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Toru Yano - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Space Heating Control by Estimating Acceptable Set-Point Temperature Based on Survival Analysis
IEEE Access, 2020Co-Authors: Toru YanoAbstract:This study proposes space heating control that considers both the operating time and change status of Set-Point Temperature. To estimate acceptable Set-Points from such data, survival analysis is used to model acceptable rates of Set-Points. The proposed method determines whether a given Set-Point is acceptable based on the shape parameters of the acceptable rate. According to the determination, the proposed method inputs a new Set-Point. The proposed method is evaluated using data obtained from an experiment where the proposed method was applied to apartments in a newly constructed building in France. Set-Points for the apartments were input according to the proposed method in an experiment performed for 3 weeks from the end of November 2016. This study shows transition of input Set-Points that were estimated to be acceptable during the experiment. The present paper evaluates the use rates of input Set-Points by groups according to the estimated acceptability of input Set-Points. This study also shows rough computations of energy-saving effects by the proposed method. A benefit from considering the operating times of Set-Points is also presented. The results demonstrate that the proposed method likely uses a Set-Point suitable to each apartment for energy-saving, with avoiding incorrect estimation of acceptable Set-Points.
A field study of space heating control using acceptable Set-Point Temperature estimation: winter experiment in Japan office
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019Co-Authors: Toru Yano, Miho SakoAbstract:Energy conservation for space heating is important because a large portion of total energy consumption is used for space heating in cold regions. For example, space heating accounts for 40% and 18% of energy consumption in non-residential buildings in the EU and Japan, respectively. We have recently proposed a new space-heating control method that estimates acceptable Set-Point Temperature based on survival analysis of historical data on Set-Point Temperature adjustments by occupants in a space. By using survival analysis to estimate acceptable Set-Point Temperatures, the proposed method adjusts the SetPoint Temperature of the space to the estimated minimum acceptable value. We present the results of a field study of the proposed method which was performed in winter 2017-2018 in Japan. In this study, we applied the proposed method in two office rooms and assessed energy savings and occupant acceptance ratios for the proposed method. Performance evaluation experiments were carried out twice in the winter. The energysaving rate was from 3% to 45%, and the occupant acceptance ratio exceeded 80% in both experiments. The results obtained in this study confirm that the proposed method is acceptable to occupants, while having a possibility of energy-saving.
ICIT - Space heating control using acceptable Set-Point Temperature estimation by a statistical approach in the lyon smart community project
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2018Co-Authors: Toru YanoAbstract:Since the energy consumption of space heating accounts for more than 40% of the non-residential energy consumption and about 70% of the residential energy consumption, respectively, in the EU region, it is important to develop energy-saving technologies for space heating control, which is one of the main functions of building automation, in order to realize zero energy buildings (ZEBs), which are expected to be developed in the EU and worldwide. In a smart community project in Lyon, France, which was a joint project by Japan and France, we evaluated energy-saving technologies for space heating based on the data obtained by a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) introduced to the residential area of a building constructed in Lyon, France. Using this HEMS, we have carried out a field test of a new space heating control method using acceptable Set-Point Temperature estimation by a statistical approach (data-driven method), which learns occupants' thermal feedbacks and makes use of them for control. In the field test, based on the data collected by the HEMS, we have obtained the evaluation result for 21 of the 36 apartments in the residential area. We have confirmed that the proposed method lowered minimum acceptable Set-Point Temperatures in 15 apartments and the average energy-saving rate of the proposed method was estimated as 22.1%. Our result also shows that the proposed method can follow the change of occupants' preferred Set-Point Temperature and update the minimum acceptable Set-Point Temperature by learning their feedbacks.
Space heating control using acceptable Set-Point Temperature estimation by a statistical approach in the lyon smart community project
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2018Co-Authors: Toru YanoAbstract:Since the energy consumption of space heating accounts for more than 40% of the non-residential energy consumption and about 70% of the residential energy consumption, respectively, in the EU region, it is important to develop energy-saving technologies for space heating control, which is one of the main functions of building automation, in order to realize zero energy buildings (ZEBs), which are expected to be developed in the EU and worldwide. In a smart community project in Lyon, France, which was a joint project by Japan and France, we evaluated energy-saving technologies for space heating based on the data obtained by a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) introduced to the residential area of a building constructed in Lyon, France. Using this HEMS, we have carried out a field test of a new space heating control method using acceptable Set-Point Temperature estimation by a statistical approach (data-driven method), which learns occupants' thermal feedbacks and makes use of them for control. In the field test, based on the data collected by the HEMS, we have obtained the evaluation result for 21 of the 36 apartments in the residential area. We have confirmed that the proposed method lowered minimum acceptable Set-Point Temperatures in 15 apartments and the average energy-saving rate of the proposed method was estimated as 22.1%. Our result also shows that the proposed method can follow the change of occupants' preferred Set-Point Temperature and update the minimum acceptable Set-Point Temperature by learning their feedbacks.
