Temperamental Trait

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Ballespí Solà Sergi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • PAIC 3-6 : protocol d'avaluació de la inhibició conductal per nens de 3 a 6 anys /
    Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2005
    Co-Authors: Ballespí Solà Sergi

    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa inhibició conductual (IC) es defineix com el tret Temperamental que predisposa a reaccionar amb ansietat davant la novetat, la incertesa i el canvi. Els nens inhibits tarden més a explorar situacions, objectes o persones no familiars i són més propensos a retreure's de la novetat i a romandre propers als pares. La IC repercuteix en el desenvolupament de l'individu. Diferents estudis aporten evidència que els nens classificats com a inhibits durant la infància esdevenen adults que es casen més tard i tarden més en consolidar la seva carrera professional que els seus companys menys inhibits, esdevenen solitaris crònics o veuen augmentat el seu risc de desenvolupar depressió o trastorns d'ansietat. Tradicionalment, la IC ha estat avaluada a partir de mètodes excessivament cars -com l'observació al laboratori o en entorns naturals- que han dificultat la detecció precoç del tret. En conseqüència, hi ha una clara necessitat de formes més efectives, en termes de costos-beneficis, per a identificar els nens amb IC. Només existeixen 4 instruments, basats en la informació de pares i mestres, capaços d'avaluar la IC a l'etapa preescolar i cap d'ells ha estat adaptat a la cultura catalana o espanyola. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és crear un nou instrument per identificar la IC en nens preescolars i analitzar les seves propietats psicomètriques. El Protocol d'Avaluació de la Inhibició Conductual per a nens de 3 a 6 anys (PAIC 3-6) consta de 37 ítems basats en els signes majors de la IC descrits per Kagan et al. (1987): les llargues latències fins a interactuar amb persones no familiars, la tendència a retreure's dels objectes, l'aturada del joc i de les vocalitzacions i els llargs períodes de temps en proximitat a la mare. El PAIC 3-6 ha estat aplicat als pares i mestres de 350 nens de 3 a 6 anys. Els resultats recolzen la idea que el nou instrument és vàlid i fiable. L'anàlisi en components principals no linial indica que la solució unifactorial s'ajusta adequadament a les dades, suggerint l'existència d'una bona validesa de contingut. Correlacions significatives entre el PAIC 3-6, indicadors de psicopatologia interioritzada i mesures observacionals d'IC suggereixen una bona validesa convergent. Correlacions nul·les amb indicadors de psicopatologia exterioritzada així com els resultats de l'anàlisi discriminant revelen una bona validesa discriminant. A més, el PAIC 3-6 mostra una consistència interna excel·lent (=.95) i una estabilitat test-retest molt bona (CCI=.90 en l'interval d'un mes), suggerint que les seves puntuacions poden ser interpretades com una mesura d'IC útil i fiable.Behavioural inhibition (BI) is defined as the Temperamental Trait that predisposes to react with anxiety in the face of novelty, uncertainty and challenge. Inhibited children are slower to explore unfamiliar environments, objects, or people and more likely to withdraw from unfamiliarity and remain proximal to parent. BI has developmental consequences for the lifetime of the individual. Several researches evidence that children classified as inhibited during childhood grow into adults who married and establish careers later than less inhibited counterparts, become chronically lonely or have and increased risk for depression and anxiety disorders. Traditionally, BI has been assessed through too expensive methods -such are laboratory or naturalistic observations- that make difficult early detection of this Trait. Therefore, there is a clearly need for a more cost-effective method to identifying children with BI. There are only four instruments based on parents or teachers reports for assess BI in preschool-age children and none of them has been adapted to Catalan or Spanish culture. The aim of present work is to create a new instrument to identify BI in preschool-age children and to examine its psychometric properties. The Preschool-Behavioural Inhibition Scale (P-BIS) has 37 items based on major signs of BI described by Kagan et al. (1987): long latencies to interact with unfamiliar people, retreat from unfamiliar objects, cessation of play and vocalization, and long periods remaining proximal to the mother. P-BIS has been completed by parents and teachers of 350 children aged 3 to 6. Results support the reliability and validity of the new instrument. Non-linear principal component analysis indicates that one-factor solution provide good fit of the data, suggesting good content validity. Significant correlations between P-BIS, measures of internalizing psychopathology and observational measures of BI suggest good convergent validity. Null correlations with measures of externalizing psychopathology and results of discriminant analysis reveal also good discriminant validity. Furthermore, P-BIS exhibits excellent internal consistency (=.95) and very good test-retest stability (CCI=.90 in a month interval), suggesting that its scores can be interpreted as a useful and reliable measure of BI

