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Philippe Auger - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Updated and annotated review of Tetranychidae occurring in mainland Portugal, the Azores, and Madeira Archipelagos
Acarologia, 2021Co-Authors: Pedro Naves, Filomena Nóbrega, Philippe AugerAbstract:Data on the diversity, distribution, and main hosts of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) are scarce in the Iberian Peninsula, particularly for Portugal, where only 21 species are recorded on the mainland and in the Azores and Madeira archipelagos. Moreover, the scientific information is mainly available in national publications, and difficult to access for international researchers. In this paper, we review the literature dealing with spider mites in mainland Portugal and the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, compiling and synthesizing the most relevant information on their distribution, hosts and pest potential. Further information was obtained by verifying slides in the acarological collection of the Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV), the most important national collection, and by verifying mites collected on different plant hosts during the period 2018-2020. In total, we found records for 28 spider mite species in Portugal, comprising nine Bryobiinae and 19 Tetranychinae, and including new national records for Stigmaeopsis nanjingensis and EoTetranychus tiliarium. Additionally, we record a new exotic mite species for the mainland, EoTetranychus lewisi, which was found in two localities in the Algarve District on leaves of Euphorbia pulcherrima. This is the first record for continental Europe of an established population in outdoor conditions of this regulated quarantine pest. We also comment on the presence of seven species not reported by international taxonomic databases but already recorded from Portugal: Aplonobia histricina, EoTetranychus rubiphilus, Schizonobia sycophanta, Tetranychus kanzawai and Tetranycopsis horridus (at a national level), and Oligonychus perseae and Panonychus citri (for the mainland). New host records are given for Bryobia praetiosa, Petrobia (Tetranychina) harti, S. sycophanta, E. coryli, E. rubiphilus, Tetranychus kanzawai, Tetranychus lintearius, Tetranychus ludeni and Tetranychus turkestani.
New species and new records of Tetranychidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) from Thailand
Zootaxa, 2014Co-Authors: Htar Htar Naing, Maria Navajas Navarro, Angsumarn Chandrapatya, Philippe AugerAbstract:Sampling efforts conducted in several provinces from Thailand disclosed three new species of tetranychid mites. Two of them belong to the genus Tetranychus, namely Tetranychus occultaspina sp. nov. and Tetranychus truncatissimus sp. nov. and the third species belongs to the genus SchizoTetranychus, SchizoTetranychus krungthepensis sp. nov. They were collected on Ipomoea aquatica, Bambusa multiplex and Saccharum officinarum, respectively. New records and new hosts are also mentioned.
Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus cinnabarinus : Synonymous or not?
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 2013Co-Authors: Edward A. Ueckermann, M. Navajas, Philippe Auger, Alain Migeon, Louwrens R. Tiedt, D. YanarAbstract:Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus cinnabarinus: Synonymous or not? The validity of Tetranychus urticae Koch (green form) and Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval (carmine form) as two separate species has been questioned by many authors. A comprehensive study was initiated recently to address this issue using SEM, crossbreeding and molecular techniques.
A critical review on some closely related species of Tetranychus sensu stricto (Acari: Tetranychidae) in the public DNA sequences databases
Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2011Co-Authors: Renata S. Mendonça, Philippe Auger, Denise Navia, Ivone R. Diniz, Maria NavajasAbstract:Taxonomic misidentification of the specimens used to obtain DNA sequences is a growing problem reported for different groups of organisms, which threatens the utility of the deposited sequences in public DNA databases. This paper provides new evidence of misidentifications in molecular DNA public databases in phytophagous mites of the Tetranychidae family belonging to the group Tetranychus ( Tetranychus ). Several species in this group are of economic and quarantine importance in agriculture and among them Tetranychus urticae , a highly polyphagous mite causing outbreaks in many crops worldwide, is certainly the most studied. We analyzed and evaluated the identity of 105 GenBank accessions of ITS2 rDNA and 138 COI mtDNA sequences which were deposited as T. urticae and those of 14 other taxa morphologically closely related to Tetranychus sensu stricto. In addition, ITS2 and COI sequences of 18 T. urticae samples collected for this study and identified by morphological criteria, were generated and included in the analyzed dataset. Among the deposited sequences in the GenBank database, numerous cases of apparently mistaken identities were identified in the group Tetranychus s. str., especially between T. urticae , T. cinnabarinus , T. kanzawai and T. truncatus . Unreliable sequences (misidentified or dubious) were estimated at nearly 30%. In particular the analysis supports the invalidity of the controversial species status of T. cinnabarinus . More generally, it highlights the need of using combined morphological and molecular approaches to guarantee solid species diagnostics for reliable sequence accessions in public databases.