Claire C Austin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
investigation of various polymeric materials for Set Point Temperature calibration in pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry py gc ms
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2008Co-Authors: L M Lund, P M L Sandercock, G J Basara, Claire C AustinAbstract:Abstract The precision and long-term stability of pyrolysis probe Set-Point Temperature calibration of a commercially available coiled-filament pyrolyzer were assessed for a variety of polymers, including Kraton® D1107, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). While plots of peak area ratios for Kraton® and HDPE versus pyrolysis Set-Point Temperatures produced statistically significant linear curves at the 95% confidence level, poor precision was observed at each of the Set-Point Temperatures. Plots of peak area ratios for LDPE, in particular for n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene peak area ratios, also exhibited good linearity but showed significant improvements in precision at each Set-Point Temperature. In addition, replicate analysis over a 10-month period of peak area ratios for polymers pyrolyzed at a Set-Point Temperature of 900 °C confirmed the improved method precision obtained from pyrolysis of LDPE and analysis of the n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene ratio when compared to the precision obtained from pyrolysis of Kraton® D1107 or high-density polyethylene.
Investigation of various polymeric materials for Set-Point Temperature calibration in pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (Py–GC–MS)
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2008Co-Authors: L M Lund, P M L Sandercock, G J Basara, Claire C AustinAbstract:Abstract The precision and long-term stability of pyrolysis probe Set-Point Temperature calibration of a commercially available coiled-filament pyrolyzer were assessed for a variety of polymers, including Kraton® D1107, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). While plots of peak area ratios for Kraton® and HDPE versus pyrolysis Set-Point Temperatures produced statistically significant linear curves at the 95% confidence level, poor precision was observed at each of the Set-Point Temperatures. Plots of peak area ratios for LDPE, in particular for n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene peak area ratios, also exhibited good linearity but showed significant improvements in precision at each Set-Point Temperature. In addition, replicate analysis over a 10-month period of peak area ratios for polymers pyrolyzed at a Set-Point Temperature of 900 °C confirmed the improved method precision obtained from pyrolysis of LDPE and analysis of the n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene ratio when compared to the precision obtained from pyrolysis of Kraton® D1107 or high-density polyethylene.
L M Lund - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
investigation of various polymeric materials for Set Point Temperature calibration in pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry py gc ms
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2008Co-Authors: L M Lund, P M L Sandercock, G J Basara, Claire C AustinAbstract:Abstract The precision and long-term stability of pyrolysis probe Set-Point Temperature calibration of a commercially available coiled-filament pyrolyzer were assessed for a variety of polymers, including Kraton® D1107, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). While plots of peak area ratios for Kraton® and HDPE versus pyrolysis Set-Point Temperatures produced statistically significant linear curves at the 95% confidence level, poor precision was observed at each of the Set-Point Temperatures. Plots of peak area ratios for LDPE, in particular for n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene peak area ratios, also exhibited good linearity but showed significant improvements in precision at each Set-Point Temperature. In addition, replicate analysis over a 10-month period of peak area ratios for polymers pyrolyzed at a Set-Point Temperature of 900 °C confirmed the improved method precision obtained from pyrolysis of LDPE and analysis of the n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene ratio when compared to the precision obtained from pyrolysis of Kraton® D1107 or high-density polyethylene.
Investigation of various polymeric materials for Set-Point Temperature calibration in pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (Py–GC–MS)
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2008Co-Authors: L M Lund, P M L Sandercock, G J Basara, Claire C AustinAbstract:Abstract The precision and long-term stability of pyrolysis probe Set-Point Temperature calibration of a commercially available coiled-filament pyrolyzer were assessed for a variety of polymers, including Kraton® D1107, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). While plots of peak area ratios for Kraton® and HDPE versus pyrolysis Set-Point Temperatures produced statistically significant linear curves at the 95% confidence level, poor precision was observed at each of the Set-Point Temperatures. Plots of peak area ratios for LDPE, in particular for n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene peak area ratios, also exhibited good linearity but showed significant improvements in precision at each Set-Point Temperature. In addition, replicate analysis over a 10-month period of peak area ratios for polymers pyrolyzed at a Set-Point Temperature of 900 °C confirmed the improved method precision obtained from pyrolysis of LDPE and analysis of the n-C16 alkyldiene/n-C16 alkene ratio when compared to the precision obtained from pyrolysis of Kraton® D1107 or high-density polyethylene.
