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Regina Ginzburg - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Skeletal Muscle relaxants.
Pharmacotherapy, 2008Co-Authors: Sharon See, Regina GinzburgAbstract:Health care providers prescribe Skeletal Muscle relaxants for a variety of indications. However, the comparative efficacy of these drugs is not well known. Skeletal Muscle relaxants consist of both antispasticity and antispasmodic agents, a distinction prescribers often overlook. The antispasticity agents-baclofen, tizanidine, dantrolene, and diazepam-aid in improving Muscle hypertonicity and involuntary jerks. Antispasmodic agents, such as cyclobenzaprine, are primarily used to treat musculoSkeletal conditions. Much of the evidence from clinical trials regarding Skeletal Muscle relaxants is limited because of poor methodologic design, insensitive assessment methods, and small numbers of patients. Although trial results seem to support the use of these agents for their respective indications, efficacy data from comparator trials did not particularly favor one Skeletal Muscle relaxant over another. Therefore, the choice of a Skeletal Muscle relaxant should be based on its adverse-effect profile, tolerability, and cost.
Eric N Olson - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
signaling pathways in Skeletal Muscle remodeling
Annual Review of Biochemistry, 2006Co-Authors: Rhonda S Basselduby, Eric N OlsonAbstract:Skeletal Muscle is comprised of heterogeneous Muscle fibers that differ in their physiological and metabolic parameters. It is this diversity that enables different Muscle groups to provide a variety of functional properties. In response to environmental demands, Skeletal Muscle remodels by activating signaling pathways to reprogram gene expression to sustain Muscle performance. Studies have been performed using exercise, electrical stimulation, transgenic animal models, disease states, and microgravity to show genetic alterations and transitions of Muscle fibers in response to functional demands. Various components of calcium-dependent signaling pathways and multiple transcription factors, coactivators and corepressors have been shown to be involved in Skeletal Muscle remodeling. Understanding the mechanisms involved in modulating Skeletal Muscle phenotypes can potentiate the development of new therapeutic measures to ameliorate muscular diseases.
Kunihiro Tsuchida - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Role of microRNAs in Skeletal Muscle hypertrophy
Frontiers in Physiology, 2014Co-Authors: Keisuke Hitachi, Kunihiro TsuchidaAbstract:Skeletal Muscle comprises approximately 40% of body weight, and is important for locomotion, as well as for metabolic homeostasis. Adult Skeletal Muscle mass is maintained by a fine balance between Muscle protein synthesis and degradation. In response to cytokines, nutrients, and mechanical stimuli, Skeletal Muscle mass is increased (hypertrophy), whereas Skeletal Muscle mass is decreased (atrophy) in a variety of conditions, including cancer cachexia, starvation, immobilization, aging, and neuromuscular disorders. Recent studies have determined two important signaling pathways involved in Skeletal Muscle mass. The insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)/Akt pathway increases Skeletal Muscle mass via stimulation of protein synthesis and inhibition of protein degradation. By contrast, myostatin signaling negatively regulates Skeletal Muscle mass by reducing protein synthesis. In addition, the discovery of microRNAs as novel regulators of gene expression has provided new insights into a multitude of biological processes, especially in Skeletal Muscle physiology. We summarize here the current knowledge of microRNAs in the regulation of Skeletal Muscle hypertrophy, focusing on the IGF-1/Akt pathway and myostatin signaling.
