme de A.C Sandino, fundamentada en el anticolonialismo, antimperialismo, nacionalismo y cooperativismo comunitario, libertario, emancipador, firme en la defensa de la soberanía de la patria y de la paz que no es la del esclavo; sino la que dignifica a todo un pueblo. Sandino construye una episteme científica propia, que retoma los pensamientos de Diriangén, Tomás Ruiz, Benjamín Zeledón y Rubén Darío. Sandino hereda una Nicaragua libre de los marines invasores y de su gesta heroica nacerá una nueva Revolución Popular, forjada en la entrega de los legítimos hijos de Nicaragua como Rigoberto que ofrendó su vida consciente de que su acción patriótica sería el Principio del Fin de la Dictadura, el Comandante Carlos Fonseca que funda el Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional para liderar la lucha de todo un pueblo hasta alcanzar la victoria final y el Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra, Caupolicán dariano, cargando el robusto tronco de árbol al hombro de un titán; ha cargado en hombros la Revolución Popular Sandinista hasta hacerla germinar y florecer en esta Nicaragua que como resultado de la Gran Cruzada Nacional de Alfabetización ya no es analfabeta, sino una nación progresista, descolonizada, antiimperialista; donde la restitución de los derechos sociales y culturales son finalmente una realidad para todos y todas