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Bing Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Compressive and bending behaviours of wood-based two-dimensional lattice truss core Sandwich Structures
Composite Structures, 2015Co-Authors: Yingcheng Hu, Bing WangAbstract:Abstract In an effort to optimal the structure of wood engineering materials, wood-based two-dimensional lattice truss core Sandwich Structures made of wood composites and birch dowels were manufactured using a simple slotting and adhesive bonding approach. The out-of-plane compressive and bending behaviours of Sandwich Structures made of different facesheet materials were investigated. Analytical models were employed in this study to predict the compressive collapse strength and Young’s modulus of the Sandwich Structures. The theoretical predictions of the compressive Young’s modulus are in good agreement with experimental results based on the elastic deformation of the dowels. The failure modes of the Sandwich Structures are represented by the shear failure of the dowels and facesheets under out-of-plane compressive loads. The out-of-plane compressive behaviours of the Sandwich Structures demonstrate a good energy absorption capability which is an important factor for the safety of wooden construction. The bending behaviours of the Sandwich Structures indicate that the debonding of nodes was fatal to the Sandwich Structures, and the bending properties of the Sandwich Structures were found to depend on the fracture toughness of the adhesive and the strength of the facesheet materials used in their construction.
Mechanical response of all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core Sandwich Structures
Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2011Co-Authors: Bing Wang, Zhengxi GuanAbstract:The mechanical performance of an all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core Sandwich structure was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Sandwich Structures were fabricated with a hot compression molding method using carbon fiber reinforced composite T700/3234. The out-of-plane compression and shear tests were conducted. Experimental results showed that the all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core Sandwich Structures were more weight efficient than other metallic lattice truss core Sandwich Structures. Failure modes revealed that node rupture dominated the mechanical behavior of Sandwich Structures.
Bruno Castanié - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Manufacturing and quasi-static bending behavior of wood-based Sandwich Structures.
Composite Structures, 2017Co-Authors: John Susainathan, Florent Eyma, Emmanuel De Luycker, Arthur Cantarel, Bruno CastaniéAbstract:The quasi-static behavior of innovative wood based Sandwich Structures with plywood core and skins made either of aluminum or of fiber reinforced polymer (carbon, glass or flax composite skins) was investigated. The wood based Sandwich Structures were subjected to three point static bending tests to determine their strength and failure mechanisms. Two different manufacturing processes, namely vacuum bag molding and thermo-compression, were used to manufacture the Structures. The influence of some aspects of the different manufacturing processes on the flexural behavior of wood based Sandwich Structures are discussed. It is shown that manufacturing processes influence strongly the static responses. Failure modes and strengths are investigated during quasi-static bending tests. Bending tests showed that the mechanical characteristics were very high compared to those of a reference Sandwich that is currently used for civil aircraft floors. This new kind of structure is environmentally friendly and very cheap, and seems promising for the transportation industry in general.
Wesley J. Cantwell - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
low velocity impact response of high performance aluminum foam Sandwich Structures
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2005Co-Authors: H Kiratisaevee, Wesley J. CantwellAbstract:The impact response of a range of novel Sandwich Structures based on fiber-reinforced thermoplastic and fiber-metal laminate (FML) skins is studied. Indentation tests on these Structures show that the indentation constants in a generalized indentation law exhibit a rate-sensitive response over the range of loading conditions examined here. Low-velocity impact tests show that these systems are capable of absorbing energy through localized plastic deformation and crushing in the metal core. An energy-balance model accounting for energy dissipation in bending, shear, and indentation effects is used to predict the maximum force during the impact event. It is found that the model accurately predicts the low-velocity impact response of the plain Sandwich Structures up to energies close to 30 J. In contrast, the model is only capable of predicting the low-energy response of the FML Sandwich Structures (typically up to 2 J). At higher energies, a horizontal shear crack initiates in the metal core causing the maximum force to drop below that predicted by the model. Using an energy-partitioning approach, it is shown that indentation effects account for over half of the energy absorbed in the FML-based Sandwich Structures.
