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Ana Laura Forastieri - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
he elegido tener en ti mi morada inhabitacion mistica en los escritos de Santa gertrudis de helfta
Teología: revista de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2021Co-Authors: Ana Laura Forastieri, Nora Beatriz RodriguezAbstract:La conciencia de la presencia permanente de Jesus en su corazon es el rasgo peculiar de la espiritualidad mistica de Santa gertrudis de Helfta. Este tema ha sido receptado en la oracion propia de su fiesta y tambien en la iconografia, que representa a Santa gertrudis con su corazon expuesto, conteniendo al nino Jesus. Las raices de esta espiritualidad ya se encuentran en la tradicion monastica antigua, aunque reciben mayor desarrollo y un enfoque nupcial en la doctrina de san Bernardo. Santa gertrudis se nutre de estas fuentes tradicionales pero les da una expresion propia, mediante un lenguaje dialogal, que pone en juego una dinamica continua de donacion y acogida, busqueda y encuentro, deseo y union. Asi, de sus escritos surge una teologia metaforica en clave relacional y nupcial. En este trabajo enfocamos los temas de la visita y la morada, como imagenes principales de la acogida de Cristo como huesped; abordamos tambien el encuentro mistico y la comunion, como hospitalidad reciproca. Concluimos con una reflexion sobre la vigencia de esta mirada y de este lenguaje para la construccion de una cultura del encuentro y de la acogida del otro, que tenga como estilo distintivo la hospitalidad y la inclusion.
situacion de la causa de Santa gertrudis y de las investigaciones relativas al corpus de helfta
Cuadernos Monásticos, 2019Co-Authors: Ana Laura ForastieriAbstract:En este articulo se procura dar una noticia actual sobre la situacion de los trabajos en favor de la declaracion de Santa gertrudis como Doctora de la Iglesia, y una vision general de la problematica que la causa enfrenta con respecto a la determinacion de la base literaria de la obra de Santa gertrudis y las demas escritoras del monasterio de Helfta en el mismo periodo.
la vision como intertexto biblico en Santa gertrudis
TEOLITERARIA - Revista de Literaturas e Teologias ISSN 2236-993, 2014Co-Authors: Ana Laura ForastieriAbstract:I begin proposing that the visionary experience is a place of recreation and up to date reading of biblical experience; in the case of St. Gertrud this experience takes place principally in a liturgical context. I propose thus a three step hermeneutic path: from the biblical to the liturgical text; from this one to vision; from vision to the creation of the text that communicates it. Then I analyze a visionary text from St’ Gertrud’s writings, showing how it is structured in basis to biblical texts, interpreted through the traditional hermeneutic of the four senses of Scripture.
Santa gertrudis a mystical theologian
Teoliterária, 2013Co-Authors: Ana Laura ForastieriAbstract:EnglishSt. Gertrude is situated in the turning point when traditional unity between theology and spiritual life is beginning to weaken. Contemporary as she is to the development of scholasticism, she belongs, however, to monastic world, where integration between life and theology is cultivated and defended. Her life is presented before us as one where the theological goal underlying every Christian life is fulfilled: vital understanding of mystery by an experience of intimate communion with the divine. Her teaching illuminates the core of faith from the sources of Liturgy, Revelation and Patristic tradition, assimilated through her spiritual experience. This teaching is expressed in the originality and theological accuracy of her visions and prayers poured into an affective and symbolic language, in the balance of her spiritual doctrine and in her deep ecclesial sense. Her experience constitutes a dogmatic, ecclesial and spousal mystic, whose universality and actuality makes it suitable and attractive both to believers and unbelievers of our days. portuguesSanta gertrudis se ubica en el punto de inflexion en que la unidad tradicional entre teologia y vida espiritual comienza a debilitarse. Contemporanea al desarrollo de la escolastica, pertenece sin embargo al mundo monastico, donde la integracion entre la vida y la teologia, se cultiva y se defiende. Su vida se nos presenta como la de aquella en quien se cumple la finalidad teologica que subyace a toda vida cristiana: la comprension vital del misterio por la experiencia de intima comunion con lo divino. Su doctrina ilumina el nucleo de la fe a partir de las fuentes de la liturgia, la revelacion y la tradicion patristica, asimiladas a traves de su experiencia espiritual. Esta se expresa en la originalidad y precision teologica de sus visiones y oraciones, vertidas en un lenguaje afectivo y simbolico, en el equilibrio de su doctrina espiritual y en su hondo sentido de Iglesia. Su experiencia constituye una mistica dogmatica, eclesial y esponsal, cuya universalidad y actualidad la hacen apta y atractiva al publico creyente y no creyente de hoy.
