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Irving L. Weissman - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
A neurosurgeon's guide to Stem Cells, cancer Stem Cells, and brain tumor Stem Cells.
Neurosurgery, 2009Co-Authors: Samuel H. Cheshier, M. Yashar S. Kalani, Michael Lim, Laurie Ailles, Steven L. Huhn, Irving L. WeissmanAbstract:Stem Cells and their potential applications have become the forefront of scientific, political, and ethical discourse. Whereas Stem Cells were long accepted as units of development and evolution, it is now becoming increasingly clear that they are also units of oncogenesis. Although the field of Stem cell biology is expanding at an astounding rate, the data attained are not readily translatable for the physicians who may eventually deliver these tools to patients. Herein, we provide a brief review of Stem cell and cancer Stem cell biology and highlight the scientific and clinical implications of recent findings regarding the presence of cancer-forming Stem Cells in brain tumors.
Stem Cells, cancer, and cancer Stem Cells
Nature, 2001Co-Authors: Tannishtha Reya, Sean J. Morrison, Michael F. Clarke, Irving L. WeissmanAbstract:Stem cell biology has come of age. Unequivocal proof that Stem Cells exist in the haematopoietic syStem has given way to the prospective isolation of several tissue-specific Stem and progenitor Cells, the initial delineation of their properties and expressed genetic programmes, and the beginnings of their utility in regenerative medicine. Perhaps the most important and useful property of Stem Cells is that of self-renewal. Through this property, striking parallels can be found between Stem Cells and cancer Cells: tumours may often originate from the transformation of normal Stem Cells, similar signalling pathways may regulate self-renewal in Stem Cells and cancer Cells, and cancer Cells may include 'cancer Stem Cells' - rare Cells with indefinite potential for self-renewal that drive tumorigenesis.
Stem Cells, cancer, and cancer Stem Cells : Stem Cells
Nature, 2001Co-Authors: Tannishtha Reya, Sean J. Morrison, Michael F. Clarke, Irving L. WeissmanAbstract:Stem cell biology has come of age. Unequivocal proof that Stem Cells exist in the haematopoietic syStem has given way to the prospective isolation of several tissue-specific Stem and progenitor Cells, the initial delineation of their properties and expressed genetic programmes, and the beginnings of their utility in regenerative medicine. Perhaps the most important and useful property of Stem Cells is that of self-renewal. Through this property, striking parallels can be found between Stem Cells and cancer Cells: tumours may often originate from the transformation of normal Stem Cells, similar signalling pathways may regulate self-renewal in Stem Cells and cancer Cells, and cancer Cells may include 'cancer Stem Cells'-rare Cells with indefinite potential for self-renewal that drive tumorigenesis.
Toshio Suda - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
regulation of reactive oxygen species in Stem Cells and cancer Stem Cells
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2012Co-Authors: Chiharu I. Kobayashi, Toshio SudaAbstract:Stem Cells are defined by their ability to self-renew and their multi-potent differentiation capacity. As such, Stem Cells maintain tissue homeostasis throughout the life of a multicellular organism. Aerobic metabolism, while enabling efficient energy production, also generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage cellular components. Until recently, the focus in Stem cell biology has been on the adverse effects of ROS, particularly the damaging effects of ROS accumulation on tissue aging and the development of cancer, and various anti-oxidative and anti-stress mechanisms of Stem Cells have been characterized. However, it has become increasingly clear that, in some cases, redox status plays an important role in Stem cell maintenance, i.e., regulation of the cell cycle. An active area of current research is redox regulation in various cancer Stem Cells, the malignant counterparts of normal Stem Cells that are viewed as good targets of cancer therapy. In contrast to cancer Cells, in which ROS levels are increased, some cancer Stem Cells maintain low ROS levels, exhibiting redox patterns that are similar to the corresponding normal Stem cell. To fully elucidate the mechanisms involved in Stem cell maintenance and to effectively target cancer Stem Cells, it is essential to understand ROS regulatory mechanisms in these different cell types. Here, the mechanisms of redox regulation in normal Stem Cells, cancer Cells, and cancer Stem Cells are reviewed. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 421–430, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Regulation of reactive oxygen species in Stem Cells and cancer Stem Cells.
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2011Co-Authors: Chiharu I. Kobayashi, Toshio SudaAbstract:Stem Cells are defined by their ability to self-renew and their multi-potent differentiation capacity. As such, Stem Cells maintain tissue homeostasis throughout the life of a multicellular organism. Aerobic metabolism, while enabling efficient energy production, also generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage cellular components. Until recently, the focus in Stem cell biology has been on the adverse effects of ROS, particularly the damaging effects of ROS accumulation on tissue aging and the development of cancer, and various anti-oxidative and anti-stress mechanisms of Stem Cells have been characterized. However, it has become increasingly clear that, in some cases, redox status plays an important role in Stem cell maintenance, i.e., regulation of the cell cycle. An active area of current research is redox regulation in various cancer Stem Cells, the malignant counterparts of normal Stem Cells that are viewed as good targets of cancer therapy. In contrast to cancer Cells, in which ROS levels are increased, some cancer Stem Cells maintain low ROS levels, exhibiting redox patterns that are similar to the corresponding normal Stem cell. To fully elucidate the mechanisms involved in Stem cell maintenance and to effectively target cancer Stem Cells, it is essential to understand ROS regulatory mechanisms in these different cell types. Here, the mechanisms of redox regulation in normal Stem Cells, cancer Cells, and cancer Stem Cells are reviewed.
