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Gong Shu-fen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Observation on external morphology of antennal Sensillum for three species of Trichogramma by scanning electron microscopy
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2004Co-Authors: Gong Shu-fenAbstract:The external morphology of antennal Sensillum were observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)for female species of Trichogramma ostriniae,T.confusum and T.dendrolimi(Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae).The numbers and the relative positions of these Sensillum were depicted.The special structure on the ventro-lateral margin of falcate sensilla was discovered and its function was confirmed.The Sensillum uniporous trichodenum on the apex of the antenna was proved to perform gustatory function.The differences in the numbers of falcate Sensillum,the densities of olfactory pores and shapes of placoid Sensillum and the shapes of ampullaceum Sensillum among the three species of Trichogramma,were also discussed.
Veronica Rodrigues - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
cellular events during development of the olfactory sense organs in drosophila melanogaster
Developmental Biology, 1995Co-Authors: Veronica RodriguesAbstract:Abstract The olfactory sensilla on the antenna of adult Drosophila melanogaster develop during the first 36 hr after pupariation, from their anlagen in the cephalic disc. We have used tissue-specific β-galactosidase expression in the enhancer trap strain A101.IF3 and the monoclonal antibody 22C10 as sensory cell markers, as well as the lineage tracer 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU), to describe this process. The development of an olfactory Sensillum begins with the selection of a "founder cell" (FC). These cells are distinct in that they possess large apically located nuclei revealed by β-galactosidase expression in A101.IF3. In the following 6 hr, a few cells neighboring the FC also start expressing β-galactosidase and together comprise a group. Cells of this group, denoted a "preSensillum-cluster" (PSC), undergo at least one round of replication and give rise to all of the cells of a Sensillum. A subset of the cells within each PSC and, later, all the sensory neurons are recognized by MAb22C10. The antennae of the mutant lozenge 3 ( lz 3 ) lack all basiconic and some trichoid sensilla. The mutation apparently affects early steps in Sensillum development and many of the FCs fail to form. Those that are present, however, proceed to form mature olfactory sensilla. Therefore, we conclude that the selection of an FC is the first step in olfactory sense organ development. Our study reveals novel aspects of sensory development in Drosophila .
P Weiskopf - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Diet-induced plasticity in the taste system of an insect: localization to a single transduction pathway in an identified taste cell.
The Journal of experimental biology, 1999Co-Authors: J I Glendinning, S Ensslen, M E Eisenberg, P WeiskopfAbstract:We studied exposure-induced sensitivity changes in an identified taste cell from Manduca sexta, a herbivorous caterpillar. This taste cell occurs within the lateral styloconic Sensillum and responds selectively to compounds that humans characterize as bitter (e.g. caffeine, salicin and aristolochic acid). We made extracellular recordings from several classes of identified taste cell within the lateral Sensillum, both before and after dietary exposure (for 48 h) to a suprathreshold concentration of caffeine, salicin or aristolochic acid. Our results revealed (1) that dietary exposure to caffeine desensitized the bitter-sensitive taste cell to caffeine, whereas dietary exposure to salicin or aristolochic acid did not desensitize the same taste cell to salicin or to aristolochic acid; (2) that dietary exposure to caffeine failed to alter the responsiveness of the sugar-, salt- or inositol-sensitive taste cells within the same Sensillum; (3) that the caffeine-induced desensitization phenomenon generalized to salicin, a compound that stimulates the same transduction pathway as caffeine, but not to aristolochic acid, a compound that stimulates a different pathway; and (4) that chronically stimulating the lateral Sensillum with caffeine, in the absence of ingestion, was sufficient to induce desensitization. We conclude that caffeine causes desensitization through a direct effect on a single transduction pathway within the bitter-sensitive taste cell.
