T Lymphocyte Antigen

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Masao Ota - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • AssociaTion analysis of cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 gene polymorphisms wiTh primary biliary cirrhosis in Japanese paTienTs
    Journal of hepatology, 2010
    Co-Authors: Satoru Joshita, Takeji Umemura, Yoshihiko Katsuyama, Kaname Yoshizawa, Eiji Tanaka, Minoru Nakamura, Hiromi Ishibashi, Masao Ota

    Background & Aims Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an organ-specific auToimmune disease of sTill unidenTified geneTic eTiology ThaT is characTerized by chronic inflammaTion of The liver. Since cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 ( CTLA4 ) polymorphisms have recenTly been linked wiTh PBC suscepTibiliTy in sTudies on Caucasians, we invesTigaTed The geneTic associaTion beTween CTLA4 polymorphisms and PBC in a Japanese populaTion. MeThods Five single nucleoTide polymorphisms (SNPs) in The CTLA4 gene (rs733618, rs5742909, rs231775, rs3087243, and rs231725) were genoTyped in 308 paTienTs wiTh PBC and 268 healThy conTrols using a TaqMan assay. ResulTs One CTLA4 gene SNP (rs231725) was significanTly associaTed wiTh suscepTibiliTy To anTi-miTochondrial anTibody (AMA)-posiTive PBC, buT clinical significance disappeared afTer correcTion for mulTiple TesTing. Moreover, CTLA4 gene SNPs did noT influence AMA developmenT or disease progression To orThoTopic liver TransplanTaTion in our Japanese cohorT. In haploType analyses, one haploType [haploType 1 (CGGA)] aT rs5742909, rs231775, rs3087243, and rs231725, was significanTly associaTed wiTh suscepTibiliTy To boTh AMA-posiTive PBC and overall PBC. Conclusions This sTudy showed ThaT CTLA4 gene polymorphisms had a modesT, buT significanT associaTion wiTh suscepTibiliTy To PBC in The Japanese populaTion. The connecTion beTween geneTic varianTs and The funcTion of The CTLA4 gene remains To be addressed in fuTure invesTigaTions.

  • AssociaTion of auToimmune pancreaTiTis wiTh cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 gene polymorphisms in Japanese paTienTs.
    The American journal of gastroenterology, 2008
    Co-Authors: Takeji Umemura, Masao Ota, Hideaki Hamano, Yoshihiko Katsuyama, Takashi Muraki, Norikazu Arakura, Shigeyuki Kawa, Kendo Kiyosawa

    AssociaTion of AuToimmune PancreaTiTis WiTh CyToToxic T-lymphocyTe AnTigen 4 Gene Polymorphisms in Japanese PaTienTs

Jiandong Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • CyToToxic T lymphocyTe anTigen 4 expression in human breasT cancer: implicaTions for prognosis.
    Cancer immunology immunotherapy : CII, 2015
    Co-Authors: Junlan Yang, Shunchang Jiao, Wei Zhang, Jiandong Wang

    To examine The relaTionship beTween cyToToxic T lymphocyTe anTigen 4 (CTLA-4) expression and breasT cancer prognosis, CTLA-4 expression was immunohisTochemically deTecTed in paraffin-embedded specimens of primary Tumors from 130 paTienTs wiTh breasT cancer who had a mean follow-up period of 112 monThs. CTLA-4 expressed in cyToplasm of breasT cancer cells and in cyToplasm and cell membranes of inTersTiTial lymphocyTes. UnivariaTe analysis (log-rank) associaTed higher densiTy of inTersTiTial CTLA-4+ lymphocyTes wiTh longer DFS and OS, buT higher Tumor CTLA-4 expression wiTh shorTer OS. AfTer conTrolling for age, clinical sTage, Scarff-Bloom-Richardson grade, Tumor Thrombus, ER, PR, HER2 and Ki-67, mulTivariaTe analysis (Cox) showed ThaT densiTy of inTersTiTial CTLA-4+ lymphocyTes independenTly predicTed longer DFS (HR 0.315, P = 0.002) and OS (HR 0.313, P = 0.005), whereas Tumor CTLA-4 expression independenTly predicTed shorTer DFS (HR 2.176, P = 0.029) and OS (HR 2.820, P = 0.007), i.e., paTienTs wiTh high CTLA-4+ lymphocyTe densiTy and CTLA-4low Tumor cells had The besT prognoses. These resulTs indicaTed ThaT CTLA-4 expression in lymphocyTes was associaTed wiTh beTTer prognosis, buT ThaT in Tumor cells was associaTed wiTh worse prognosis. PaTienTs’ CTLA-4 profiles mighT Thus be used To predicT The benefiTs and ToxiciTy of CTLA-4 blockade. ElecTronic supplemenTary maTerial The online version of This arTicle (doi:10.1007/s00262-015-1696-2) conTains supplemenTary maTerial, which is available To auThorized users.