the high velocity impact response of composite and fml reinforced Sandwich Structures
Composites Science and Technology, 2004Co-Authors: Reyes G Villanueva, Wesley J. CantwellAbstract:The high velocity impact response of a range of novel aluminium foam Sandwich Structures has been investigated using a nitrogen gas gun. Tests were undertaken on Sandwich Structures based on plain composite and fibre-metal laminate (FML) skins. Impact testing was conducted using a 10 mm diameter projectile at energies up to that required to achieve complete perforation of the target. High velocity impact tests on the Sandwich Structures resulted in a number of different failure modes. Delamination and longitudinal splitting of the composite skins were observed in the unidirectional glass fibre/polypropylene-based systems. In contrast, the woven glass fibre/polypropylene-based Sandwich Structures exhibited smaller amounts of delamination after high velocity impact testing. In addition, the aluminium foam in both systems exhibited a localised indentation failure followed by progressive collapse at higher impact energies. The ballistic limit of all of the Sandwich Structures was predicted using a simple analytical model. It has been shown that the predictions of the model are in good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, it has been shown that these novel systems offer excellent energy absorbing characteristics under high velocity impact loading conditions.
The low velocity impact response of foam-based Sandwich Structures
Composites Part B-engineering, 2002Co-Authors: Akil Hazizan, Wesley J. CantwellAbstract:Abstract The low velocity impact response of a range of foam-based Sandwich Structures has been investigated using an instrumented falling-weight impact tower. Initially, the rate-sensitivity of the skin and core materials was investigated through a series of flexure and indentation tests. Here, it was shown that the flexural modulus of the skins and all 11 foam materials did not exhibit any sensitivity to crosshead displacement rate over the conditions studied here. In addition, it was shown that the indentation response of the Sandwich Structures could be modelled using a simple indentation law, the parameters of which did not exhibit any sensitivity to loading rate. Low velocity impact tests on the Sandwich Structures resulted in a number of different failure modes. Here, shear fracture was found to occur in the PVC/PUR systems based on brittle core materials. In contrast, buckling failures in the uppermost composite skin were observed in the intermediate modulus systems, whereas initial damage in the higher modulus PVC/PUR systems took the form of delamination within the top surface skin. It has been shown that a simple energy-balance model based on the dissipation of energy during the impact event can be used to successfully model the elastic response of foam-based Sandwich Structures. The energy-balance model is particularly useful since it can be used to establish the partition of energy during the impact process.
Eric Li - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Damage localization in composite lattice truss core Sandwich Structures based on vibration characteristics
Composite Structures, 2015Co-Authors: Bing Li, Jie Zhou, Zheng Li, Lin Ye, Eric LiAbstract:Although much effort has been devoted to explore the behavior of the composite lattice truss core Sandwich Structures, little research has been undertaken into non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and health control of this new structure. This article presents the development of a baseline-free NDE method to determine the debonding of truss bar in composite lattice truss core Sandwich Structures. The method is proposed based on the uniform load surface (ULS) curvature, and developed according to the synergy of gapped smoothing method (GSM) and Teager energy operator (TEO), which is denoted as GSM-TEO method. The effects of local damage on the vibration characteristics of different composite lattice truss core Sandwich Structures are firstly investigated, and then, experiment and numerical simulation are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method. It is demonstrated that the GSM-TEO method is reliable and applicable for damage localization in composite lattice truss core Sandwich Structures.
Zhengxi Guan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Mechanical response of all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core Sandwich Structures
Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2011Co-Authors: Bing Wang, Zhengxi GuanAbstract:The mechanical performance of an all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core Sandwich structure was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Sandwich Structures were fabricated with a hot compression molding method using carbon fiber reinforced composite T700/3234. The out-of-plane compression and shear tests were conducted. Experimental results showed that the all-composite pyramidal lattice truss core Sandwich Structures were more weight efficient than other metallic lattice truss core Sandwich Structures. Failure modes revealed that node rupture dominated the mechanical behavior of Sandwich Structures.