Santa gertrudis magna una mistica teologa
Teología: revista de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2013Co-Authors: Ana Laura ForastieriAbstract:St. Gertrude is situated in the turning point when traditional unity between theology and spiritual life is beginning to weaken. Contemporary as she is to the development of scholasticism, she belongs, however, to monastic world, where integration between life and theology is cultivated and defended. Her life is presented before us as one where the theological goal underlying every Christian life is fulfilled: vital understanding of mystery by an experience of intimate communion with the divine. Her teaching illuminates the core of faith from the sources of Liturgy, Revelation and Patristic tradition, assimilated through her spiritual experience. This teaching is expressed in the originality and theological accuracy of her visions and prayers poured into an affective and symbolic language, in the balance of her spiritual doctrine and in her deep ecclesial sense. Her experience constitutes a dogmatic, ecclesial and spousal mystic, whose universality and actuality makes it suitable and attractive both to believers and unbelievers of our days.
D Barrozo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
use of linear and nonlinear functions to fit the growth of Santa gertrudis cattle raised under grazing utilizacao de funcoes lineares e nao lineares para ajuste do crescimento de bovinos Santa gertrudis criados a pasto
Ars Veterinaria, 2012Co-Authors: P Tholon, R D M Paiva, A R A Mendes, D BarrozoAbstract:Objetivou-se com este trabalho ajustar a curva de crescimento de bovinos da raca Santa gertrudis utilizando funcoes spline e nao lineares derivadas do modelo Richards e verificar a qualidade do ajuste dos modelos testados, a partir de registros de pedigree provenientes do banco de dados da Associacao Brasileira de Santa gertrudis (ABSG). O melhor modelo para ajustes em fases determinadas foi obtido a partir do modelo linear com cinco segmentos, com pontos de juncao aos 179, 264, 421 e 850 dias de idade . Os valores obtidos dos coeficientes de determinacao (R 2 ), Quadrado Medio do Residuo (QMRes) e Erro de predicao Medio (EPM) foram de 0,76 a 0,95; 6201,18 a 6840,5 e - 0,0005 a - 0,0493, este ultimo indicando uma pequena superestimacao do peso medio observado. Os animais atingiram, em media, 542,8 kg de peso adulto e 9,7 meses no ponto de inflexao. O uso de funcoes splines e uma alternativa viavel ao ajuste de curvas de crescimento e para a correta determinacao do desempenho do animal em idades iniciais e tardias. Os valores de peso assintotico e taxa de maturidade obtidos pelas funcoes nao lineares fornecem uma estimativa pratica sobre o desempenho final no desenvolvimento dos animais e espera-se que animais maiores sejam menos precoces. Alem disso, pesagens mais frequentes deverao proporcionar melhores qualidades de ajuste. SUMMARY This research aimed at to adjust the growth curve of Santa gertrudis cattle using spline functions and nonlinear functions, derivated from Richards model, and to verify the quality of the fitted models, using pedigree records from the Brazilian Association of Santa gertrudis (ABSG) datafiles. The best model to fit in certain phases was obtained using the linear model with five segments, with the junction points at 179, 264, 421 and 850 days of age. The values of R 2 , EMS and PEM ranged from 0.76 to 0.95; 6201.18 to 6840.5 and – 0.000507 to – 0.049348, the latter indicating the slightly overestimation of average weight observed. Spline functions provide a feasible alternative for the adjustment of growth curves, and accurately predict the performance of the animals in early and late ages. Asymptotic weight and mature rate obtained from nonlinear functions provide a practical estimate on final performance of animal growth and it is expected that larger animals will be worse in early finishing. In order to have better goodness of fit, more frequent records of weight should be provided.
