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Nader Ale Ebrahim - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Supplier Assessment and selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in a steel manufacturing company
Social Science Research Network, 2014Co-Authors: Farzad Tahriri, Mohammad Dabbagh, Nader Ale EbrahimAbstract:Every organization needs Suppliers and no organization can exist without Suppliers. Therefore, the organizations approach to Suppliers and the selection of the appropriate Supplier, its acquisition processes and policies, and its relationships with Suppliers, is of vital importance, both to organizations and Suppliers alike. No organization can be successful without the support of its Supplier base, operationally and strategically, short or long-term.To select the best Supplier, it is essential to make an analytical decision based upon tangible and intangible criteria. Chose and management of a Supplier has to be congruent with organizational strategy. Therefore, the vision and strategy of the manufacturer are the key drivers for how the supply function will be managed and how supply decisions are made and exectuted. The proposed model in this study was applied in a steel manufacturing company in Malaysia with the goal of reducing time in choosing the correct Supplier for the company. This study aims to provide a systematic model stimulating correct Supplier selection using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method along with a series of sensitivity analyses which were conducted using the Expert Choice (EC) program to evaluate the impact of changes in the priority of criteria for the Suppliers' performance and order quantities. Aims: The main goal of this research is to develop a systematic model towards the best Supplier selection. To facilitate the aim of the research, we utilized the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, which was a combination of AHP and Fuzzy Theory in order to deal with the uncertainties and vagueness of decision makers’ judgement. Study Design: Mention the design of the study here. Place and Duration of Study: The data samples were taken in a steel manufacturing company in Malaysia. Methodology: A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy approach is used using a quantitative and qualitative criteria for selecting and evaluating a suitable Supplier selection and a six step was conducted to ensure successful implementation. Results: The results indicate that the model is able to assist decision makers to examine the strengths and weaknesses of Supplier selection by comparing them with appropriate criteria, sub-criteria and sub sub-criteria. Conclusion: We developed a Fuzzy AHP multi-criteria decision making model for Supplier evaluation and selection in the ABC steel company in Malaysia. The advantage of the proposed model over other models like the AHP is that, by adoption of fuzzy numbers, it effectively improves the flexibility of the conventional AHP in dealing with the uncertainty and ambiguity associated with different decision makers’ judgments.
Supplier Assessment and selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in a steel manufacturing company
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 2014Co-Authors: Farzad Tahriri, Mohammad Dabbagh, Nader Ale EbrahimAbstract:Every organization needs Suppliers and no organization can exist without Suppliers. Therefore, the organizations approach to Suppliers and the selection of the appropriate Supplier, its acquisition processes a nd policies, and its relationships with Suppliers, is of vital importance, both to organizations and Suppliers alike. No organization can be successful without the support of its Supplier base, operationally and strategically, short or long-term.To selectthe best Supplier, it is essential to make an analytical decision based upon tangible and intangible criteria. Chose and management of a Supplier has to be congruent with organizational strategy. Therefore, the vision and strategy of the manufacturer are t he key drivers for how the supply function will be managed and how supply decisions are made and exectuted. The proposed model in this study was applied in a steel manufacturing company in Malaysia with the goal of reducing time in choosing the correct Supplier for the company.This study aims to provide a systematic model stimulating correct Supplier selection using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method along with a series of sensitivity analyses which were conducted using the Expert Choice (EC) program to evaluate the impact of changes in the priority of criteria for the
Effendi Bahtiar - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Pengaruh Penerapan Akuntansi Manajemen Lingkungan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan di Indonesia : (Studi Empiris Perusahaan Manufaktur di Jawa Barat)
'Politeknik Ganesha', 2021Co-Authors: Effendi BahtiarAbstract:This study aims to analyze the factors of environmental management accounting on firm value in West Java. The phenomenon of companies having high firm values was also found with conditions inversely proportional to the low practice of implementing environmental conservation responsibility. The population of this study were all manufacturing companies located in West Java for the period 2018-2019 and based on the purposive sampling method, a sample of 120 respondents was obtained. By using multiple linear regression analysis as a research method, it is found that there is a significant positive influence between the application of environmental management accounting which is proxied through the aspects of material input, transportation, Supplier Assessment, and other aspects of firm value. Besides, it is found that the results of a significant negative effect between the application of environmental management accounting are proxied through the aspects of non-product output, compliance, and environmental complaints mechanisms on firm value. Furthermore, based on the simultaneous test results, it was found that the application of environmental management accounting was proxied through the aspects of material input, non-product output, compliance aspects, transportation aspects, other aspects, Supplier Assessment, and environmental complaint mechanisms simultaneously affected on firm value. Agency theory was successfully applied in this study, this is indicated by the results obtained, namely, the application of environmental management accounting is proven to affect the level of firm value
