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Michael Unser - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
A Box Spline Calculus for the Discretization of Computed Tomography Reconstruction Problems
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2012Co-Authors: Alireza Entezari, Masih Nilchian, Michael UnserAbstract:B-Splines are attractive basis functions for the continuous-domain representation of biomedical images and volumes. In this paper, we prove that the extended family of box Splines are closed under the Radon transform and derive explicit formulae for their transforms. Our results are general; they cover all known brands of compactly-supported box Splines (tensor-product B-Splines, separable or not) in any number of dimensions. The proposed box Spline approach extends to non-Cartesian lattices used for discretizing the image space. In particular, we prove that the 2-D Radon transform of an -direction box Spline is generally a (nonuniform) polynomial Spline of degree . The proposed framework allows for a proper discretization of a variety of tomographic reconstruction problems in a box Spline basis. It is of relevance for imaging modalities such as X-ray computed tomography and cryo-electron microscopy. We provide experimental results that demonstrate the practical advantages of the box Spline formulation for improving the quality and efficiency of tomographic reconstruction algorithms.
A box Spline calculus for computed tomography
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2010Co-Authors: Alireza Entezari, Michael UnserAbstract:B-Splines are attractive basis functions for the continuous-domain representation of biomedical images and volumes. In this paper, we prove that the extended family of box Splines are closed under the Radon transform and derive explicit formulae for their transforms. Our results are general; they cover all known brands of compactly-supported box Splines (tensor-product B-Splines, separable or not) in any dimensions. In particular, we prove that the 2-D Radon transform of an N-direction box Spline is generally a (non-uniform) polynomial Spline of degree N-1. The proposed framework allows for a proper discretization of a variety of 2-D and 3-D tomographic reconstruction problems in a box Spline basis. It is of relevance for imaging modalities such as X-ray computed tomography and 3-D cryo-electron microscopy.
cardinal exponential Splines part i theory and filtering algorithms
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2005Co-Authors: Michael Unser, Thierry BluAbstract:Causal exponentials play a fundamental role in classical system theory. Starting from those elementary building blocks, we propose a complete and self-contained signal processing formulation of exponential Splines defined on a uniform grid. We specify the corresponding B-Spline basis functions and investigate their reproduction properties (Green function and exponential polynomials); we also characterize their stability (Riesz bounds). We show that the exponential B-Spline framework allows an exact implementation of continuous-time signal processing operators including convolution, differential operators, and modulation, by simple processing in the discrete B-Spline domain. We derive efficient filtering algorithms for multiresolution signal extrapolation and approximation, extending earlier results for polynomial Splines. Finally, we present a new asymptotic error formula that predicts the magnitude and the Nth-order decay of the L/sub 2/-approximation error as a function of the knot spacing T.
the fractional Spline wavelet transform definition end implementation
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, 2000Co-Authors: Thierry Blu, Michael UnserAbstract:We define a new wavelet transform that is based on a previously defined family of scaling functions: the fractional B-Splines. The interest of this family is that they interpolate between the integer degrees of polynomial B-Splines and that they allow a fractional order of approximation. The orthogonal fractional Spline wavelets essentially behave as fractional differentiators. This property seems promising for the analysis of 1/f/sup /spl alpha// noise that can be whitened by an appropriate choice of the degree of the Spline transform. We present a practical FFT-based algorithm for the implementation of these fractional wavelet transforms, and give some examples of processing.
b Spline signal processing i theory
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 1993Co-Authors: Michael Unser, Akram Aldroubi, Murray EdenAbstract:The use of continuous B-Spline representations for signal processing applications such as interpolation, differentiation, filtering, noise reduction, and data compressions is considered. The B-Spline coefficients are obtained through a linear transformation, which unlike other commonly used transforms is space invariant and can be implemented efficiently by linear filtering. The same property also applies for the indirect B-Spline transform as well as for the evaluation of approximating representations using smoothing or least squares Splines. The filters associated with these operations are fully characterized by explicitly evaluating their transfer functions for B-Splines of any order. Applications to differentiation, filtering, smoothing, and least-squares approximation are examined. The extension of such operators for higher-dimensional signals such as digital images is considered. >
Toshniwal D. - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Counting the dimension of Splines of mixed smoothness: A general recipe, and its application to planar meshes of arbitrary topologies
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2021Co-Authors: Toshniwal D., Dipasquale MichaelAbstract:In this paper, we study the dimension of bivariate polynomial Splines of mixed smoothness on polygonal meshes. Here, “mixed smoothness” refers to the choice of different orders of smoothness across different edges of the mesh. To study the dimension of spaces of such Splines, we use tools from homological algebra. These tools were first applied to the study of Splines by Billera (Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 310(1), 325–340, 1988). Using them, estimation of the Spline space dimension amounts to the study of the Billera-Schenck-Stillman complex for the Spline space. In particular, when the homology in positions 1 and 0 of this complex is trivial, the dimension of the Spline space can be computed combinatorially. We call such Spline spaces “lower-acyclic.” In this paper, starting from a Spline space which is lower-acyclic, we present sufficient conditions that ensure that the same will be true for the Spline space obtained after relaxing the smoothness requirements across a subset of the mesh edges. This general recipe is applied in a specific setting: meshes of arbitrary topologies. We show how our results can be used to compute the dimensions of Spline spaces on triangulations, polygonal meshes, and T-meshes with holes.Numerical Analysi