  • PAIC 3-6: Protocol d'Avaluació de la Inhibició Conductual per a nens de 3 a 6 anys
    'Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona', 2004
    Co-Authors: Ballespí Solà Sergi

    La inhibició conductual (IC) es defineix com el tret Temperamental que predisposa a reaccionar amb ansietat davant la novetat, la incertesa i el canvi. Els nens inhibits tarden més a explorar situacions, objectes o persones no familiars i són més propensos a retreure's de la novetat i a romandre propers als pares.La IC repercuteix en el desenvolupament de l'individu. Diferents estudis aporten evidència que els nens classificats com a inhibits durant la infància esdevenen adults que es casen més tard i tarden més en consolidar la seva carrera professional que els seus companys menys inhibits, esdevenen solitaris crònics o veuen augmentat el seu risc de desenvolupar depressió o trastorns d'ansietat. Tradicionalment, la IC ha estat avaluada a partir de mètodes excessivament cars -com l'observació al laboratori o en entorns naturals- que han dificultat la detecció precoç del tret. En conseqüència, hi ha una clara necessitat de formes més efectives, en termes de costos-beneficis, per a identificar els nens amb IC. Només existeixen 4 instruments, basats en la informació de pares i mestres, capaços d'avaluar la IC a l'etapa preescolar i cap d'ells ha estat adaptat a la cultura catalana o espanyola.L'objectiu d'aquest treball és crear un nou instrument per identificar la IC en nens preescolars i analitzar les seves propietats psicomètriques. El Protocol d'Avaluació de la Inhibició Conductual per a nens de 3 a 6 anys (PAIC 3-6) consta de 37 ítems basats en els signes majors de la IC descrits per Kagan et al. (1987): les llargues latències fins a interactuar amb persones no familiars, la tendència a retreure's dels objectes, l'aturada del joc i de les vocalitzacions i els llargs períodes de temps en proximitat a la mare.El PAIC 3-6 ha estat aplicat als pares i mestres de 350 nens de 3 a 6 anys. Els resultats recolzen la idea que el nou instrument és vàlid i fiable. L'anàlisi en components principals no linial indica que la solució unifactorial s'ajusta adequadament a les dades, suggerint l'existència d'una bona validesa de contingut. Correlacions significatives entre el PAIC 3-6, indicadors de psicopatologia interioritzada i mesures observacionals d'IC suggereixen una bona validesa convergent. Correlacions nul·les amb indicadors de psicopatologia exterioritzada així com els resultats de l'anàlisi discriminant revelen una bona validesa discriminant. A més, el PAIC 3-6 mostra una consistència interna excel·lent (=.95) i una estabilitat test-retest molt bona (CCI=.90 en l'interval d'un mes), suggerint que les seves puntuacions poden ser interpretades com una mesura d'IC útil i fiable.Behavioural inhibition (BI) is defined as the Temperamental Trait that predisposes to react with anxiety in the face of novelty, uncertainty and challenge. Inhibited children are slower to explore unfamiliar environments, objects, or people and more likely to withdraw from unfamiliarity and remain proximal to parent. BI has developmental consequences for the lifetime of the individual. Several researches evidence that children classified as inhibited during childhood grow into adults who married and establish careers later than less inhibited counterparts, become chronically lonely or have and increased risk for depression and anxiety disorders.Traditionally, BI has been assessed through too expensive methods -such are laboratory or naturalistic observations- that make difficult early detection of this Trait. Therefore, there is a clearly need for a more cost-effective method to identifying children with BI. There are only four instruments based on parents or teachers reports for assess BI in preschool-age children and none of them has been adapted to Catalan or Spanish culture.The aim of present work is to create a new instrument to identify BI in preschool-age children and to examine its psychometric properties. The Preschool-Behavioural Inhibition Scale (P-BIS) has 37 items based on major signs of BI described by Kagan et al. (1987): long latencies to interact with unfamiliar people, retreat from unfamiliar objects, cessation of play and vocalization, and long periods remaining proximal to the mother. P-BIS has been completed by parents and teachers of 350 children aged 3 to 6. Results support the reliability and validity of the new instrument. Non-linear principal component analysis indicates that one-factor solution provide good fit of the data, suggesting good content validity. Significant correlations between P-BIS, measures of internalizing psychopathology and observational measures of BI suggest good convergent validity. Null correlations with measures of externalizing psychopathology and results of discriminant analysis reveal also good discriminant validity. Furthermore, P-BIS exhibits excellent internal consistency (=.95) and very good test-retest stability (CCI=.90 in a month interval), suggesting that its scores can be interpreted as a useful and reliable measure of BI

