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The Experts below are selected from a list of 300 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Evan S. Holzberg - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Ultracentrifugal Subclasses of low and intermediate density lipoproteins
    Journal of Lipid Research, 1994
    Co-Authors: Jan J. Opplt, Evan S. Holzberg

    Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) classes have been shown to be com- posed of discrete metabolic entities or Subclasses. Present ultracentrifugal methods are unable to precisely determine these Subclasses. A new analytical micro-ultracentrifugal method was developed that facilitates the determination of IDL and LDL Subclasses and their F1.2) flotation coefficient from ultracentrifu- gal scans. The method is based on the modification of a pub- lished equation (Fujita, H. 1956. J Chnn. Phys. 24: 1084-1090) adapted to calculate concentration gradient boundary curves for IDL and LDL that are approximately Gaussian in form. Using an extension of this modified equation, theoretical distributions of the gradient curves were calculated. By applying the theoreti- cal distributions, IDL and LDL Subclasses were resolved from absorbance scans as Gaussian concentration gradient boundary curves. Both theoretically calculated and experimentally deter- mined boundary curves for IDL and LDL lipoproteins were plotted and found to be in excellent agreement. I Three sub- classes of LDL and four Subclasses of IDL were determined. The mean flotation rates of the LDL Subclasses were: LDLl = 37.2 + 0.6, LDL2 = 31.1 + 0.9, and LDL3 = 26.7 * 0.7. The mean flotation rates of the IDL Subclasses were: IDL, = 61.6 + 0.9, IDL2 = 53.9 * 1.0, IDL3 = 50.1 f 0.6, andIDLl = 45.6 * l.l.-Opplt, J. J., and E. S. Holzberg. Ultracentrifugal sub- classes of low and intermediate density lipoproteins. J Lipid Res. 1994. 35: 510-523.

  • Ultracentrifugal Subclasses of low and intermediate density lipoproteins
    Journal of lipid research, 1994
    Co-Authors: Jan J. Opplt, Evan S. Holzberg

    Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) classes have been shown to be composed of discrete metabolic entities or Subclasses. Present ultracentrifugal methods are unable to precisely determine these Subclasses. A new analytical micro-ultracentrifugal method was developed that facilitates the determination of IDL and LDL Subclasses and their F1.21 flotation coefficient from ultracentrifugal scans. The method is based on the modification of a published equation (Fujita, H. 1956. J. Chem. Phys. 24: 1084-1090) adapted to calculate concentration gradient boundary curves for IDL and LDL that are approximately Gaussian in form. Using an extension of this modified equation, theoretical distributions of the gradient curves were calculated. By applying the theoretical distributions, IDL and LDL Subclasses were resolved from absorbance scans as Gaussian concentration gradient boundary curves. Both theoretically calculated and experimentally determined boundary curves for IDL and LDL lipoproteins were plotted and found to be in excellent agreement. Three Subclasses of LDL and four Subclasses of IDL were determined. The mean flotation rates of the LDL Subclasses were: LDL1 = 37.2 +/- 0.6, LDL2 = 31.1 +/- 0.9, and LDL3 = 26.7 +/- 0.7. The mean flotation rates of the IDL Subclasses were: IDL1 = 61.6 +/- 0.9, IDL2 = 53.9 +/- 1.0, IDL3 = 50.1 +/- 0.6, and IDL4 = 45.6 +/- 1.1.