Nilai Perusahaan: Kontribusi Penerapan Akuntansi Manajemen Lingkungan Pada Perusahaan Industri Manufaktur di Banten
Universitas Bina Insani, 2021Co-Authors: Effendi BahtiarAbstract:This study aims to analyze the factors of environmental management reporting on firm value in Banten. The population of this study were all manufacturing companies located in Banten in the 2019-2020 period, totaling 2,579 companies. Determination of the selected sample based on purposive sampling criteria with quantitative approach method. This study uses primary data obtained from answers to questions through questionnaires given to respondents and secondary data from company financial reports. By using multiple linear regression as a research method, it is found that there is a significant influence between aspects of transportation on firm value. Furthermore, it is also found that the results of other aspects have a significant positive effect on firm value. However, there are four aspects of the proxies for the application of environmental management accounting which consist of material input aspects, non-product output aspects, compliance aspects and Supplier Assessment aspects that have a positive but insignificant effect on firm value. Finally, the environmental complaint mechanism aspect has a negative but insignificant effect on firm value. Agency theory and signaling theory were successfully applied in this study, the variables of environmental management accounting application represented by material input aspects, non-product output aspects, compliance aspects, transportation aspects, other aspects, Supplier Assessment and environmental complaint mechanisms were proven to simultaneously affect firm value. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor penerapan akuntansi manajemen lingkungan terhadap nilai perusahaan di Banten. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan manufaktur yang terletak di Banten periode 2019-2020, sebanyak 2.579 perusahaan. Penentuan sampel dipilih berdasarkan kriteria purposive sampling dengan metode kuantitatif pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari jawaban atas pertanyaan melalui kuesioner yang diberikan kepada responden dan data sekunder dari laporan keuangan perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan regresi linier berganda sebagai metode penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat pengaruh negatif signifikan antara aspek transportasi terhadap nilai perusahaan. Selanjutnya, ditemukan juga hasil aspek lain-lain berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Namun, terdapat empat aspek dari proksi penerapan akuntansi manajemen lingkungan yang terdiri atas aspek material input, aspek non product output, aspek kepatuhan dan aspek asesmen pemasok yang memiliki pengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Terakhir, untuk aspek mekanisme pengaduan lingkungan memiliki pengaruh negatif namun tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Teori agensi dan teori signaling berhasil diterapkan pada penelitian ini, variabel penerapan akuntansi manajemen lingkungan yang direpresentasikan melalui aspek material input, aspek non product output, aspek kepatuhan, aspek transportasi, aspek lain-lain, asesmen pemasok dan mekanisme pengaduan lingkungan terbukti secara simultan mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan
Pengaruh Penerapan Environmental Management Accounting Terhadap Firm Value Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Tangerang Raya
Universitas Bina Insani, 2021Co-Authors: Effendi BahtiarAbstract:Kajian riset ditujukan untuk menguji penerapan environmental management accounting dalam meningkatkan firm value di Tangerang Raya. Riset ini terdiri atas populasi sebanyak 2.579 perusahaan provinsi Banten yang tersebar di Kota Cilegon, Kabupaten dan Kota Serang, Kota Pandeglang, Kota Lebak dan Tangerang Raya. Adapun sampel dipilih menggunakan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dengan metode kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian regresi linier berganda yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: terdapat pengaruh positif signifikan antara aspek material input dan aspek mekanisme pengaduan lingkungan terhadap firm value. Selanjutnya ditemukan juga hasil aspek non product output dan aspek kepatuhan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap firm value. Namun, terdapat tiga aspek dari proksi penerapan environmental management accounting yang terdiri atas aspek transportasi, aspek lain-lain, dan aspek asesmen pemasok berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap firm value.This research study aims to examine the application of environmental management accounting in increasing firm value in Tangerang Raya. This research consists of a population of 2,579 Banten provincial companies spread across Cilegon City, Serang Regency and City, Pandeglang City, Lebak City and Tangerang Raya. The samples were selected using purposive sampling with quantitative methods. Based on the multiple linear regression testing that has been carried out, the following results are obtained: there is a significant positive effect between the material input aspect and the environmental complaint mechanism aspect on firm value. Furthermore, the results of non-output aspects of products and aspects of compliance have a significant negative effect on firm value. However, there are three aspects of the proxy for the application of environmental management accounting which consist of transportation aspects, other aspects, and Supplier Assessment aspects that have a positive and insignificant effect on firm value.  