Susan M Bogels - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • relations between parent and teacher reported behavioral inhibition and behavioral observations of this Temperamental Trait
    Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 2004
    Co-Authors: Anna M L Van Brakel, Peter Muris, Susan M Bogels

    This study examined the relation between the Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS), a measure that was specifically developed for assessing behavioral inhibition, and behavioral observations of this Trait. Children ages 6 to 10 years participated in a series of experimental tasks assessing behavioral features of the inhibited temperament. The parents and teachers of these children completed the BIS. Results showed that the BIS (in particular the parent version) was significantly related to the observational index of behavioral inhibition. An additional aim of the study was to examine the relation between behavioral inhibition as indexed by the BIS and observations, on the one hand, and measures of anxiety symptoms, fear, and behavioral symptoms, on the other hand. As expected, significant correlations between behavioral inhibition indexes and symptoms of anxiety and withdrawal were observed. The BIS is found to be a brief and easy-to-administer instrument, which seems to provide a meaningful first impression ...

Daniel R Weinberger - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • catechol o methyltransferase val158met genotype and neural mechanisms related to affective arousal and regulation
    Archives of General Psychiatry, 2006
    Co-Authors: Emily M Drabant, Ahmad R Hariri, Andreas Meyerlindenberg, Karen E Munoz, Venkata S Mattay, Bhaskar Kolachana, Michael F Egan, Daniel R Weinberger

    Context CatecholO-methyltransferase (COMT),the major enzyme determining cortical dopamine flux, has a common functional polymorphism (val158met) that affects prefrontal function and working memory capacity and has also been associated with anxiety and emotional dysregulation. Objectives To examineCOMTval158met effects on corticolimbic circuitry reactivity and functional connectivity during processing of biologically salient stimuli, as well as the relationship to the Temperamental Trait of novelty seeking. Design Within-subject functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Setting National Institute of Mental Health, Genes, Cognition, and Psychosis Program, Bethesda, Md. Patients One hundred one healthy subjects of both sexes. Results We found that the met allele was associated with a dose-dependent increase in hippocampal formation and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation during viewing of faces displaying negative emotion. In met/met homozygotes, limbic and prefrontal regions showed increased functional coupling. Moreover, in these same subjects, the magnitude of amygdala-orbitofrontal coupling was inversely correlated with novelty seeking, an index of Temperamental inflexibility. Conclusions Our results indicate that heritable variation in dopamine neurotransmission associated with the met allele of theCOMTpolymorphism results in heightened reactivity and connectivity in corticolimbic circuits. This may reflect a genetic predisposition for inflexible processing of affective stimuli, a mechanism possibly accounting for aspects of arousal and behavioral control that contribute to emotional dysregulation previously reported in met/met individuals.

  • and neural mechanisms related to affective arousal and regulation
    Co-Authors: Emily M Drabant, Ahmad R Hariri, Andreas Meyerlindenberg, Karen E Munoz, Venkata S Mattay, Bhaskar Kolachana, Michael F Egan, Daniel R Weinberger

    Context: CatecholO-methyltransferase (COMT), the major enzyme determining cortical dopamine flux, has a common functional polymorphism (val 158 met) that affects prefrontal function and working memory capacity and has also been associated with anxiety and emotional dysregulation. Objectives: To examineCOMT val 158 met effects on corticolimbic circuitry reactivity and functional connectivity during processing of biologically salient stimuli, as well as the relationship to the Temperamental Trait of novelty seeking. Design: Within-subject functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Setting: National Institute of Mental Health, Genes, Cognition, and Psychosis Program, Bethesda, Md. Patients: One hundred one healthy subjects of both sexes. Results: We found that the met allele was associated with a dose-dependent increase in hippocampal formation and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation during viewing of faces displaying negative emotion. In met/met homozygotes, limbic and prefrontal regions showed increased functional coupling. Moreover, in these same subjects, the magnitude of amygdala-orbitofrontal coupling was inversely correlated with novelty seeking, an index of Temperamental inflexibility. Conclusions: Our results indicate that heritable variation in dopamine neurotransmission associated with the met allele of theCOMT polymorphism results in heightened reactivity and connectivity in corticolimbic circuits. This may reflect a genetic predisposition for inflexible processing of affective stimuli, a mechanism possibly accounting for aspects of arousal and behavioral control that contribute to emotional dysregulation previously reported in met/met individuals. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63:1396-1406

