The Experts below are selected from a list of 312 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
M. Bäumer - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation in nanoporous gold
Nature Materials, 2009Co-Authors: J. Biener, A. Wittstock, L. A. Zepeda-ruiz, M. M. Biener, V. Zielasek, D. Kramer, R. N. Viswanath, J. Weissmüller, M. Bäumer, A. V. HamzaAbstract:Although actuation in biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in man-made actuator technologies, as these rely on generating heat or electricity first^ 1 . Here, we demonstrate that Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation can be realized in high-Surface-area materials such as nanoporous gold. For example, we achieve reversible strain amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of a per cent by alternating exposure of nanoporous Au to ozone and carbon monoxide. The effect can be explained by adsorbate-induced changes of the Surface stress^ 2 , and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thus opening the door to Surface-Chemistry-driven actuator and sensor technologies. Nanostructured high-Surface-area materials capable of converting energy into mechanical work are promising for use as actuation devices. Surface-Chemistry-induced changes of the Surface stress in nanoporous gold are now observed on alternate exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide.
Surface Chemistry driven actuation in nanoporous gold
Nature Materials, 2009Co-Authors: J. Biener, A. Wittstock, M. M. Biener, V. Zielasek, D. Kramer, R. N. Viswanath, J. Weissmüller, Luis A Zepedaruiz, M. BäumerAbstract:Nanostructured high-Surface-area materials capable of converting energy into mechanical work are promising for use as actuation devices. Surface-Chemistry-induced changes of the Surface stress in nanoporous gold are now observed on alternate exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide. Although actuation in biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in man-made actuator technologies, as these rely on generating heat or electricity first1. Here, we demonstrate that Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation can be realized in high-Surface-area materials such as nanoporous gold. For example, we achieve reversible strain amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of a per cent by alternating exposure of nanoporous Au to ozone and carbon monoxide. The effect can be explained by adsorbate-induced changes of the Surface stress2, and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thus opening the door to Surface-Chemistry-driven actuator and sensor technologies.
A. Wittstock - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation in nanoporous gold
Nature Materials, 2009Co-Authors: J. Biener, A. Wittstock, L. A. Zepeda-ruiz, M. M. Biener, V. Zielasek, D. Kramer, R. N. Viswanath, J. Weissmüller, M. Bäumer, A. V. HamzaAbstract:Although actuation in biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in man-made actuator technologies, as these rely on generating heat or electricity first^ 1 . Here, we demonstrate that Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation can be realized in high-Surface-area materials such as nanoporous gold. For example, we achieve reversible strain amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of a per cent by alternating exposure of nanoporous Au to ozone and carbon monoxide. The effect can be explained by adsorbate-induced changes of the Surface stress^ 2 , and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thus opening the door to Surface-Chemistry-driven actuator and sensor technologies. Nanostructured high-Surface-area materials capable of converting energy into mechanical work are promising for use as actuation devices. Surface-Chemistry-induced changes of the Surface stress in nanoporous gold are now observed on alternate exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide.
Surface Chemistry driven actuation in nanoporous gold
Nature Materials, 2009Co-Authors: J. Biener, A. Wittstock, M. M. Biener, V. Zielasek, D. Kramer, R. N. Viswanath, J. Weissmüller, Luis A Zepedaruiz, M. BäumerAbstract:Nanostructured high-Surface-area materials capable of converting energy into mechanical work are promising for use as actuation devices. Surface-Chemistry-induced changes of the Surface stress in nanoporous gold are now observed on alternate exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide. Although actuation in biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in man-made actuator technologies, as these rely on generating heat or electricity first1. Here, we demonstrate that Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation can be realized in high-Surface-area materials such as nanoporous gold. For example, we achieve reversible strain amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of a per cent by alternating exposure of nanoporous Au to ozone and carbon monoxide. The effect can be explained by adsorbate-induced changes of the Surface stress2, and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thus opening the door to Surface-Chemistry-driven actuator and sensor technologies.
J. Biener - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation in nanoporous gold
Nature Materials, 2009Co-Authors: J. Biener, A. Wittstock, L. A. Zepeda-ruiz, M. M. Biener, V. Zielasek, D. Kramer, R. N. Viswanath, J. Weissmüller, M. Bäumer, A. V. HamzaAbstract:Although actuation in biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in man-made actuator technologies, as these rely on generating heat or electricity first^ 1 . Here, we demonstrate that Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation can be realized in high-Surface-area materials such as nanoporous gold. For example, we achieve reversible strain amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of a per cent by alternating exposure of nanoporous Au to ozone and carbon monoxide. The effect can be explained by adsorbate-induced changes of the Surface stress^ 2 , and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thus opening the door to Surface-Chemistry-driven actuator and sensor technologies. Nanostructured high-Surface-area materials capable of converting energy into mechanical work are promising for use as actuation devices. Surface-Chemistry-induced changes of the Surface stress in nanoporous gold are now observed on alternate exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide.