Five new species of Tetranychidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) from south Tunisian oasis areas
Zootaxa, 2009Co-Authors: Philippe Auger, Samah Ben Chaaban, Kaouthar Lebdi Grissa, Othman Khoualdia, Carlos H.w. FlechtmannAbstract:In this paper we present the description of five new species of tetranychid mites collected in south Tunisian oasis areas. These are: Bryobia alveolata sp. nov., Aplonobia crispipilis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) carthagensis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) pseudotetranychina sp. nov. and Tetranychus (Tetranychus) atriplexi sp. nov. The notion of dorsal tubercles used to separate the sub-genera Tetranychina from Petrobia sensu stricto and MesoTetranychus among the genus Petrobia is also discussed.
Maria Navajas Navarro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
New species and new records of Tetranychidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) from Thailand
Zootaxa, 2014Co-Authors: Htar Htar Naing, Maria Navajas Navarro, Angsumarn Chandrapatya, Philippe AugerAbstract:Sampling efforts conducted in several provinces from Thailand disclosed three new species of tetranychid mites. Two of them belong to the genus Tetranychus, namely Tetranychus occultaspina sp. nov. and Tetranychus truncatissimus sp. nov. and the third species belongs to the genus SchizoTetranychus, SchizoTetranychus krungthepensis sp. nov. They were collected on Ipomoea aquatica, Bambusa multiplex and Saccharum officinarum, respectively. New records and new hosts are also mentioned.
Sequence analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers region in spider mites (Prostigmata: Tetranychidae) occurring in citrus orchards in Eastern Spain: use for species discrimination
Annals of Applied Probability, 2008Co-Authors: M.a. Hurtado, T. Ansaloni, Sandrine Cros-arteil, J.a. Jacas, Maria Navajas NavarroAbstract:Tetranychus urticae is a polyphagous mite which is an important pest of citrus worldwide. This mite can be found feeding on many plant species occurring in the citrus agrosystem moving from weeds to trees. Because field samples consist of a mixture of different Tetranychidae species, as a first step necessary to further implement population characterisation of T. urticae, species-discriminating criteria based on molecular techniques are needed. In this study, the nucleotide variation of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) 1 and 2 and the intergenic 5.8S fragment of nuclear rDNA of T. urticae, Tetranychus turkestani, Tetranychus evansi, Tetranychus ludeni and Panonychus citri have been determined. Results demonstrate that for these species, the rDNA ITS2 regions are much more conserved than the corresponding rDNA ITS1. The high homogeneity of the ITS2 sequence observed among the specimens of T. urticae obtained from the same ecoregion makes this DNA sequence an excellent tool for species discrimination. ITS sequences differentiate not only species but also specimens from different geographical origin. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the ITS2 proved adequate for a quick screening of high numbers of field samples
First record of the invasive mite Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) Baker and Pritchard in Greece
Phytoparasitica, 2007Co-Authors: A. Tsagkarakou, Sandrine Cros-arteil, Maria Navajas NavarroAbstract:The red spider mite Tetranychus evansi (Acari : Tetranychidae) Baker and Pritchard was recorded for the first time in Greece, in the area of Tympaki (south-central Crete) on Solanum nigrum. T evansi is a pest of crops of the family Solanaceae, which are grown extensively in Crete. The species identification was based on both morphological and molecular data. The second internal transcribed spacer was PCR amplified and sequenced in samples from Crete. Sequences were compared with the sequence of T evansi from Brazil and with the ITS2 sequences (retrieved from GenBank) of the two closely related tetranychid species most commonly found in Greece, Tetranychus turkestani and Tetranychus urticae.Author Keywords: internal transcribed spacer (ITS2); red spider mite; Solanaceae; Solanum nigrum; Tetranychidae; Tetranychus turkestani; Tetranychus urticae
Xiao-yue Hong - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Rapid development of 36 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Tetranychus truncatus by transferring from Tetranychus urticae.