utilizacao de funcoes lineares e nao lineares para ajuste do crescimento de bovinos Santa gertrudis criados a pasto
Ars Veterinaria, 2012Co-Authors: P Tholon, R D M Paiva, A R A Mendes, D BarrozoAbstract:This research aimed at to adjust the growth curve of Santa gertrudis cattle using spline functions and nonlinear functions, derivated from Richards model, and to verify the quality of the fitted models, using pedigree records from the Brazilian Association of Santa gertrudis (ABSG) datafiles. The best model to fit in certain phases was obtained using the linear model with five segments, with the junction points at 179, 264, 421 and 850 days of age. The values of R2, EMS and PEM ranged from 0.76 to 0.95; 6201.18 to 6840.5 and – 0.000507 to – 0.049348, the latter indicating the slightly overestimation of average weight observed. Spline functions provide a feasible alternative for the adjustment of growth curves, and accurately predict the performance of the animals in early and late ages. Asymptotic weight and mature rate obtained from nonlinear functions provide a practical estimate on final performance of animal growth and it is expected that larger animals will be worse in early finishing. In order to have better goodness of fit, more frequent records of weight should be provided.
Forastieri, Ana Laura - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
He elegido tener en ti mi morada” : inhabitación mística en los escritos de Santa gertrudis de Helfta
2019Co-Authors: Forastieri, Ana Laura, Rodríguez Salinas, Nora BeatrizAbstract:Resumen: La conciencia de la presencia permanente de Jesús en su corazón es el rasgo peculiar de la espiritualidad mística de Santa gertrudis de Helfta. Este tema ha sido receptado en la oración propia de su fiesta y en la iconografía de la Santa, que la representa con su corazón expuesto conteniendo al niño Jesús. Las raíces de esta espiritualidad ya se encuentran en la tradición monástica antigua, aunque reciben un mayor desarrollo y un enfoque nupcial en la doctrina de san Bernardo. Santa gertrudis se nutre de estas fuentes tradicionales, pero les da una expresión propia mediante un lenguaje dialogal, que pone en juego una dinámica continua de donación y acogida, búsqueda y encuentro, deseo y unión. Así, surge de sus escritos una teología metafórica en clave relacional y nupcial. En este trabajo enfocamos principalmente los temas de la visita y la morada, como imágenes principales de la acogida de Cristo como huésped, el encuentro místico y la comunión como hospitalidad recíproca. Concluimos con una reflexión sobre la vigencia de esta mirada y de este lenguaje para la construcción de una cultura del encuentro y de la acogida del otro, que tenga como estilo distintivo la hospitalidad y la inclusión
Santa gertrudis : figura del amor místico nupcial
2016Co-Authors: Forastieri, Ana LauraAbstract:Resumen: La unión esponsal con Cristo es la clave fundamental que revela la vida de Santa gertrudis como “figura”, es decir como una forma coherente en su totalidad y plena de sentido, que permite ser contemplada desde diversos puntos de vista. Su figura esponsal proyecta luz sobre la dimensión mística nupcial de la vida cristiana, abierta a todo creyente a partir del bautismo. Comenzando con un breve esbozo biográfico, en este trabajo se analiza la conversión de Santa gertrudis como el momento particular en que se imprime en su vida la forma de Cristo con carácter esponsal. Luego se presentan las características del amor místico nupcial que surgen de su experiencia espiritual, ilustrándolas con diversos textos de su obra
La visión como intertexto bíblico en Santa gertrudis
Editora Alalite, 2015Co-Authors: Forastieri, Ana LauraAbstract:I begin proposing that the visionary experience is a place of recreation and up to date reading of biblical experience; in the case of St. Gertrud this experience takes place principally in a liturgical context. I propose thus a three step hermeneutic path: from the biblical to the liturgical text; from this one to vision; from vision to the creation of the text that communicates it. Then I analyze a visionary text from St’ Gertrud’s writings, showing how it is structured in basis to biblical texts, interpreted through the traditional hermeneutic of the four senses of Scripture.Comienzo proponiendo que la experiencia visionaria es un lugar de recreación y relectura de la revelación bíblica; experiencia que, en el caso de Santa gertrudis, se da principalmente en el contexto litúrgico. Planteo así un recorrido hermenéutico en tres pasos: del texto bíblico al texto litúrgico; de este a la visión; de la visión, a la plasmación del texto que la comunica. Analizo luego un texto visionario no autógrafo de la obra de Santa gertrudis, mostrando que está estructurado en base a textos bíblicos, interpretados según la hermenéutica tradicional de los cuatro sentidos de la Escritura