A General Class of C1 Smooth Rational Splines: Application to Construction of Exact Ellipses and Ellipsoids
'Elsevier BV', 2021Co-Authors: Speleers Hendrik, Toshniwal D.Abstract:In this paper, we describe a general class of C1 smooth rational Splines that enables, in particular, exact descriptions of ellipses and ellipsoids — some of the most important primitives for CAD and CAE. The univariate rational Splines are assembled by transforming multiple sets of NURBS basis functions via so-called design-through-analysis compatible extraction matrices; different sets of NURBS are allowed to have different polynomial degrees and weight functions. Tensor products of the univariate Splines yield multivariate Splines. In the bivariate setting, we describe how similar design-through-analysis compatible transformations of the tensor-product Splines enable the construction of smooth surfaces containing one or two polar singularities. The material is self-contained, and is presented such that all tools can be easily implemented by CAD or CAE practitioners within existing software that support NURBS. To this end, we explicitly present the matrices (a) that describe our Splines in terms of NURBS, and (b) that help refine the Splines by performing (local) degree elevation and knot insertion. Finally, all C1 Spline constructions yield Spline basis functions that are locally supported and form a convex partition of unity.Delft Institute of Applied MathematicsNumerical Analysi
Polynomial Spline spaces of non-uniform bi-degree on T-meshes: combinatorial bounds on the dimension
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC', 2021Co-Authors: Toshniwal D., Mourrain Bernard, Hughes, Thomas J. R.Abstract:Polynomial Splines are ubiquitous in the fields of computer-aided geometric design and computational analysis. Splines on T-meshes, especially, have the potential to be incredibly versatile since local mesh adaptivity enables efficient modeling and approximation of local features. Meaningful use of such Splines for modeling and approximation requires the construction of a suitable spanning set of linearly independent Splines, and a theoretical understanding of the Spline space dimension can be a useful tool when assessing possible approaches for building such Splines. Here, we provide such a tool. Focusing on T-meshes, we study the dimension of the space of bivariate polynomial Splines, and we discuss the general setting where local mesh adaptivity is combined with local polynomial degree adaptivity. The latter allows for the flexibility of choosing non-uniform bi-degrees for the Splines, i.e., different bi-degrees on different faces of the T-mesh. In particular, approaching the problem using tools from homological algebra, we generalize the framework and the discourse presented by Mourrain (Math. Comput. 83(286):847–871, 2014) for uniform bi-degree Splines. We derive combinatorial lower and upper bounds on the Spline space dimension and subsequently outline sufficient conditions for the bounds to coincide.Numerical Analysi
Isogeometric discrete differential forms: Non-uniform degrees, Bezier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces: Non-uniform degrees, Bézier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces
'Elsevier BV', 2021Co-Authors: Toshniwal D., Hughes ThomasAbstract:Spaces of discrete differential forms can be applied to numerically solve the partial differential equations that govern phenomena such as electromagnetics and fluid mechanics. Robustness of the resulting numerical methods is complemented by pointwise satisfaction of conservation laws (e.g., mass conservation) in the discrete setting. Here we present the construction of isogeometric discrete differential forms, i.e., differential form spaces built using smooth Splines. We first present an algorithm for computing Bézier extraction operators for univariate Spline differential forms that allow local degree elevation. Then, using tensor-products of the univariate Splines, a complex of discrete differential forms is built on meshes that contain polar singularities, i.e., edges that are singularly mapped onto points. We prove that the Spline complexes share the same cohomological structure as the de Rham complex. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology. In particular, the Splines spaces derived are used to simulate generalized Stokes flow on arbitrarily curved smooth surfaces and to numerically demonstrate (a) optimal approximation and inf–sup stability of the Spline spaces; (b) pointwise incompressible flows; and (c) flows on deforming surfaces.Numerical Analysi
Isogeometric discrete differential forms: Non-uniform degrees, Bezier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces: Non-uniform degrees, Bézier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces
'Elsevier BV', 2021Co-Authors: Toshniwal D., Hughes ThomasAbstract:Spaces of discrete differential forms can be applied to numerically solve the partial differential equations that govern phenomena such as electromagnetics and fluid mechanics. Robustness of the resulting numerical methods is complemented by pointwise satisfaction of conservation laws (e.g., mass conservation) in the discrete setting. Here we present the construction of isogeometric discrete differential forms, i.e., differential form spaces built using smooth Splines. We first present an algorithm for computing Bézier extraction operators for univariate Spline differential forms that allow local degree elevation. Then, using tensor-products of the univariate Splines, a complex of discrete differential forms is built on meshes that contain polar singularities, i.e., edges that are singularly mapped onto points. We prove that the Spline complexes share the same cohomological structure as the de Rham complex. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology. In particular, the Splines spaces derived are used to simulate generalized Stokes flow on arbitrarily curved smooth surfaces and to numerically demonstrate (a) optimal approximation and inf–sup stability of the Spline spaces; (b) pointwise incompressible flows; and (c) flows on deforming surfaces