Experimental & applied acarology, 2013Co-Authors: Jing-tao Sun, Yu-nan Cui, Xiao-yue HongAbstract:Tetranychus truncatus Ehara is a phytophagous spider mite that is now one of the most important pests of agricultural and economic crops in East and Southeast Asia. However, population genetics and other studies of T. truncatus have been impeded by the lack of microsatellite markers, which are expensive and time-consuming to identify. Previous studies indicated a high potential of cross-amplification of microsatellites in Tetranychus species, meaning that the microsatellite flanking sequences are sufficiently homologous among Tetranychus species that the primers for one species may work in another species. Here, we tested 205 primer pairs designed from the whole genome sequence of Tetranychus urticae Koch, a sister species of T. truncatus, for microsatellite markers in three populations of T. truncatus in China (N = 94). About half (102) of these primer pairs yielded the desired PCR products, 36 of which revealed polymorphism in T. truncatus. Each of the 36 markers harbored between 2 and 23 alleles, with a mean polymorphic information content of 0.589 (0.119–0.922 range). The mean observed and expected heterozygosity across loci and the three populations were 0.468 and 0.628, respectively. Of the 36 primer pairs, 22 also worked in Tetranychus piercei, but only a few of them worked in T. ludeni and T. phaselus. Cross-amplification is thus a cost-effective way to develop microsatellite markers, which can be of great value in population genetics studies.
Diversity of Wolbachia in natural populations of spider mites (genus Tetranychus): evidence for complex infection history and disequilibrium distribution.
Microbial ecology, 2013Co-Authors: Yan-kai Zhang, Kai-jun Zhang, Jing-tao Sun, Xian-ming Yang, Xiao-yue HongAbstract:Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria that commonly infect arthropods and cause reproductive disorders in host. Within several Tetranychus species, Wolbachia have been detected and shown to affect their reproduction. However, little is known about their transmission and distribution patterns in natural populations of Tetranychus species. Here, we used multilocus sequence typing to confirm Wolbachia infection status and examined the relationship between Wolbachia infection status and host phylogeny, mitochondrial diversity, and geographical range in five Tetranychus species (Tetranychus truncatus, Tetranychus urticae, Tetranychus pueraricola, Tetranychus phaselus, and Tetranychus kanzawai) from 21 populations in China. The prevalence of Wolbachia within the five Tetranychus species ranged from 31.4 to 100 %, and the strains were remarkably diverse. Together, these observations indicate that Wolbachia was introduced to these populations on multiple separate occasions. As in other arthropods, the same Tetranychus species can accommodate very different strains, and identical Wolbachia occasionally infect different species. These observations suggest that Wolbachia are transmitted both vertically and horizontally. Horizontally, transmission is probably mediated by the host plants. The distribution patterns of Wolbachia were quite different among populations of the same species, suggesting that the dynamics of Wolbachia in nature may be affected by ecological and other factors.
Identification and molecular phylogeny of agriculturally important spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences, with an emphasis on Tetranychus.
Zootaxa, 2010Co-Authors: Xiao-feng Xue, Kai-jun Zhang, Xiao-yue HongAbstract:Tetranychid mites are serious agricultural pests. Identification of species in the Tetranychidae is hampered by their close morphological similarities, especially for species within the genus Tetranychus. In this study, we examined the relationships of nine agriculturally important species in the Tetranychidae from China based on mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) and nuclear (internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 of ribosomal RNA gene) sequences. The results confirm the monophyly of the morphologically defined Tetranychus, Panonychus, AmphiTetranychus and Petrobia. However the position of AmphiTetranychus viennensis within the Tetranychidae needs to be confirmed. The genetic distances between Tetranychus truncatus, T. turkestani and T. urticae that their taxonomy needs revision. In particular, both cytochrome oxidase 1 and the internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 of rDNA sequences showed large geographical differences within T. cinnabarinus, suggesting the existence of cryptic species within this species.
