The Experts below are selected from a list of 52494 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Ryohei Uchida - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
DC micro-grid for super high quality distribution — System Configuration and control of distributed generations and energy storage devices
2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006Co-Authors: Hiroaki Kakigano, Yushi Miura, Ryohei UchidaAbstract:“DC micro-grid” is the novel power System using dc distribution in order to provide super high quality power. The dc distribution System is suitable for dc output type distributed generations such as photovoltaic and fuel cells, and energy storages such as secondary batteries and electric double layer capacitors. Moreover, dc distributed power is converted to required ac or dc voltages by load side converters, and these converters do not require transformers by choosing proper dc voltage. This distributed scheme of load side converters also contributes to provide supplying high quality power. For instance, even if a short circuit occurs at one load side, it does not effect other loads. In this paper, we suppose one System Configuration of DC micro-grid, and propose control methods of converters for generations and energy storages. Computer simulation results demonstrated seamless turn-on and turn-off operation of a distributed generation, a transient of connecting and disconnecting operation with a bulk power System, and the stability for sudden large load variation.
dc micro grid for super high quality distribution System Configuration and control of distributed generations and energy storage devices
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006Co-Authors: Hiroaki Kakigano, Yushi Miura, Ryohei UchidaAbstract:“DC micro-grid” is the novel power System using dc distribution in order to provide super high quality power. The dc distribution System is suitable for dc output type distributed generations such as photovoltaic and fuel cells, and energy storages such as secondary batteries and electric double layer capacitors. Moreover, dc distributed power is converted to required ac or dc voltages by load side converters, and these converters do not require transformers by choosing proper dc voltage. This distributed scheme of load side converters also contributes to provide supplying high quality power. For instance, even if a short circuit occurs at one load side, it does not effect other loads. In this paper, we suppose one System Configuration of DC micro-grid, and propose control methods of converters for generations and energy storages. Computer simulation results demonstrated seamless turn-on and turn-off operation of a distributed generation, a transient of connecting and disconnecting operation with a bulk power System, and the stability for sudden large load variation.
Kewei Yang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Simulation-based ant colony optimization for complex System Configuration problems
2014 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE), 2014Co-Authors: Tianjun Liao, Ruijun Li, Kewei YangAbstract:Complex System Configuration problems are the problems of appropriately assigning System parameter values for optimizing some aspect of complex System performance. In this paper, we first cast complex System Configuration problems as mixed-variable parameter optimization problems where mensurable System simulation responses are used for evaluation. Then we present a simulation-based ant colony optimization algorithm (sACOMV) to tackle the problems. In sACOMV the decision variables of the complex System Configuration problems can be clearly declared as continuous, ordinal, or categorical and let the algorithm treat them adequately. Finally, sACOMV is tested on mixed-variable complex engineering System Configuration problems. The effectiveness and robustness of sACOMV are demonstrated by the comparisons with results from the literature.
SoSE - Simulation-based ant colony optimization for complex System Configuration problems
2014 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE), 2014Co-Authors: Tianjun Liao, Ruijun Li, Kewei YangAbstract:Complex System Configuration problems are the problems of appropriately assigning System parameter values for optimizing some aspect of complex System performance. In this paper, we first cast complex System Configuration problems as mixed-variable parameter optimization problems where mensurable System simulation responses are used for evaluation. Then we present a simulation-based ant colony optimization algorithm (sACO MV ) to tackle the problems. In sACO MV the decision variables of the complex System Configuration problems can be clearly declared as continuous, ordinal, or categorical and let the algorithm treat them adequately. Finally, sACO MV is tested on mixed-variable complex engineering System Configuration problems. The effectiveness and robustness of sACO MV are demonstrated by the comparisons with results from the literature.
Hiroaki Kakigano - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
DC micro-grid for super high quality distribution — System Configuration and control of distributed generations and energy storage devices
2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006Co-Authors: Hiroaki Kakigano, Yushi Miura, Ryohei UchidaAbstract:“DC micro-grid” is the novel power System using dc distribution in order to provide super high quality power. The dc distribution System is suitable for dc output type distributed generations such as photovoltaic and fuel cells, and energy storages such as secondary batteries and electric double layer capacitors. Moreover, dc distributed power is converted to required ac or dc voltages by load side converters, and these converters do not require transformers by choosing proper dc voltage. This distributed scheme of load side converters also contributes to provide supplying high quality power. For instance, even if a short circuit occurs at one load side, it does not effect other loads. In this paper, we suppose one System Configuration of DC micro-grid, and propose control methods of converters for generations and energy storages. Computer simulation results demonstrated seamless turn-on and turn-off operation of a distributed generation, a transient of connecting and disconnecting operation with a bulk power System, and the stability for sudden large load variation.
dc micro grid for super high quality distribution System Configuration and control of distributed generations and energy storage devices
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006Co-Authors: Hiroaki Kakigano, Yushi Miura, Ryohei UchidaAbstract:“DC micro-grid” is the novel power System using dc distribution in order to provide super high quality power. The dc distribution System is suitable for dc output type distributed generations such as photovoltaic and fuel cells, and energy storages such as secondary batteries and electric double layer capacitors. Moreover, dc distributed power is converted to required ac or dc voltages by load side converters, and these converters do not require transformers by choosing proper dc voltage. This distributed scheme of load side converters also contributes to provide supplying high quality power. For instance, even if a short circuit occurs at one load side, it does not effect other loads. In this paper, we suppose one System Configuration of DC micro-grid, and propose control methods of converters for generations and energy storages. Computer simulation results demonstrated seamless turn-on and turn-off operation of a distributed generation, a transient of connecting and disconnecting operation with a bulk power System, and the stability for sudden large load variation.