Peter Muris - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • ORIGINAL PAPER The Role of Repetitive Negative Thoughts in the Vulnerability for Emotional Problems in Non-Clinical Children
    Co-Authors: Peter Muris, Samantha Bouwmeester, Suzanne Broeren

    Ó The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract The current study examined the role of repetitive negative thoughts in the vulnerability for emotional problems in non-clinical children aged 8–13 years (N = 158). Children completed self-report questionnaires for assessing (1) neuroticism and behavioral inhibition as indicators of general vulnerability (2) worry and rumination which are two important manifestations of repetitive negative thoughts, and (3) emotional problems (i.e., anxiety, depression, and sleep difficulties). Results demonstrated that there were positive correlations between measures of general vulnerability, repetitive negative thoughts, and emotional problems. Further, support was found for a model in which worry and rumination acted as partial mediators in the relation between neuroticism and symptoms of anxiety and depression. In the case of sleep difficulties, no evidence was obtained for such a mediation model. In fact, data suggested that sleeping difficulties are better conceived as an epiphenomenon of high symptom levels of anxiety and depression or as a risk factor for the development of other types of psychopathology. Finally, besides neuroticism, the Temperamental Trait of behavioral inhibition appeared to play a unique direct role in the model predicting anxiety symptoms but not in the models predicting depressive symptoms or sleep difficulties. To conclude, the current findings seem to indicate that worry and rumination contribute to children’s vulnerability for anxiety and depression

  • relations between parent and teacher reported behavioral inhibition and behavioral observations of this Temperamental Trait
    Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 2004
    Co-Authors: Anna M L Van Brakel, Peter Muris, Susan M Bogels

    This study examined the relation between the Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS), a measure that was specifically developed for assessing behavioral inhibition, and behavioral observations of this Trait. Children ages 6 to 10 years participated in a series of experimental tasks assessing behavioral features of the inhibited temperament. The parents and teachers of these children completed the BIS. Results showed that the BIS (in particular the parent version) was significantly related to the observational index of behavioral inhibition. An additional aim of the study was to examine the relation between behavioral inhibition as indexed by the BIS and observations, on the one hand, and measures of anxiety symptoms, fear, and behavioral symptoms, on the other hand. As expected, significant correlations between behavioral inhibition indexes and symptoms of anxiety and withdrawal were observed. The BIS is found to be a brief and easy-to-administer instrument, which seems to provide a meaningful first impression ...

Mandelli L - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Temperamental and genetic predictors of suicide attempt and self-mutilation.
    'S. Karger AG', 2013
    Co-Authors: Dell'osso L, Mandelli L, Carlini M, Bouanani S, Rotondo A, Conversano C, Serretti A, Marazziti D.

    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Literature findings mainly support the notion that suicide attempts (SA) and self-mutilating behavior (SMB) are distinct behaviors, although they may share common psychopathological features. In the present paper we aimed to identify behavioral phenotypes in patients with SA, SMB, or both (SAM) and to analyze the association with candidate genes. METHODS: One hundred forty-two inpatients with a history of SA (n = 86), SMB (n = 22), and SAM (n = 39) were included in this study. Subjects were evaluated using the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) and the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI). Polymorphisms within serotonin transporter (SLC6A4, HTTLPR), catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT, Val158Met), and tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH, 218C>A) were also analyzed. RESULTS: Principal component factor analysis including the BDHI and TPQ produced 3 factors that could classify the 3 groups of patients with good sensitivity. However, only the 'pure suicidal' factor had a sufficient positive predictive value. This factor was characterized by high levels of persistence (PS) and, to a lower extent, reward dependence. The distribution of genotypes was not different across patient groups for all polymorphisms, but the SS genotype of HTTLPR was significantly associated with the 'self-mutilation' factor, characterized by high levels of hostile Traits, novelty seeking, and harm avoidance. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study suggest that different and overlapping Temperamental Traits in suicidal and self-mutilating patients are present, although only high levels of PS could predict SA repetition. Finally, HTTLPR may mediate the risk for SMB through modulation of some Temperamental Trait