Two New Species of Tetranychus (Acari: Tetranychidae) Infesting Corn in Inner Mongolia, China
International Journal of Acarology, 2008Co-Authors: Shôzô Ehara, Tetsuo Gotoh, Xiao-yue HongAbstract:Abstract Tetranychus huhhotensis n. sp. and T. zeae n. sp. are described and illustrated from corn leaves in Inner Mongolia. Tetranychus huhhotensis n. sp., assigned to Flechtmann and Knihinicki's Group 4 of Tetranychus, can be separated from its allied species by having the aedeagal knob with dorsal surface distinctly emarginate centrally. Tetranychus zeae n. sp. is distinctive in Group 9 of this genus in that the aedeagal knob is minute, with anterior projection practically absent and posterior projection conspicuous, acute. Summer females of the two new species are pale greenish-yellow, while their diapausing females are pale-orange.
Gao Hai-bo - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Effects of Tetranychus urticae Koch and Mechanical Damage on Volatile Infrochemicals of Tobacco
2007Co-Authors: Gao Hai-boAbstract:This study examined the effects of mechanical wounding and Tetranychus urticae Koch feeding on volatile infrochemicals of tobacco.The results showed that damaged plants immediately emitted a significantly large amount of six-carbon aldehydes,alcohols which came from jasmonate-signal transduction pathways.However,in response to Tetranychus urticae Koch infested for 24 hour,many novel volatile infrochemicals were induced.
Effects of Tetranychus urticae Koch and Mechanical Damage on Volatile Infrochemicals of Solanum melongena
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2007Co-Authors: Gao Hai-boAbstract:This study examined the effects of mechanical wounding and Tetranychus urticae Koch feeding on volatile infrochemicals of Solanum melongena.The results showed that the damaged plants emitted a significantly large amount of green leaf volatiles.However,the plant volatile infrochemicals caused by Tetranychus urticae Koch infestation were significantly different from those by mechanical wounding,and many novel compounds that were not produced in response to mechanical damage were induced.
Carlos H.w. Flechtmann - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Five new species of Tetranychidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) from south Tunisian oasis areas
Zootaxa, 2009Co-Authors: Philippe Auger, Samah Ben Chaaban, Kaouthar Lebdi Grissa, Othman Khoualdia, Carlos H.w. FlechtmannAbstract:In this paper we present the description of five new species of tetranychid mites collected in south Tunisian oasis areas. These are: Bryobia alveolata sp. nov., Aplonobia crispipilis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) carthagensis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) pseudotetranychina sp. nov. and Tetranychus (Tetranychus) atriplexi sp. nov. The notion of dorsal tubercles used to separate the sub-genera Tetranychina from Petrobia sensu stricto and MesoTetranychus among the genus Petrobia is also discussed.
Description of a new Tetranychus (Acarina, Prostigmata: Tetranychidae) pest of Musa from French Guiana
Journal of Natural History, 2008Co-Authors: Philippe Auger, Alain Migeon, Carlos H.w. FlechtmannAbstract:A new species of tetranychid mite, genus Tetranychus Dufour, 1832, is described and illustrated herein from neotropical area. Tetranychus musae sp. nov. (Acari, Prostigrnata: Tetranychidae) differs from other species in the genus by the combination between the arrangement of leg setae on females tarsus 1 and the shape of the aedeagus. Tarsus I beurs one tactile setae proximal ta proximal duplex setae and three tactiles in line or almost in Jine with proximal duplex setae. The aedeagus knob consists of an acute posterior projection bent ventrally and a larger anterior rounded projection directed anterodorsally. T musae specimens were collected in French Guiana where they appeared to be a pest of Musa sp. A key to adults of neotropical species of the genus Tetranychus feeding on banana is provided