David Jonathan Glass - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Welcome to Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal Muscle, 2011Co-Authors: David Jonathan Glass, Kevin P. Campbell, Michael A. RudnickiAbstract:Over the past decade or two, cellular signaling and molecular genetics have combined to allow for a tremendous increase in the understanding of fundamental processes that are distinct to Skeletal Muscle: the genes that initiate its differentiation from progenitor cells and which establish its identity; pathways that are responsible for its hypertrophy under load and its atrophy in settings of cachexia, disuse and denervation; an increase in the understanding of its remarkable and distinct ability to regenerate from cellular injury and how that ability declines with age; the genes that are responsible for the multiple types of muscular dystrophy and some indication as to how these genes function; a finer understanding of Muscle contractility and the signaling pathways that control contraction; the role of the mitochondria and energy use in Skeletal Muscle; the contribution of Skeletal Muscle to insulin and fatty acid signaling; and the discovery of precursor cells that can give rise to Skeletal Muscle, most notably the satellite cell. Beyond these basic and exciting discoveries, there are also the complex interactions between Muscle and motor neuron, Muscle and fat, Muscle and vasculature, Muscle and tendon, and Muscle and bone, that are becoming subjects of study. In addition, researchers have begun to explore how Skeletal Muscle's basic processes are perturbed in settings of disease and advanced age. The dramatic increase in research on Skeletal Muscle richly justifies the establishment of a new home for the resultant reports detailing progress in the understanding of this remarkable tissue. Skeletal Muscle is therefore launched to provide such a home. We should emphasize that we take that metaphor seriously. The pages of this journal will provide space in the same way a home in a community functions: to give the active scientist room to develop a field; to report exciting new understandings as to mechanisms that constitute and control Skeletal Muscle; to distribute notes on important techniques; to review recent developments; to provide perspective on long-standing research; and to provide constructive feedback from peers well versed in the research area. The journal should be the first resort for an experienced scientist researching Skeletal Muscle who seeks to reach other scientists who would be most interested in a finding. It is hoped that this journal will become required reading for students who want to learn about Skeletal Muscle and for experienced scientists who seek to keep up with the most important developments in the field. We have a goal that this journal will become the Skeletal Muscle equivalent of Neuron or Blood, to name other journals that provide similar space for research in their named tissue types. The reason Skeletal Muscle is needed is simply that no similar journal for Skeletal Muscle exists. Ours is an open access journal [1]. Open access will allow key findings in our field to be more accessible and far-reaching, because the journal will be published online and without subscription charges. An online journal means more rapid reviews and shorter time to publication. For a growing field, dispensing new knowledge quickly is critical. The online format will also allow us to publish articles without the constraint of page limitations. A fixed article- processing charge will be levied to cover the publication costs [2], and there will be no additional page or color figure charges. Furthermore, the active nature of the contracting or regenerating Skeletal Muscle system is often well captured in the form of movies and animation. We have made this a priority in the format of Skeletal Muscle: movies may be built into an article, such that readers will be only a click away from a real-time view of the observations. Also, the online format permits the journal to generate a cover for every article we publish (and contributors are invited to furnish cover art for their papers). The editors are committed to making this new venture a success for the Skeletal Muscle community [3]. We therefore hope that you share our vision and will join us in launching Skeletal Muscle. We will not be successful without your enthusiastic support and contributions.
Skeletal Muscle hypertrophy and atrophy signaling pathways
Int J Biochem Cell Biol, 2005Co-Authors: David Jonathan GlassAbstract:Skeletal Muscle hypertrophy is defined as an increase in Muscle mass, which in the adult animal comes as a result of an increase in the size, as opposed to the number, of pre-existing Skeletal Muscle fibers. The protein growth factor insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) has been demonstrated to be sufficient to induce Skeletal Muscle hypertrophy. Over the past few years, signaling pathways which are activated by IGF-1, and which are responsible for regulating protein synthesis pathways, have been defined. More recently, it has been show that IGF-1 can also block the transcriptional upregulation of key mediators of Skeletal Muscle atrophy, the ubiquitin-ligases MuRF1 and MAFbx (also called Atrogin-1). Further, it has been demonstrated recently that activation of the NF-kappaB transcription pathway, activated by cachectic factors such as TNFalpha, is sufficient to induce Skeletal Muscle atrophy, and this atrophy occurs in part via NF-kappaB-mediated upregulation of MuRF1. Further work has demonstrated a trigger for MAFbx expression upon treatment with TNFalpha--the p38 MAPK pathway. This review will focus on the recent progress in the understanding of molecular signalling, which governs Skeletal Muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, and the known instances of cross-regulation between the two systems.
Sharon See - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Skeletal Muscle relaxants.
Pharmacotherapy, 2008Co-Authors: Sharon See, Regina GinzburgAbstract:Health care providers prescribe Skeletal Muscle relaxants for a variety of indications. However, the comparative efficacy of these drugs is not well known. Skeletal Muscle relaxants consist of both antispasticity and antispasmodic agents, a distinction prescribers often overlook. The antispasticity agents-baclofen, tizanidine, dantrolene, and diazepam-aid in improving Muscle hypertonicity and involuntary jerks. Antispasmodic agents, such as cyclobenzaprine, are primarily used to treat musculoSkeletal conditions. Much of the evidence from clinical trials regarding Skeletal Muscle relaxants is limited because of poor methodologic design, insensitive assessment methods, and small numbers of patients. Although trial results seem to support the use of these agents for their respective indications, efficacy data from comparator trials did not particularly favor one Skeletal Muscle relaxant over another. Therefore, the choice of a Skeletal Muscle relaxant should be based on its adverse-effect profile, tolerability, and cost.