P Tholon - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
use of linear and nonlinear functions to fit the growth of Santa gertrudis cattle raised under grazing utilizacao de funcoes lineares e nao lineares para ajuste do crescimento de bovinos Santa gertrudis criados a pasto
Ars Veterinaria, 2012Co-Authors: P Tholon, R D M Paiva, A R A Mendes, D BarrozoAbstract:Objetivou-se com este trabalho ajustar a curva de crescimento de bovinos da raca Santa gertrudis utilizando funcoes spline e nao lineares derivadas do modelo Richards e verificar a qualidade do ajuste dos modelos testados, a partir de registros de pedigree provenientes do banco de dados da Associacao Brasileira de Santa gertrudis (ABSG). O melhor modelo para ajustes em fases determinadas foi obtido a partir do modelo linear com cinco segmentos, com pontos de juncao aos 179, 264, 421 e 850 dias de idade . Os valores obtidos dos coeficientes de determinacao (R 2 ), Quadrado Medio do Residuo (QMRes) e Erro de predicao Medio (EPM) foram de 0,76 a 0,95; 6201,18 a 6840,5 e - 0,0005 a - 0,0493, este ultimo indicando uma pequena superestimacao do peso medio observado. Os animais atingiram, em media, 542,8 kg de peso adulto e 9,7 meses no ponto de inflexao. O uso de funcoes splines e uma alternativa viavel ao ajuste de curvas de crescimento e para a correta determinacao do desempenho do animal em idades iniciais e tardias. Os valores de peso assintotico e taxa de maturidade obtidos pelas funcoes nao lineares fornecem uma estimativa pratica sobre o desempenho final no desenvolvimento dos animais e espera-se que animais maiores sejam menos precoces. Alem disso, pesagens mais frequentes deverao proporcionar melhores qualidades de ajuste. SUMMARY This research aimed at to adjust the growth curve of Santa gertrudis cattle using spline functions and nonlinear functions, derivated from Richards model, and to verify the quality of the fitted models, using pedigree records from the Brazilian Association of Santa gertrudis (ABSG) datafiles. The best model to fit in certain phases was obtained using the linear model with five segments, with the junction points at 179, 264, 421 and 850 days of age. The values of R 2 , EMS and PEM ranged from 0.76 to 0.95; 6201.18 to 6840.5 and – 0.000507 to – 0.049348, the latter indicating the slightly overestimation of average weight observed. Spline functions provide a feasible alternative for the adjustment of growth curves, and accurately predict the performance of the animals in early and late ages. Asymptotic weight and mature rate obtained from nonlinear functions provide a practical estimate on final performance of animal growth and it is expected that larger animals will be worse in early finishing. In order to have better goodness of fit, more frequent records of weight should be provided.
utilizacao de funcoes lineares e nao lineares para ajuste do crescimento de bovinos Santa gertrudis criados a pasto
Ars Veterinaria, 2012Co-Authors: P Tholon, R D M Paiva, A R A Mendes, D BarrozoAbstract:This research aimed at to adjust the growth curve of Santa gertrudis cattle using spline functions and nonlinear functions, derivated from Richards model, and to verify the quality of the fitted models, using pedigree records from the Brazilian Association of Santa gertrudis (ABSG) datafiles. The best model to fit in certain phases was obtained using the linear model with five segments, with the junction points at 179, 264, 421 and 850 days of age. The values of R2, EMS and PEM ranged from 0.76 to 0.95; 6201.18 to 6840.5 and – 0.000507 to – 0.049348, the latter indicating the slightly overestimation of average weight observed. Spline functions provide a feasible alternative for the adjustment of growth curves, and accurately predict the performance of the animals in early and late ages. Asymptotic weight and mature rate obtained from nonlinear functions provide a practical estimate on final performance of animal growth and it is expected that larger animals will be worse in early finishing. In order to have better goodness of fit, more frequent records of weight should be provided.