Jan J. Opplt - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Ultracentrifugal Subclasses of low and intermediate density lipoproteins
    Journal of Lipid Research, 1994
    Co-Authors: Jan J. Opplt, Evan S. Holzberg

    Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) classes have been shown to be com- posed of discrete metabolic entities or Subclasses. Present ultracentrifugal methods are unable to precisely determine these Subclasses. A new analytical micro-ultracentrifugal method was developed that facilitates the determination of IDL and LDL Subclasses and their F1.2) flotation coefficient from ultracentrifu- gal scans. The method is based on the modification of a pub- lished equation (Fujita, H. 1956. J Chnn. Phys. 24: 1084-1090) adapted to calculate concentration gradient boundary curves for IDL and LDL that are approximately Gaussian in form. Using an extension of this modified equation, theoretical distributions of the gradient curves were calculated. By applying the theoreti- cal distributions, IDL and LDL Subclasses were resolved from absorbance scans as Gaussian concentration gradient boundary curves. Both theoretically calculated and experimentally deter- mined boundary curves for IDL and LDL lipoproteins were plotted and found to be in excellent agreement. I Three sub- classes of LDL and four Subclasses of IDL were determined. The mean flotation rates of the LDL Subclasses were: LDLl = 37.2 + 0.6, LDL2 = 31.1 + 0.9, and LDL3 = 26.7 * 0.7. The mean flotation rates of the IDL Subclasses were: IDL, = 61.6 + 0.9, IDL2 = 53.9 * 1.0, IDL3 = 50.1 f 0.6, andIDLl = 45.6 * l.l.-Opplt, J. J., and E. S. Holzberg. Ultracentrifugal sub- classes of low and intermediate density lipoproteins. J Lipid Res. 1994. 35: 510-523.

  • Ultracentrifugal Subclasses of low and intermediate density lipoproteins
    Journal of lipid research, 1994
    Co-Authors: Jan J. Opplt, Evan S. Holzberg

    Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) classes have been shown to be composed of discrete metabolic entities or Subclasses. Present ultracentrifugal methods are unable to precisely determine these Subclasses. A new analytical micro-ultracentrifugal method was developed that facilitates the determination of IDL and LDL Subclasses and their F1.21 flotation coefficient from ultracentrifugal scans. The method is based on the modification of a published equation (Fujita, H. 1956. J. Chem. Phys. 24: 1084-1090) adapted to calculate concentration gradient boundary curves for IDL and LDL that are approximately Gaussian in form. Using an extension of this modified equation, theoretical distributions of the gradient curves were calculated. By applying the theoretical distributions, IDL and LDL Subclasses were resolved from absorbance scans as Gaussian concentration gradient boundary curves. Both theoretically calculated and experimentally determined boundary curves for IDL and LDL lipoproteins were plotted and found to be in excellent agreement. Three Subclasses of LDL and four Subclasses of IDL were determined. The mean flotation rates of the LDL Subclasses were: LDL1 = 37.2 +/- 0.6, LDL2 = 31.1 +/- 0.9, and LDL3 = 26.7 +/- 0.7. The mean flotation rates of the IDL Subclasses were: IDL1 = 61.6 +/- 0.9, IDL2 = 53.9 +/- 1.0, IDL3 = 50.1 +/- 0.6, and IDL4 = 45.6 +/- 1.1.

Helgi Valdimarsson - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Clinical implications of IgA rheumatoid factor Subclasses.
    Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 1995
    Co-Authors: Thorbjörn Jónsson, H Thorsteinsson, S Arinbjarnarson, J Thorsteinsson, Helgi Valdimarsson

    OBJECTIVES--To evaluate the diagnostic and pathogenetic significance of IgA rheumatoid factor (RF) Subclasses in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS--Rheumatoid factors of the IgA class and IgA1 and IgA2 Subclasses were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay in 58 patients with RA, 31 patients with other rheumatic diseases, 30 non-rheumatic individuals with increased concentrations of IgA RF, and in 100 randomly selected healthy controls. RESULTS--Using a 95% cut off for the controls, 55% of the RA patients had increased total IgA RF, 64% IgA1 RF, and 60% IgA2 RF. RA patients with extraarticular manifestations more often had increased concentrations of IgA RF and both Subclasses than patients without such manifestations (p < or = 0.01). Nearly all (31/32) RA patients with increased IgA RF had increases in both IgA RF Subclasses, compared with 67% (20/30 of nonrheumatic symptom free individuals with increased IgA RF (p = 0.002). CONCLUSION--Increased concentrations of the IgA2 RF subclass appears to be more specific for RA than increased IgA1 RF. Measurement of IgA RF Subclasses may be clinically useful.