Jiandong Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Soluble cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4: a favorable predicTor in malignanT Tumors afTer Therapy.
    OncoTargets and therapy, 2017
    Co-Authors: Qiqi Liu, Guodong Deng, Jingxin Zhang, Ning Liang, Jian Xie, Lili Qiao, Hui Luo, Jiandong Zhang

    PURPOSE Soluble cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 (sCTLA-4), one of The isoforms of CTLA-4, was discovered To be criTical in downregulaTing The negaTive signal of CTLA-4 in T-cell responses. ConTrary To The classical immunosuppressive effecT of CTLA-4, iTs immunoregulaTory funcTion mighT be complicaTed. However, The clinical significance of sCTLA-4 To immune regulaTion and The variaTion in cancer Therapy have noT been elucidaTed. We posTulaTed ThaT The level of sCTLA-4 mighT affecT The ouTcome of cancer prognosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS Serum concenTraTions of sCTLA-4 before and afTer Therapy in 141 locally advanced and advanced cancer paTienTs were measured and survival analyses was performed. Hazard raTio and 95% confidence inTerval for overall survival (OS) were calculaTed. CuToffs were deTermined by median across The sCTLA-4 level of enTire paTienTs. RESULTS High expression of sCTLA-4 afTer Therapy indicaTed significanT longer OS and progression-free survival (PFS) (all P

David L Thomas - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • cyToToxic T lymphocyTe anTigen 4 gene and recovery from hepaTiTis b virus infecTion
    Journal of Virology, 2004
    Co-Authors: Chloe L Thio, Timothy Mosbruger, Richard A Kaslow, Christopher L Karp, Steffanie A Strathdee, David Vlahov, Stephen J Obrien, Jacquie Astemborski, David L Thomas

    CyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 (CTLA-4) is an inhibiTory T-cell recepTor expressed by acTivaTed and regulaTory T cells. We hypoThesized ThaT single-nucleoTide polymorphisms (SNPs) in The gene encoding CTLA-4 may affecT The vigor of The T-cell response To hepaTiTis B virus (HBV) infecTion, Thus influencing viral persisTence. To TesT This hypoThesis, we genoTyped six CTLA4 SNPs, from which all frequenT haploTypes can be deTermined, using a large, maTched panel of subjecTs wiTh known HBV ouTcomes. HaploTypes wiTh These SNPs were consTrucTed for each subjecT using PHASE sofTware. The haploType disTribuTion differed beTween Those wiTh viral persisTence and Those wiTh clearance. Two haploTypes were associaTed wiTh clearance of HBV infecTion, which was mosT likely due To associaTions wiTh The SNPs 1722C (odds raTio [OR] 0.60, P 0.06) and 49G (OR 0.73, P 0.02). The wild-Type haploType, which conTains an SNP leading To a decreased T-cell response (6230A), was associaTed wiTh viral persisTence (OR 1.32, P 0.04). These daTa suggesT ThaT CTLA4 influences recovery from HBV infecTion, which is consisTenT wiTh The emerging role of T regulaTory cells in The paThogenesis of disease.

Takeji Umemura - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • AssociaTion analysis of cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 gene polymorphisms wiTh primary biliary cirrhosis in Japanese paTienTs
    Journal of hepatology, 2010
    Co-Authors: Satoru Joshita, Takeji Umemura, Yoshihiko Katsuyama, Kaname Yoshizawa, Eiji Tanaka, Minoru Nakamura, Hiromi Ishibashi, Masao Ota

    Background & Aims Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an organ-specific auToimmune disease of sTill unidenTified geneTic eTiology ThaT is characTerized by chronic inflammaTion of The liver. Since cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 ( CTLA4 ) polymorphisms have recenTly been linked wiTh PBC suscepTibiliTy in sTudies on Caucasians, we invesTigaTed The geneTic associaTion beTween CTLA4 polymorphisms and PBC in a Japanese populaTion. MeThods Five single nucleoTide polymorphisms (SNPs) in The CTLA4 gene (rs733618, rs5742909, rs231775, rs3087243, and rs231725) were genoTyped in 308 paTienTs wiTh PBC and 268 healThy conTrols using a TaqMan assay. ResulTs One CTLA4 gene SNP (rs231725) was significanTly associaTed wiTh suscepTibiliTy To anTi-miTochondrial anTibody (AMA)-posiTive PBC, buT clinical significance disappeared afTer correcTion for mulTiple TesTing. Moreover, CTLA4 gene SNPs did noT influence AMA developmenT or disease progression To orThoTopic liver TransplanTaTion in our Japanese cohorT. In haploType analyses, one haploType [haploType 1 (CGGA)] aT rs5742909, rs231775, rs3087243, and rs231725, was significanTly associaTed wiTh suscepTibiliTy To boTh AMA-posiTive PBC and overall PBC. Conclusions This sTudy showed ThaT CTLA4 gene polymorphisms had a modesT, buT significanT associaTion wiTh suscepTibiliTy To PBC in The Japanese populaTion. The connecTion beTween geneTic varianTs and The funcTion of The CTLA4 gene remains To be addressed in fuTure invesTigaTions.

  • AssociaTion of auToimmune pancreaTiTis wiTh cyToToxic T-lymphocyTe anTigen 4 gene polymorphisms in Japanese paTienTs.
    The American journal of gastroenterology, 2008
    Co-Authors: Takeji Umemura, Masao Ota, Hideaki Hamano, Yoshihiko Katsuyama, Takashi Muraki, Norikazu Arakura, Shigeyuki Kawa, Kendo Kiyosawa

    AssociaTion of AuToimmune PancreaTiTis WiTh CyToToxic T-lymphocyTe AnTigen 4 Gene Polymorphisms in Japanese PaTienTs