R D M Paiva - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
use of linear and nonlinear functions to fit the growth of Santa gertrudis cattle raised under grazing utilizacao de funcoes lineares e nao lineares para ajuste do crescimento de bovinos Santa gertrudis criados a pasto
Ars Veterinaria, 2012Co-Authors: P Tholon, R D M Paiva, A R A Mendes, D BarrozoAbstract:Objetivou-se com este trabalho ajustar a curva de crescimento de bovinos da raca Santa gertrudis utilizando funcoes spline e nao lineares derivadas do modelo Richards e verificar a qualidade do ajuste dos modelos testados, a partir de registros de pedigree provenientes do banco de dados da Associacao Brasileira de Santa gertrudis (ABSG). O melhor modelo para ajustes em fases determinadas foi obtido a partir do modelo linear com cinco segmentos, com pontos de juncao aos 179, 264, 421 e 850 dias de idade . Os valores obtidos dos coeficientes de determinacao (R 2 ), Quadrado Medio do Residuo (QMRes) e Erro de predicao Medio (EPM) foram de 0,76 a 0,95; 6201,18 a 6840,5 e - 0,0005 a - 0,0493, este ultimo indicando uma pequena superestimacao do peso medio observado. Os animais atingiram, em media, 542,8 kg de peso adulto e 9,7 meses no ponto de inflexao. O uso de funcoes splines e uma alternativa viavel ao ajuste de curvas de crescimento e para a correta determinacao do desempenho do animal em idades iniciais e tardias. Os valores de peso assintotico e taxa de maturidade obtidos pelas funcoes nao lineares fornecem uma estimativa pratica sobre o desempenho final no desenvolvimento dos animais e espera-se que animais maiores sejam menos precoces. Alem disso, pesagens mais frequentes deverao proporcionar melhores qualidades de ajuste. SUMMARY This research aimed at to adjust the growth curve of Santa gertrudis cattle using spline functions and nonlinear functions, derivated from Richards model, and to verify the quality of the fitted models, using pedigree records from the Brazilian Association of Santa gertrudis (ABSG) datafiles. The best model to fit in certain phases was obtained using the linear model with five segments, with the junction points at 179, 264, 421 and 850 days of age. The values of R 2 , EMS and PEM ranged from 0.76 to 0.95; 6201.18 to 6840.5 and – 0.000507 to – 0.049348, the latter indicating the slightly overestimation of average weight observed. Spline functions provide a feasible alternative for the adjustment of growth curves, and accurately predict the performance of the animals in early and late ages. Asymptotic weight and mature rate obtained from nonlinear functions provide a practical estimate on final performance of animal growth and it is expected that larger animals will be worse in early finishing. In order to have better goodness of fit, more frequent records of weight should be provided.
utilizacao de funcoes lineares e nao lineares para ajuste do crescimento de bovinos Santa gertrudis criados a pasto
Ars Veterinaria, 2012Co-Authors: P Tholon, R D M Paiva, A R A Mendes, D BarrozoAbstract:This research aimed at to adjust the growth curve of Santa gertrudis cattle using spline functions and nonlinear functions, derivated from Richards model, and to verify the quality of the fitted models, using pedigree records from the Brazilian Association of Santa gertrudis (ABSG) datafiles. The best model to fit in certain phases was obtained using the linear model with five segments, with the junction points at 179, 264, 421 and 850 days of age. The values of R2, EMS and PEM ranged from 0.76 to 0.95; 6201.18 to 6840.5 and – 0.000507 to – 0.049348, the latter indicating the slightly overestimation of average weight observed. Spline functions provide a feasible alternative for the adjustment of growth curves, and accurately predict the performance of the animals in early and late ages. Asymptotic weight and mature rate obtained from nonlinear functions provide a practical estimate on final performance of animal growth and it is expected that larger animals will be worse in early finishing. In order to have better goodness of fit, more frequent records of weight should be provided.