  • Role of substance abuse comorbidity and personality on the outcome of depression in bipolar disorder: harm avoidance influences medium-term treatment outcome
    'S. Karger AG', 2012
    Co-Authors: Mandelli L, Mazza Marianna, Di Nicola Marco, Zaninotto Leonardo, Harnic Desiree, Catalano Valeria, Tedeschi Daniela, Martinotti Giovanni, Bria Pietro, Janiri Luigi

    Comorbid conditions are frequent in bipolar disorder (BD) and may complicate the treatment and course of illness. We investigated the role of substance use disorder (SUD), axis II personality disorders (PD) and continuous personality Traits on the medium-term outcome (6 months) of treatment for bipolar depression. One hundred and thirty-nine BD patients meeting criteria for a depressive episode were included in the study. SUD and PD were diagnosed according to structured interviews. Personality dimensions were evaluated by the Temperament and Character Inventory. Depressive severity over time was evaluated by the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Neither PD nor SUD influenced the outcome of depression. Variables independently associated with a poor outcome were a high baseline severity and high scores for the Temperamental Trait of Harm Avoidance. Though several limitations characterize the present study, neurotic personality Traits seem to be associated with a slower recovery from depressive symptoms in BD, independently from their initial severity

  • Role of Substance Abuse Comorbidity and Personality on the Outcome of Depression in Bipolar Disorder: Harm Avoidance Influences Medium-Term Treatment Outcome
    'S. Karger AG', 2012
    Co-Authors: Mandelli L, Mazza M, Di Nicola M, Zaninotto L, Harnic D, Tedeschi D, Martinotti G, Bria P, Janiri L

    Comorbid conditions are frequent in Bipolar disorder (BD) and may complicate the treatment and course of illness. We investigated the role of Substance use disorder (SUD), axis II Personality disorders (PD) and continuous personality Traits on the medium-term outcome (6 months) of treatment for bipolar depression. One-hundred and thirty-nine BD patients meeting criteria for a depressive episode were included in the study. Fifty-six patients were diagnosed for antecedent SUD and 61 for PD. Personality dimensions were evaluated by the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-R). Depressive severity over time was evaluated by the Hamilton Rating Scales for Depression (HAMD). Neither PD nor SUD influenced the outcome of depression, though relapse in SUD was concurrent with a slight worsening of depressive symptoms. Variables independently associated with a poor outcome were a high baseline severity and high scores at the Temperamental Trait of Harm avoidance. Results did not confirm SUD and PD as complicating factors for the medium-term treatment of depression in BD patients. Though several limitations characterize the present study, neurotic personality Traits are supposed to be associated with a slower recovery from depressive symptoms in BD, independently from their initial severity

  • Further evidence supporting the influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on the outcome of bipolar depression: independent effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and harm avoidance
    'SAGE Publications', 2010
    Co-Authors: Mandelli L, Mazza Marianna, Di Nicola Marco, Martinotti Giovanni, Tavian Daniela, Colombo Elisa, Missaglia Sara, De Ronchi D, Negri Gloria, Colombo Roberto

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a candidate gene for response to antidepressant treatment. However, response to pharmacological treatments is moderated by both genetic and other factors within individuals. For example, there is evidence of an influence of the Temperamental Trait of harm avoidance on the outcome of depressive disorders. In the present study we aimed to investigate the effect of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene on medium-term outcome in a naturalistic sample of 86 depressed bipolar spectrum patients, taking into account harm avoidance. Both single marker and haplotypes were significantly associated with severity of depression at month 6 after treatment initiation. The haplotype comprising the A-C alleles was associated with a poorer outcome. Harm avoidance maintained a significant effect on depressive outcome in bipolar disorder, independently from brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotypes. However, harm avoidance\u2019s influence appeared to be more consistent in patients carrying the protective G-T combination of alleles. Our results indicate brain-derived neurotrophic factor as involved in the outcome of depression in bipolar disorder. Harm avoidance did not interact with brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotypes, though its effect was still significant. Given that many factors may influence response to pharmacological treatments, studies that consider personality and other individual characteristics are warranted also in pharmacogenetic investigations