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Xihong Hao - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
dielectric properties and energy storage performance of na0 5bi0 5 tio3 srtio3 Thick Films derived from polyvinylpyrrolidone modified chemical solution
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015Co-Authors: Xihong HaoAbstract:Abstract In this work, the 1.5-μm (1 − x%)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–x%SrTiO3 (abbreviated as NBT–xST, x = 0, 5, 10 and 15) Thick Films were successfully fabricated on LaNiO3/Si (1 0 0) substrate by using a polyvinylpyrrolidone-modified chemical solution route. The effect of SrTiO3 (abbreviated as ST) content on the dielectric properties and energy-storage performances of the Thick Films were investigated in detail. It was found that the addition of ST enhanced the breakdown strength (BDS) and improved the difference between the maximum polarization (Pmax) and the remnant polarization (Pr) of the Thick Films. The maximum recoverable energy-density (W) of 36.1 J/cm3 and the corresponding efficiency (η) of 40.8% were obtained in NBT–5ST Thick film, which also displayed good energy-storage stability in the temperature range from room temperature to 80 °C. Moreover, under the external electric field of 500 kV/cm, NBT–5ST Thick film showed the low leakage current density of 1.93 × 10−5 A/cm2 at room temperature. The results indicated that NBT–xST Thick Films might be promising environmentally friendly lead-free materials for energy-storage capacitor application.
dielectric properties and energy storage performance of na0 5bi0 5 tio3 Thick Films
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014Co-Authors: Ye Zhao, Xihong HaoAbstract:Abstract Lead-free ferroelectric Na 0.5 Bi 0.5 TiO 3 (NBT) Thick Films were successfully fabricated on LaNiO 3 /Si (1 0 0) substrates by using a polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-modified sol–gel technique. The dielectric properties, energy-storage performance and leakage current characteristics were investigated in detail. At 100 kHz, the capacitance density of the NBT Thick Films was 295 nF/cm 2 . The maximum recoverable energy-storage density and efficiency of the sample were 12.4 J/cm 3 and 43% at 1200 kV/cm, respectively. A low leakage current density of about 1 × 10 −5 A/cm 2 was also obtained at 700 kV/cm at room temperature. These results indicated that the lead-free ferroelectric NBT Thick Films might be the promising candidates for high energy-storage capacitors application.
energy storage properties and electrocaloric effect of pb 1 3x 2 laxzr0 85ti0 15o3 antiferroelectric Thick Films
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014Co-Authors: Ye Zhao, Xihong Hao, Qi ZhangAbstract:Antiferroelectric (AFE) Thick (1 μm) Films of Pb(1–3x/2)LaxZr0.85Ti0.15O3 (PLZT) with x = 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, and 0.14 were deposited on LaNiO3/Si (100) substrates by a sol–gel method. The dielectric properties, energy-storage performance, electrocaloric effect, and leakage current behavior were investigated in detail. With increasing La content, dielectric constant and saturated polarizations of the Thick Films were gradually decreased. A maximum recoverable energy-storage density of 38 J/cm3 and efficiency of 71% were achieved in the Thick Films with x = 0.12 at room temperature. A large reversible adiabatic temperature change of ΔT = 25.0 °C was presented in the Thick Films with x = 0.08 at 127 °C at 990 kV/cm. Moreover, all the samples had a lower leakage current density below 10–6 A/cm2 at room temperature. These results indicated that the PLZT AFE Thick Films could be a potential candidate for applications in high energy-storage density capacitors and cooling devices.