Shams Rahman - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
an importance performance analysis for Supplier Assessment in foreign aid funded procurement
Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2014Co-Authors: Shahadat Khan, Shams RahmanAbstract:Purpose – Using a sample of executing agency executives, donor agency executives and supplying organisation executives, this study aims to identify the critical criteria for the Assessment of Suppliers in foreign-aid funded procurement in Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach – An instrument with 32-seven-point (1 – rarely, 7 – mostly) Likert-scaled items was employed to gather data on the level of importance assigned by both buyers and Suppliers on each Supplier Assessment criterion. The importance-performance matrix analysis was conducted to assess the gap in expectations between buyers and Suppliers and to organise the Assessment criteria into four categories such as “low priority”, “possible killer”, “concentrate here”, and “keep up the good work”. Findings – The results indicate that, to provide better service, Suppliers must assign tasks to the knowledgeable sales personnel, provide better warranties with well-known branded products, and ensure a reliable level of quality. The Supplier organisatio...
Supplier Assessment based on corporate social responsibility criteria in indian automotive and textile industry sectors
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2011Co-Authors: Venkatesan Baskaran, Subramanian Nachiappan, Shams RahmanAbstract:Mandatory disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting forces supply chain members to consider CSR issues in developed countries. Researchers have viewed CSR content within different themes, such as human (social), ethical and environmental perspectives. So far, in India, very little research has been done to study the impact of human issues in employment (social), ethical issues in business operations and pollution (environmental) issues at both regional and specific sector level. This paper emphasises the perspective view of Supplier selection, considering CSR issues as opposed to traditional methods using conventional selection criteria such as cost, quality, delivery and service. It employs six CSR criteria such as discrimination, abuse of human rights, child labour, long working hours, unfair competition and pollution to assess small- and medium-sized Suppliers who produce and deliver products to the automotive and textile industry sectors. The results of this study indicate that to ...
an importance performance analysis for Supplier Assessment in foreign aid funded procurement
ISL 2009, 2009Co-Authors: Shahadat Khan, Shams RahmanAbstract:Purpose - The Supplier Assessment process and the Supplier Assessment criteria used by the organisational buyers are considered critical elements for Suppliers' choice process. However, little attention has so far been given for Supplier Assessment in foreign-aid funded procurement in the context of developing countries. Using a sample of Executing Agencies (EAs), Donor Agency Executives (DAE) and Supplying Organisation Executives (SOE) this study identified the Supplier Assessment criteria and their relative importance in foreign-aid funded procurement in Bangladesh. It also assessed the extent of match between buyers' requirements and Suppliers' performance. Design/approach/methodology - An instrument with 32 seven-point (1- rarely, 7 mostly) Likert scaled items was employed to gather data on the level of importance assigned by both buyers and Suppliers on each item. In this study EAs and DAEs represent buyers, whereas SOEs represent Suppliers. The importance-performance matrix (IPM) analysis was conducted to assess the gap between what is required by the buyers and what is provided by the Suppliers, and to categorise the Assessment items into four categories such as 'low priority', 'possible killer', 'concentrate here', and 'keep up the good work'. Findings - The results indicate that to provide better service Suppliers must assign tasks to the knowledgeable sales personnel, provide better warranties with well-known branded products, and at a reliable quality level. The Supplier organistions should organize a high caliber management system so that they are capable of providing services without constant follow-up by the buyers and response to buyers' enquiries promptly. Originality/value - The results of the study could be adopted to design Supplier Assessment procedure in other developing countries.
Evi Hartmann - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Assessment sharing intra industry strategic alliances effects on sustainable Supplier management within multi tier supply chains
International Journal of Production Economics, 2019Co-Authors: Sabrina Lechler, Angelo Canzaniello, Evi HartmannAbstract:Abstract Focal companies have to manage both first-tier Suppliers and lower-tier Suppliers in order to prevent reputational damage due to sustainability violations in their supply chains. However, the involvement of sub-Suppliers in Supplier management practices creates new challenges, which can be managed more effectively in collaboration with other firms. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore from an extended agency theory perspective how companies collaborate within Assessment sharing strategic alliances (ASSAs) to manage Suppliers with respect to sustainability and to reveal the resultant effects on the management of Suppliers within multi-tier supply chains. Therefore, an embedded multiple case study with multiple units of analysis was conducted. Results show that, dependent on the experience in ASSAs, Supplier Assessment and optionally Supplier collaboration practices are executed collaboratively among the members of those strategic alliances to improve Suppliers' compliance with the focal company's corporate sustainability standards. However, the configuration of jointly executed activities as well as membership conditions vary between strategic alliances and consequently influence the effects on Supplier management. Nevertheless, the observations revealed that the causes for agency risk, namely information asymmetry and goal conflicts, can be mitigated through collaboration within ASSAs and thus multi-tier Suppliers' compliance with corporate sustainability standards is fostered.