Svati H Shah - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • a novel protein glycan derived inflammation biomarker independently predicts cardiovascular disease and modifies the association of hdl Subclasses with mortality
    Clinical Chemistry, 2017
    Co-Authors: Robert W Mcgarrah, Jacob P Kelly, Damian M Craig, Carol Haynes, Ryan C Jessee, Kim M Huffman, William E Kraus, Svati H Shah

    BACKGROUND Evidence suggests that systemic inflammation may adversely impact HDL function. In this study we sought to evaluate the independent and incremental predictive performance of GlycA-a novel serum inflammatory biomarker that is an aggregate measure of enzymatically glycosylated acute phase proteins-and HDL Subclasses on adverse events in a retrospective observational study of a secondary prevention population and to understand a priori defined potential interactions between GlycA and HDL Subclasses. METHODS GlycA and HDL Subclasses were measured using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in 7617 individuals in the CATHGEN (CATHeterization GENetics) cardiac catheterization biorepository. RESULTS GlycA was associated with presence [odds ratio (OR) 1.07 (1.02-1.13), P = 0.01] and extent [OR 1.08 (1.03, 1.12) P < 0.0005] of coronary artery disease and with all-cause mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 1.34 (1.29-1.39), P < 0.0001], cardiovascular mortality [1.37 (1.30-1.45), P < 0.0001] and noncardiovascular mortality [1.46 (1.39-1.54) P < 0.0001] in models adjusted for 10 cardiovascular risk factors. GlycA and smaller HDL Subclasses had independent but opposite effects on mortality risk prediction, with smaller HDL Subclasses being protective [HR 0.69 (0.66-0.72), P < 0.0001]. There was an interaction between GlycA and smaller HDL Subclasses-increasing GlycA concentrations attenuated the inverse association of smaller HDL Subclasses with mortality. Adding GlycA and smaller HDL Subclasses into the GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) and Framingham Heart Study Risk Scores improved mortality risk prediction, discrimination and reclassification. CONCLUSIONS These findings highlight the interaction of systemic inflammation and HDL with clinical outcomes and may increase precision for clinical risk assessment in secondary prevention populations.

M. Wender - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • IgG Subclasses and their intrathecal synthesis in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
    European journal of neurology, 1996
    Co-Authors: J. Losy, M. Wender

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may be an autoimmune disease. In this paper IgG Subclasses levels in the CSF and sera and their intrathecal synthesis were studied. IgG Subclasses levels were determined by ELISA method using monoclonal antibodies against human IgG Subclasses, secondary biotinylated antibody and avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex. There was statistically significant elevation of IgG1 and IgG3 Subclasses in the CSF of ALS patients. In sera of patients with ALS, IgG2 level was diminished, but there was no statistical difference in other IgG Subclasses. IgG1 and IgG3 indices were elevated in patients with ALS, detecting synthesis of these Subclasses in the CNS. General IgG index value did not differ from the control value. The results support the concept that autoimmune mechanisms may play a role in the pathogenesis of ALS.

  • The effect of azathioprine treatment on IgG Subclasses in multiple sclerosis
    Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska, 1993
    Co-Authors: Losy J, Grazyna Michałowska-wender, M. Wender

    IgG and its Subclasses: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 were determined in the CSF and sera from 20 patients with multiple sclerosis before and after treatment with azathioprine. The effect of the treatment on IgG and IgG Subclasses intrathecal synthesis was studied as well. There was a decrease in IgG level in the CSF of MS patients after the treatment with azathioprine. This was mainly due to the decrease of IgG1 and IgG2 Subclasses levels. There was no evidence of the influence of azathioprine treatment on IgG and its Subclasses levels in MS sera as well as on IgG and IgG Subclasses intrathecal synthesis.