composition dependent dielectric and energy storage properties of pb la zr sn ti o3 antiferroelectric Thick Films
Applied Physics Letters, 2013Co-Authors: Xihong Hao, Ying Wang, Le Zhang, Liwen ZhangAbstract:1.8 -μm-(Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.95−xSnxTi0.05)O3 antiferroelectric Thick Films with orthorhombic (x = 0.05 and 0.25) and tetragonal (x = 0.40) structure were deposited on platinum-buffered silicon substrates by using a chemical solution way. All the Films had a uniform microstructure with pure perovskite phase. With increasing x value, dielectric constant and critical electric breakdown field of the Thick Films were gradually increased, while their saturated polarizations were decreased. As a result, their maximum recoverable energy-storage density was increased for the Thick Films with larger x values. A huge recoverable energy-storage density of 56 J/cm3 was obtained in antiferroelectric Thick Films with x = 0.40. Moreover, a good temperature-dependent stability of the energy storage was obtained in the all Films from 20 to 120 °C.
fabrication and energy storage performance of pb la zr ti o3 antiferroelectric Thick Films derived from polyvinylpyrrolidone modified chemical solution
Journal of Applied Physics, 2012Co-Authors: Ying Wang, Xihong Hao, Jichun Yang, Diyi ZhaoAbstract:In this work, Pb0.97La0.02(Zr0.98Ti0.02)O3 (PLZT 2/98/2) antiferroelectric (AFE) Thick Films were successfully deposited on LaNiO3/Si(100) substrates by polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-modified chemical solution. Each wet layer was first dried at 300 °C and then pyrolyzed at higher temperature B of 600, 650, or 700 °C, respectively. The effects of the pyrolyzed temperature B on the microstructure and the energy-storage performance of the AFE Films were investigated in detail. As the increasing of the pyrolyzed temperature, the crystallized PLZT 2/98/2 Films displayed a more uniform and dense surface microstructure. As a result, the dielectric properties, AFE characterization, and energy-storage performance were remarkably improved for the AFE Thick Films pyrolyzed at higher temperature. The maximum energy-storage density of 58.1 J/cm3 and the corresponding energy-storage efficiency of 37.3% were obtained in the PLZT 2/98/2 Films pyrolyzed at 700 °C for every layer.
J Y Chan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
on the resistance of silver migration in ag pd conductive Thick Films under humid environment and applied d c field
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1996Co-Authors: J Y ChanAbstract:Abstract Silver migration occurring in pure silver conductive Thick Films was minimized by using Ag-Pd alloys. The in situ microscopic observation, under humid environment and an applied d.c. field, showed that the out-growth of silver dendrites from the cathode decreases with increasing (5–20%) amount of Pd in the Ag-Pd specimens, and ceases completely at 30% Pd. The enhancement of silver migration resistance with increasing Pd concentration in Ag-Pd conductors was evident by the measurements of the short circuit current between a couple of Thick-film electrodes in distilled water at 5 V. Through the study of anodic potentiodynamic polarization in 0.01 M NaOH and the examination of the surface Films on the Thick Films by X-ray diffraction and surface analyses (Auger and ESCA), it was found that the anodic formation of PdO blocks the silver dissolution, and minimizes the occurrence of silver migration.
on the resistance of silver migration in ag pd conductive Thick Films under humid environment and applied d c field
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1996Co-Authors: J Y ChanAbstract:Abstract Silver migration occurring in pure silver conductive Thick Films was minimized by using Ag-Pd alloys. The in situ microscopic observation, under humid environment and an applied d.c. field, showed that the out-growth of silver dendrites from the cathode decreases with increasing (5–20%) amount of Pd in the Ag-Pd specimens, and ceases completely at 30% Pd. The enhancement of silver migration resistance with increasing Pd concentration in Ag-Pd conductors was evident by the measurements of the short circuit current between a couple of Thick-film electrodes in distilled water at 5 V. Through the study of anodic potentiodynamic polarization in 0.01 M NaOH and the examination of the surface Films on the Thick Films by X-ray diffraction and surface analyses (Auger and ESCA), it was found that the anodic formation of PdO blocks the silver dissolution, and minimizes the occurrence of silver migration.