managing Supplier sustainability risks in a dynamically changing environment sustainable Supplier management in the chemical industry
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2010Co-Authors: Carsten Reuter, K Forstl, Evi Hartmann, Constantin BlomeAbstract:Varying definitions and interpretations of sustainability standards have become a major concern for purchasing and supply management (PSM). As the foremost interface to an increasingly global supply base, PSM plays an important role in the mitigation of sustainability-related risks. By conducting responsible purchasing and Supplier management, the risk of corporate reputational damage to the buying firm, caused by Supplier misconduct, can be avoided. However, resources for effective risk-mitigation are limited and the applicability of supply risk Assessment and Supplier Assessment methods have not been evaluated for sustainability. In this paper, we explore how leading PSM functions identify, assess, and treat Supplier sustainability risks and elaborate on the integration of sustainability risk management in Supplier management processes. Based on the findings from a multiple case study in the chemical industry and by drawing on the dynamic capabilities view (DCV), we propose that mature and sustainable Supplier management capabilities are a source of competitive advantage in terms of lower exposure to reputational risks and enhanced operational performance.
Farzad Tahriri - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Supplier Assessment and selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in a steel manufacturing company
Social Science Research Network, 2014Co-Authors: Farzad Tahriri, Mohammad Dabbagh, Nader Ale EbrahimAbstract:Every organization needs Suppliers and no organization can exist without Suppliers. Therefore, the organizations approach to Suppliers and the selection of the appropriate Supplier, its acquisition processes and policies, and its relationships with Suppliers, is of vital importance, both to organizations and Suppliers alike. No organization can be successful without the support of its Supplier base, operationally and strategically, short or long-term.To select the best Supplier, it is essential to make an analytical decision based upon tangible and intangible criteria. Chose and management of a Supplier has to be congruent with organizational strategy. Therefore, the vision and strategy of the manufacturer are the key drivers for how the supply function will be managed and how supply decisions are made and exectuted. The proposed model in this study was applied in a steel manufacturing company in Malaysia with the goal of reducing time in choosing the correct Supplier for the company. This study aims to provide a systematic model stimulating correct Supplier selection using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method along with a series of sensitivity analyses which were conducted using the Expert Choice (EC) program to evaluate the impact of changes in the priority of criteria for the Suppliers' performance and order quantities. Aims: The main goal of this research is to develop a systematic model towards the best Supplier selection. To facilitate the aim of the research, we utilized the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, which was a combination of AHP and Fuzzy Theory in order to deal with the uncertainties and vagueness of decision makers’ judgement. Study Design: Mention the design of the study here. Place and Duration of Study: The data samples were taken in a steel manufacturing company in Malaysia. Methodology: A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy approach is used using a quantitative and qualitative criteria for selecting and evaluating a suitable Supplier selection and a six step was conducted to ensure successful implementation. Results: The results indicate that the model is able to assist decision makers to examine the strengths and weaknesses of Supplier selection by comparing them with appropriate criteria, sub-criteria and sub sub-criteria. Conclusion: We developed a Fuzzy AHP multi-criteria decision making model for Supplier evaluation and selection in the ABC steel company in Malaysia. The advantage of the proposed model over other models like the AHP is that, by adoption of fuzzy numbers, it effectively improves the flexibility of the conventional AHP in dealing with the uncertainty and ambiguity associated with different decision makers’ judgments.
Supplier Assessment and selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in a steel manufacturing company
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 2014Co-Authors: Farzad Tahriri, Mohammad Dabbagh, Nader Ale EbrahimAbstract:Every organization needs Suppliers and no organization can exist without Suppliers. Therefore, the organizations approach to Suppliers and the selection of the appropriate Supplier, its acquisition processes a nd policies, and its relationships with Suppliers, is of vital importance, both to organizations and Suppliers alike. No organization can be successful without the support of its Supplier base, operationally and strategically, short or long-term.To selectthe best Supplier, it is essential to make an analytical decision based upon tangible and intangible criteria. Chose and management of a Supplier has to be congruent with organizational strategy. Therefore, the vision and strategy of the manufacturer are t he key drivers for how the supply function will be managed and how supply decisions are made and exectuted. The proposed model in this study was applied in a steel manufacturing company in Malaysia with the goal of reducing time in choosing the correct Supplier for the company.This study aims to provide a systematic model stimulating correct Supplier selection using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method along with a series of sensitivity analyses which were conducted using the Expert Choice (EC) program to evaluate the impact of changes in the priority of criteria for the