Yuriy Brun - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ASE - Tortoise: interactive System Configuration repair
2017 32nd IEEE ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2017Co-Authors: Aaron Weiss, Arjun Guha, Yuriy BrunAbstract:System Configuration languages provide powerful abstractions that simplify managing large-scale, networked Systems. Thousands of organizations now use Configuration languages, such as Puppet. However, specifications written in Configuration languages can have bugs and the shell remains the simplest way to debug a misconfigured System. Unfortunately, it is unsafe to use the shell to fix problems when a System Configuration language is in use: a fix applied from the shell may cause the System to drift from the state specified by the Configuration language. Thus, despite their advantages, Configuration languages force System administrators to give up the simplicity and familiarity of the shell. This paper presents a synthesis-based technique that allows administrators to use Configuration languages and the shell in harmony. Administrators can fix errors using the shell and the technique automatically repairs the higher-level specification written in the Configuration language. The approach (1) produces repairs that are consistent with the fix made using the shell; (2) produces repairs that are maintainable by minimizing edits made to the original specification; (3) ranks and presents multiple repairs when relevant; and (4) supports all shells the administrator may wish to use. We implement our technique for Puppet, a widely used System Configuration language, and evaluate it on a suite of benchmarks under 42 repair scenarios. The top-ranked repair is selected by humans 76% of the time and the human-equivalent repair is ranked 1.31 on average.
Tortoise: Interactive System Configuration repair
2017 32nd IEEE ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2017Co-Authors: Aaron Weiss, Arjun Guha, Yuriy BrunAbstract:System Configuration languages provide powerful abstractions that simplify managing large-scale, networked Systems. Thousands of organizations now use Configuration languages, such as Puppet. However, specifications written in Configuration languages can have bugs and the shell remains the simplest way to debug a misconfigured System. Unfortunately, it is unsafe to use the shell to fix problems when a System Configuration language is in use: a fix applied from the shell may cause the System to drift from the state specified by the Configuration language. Thus, despite their advantages, Configuration languages force System administrators to give up the simplicity and familiarity of the shell. This paper presents a synthesis-based technique that allows administrators to use Configuration languages and the shell in harmony. Administrators can fix errors using the shell and the technique automatically repairs the higher-level specification written in the Configuration language. The approach (1) produces repairs that are consistent with the fix made using the shell; (2) produces repairs that are maintainable by minimizing edits made to the original specification; (3) ranks and presents multiple repairs when relevant; and (4) supports all shells the administrator may wish to use. We implement our technique for Puppet, a widely used System Configuration language, and evaluate it on a suite of benchmarks under 42 repair scenarios. The top-ranked repair is selected by humans 76% of the time and the human-equivalent repair is ranked 1.31 on average.
Petar Igic - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Multi-megawatt offshore wave energy converters - electrical System Configuration and generator control strategy
IET Renewable Power Generation, 2011Co-Authors: Petar Igic, Z. Zhou, W. Knapp, J. Macenri, H.c. Sørensen, E. Friis-madsenAbstract:Considerations of the electrical System Configuration and the control strategy for the wave dragon (WD) multi-megawatt (MW) offshore wave energy converter (WEC) are presented in this study. The electrical System consists of 16-20 turbine-generator-AC/DC/AC converter units. The characteristics of the low-head water-turbine and generator control strategy enabling maximum energy capture and the best performance for the MW offshore wave energy power take-off System are described in detail. Simulation results from a single turbine-generator-frequency converter unit at different turbine heads are presented at the end of the study.
Permanent magnet generator control and electrical System Configuration for Wave Dragon MW wave energy take-off System
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2008Co-Authors: Z. Zhou, W. Knapp, J. Macenri, Ch. H. Sorensen, Friis E. Madsen, I. Masters, Petar IgicAbstract:A permanent magnet generator (PM) control scheme and electrical System Configuration for Wave Dragon MW wave energy power take off System is presented in this paper. The characteristics of low pressure hydro turbine are introduced first. To achieve the maximum energy conversion efficiency, a variable speed control scheme of low-head hydro-turbine using IGBT AC/DC converter is described. The electrical System Configuration, operation and grid connection issues are also discussed. Voltage source PWM inverters are employed to control the output power to utility grid. Simulation model has been built, and the control of tracking maximum turbine efficiency is simulated.