Surface Chemistry driven actuation in nanoporous gold
Nature Materials, 2009Co-Authors: J. Biener, A. Wittstock, M. M. Biener, V. Zielasek, D. Kramer, R. N. Viswanath, J. Weissmüller, Luis A Zepedaruiz, M. BäumerAbstract:Nanostructured high-Surface-area materials capable of converting energy into mechanical work are promising for use as actuation devices. Surface-Chemistry-induced changes of the Surface stress in nanoporous gold are now observed on alternate exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide. Although actuation in biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in man-made actuator technologies, as these rely on generating heat or electricity first1. Here, we demonstrate that Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation can be realized in high-Surface-area materials such as nanoporous gold. For example, we achieve reversible strain amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of a per cent by alternating exposure of nanoporous Au to ozone and carbon monoxide. The effect can be explained by adsorbate-induced changes of the Surface stress2, and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thus opening the door to Surface-Chemistry-driven actuator and sensor technologies.
Riikka L Puurunen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface Chemistry of atomic layer deposition a case study for the trimethylaluminum water process
Journal of Applied Physics, 2005Co-Authors: Riikka L PuurunenAbstract:Atomic layer deposition (ALD), a chemical vapor deposition technique based on sequential self-terminating gas–solid reactions, has for about four decades been applied for manufacturing conformal inorganic material layers with thickness down to the nanometer range. Despite the numerous successful applications of material growth by ALD, many physicochemical processes that control ALD growth are not yet sufficiently understood. To increase understanding of ALD processes, overviews are needed not only of the existing ALD processes and their applications, but also of the knowledge of the Surface Chemistry of specific ALD processes. This work aims to start the overviews on specific ALD processes by reviewing the experimental information available on the Surface Chemistry of the trimethylaluminum/water process. This process is generally known as a rather ideal ALD process, and plenty of information is available on its Surface Chemistry. This in-depth summary of the Surface Chemistry of one representative ALD pro...
Surface Chemistry of atomic layer deposition: A case study for the trimethylaluminum/water process
Journal of Applied Physics, 2005Co-Authors: Riikka L PuurunenAbstract:Atomic layer deposition (ALD), a chemical vapor deposition technique based on sequential self-terminating gas–solid reactions, has for about four decades been applied for manufacturing conformal inorganic material layers with thickness down to the nanometer range. Despite the numerous successful applications of material growth by ALD, many physicochemical processes that control ALD growth are not yet sufficiently understood. To increase understanding of ALD processes, overviews are needed not only of the existing ALD processes and their applications, but also of the knowledge of the Surface Chemistry of specific ALD processes. This work aims to start the overviews on specific ALD processes by reviewing the experimental information available on the Surface Chemistry of the trimethylaluminum/water process. This process is generally known as a rather ideal ALD process, and plenty of information is available on its Surface Chemistry. This in-depth summary of the Surface Chemistry of one representative ALD pro...
A. V. Hamza - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation in nanoporous gold
Nature Materials, 2009Co-Authors: J. Biener, A. Wittstock, L. A. Zepeda-ruiz, M. M. Biener, V. Zielasek, D. Kramer, R. N. Viswanath, J. Weissmüller, M. Bäumer, A. V. HamzaAbstract:Although actuation in biological systems is exclusively powered by chemical energy, this concept has not been realized in man-made actuator technologies, as these rely on generating heat or electricity first^ 1 . Here, we demonstrate that Surface-Chemistry-driven actuation can be realized in high-Surface-area materials such as nanoporous gold. For example, we achieve reversible strain amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of a per cent by alternating exposure of nanoporous Au to ozone and carbon monoxide. The effect can be explained by adsorbate-induced changes of the Surface stress^ 2 , and can be used to convert chemical energy directly into a mechanical response, thus opening the door to Surface-Chemistry-driven actuator and sensor technologies. Nanostructured high-Surface-area materials capable of converting energy into mechanical work are promising for use as actuation devices. Surface-Chemistry-induced changes of the Surface stress in nanoporous gold are now observed on alternate exposure to ozone and carbon monoxide.