Ying Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
composition dependent dielectric and energy storage properties of pb la zr sn ti o3 antiferroelectric Thick Films
Applied Physics Letters, 2013Co-Authors: Xihong Hao, Ying Wang, Le Zhang, Liwen ZhangAbstract:1.8 -μm-(Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.95−xSnxTi0.05)O3 antiferroelectric Thick Films with orthorhombic (x = 0.05 and 0.25) and tetragonal (x = 0.40) structure were deposited on platinum-buffered silicon substrates by using a chemical solution way. All the Films had a uniform microstructure with pure perovskite phase. With increasing x value, dielectric constant and critical electric breakdown field of the Thick Films were gradually increased, while their saturated polarizations were decreased. As a result, their maximum recoverable energy-storage density was increased for the Thick Films with larger x values. A huge recoverable energy-storage density of 56 J/cm3 was obtained in antiferroelectric Thick Films with x = 0.40. Moreover, a good temperature-dependent stability of the energy storage was obtained in the all Films from 20 to 120 °C.
fabrication and energy storage performance of pb la zr ti o3 antiferroelectric Thick Films derived from polyvinylpyrrolidone modified chemical solution
Journal of Applied Physics, 2012Co-Authors: Ying Wang, Xihong Hao, Jichun Yang, Diyi ZhaoAbstract:In this work, Pb0.97La0.02(Zr0.98Ti0.02)O3 (PLZT 2/98/2) antiferroelectric (AFE) Thick Films were successfully deposited on LaNiO3/Si(100) substrates by polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-modified chemical solution. Each wet layer was first dried at 300 °C and then pyrolyzed at higher temperature B of 600, 650, or 700 °C, respectively. The effects of the pyrolyzed temperature B on the microstructure and the energy-storage performance of the AFE Films were investigated in detail. As the increasing of the pyrolyzed temperature, the crystallized PLZT 2/98/2 Films displayed a more uniform and dense surface microstructure. As a result, the dielectric properties, AFE characterization, and energy-storage performance were remarkably improved for the AFE Thick Films pyrolyzed at higher temperature. The maximum energy-storage density of 58.1 J/cm3 and the corresponding energy-storage efficiency of 37.3% were obtained in the PLZT 2/98/2 Films pyrolyzed at 700 °C for every layer.
T W Button - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
dielectric and microwave properties of barium strontium titanate bst Thick Films on alumina substrates
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, 2003Co-Authors: J E Holmes, C Meggs, T W ButtonAbstract:Abstract The dielectric and microwave properties of barium strontium titanate (BST) Thick Films on alumina substrates have been investigated. The BST Films were screen printed and sintered at temperatures below 1300 °C. At temperatures below the Curie point the BST Films exhibit tunability in the range 15–35% under a DC bias field of 2 kV/mm. The dielectric loss is critically dependent on film Thickness with lower losses ( 100 μm). A relaxation process appears to take place for the BST Films in the MHz to GHz frequency regime. The variation of permittivity with bias field exhibits hysteretic behaviour in both the ferroelectric and paraelectric regions. This is believed to arise due to the non-uniform composition and existence of micro/nano-polar phases in the Films.
Liwen Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
composition dependent dielectric and energy storage properties of pb la zr sn ti o3 antiferroelectric Thick Films
Applied Physics Letters, 2013Co-Authors: Xihong Hao, Ying Wang, Le Zhang, Liwen ZhangAbstract:1.8 -μm-(Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.95−xSnxTi0.05)O3 antiferroelectric Thick Films with orthorhombic (x = 0.05 and 0.25) and tetragonal (x = 0.40) structure were deposited on platinum-buffered silicon substrates by using a chemical solution way. All the Films had a uniform microstructure with pure perovskite phase. With increasing x value, dielectric constant and critical electric breakdown field of the Thick Films were gradually increased, while their saturated polarizations were decreased. As a result, their maximum recoverable energy-storage density was increased for the Thick Films with larger x values. A huge recoverable energy-storage density of 56 J/cm3 was obtained in antiferroelectric Thick Films with x = 0.40. Moreover, a good temperature-dependent stability of the energy storage was obtained in the all Films from 20 to 120 °C.