Hughes Thomas - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Isogeometric discrete differential forms: Non-uniform degrees, Bezier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces: Non-uniform degrees, Bézier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces
'Elsevier BV', 2021Co-Authors: Toshniwal D., Hughes ThomasAbstract:Spaces of discrete differential forms can be applied to numerically solve the partial differential equations that govern phenomena such as electromagnetics and fluid mechanics. Robustness of the resulting numerical methods is complemented by pointwise satisfaction of conservation laws (e.g., mass conservation) in the discrete setting. Here we present the construction of isogeometric discrete differential forms, i.e., differential form spaces built using smooth Splines. We first present an algorithm for computing Bézier extraction operators for univariate Spline differential forms that allow local degree elevation. Then, using tensor-products of the univariate Splines, a complex of discrete differential forms is built on meshes that contain polar singularities, i.e., edges that are singularly mapped onto points. We prove that the Spline complexes share the same cohomological structure as the de Rham complex. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology. In particular, the Splines spaces derived are used to simulate generalized Stokes flow on arbitrarily curved smooth surfaces and to numerically demonstrate (a) optimal approximation and inf–sup stability of the Spline spaces; (b) pointwise incompressible flows; and (c) flows on deforming surfaces.Numerical Analysi
Isogeometric discrete differential forms: Non-uniform degrees, Bezier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces: Non-uniform degrees, Bézier extraction, polar Splines and flows on surfaces
'Elsevier BV', 2021Co-Authors: Toshniwal D., Hughes ThomasAbstract:Spaces of discrete differential forms can be applied to numerically solve the partial differential equations that govern phenomena such as electromagnetics and fluid mechanics. Robustness of the resulting numerical methods is complemented by pointwise satisfaction of conservation laws (e.g., mass conservation) in the discrete setting. Here we present the construction of isogeometric discrete differential forms, i.e., differential form spaces built using smooth Splines. We first present an algorithm for computing Bézier extraction operators for univariate Spline differential forms that allow local degree elevation. Then, using tensor-products of the univariate Splines, a complex of discrete differential forms is built on meshes that contain polar singularities, i.e., edges that are singularly mapped onto points. We prove that the Spline complexes share the same cohomological structure as the de Rham complex. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology. In particular, the Splines spaces derived are used to simulate generalized Stokes flow on arbitrarily curved smooth surfaces and to numerically demonstrate (a) optimal approximation and inf–sup stability of the Spline spaces; (b) pointwise incompressible flows; and (c) flows on deforming surfaces
Thierry Blu - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
cardinal exponential Splines part i theory and filtering algorithms
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2005Co-Authors: Michael Unser, Thierry BluAbstract:Causal exponentials play a fundamental role in classical system theory. Starting from those elementary building blocks, we propose a complete and self-contained signal processing formulation of exponential Splines defined on a uniform grid. We specify the corresponding B-Spline basis functions and investigate their reproduction properties (Green function and exponential polynomials); we also characterize their stability (Riesz bounds). We show that the exponential B-Spline framework allows an exact implementation of continuous-time signal processing operators including convolution, differential operators, and modulation, by simple processing in the discrete B-Spline domain. We derive efficient filtering algorithms for multiresolution signal extrapolation and approximation, extending earlier results for polynomial Splines. Finally, we present a new asymptotic error formula that predicts the magnitude and the Nth-order decay of the L/sub 2/-approximation error as a function of the knot spacing T.
the fractional Spline wavelet transform definition end implementation
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, 2000Co-Authors: Thierry Blu, Michael UnserAbstract:We define a new wavelet transform that is based on a previously defined family of scaling functions: the fractional B-Splines. The interest of this family is that they interpolate between the integer degrees of polynomial B-Splines and that they allow a fractional order of approximation. The orthogonal fractional Spline wavelets essentially behave as fractional differentiators. This property seems promising for the analysis of 1/f/sup /spl alpha// noise that can be whitened by an appropriate choice of the degree of the Spline transform. We present a practical FFT-based algorithm for the implementation of these fractional wavelet transforms, and give some examples of processing.
Gleb Beliakov - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
shape preserving approximation using least squares Splines
Analysis in Theory and Applications, 2000Co-Authors: Gleb BeliakovAbstract:Least squares polynomial Splines are an effective tool for data fitting, but they may fail to preserve essential properties of the underlying function, such as monotonicity or convexity. The shape restrictions are translated into linear inequality conditions on Spline coefficients. The basis functions are selected in such a way that these conditions take a simple form, and the problem becomes non-negative least squares problem, for which effecitive and robust methods of solution exist. Multidimensional monotone approximation is achieved by using tensor-product Splines with the appropriate restrictions. Additional inter polation conditions can also be introduced. The conversion formulas to traditional B-Spline representation are provided.