S. Darbha - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
An extremum seeking algorithm for determining the Set Point Temperature for condensed water in a cooling tower
2006 American Control Conference, 2006Co-Authors: V. Tyagi, H. Sane, S. DarbhaAbstract:Energy consumed by buildings accounts for approximately 20 % of the total energy consumption in the United States of America (USA). A significant number of commercial buildings in the USA are cooled using a bank of chillers which reject the thermal loads on the buildings to the atmosphere through cooling towers. About two-thirds of the total power consumption in such buildings is due to the power consumption of the compressors in the chillers and the fans in the cooling tower. The total steady state power consumed by the compressors and the fans seems to be a convex function of the chilled water Temperature of the cooling tower at most operating thermal loads. In this paper, we propose an extremum seeking algorithm for determining the Set Point Temperature for the tower given the load on a building
Atila Novoselac - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Effect of technology-enabled time-of-use energy pricing on thermal comfort and energy use in mechanically-conditioned residential buildings in cooling dominated climates
Building and Environment, 2016Co-Authors: Kristen S. Cetin, Lance Manuel, Atila NovoselacAbstract:Abstract The effects of automatic indoor Set Point Temperature Setbacks using smart thermostats in response to time-of-use (TOU) electricity rates structures on occupant thermal comfort are evaluated for representative single family residential buildings located in 3 climate zones with dominant cooling loads. Building energy models (BEM) of single family homes are evaluated using a full factorial experimental design to create a response surface which provides a continuous function to evaluate the impact of four design variables on long-term thermal comfort indices, including Average Percent of People Dissatisfied (Average PPD), and Percentage Outside Thermal Comfort Zone (POS). These design variables include indoor Set Point Temperature, degrees of Setback Temperature in cooling mode, building thermal mass, and air exchange rate for each climate zone. These are compared to the relative energy savings resulting from TOU thermostat Setbacks while considering other design variables. A second-order response surface is found to provide a reasonable fit to BEM simulation in- and out-of-sample data. The Set Point Temperature is the most influential of the variables studied in decreasing long-term thermal comfort, while reducing HVAC electricity use. The thermostat Setback has the strongest influence on thermal comfort in a hot-dry climate, while the most HVAC energy savings is able to be achieved in the mixed-humid climate zone. The results are tabulated for weighing the costs and benefits of TOU electricity rates for homes with different characteristics, in climate zones with air conditioning-dominate energy consumption.
Dynamic Demand Response Controller Based on Real-Time Retail Price for Residential Buildings
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2014Co-Authors: Ji Hoon Yoon, Ross Baldick, Atila NovoselacAbstract:Demand response and dynamic retail pricing of electricity are key factors in a smart grid to reduce peak loads and to increase the efficiency of the power grid. Air-conditioning and heating loads in residential buildings are major contributors to total electricity consumption. In hot climates, such as Austin, Texas, the electricity cooling load of buildings results in critical peak load during the on-peak period. Demand response (DR) is valuable to reduce both electricity loads and energy costs for end users in a residential building. This paper focuses on developing a control strategy for the HVACs to respond to real-time prices for peak load reduction. A proposed dynamic demand response controller (DDRC) changes the Set-Point Temperature to control HVAC loads depending on electricity retail price published each 15 minutes and partially shifts some of this load away from the peak. The advantages of the proposed control strategy are that DDRC has a detailed scheduling function and compares the real-time retail price of electricity with a threshold price that customers Set by their preference in order to control HVAC loads considering energy cost. In addition, a detailed single family house model is developed using OpenStudio and Energyplus considering the geometry of a residential building and geographical environment. This HVAC modeling provides simulation of a house. Comfort level is, moreover, reflected into the DDRC to minimize discomfort when DDRC changes the Set-Point Temperature. Our proposed DDRC is implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK and connected to the EnergyPlus model via building controls virtual test bed (BCVTB). The real-time retail price is based on the real-time wholesale price in the ERCOT market in Texas. The study shows that DDRC applied in residential HVAC systems could significantly reduce peak loads and electricity bills with a modest variation in thermal comfort.