Shahragim Tajbakhsh - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Adult skeletal muscle Stem Cells.
Results and problems in cell differentiation, 2014Co-Authors: Ramkumar Sambasivan, Shahragim TajbakhshAbstract:Skeletal muscles in vertebrates have a phenomenal regenerative capacity. A muscle that has been crushed can regenerate fully both structurally and functionally within a month. Remarkably, efficient regeneration continues to occur following repeated injuries. Thousands of muscle precursor Cells are needed to accomplish regeneration following acute injury. The differentiated muscle Cells, the multinucleated contractile myofibers, are terminally withdrawn from mitosis. The source of the regenerative precursors is the skeletal muscle Stem Cells—the mononucleated Cells closely associated with myofibers, which are known as satellite Cells. Satellite Cells are mitotically quiescent or slow-cycling, committed to myogenesis, but undifferentiated. Disruption of the niche after muscle damage results in their exit from quiescence and progression towards commitment. They eventually arrest proliferation, differentiate, and fuse to damaged myofibers or make de novo myofibers. Satellite Cells are one of the well-studied adult tissue-specific Stem Cells and have served as an excellent model for investigating adult Stem Cells. They have also emerged as an important standard in the field of ageing and Stem Cells. Several recent reviews have highlighted the importance of these Cells as a model to understand Stem cell biology. This chapter begins with the discovery of satellite Cells as skeletal muscle Stem Cells and their developmental origin. We discuss transcription factors and signalling cues governing Stem cell function of satellite Cells and heterogeneity in the satellite cell pool. Apart from satellite Cells, a number of other Stem Cells have been shown to make muscle and are being considered as candidate Stem Cells for amelioration of muscle degenerative diseases. We discuss these “offbeat” muscle Stem Cells and their status as adult skeletal muscle Stem Cells vis-a-vis satellite Cells. The ageing context is highlighted in the concluding section.
Chiharu I. Kobayashi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
regulation of reactive oxygen species in Stem Cells and cancer Stem Cells
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2012Co-Authors: Chiharu I. Kobayashi, Toshio SudaAbstract:Stem Cells are defined by their ability to self-renew and their multi-potent differentiation capacity. As such, Stem Cells maintain tissue homeostasis throughout the life of a multicellular organism. Aerobic metabolism, while enabling efficient energy production, also generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage cellular components. Until recently, the focus in Stem cell biology has been on the adverse effects of ROS, particularly the damaging effects of ROS accumulation on tissue aging and the development of cancer, and various anti-oxidative and anti-stress mechanisms of Stem Cells have been characterized. However, it has become increasingly clear that, in some cases, redox status plays an important role in Stem cell maintenance, i.e., regulation of the cell cycle. An active area of current research is redox regulation in various cancer Stem Cells, the malignant counterparts of normal Stem Cells that are viewed as good targets of cancer therapy. In contrast to cancer Cells, in which ROS levels are increased, some cancer Stem Cells maintain low ROS levels, exhibiting redox patterns that are similar to the corresponding normal Stem cell. To fully elucidate the mechanisms involved in Stem cell maintenance and to effectively target cancer Stem Cells, it is essential to understand ROS regulatory mechanisms in these different cell types. Here, the mechanisms of redox regulation in normal Stem Cells, cancer Cells, and cancer Stem Cells are reviewed. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 421–430, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Regulation of reactive oxygen species in Stem Cells and cancer Stem Cells.
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2011Co-Authors: Chiharu I. Kobayashi, Toshio SudaAbstract:Stem Cells are defined by their ability to self-renew and their multi-potent differentiation capacity. As such, Stem Cells maintain tissue homeostasis throughout the life of a multicellular organism. Aerobic metabolism, while enabling efficient energy production, also generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage cellular components. Until recently, the focus in Stem cell biology has been on the adverse effects of ROS, particularly the damaging effects of ROS accumulation on tissue aging and the development of cancer, and various anti-oxidative and anti-stress mechanisms of Stem Cells have been characterized. However, it has become increasingly clear that, in some cases, redox status plays an important role in Stem cell maintenance, i.e., regulation of the cell cycle. An active area of current research is redox regulation in various cancer Stem Cells, the malignant counterparts of normal Stem Cells that are viewed as good targets of cancer therapy. In contrast to cancer Cells, in which ROS levels are increased, some cancer Stem Cells maintain low ROS levels, exhibiting redox patterns that are similar to the corresponding normal Stem cell. To fully elucidate the mechanisms involved in Stem cell maintenance and to effectively target cancer Stem Cells, it is essential to understand ROS regulatory mechanisms in these different cell types. Here, the mechanisms of redox regulation in normal Stem Cells, cancer Cells, and cancer Stem Cells are reviewed.
Michael A. Rudnicki - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Muscle Stem Cells.
Current Biology, 2018Co-Authors: Peter Feige, Michael A. RudnickiAbstract:Accumulating evidence suggests that there are two categories of Stem Cells in skeletal muscle: (1) satellite Cells, the default muscle Stem Cells that are responsible for muscle growth and regeneration under physiological conditions and (2) other multipotent Stem Cells that are capable of myogenic differentiation during muscle regeneration induced by injury or diseases. The latter category includes different cell populations isolated by various researchers using several techniques. When used in tissue engineering applications these Stem Cells have been demonstrated to possess promising potential for the regeneration and repair of muscle. Here, we review the origin, localization, isolation, and myogenic functions of muscle Stem Cells with particular interests in their practical and potential implications, as well as challenges, in cell-based therapies for muscle diseases.