Fumio Yokohari - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Sensillum-specific, topographic projection patterns of olfactory receptor neurons in the antennal lobe of the cockroach Periplaneta americana
The Journal of comparative neurology, 2012Co-Authors: Hidehiro Watanabe, S. Shuichi Haupt, Hiroshi Nishino, Michiko Nishikawa, Fumio YokohariAbstract:In vertebrates and many invertebrates, olfactory signals detected by peripheral olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are conveyed to a primary olfactory center with glomerular organization in which odor-specific activity patterns are generated. In the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, ORNs in antennal olfactory sensilla project to 205 unambiguously identifiable antennal lobe (AL) glomeruli that are classified into 10 glomerular clusters (T1–T10 glomeruli) innervated by distinct sensory tracts. In this study we employed single Sensillum staining techniques and investigated the topographic projection patterns of individual ORNs to elucidate the relationship between Sensillum types and glomerular organization in the AL. Axons of almost all ORNs projected to individual glomeruli. Axons of ORNs in perforated basiconic sensilla selectively innervated the anterodorsal T1–T4 glomeruli, whereas those in trichoid and grooved basiconic sensilla innervated the posteroventral T5–T9 glomeruli. About 90% of stained ORNs in trichoid sensilla sent axons to the T5 glomeruli and more than 90% of ORNs in grooved basiconic sensilla innervated the T6, T8, and T9 glomeruli. The T5 and T9 glomeruli exclusively receive sensory inputs from the trichoid and grooved basiconic sensilla, respectively. All investigated glomeruli received convergent input from a single type of Sensillum except F11 glomerulus in the T6 glomeruli, which was innervated from both trichoid and grooved basiconic sensilla. These results suggest that ORNs in distinct Sensillum types project to glomeruli in distinct glomerular clusters. Since ORNs in distinct Sensillum types are each tuned to distinct subsets of odorant molecules, the AL is functionally compartmentalized into groups of glomeruli. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:1687–1701, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ant Nestmate and Non-Nestmate Discrimination by a Chemosensory Sensillum
Science (New York N.Y.), 2005Co-Authors: Mamiko Ozaki, Masayuki Iwasaki, Fumio Yokohari, Ayako Wada-katsumata, Kazuyo Fujikawa, Yuji Satoji, Tomoyosi Nisimura, Ryohei YamaokaAbstract:In animal societies, chemical communication plays an important role in conflict and cooperation. For ants, cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) blends produced by non-nestmates elicit overt aggression. We describe a sensory Sensillum on the antennae of the carpenter ant Camponotus japonicus that functions in nestmate discrimination. This Sensillum is multiporous and responds only to non-nestmate CHC blends. This suggests a role for a peripheral recognition mechanism in detecting colony-specific chemical signals.
Identification of Antennal Hygroreceptive Sensillum and Other Sensilla of the Firefly, Luciola cruciata
Zoological Science, 1995Co-Authors: Masayuki Iwasaki, Tsunao Itoh, Fumio Yokohari, Yoshiya TominagaAbstract:Abstract We have identified and characterized the hygroreceptive sensilla on the antenna of the adult male firefly, Luciola cruciata, by coupling extracellular electrophysiological recordings from single sensilla with observation of morphology of the sensilla using a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). Seven morphologically different types of sensilla were present on the antenna: pored chaetic, poreless chaetic, basiconic, trichoid, capitular and campaniform sensilla and a new type of Sensillum. To determine which is the hygroreceptive Sensillum, responses to humidity changes were electrophysiologically recorded from each type of these sensilla. Impulses from moist and dry receptor cells could be obtained from only the capitular Sensillum along with impulses from a cold receptor cell. The results clearly showed that the capitular Sensillum is hygro- and thermoreceptive. The capitular Sensillum had a cuticular apparatus that extends about 8 μm above the antennal surface and is externally ...
Christopher J. Potter - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Re-Classification of Drosophila melanogaster Trichoid and Intermediate Sensilla Using Fluorescence-Guided Single Sensillum Recording
PloS one, 2015Co-Authors: Chun Chieh Lin, Christopher J. PotterAbstract:Drosophila olfactory receptor neurons are found within specialized sensory hairs on antenna and maxillary palps. The linking of odorant-induced responses to olfactory neuron activities is often accomplished via Single Sensillum Recordings (SSR), in which an electrode inserted into a single sensory hair records the neuronal activities of all the neurons housed in that Sensillum. The identification of the recorded Sensillum requires matching the neuronal responses with known odor-response profiles. To record from specific sensilla, or to systematically screen all sensillar types, requires repetitive and semi-random SSR experiments. Here, we validate an approach in which the GAL4/UAS binary expression system is used for targeting specific sensilla for recordings. We take advantage of available OrX-Gal4 lines, in combination with recently generated strong membrane targeted GFP reporters, to guide electrophysiological recordings to GFP-labeled sensilla. We validate a full set of reagents that can be used to rapidly screen the odor-response profiles of all basiconic, intermediate, and trichoid sensilla. Fluorescence-guided SSR further revealed that two antennal trichoid sensilla types should be re-classified as intermediate sensilla. This approach provides a simple and practical addition to a proven method for investigating olfactory neurons, and can be extended by the addition of UAS-geneX effectors for gain-of-function or loss-of-function studies.