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Pedro Marquez - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
founder centrality effects on the mexican family firm s top management group firm culture Strategic Vision and goals and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.
Founder centrality effects on the Mexican family firm’s top management group: firm culture, Strategic Vision and goals, and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.
Nicholas Athanassiou - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
founder centrality effects on the mexican family firm s top management group firm culture Strategic Vision and goals and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.
Founder centrality effects on the Mexican family firm’s top management group: firm culture, Strategic Vision and goals, and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.
Michael M. Engelgau - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Strategic Vision Implementation for Health Equity Research
Ethnicity & disease, 2019Co-Authors: George A. Mensah, Catherine M. Stoney, Michelle Freemer, Sharon Smith, Michael M. Engelgau, W. Keith Hoots, James P. Kiley, David C. GoffAbstract:The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides global leadership for a research, training, and education program to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, and blood diseases and enhance the health of all individuals so that they can live longer and more fulfilling lives. Inherent in this mission is the commitment to advance health equity research as an avenue for enhancing the health of all individuals. Additionally, the four goals and eight research objectives of the NHLBI Strategic Vision directly support the commitment to health equity. In this article, we present selected examples of the NHLBI Strategic Vision implementation approaches for advancing health equity research in our mission areas of heart, lung, and blood diseases. Examples of diseases for which the burden of health inequities and our Strategic Vision implementation approaches are discussed include hypertension, heart failure, vascular dementia, asthma, and sickle cell disease. Examples are provided of new avenues of Institute-solicited research to stimulate and address compelling scientific questions and critical challenges to advance health equity. We also highlight the emerging fields of implementation science and predictive analytics as important opportunities to accelerate the translation of discovery science into health impact for all and to advance health equity. Ethn Dis. 2019;29(Suppl1):57-64; doi:10.18865/ed.29.S1.57.
perspective late stage t4 translation research and implementation science the national heart lung and blood institute Strategic Vision
Ethnicity & Disease, 2017Co-Authors: George A. Mensah, Cheryl Anne Boyce, Leshawndra Price, Helena O Mishoe, Michael M. EngelgauAbstract:In August 2016, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) released its Strategic Vision for charting a course for research over the next decade. This Vision was the culmination of an unprecedented process that engaged diverse stakeholders from across the United States and around the globe. The process resulted in four mission-oriented goals and eight Strategic objectives that provide an overall framework for advancing research in heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders. In this perspective, we address opportunities that NHLBI has identified to advance late-stage (T4) translation research, implementation science, health inequities research, global health research, and related research workforce development. Additionally, we highlight the importance of continued active engagement of the clinical and public health research community and the Strategic, transdisciplinary, cross-sector partnerships necessary for advancing research priorities to maximize the population-level outcomes and health impact of scientific discoveries.
perspective late stage t4 translation research and implementation science the national heart lung and blood institute Strategic Vision
Ethnicity & Disease, 2017Co-Authors: George A. Mensah, Cheryl Anne Boyce, Helena O Mishoe, Leshawndra N Price, Michael M. EngelgauAbstract:In August 2016, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) released its Strategic Vision for charting a course for research over the next decade. This Vision was the culmination of an unprecedented process that engaged diverse stakeholders from across the United States and around the globe. The process resulted in four mission-oriented goals and eight Strategic objectives that provide an overall framework for advancing research in heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders. In this perspective, we address opportunities that NHLBI has identified to advance late-stage (T4) translation research, implementation science, health inequities research, global health research, and related research workforce development. Additionally, we highlight the importance of continued active engagement of the clinical and public health research community and the Strategic, transdisciplinary, cross-sector partnerships necessary for advancing research priorities to maximize the population-level outcomes and health impact of scientific discoveries. Ethn Dis. 2017;27(4):367-370; doi:10.18865/ed.27.4.367.
William F. Crittenden - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
founder centrality effects on the mexican family firm s top management group firm culture Strategic Vision and goals and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.
Founder centrality effects on the Mexican family firm’s top management group: firm culture, Strategic Vision and goals, and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.
Louise Kelly - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
founder centrality effects on the mexican family firm s top management group firm culture Strategic Vision and goals and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.
Founder centrality effects on the Mexican family firm’s top management group: firm culture, Strategic Vision and goals, and firm performance
Journal of World Business, 2002Co-Authors: Nicholas Athanassiou, William F. Crittenden, Louise Kelly, Pedro MarquezAbstract:Abstract Using social networks, we examined the founder’s influence on key Strategic behaviors in Mexican family business. First, we drew on a sample of 42 Mexican family businesses and 201 managers to show how founder centrality affects the top management group (TMG) members’ cohesiveness. TMG members’ cohesiveness was examined in terms of the firm’s culture, its Strategic Vision, and Strategic goals. Second, we examined how founder centrality and top management member group cohesiveness are related to performance in terms of financial, social and family-oriented objectives. Significant relationships were found between a founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior. Further, significant results connect different aspects of the founder’s centrality and the TMGs Strategic behavior to financial, social and family-oriented objectives.