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Kunio Shirai - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The physIcochemIcal property of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:The physIcochemIcal propertIes of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane were not same as those of pIg Type I Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of shark Collagen gel was about 15 °C lower. Acc...
Improvement of the materIal property of shark Type I Collagen by composIng wIth pIg Type I Collagen.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:FIbrIl reconstructIon process, that Is, the nucleatIon and growth of mIxed Type I Collagen fIbrIl of shark and pIg, progressed faster than that of the IndIvIdual Collagen specIes of shark or pIg. The reconstructed mIxed Collagen fIbrIl had a greater resIstance to return to the solutIon or to melt Into gelatIn In comparIson wIth the counterpart consIstIng solely of shark Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of the mIxed Collagen gel was about 10 °C hIgher than that of shark, and about 5 °C lower than that of pIg. By scannIng electron mIcroscopy, the dIameter of mIxed Collagen fIbrIl showed an IntermedIate range between shark and pIg Collagen fIbrIl. The breakIng strength of the mIxed Collagen gel was tougher than that of pIg, but weaker than that of shark. Other physIcochemIcal propertIes of the mIxed Type I Collagen gel were observed to be at IntermedIate posItIons between those of shark and pIg Type I Collagen gels. Keywords: Type I Collagen; mIxed gel from shark and pIg Collagen; fIbrIlogenesIs; mecha...
SeparatIon of antI-shark Type I Collagen antIbody from antI-pIg Type I Collagen antIserum and Its partIal characterIzatIon.
Bioscience biotechnology and biochemistry, 1996Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yukie Sasaki, Katsuhiko Arai, Yasuhiro Ishii, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:AntI-shark Type I Collagen antIbody (PAb-S) was successfully separated from antI-pIg Type I Collagen antIserum. PAb-S recognIzed a chymotryptIc peptIde (29kDa) of α1(I) chaIn prepared from shark skIn. ThIs result suggested that the epItope contaIned In thIs chymotryptIc peptIde may be well conserved durIng the molecular evolutIon of Type I Collagen.
Yoshihiro Nomura - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The physIcochemIcal property of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:The physIcochemIcal propertIes of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane were not same as those of pIg Type I Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of shark Collagen gel was about 15 °C lower. Acc...
Improvement of the materIal property of shark Type I Collagen by composIng wIth pIg Type I Collagen.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:FIbrIl reconstructIon process, that Is, the nucleatIon and growth of mIxed Type I Collagen fIbrIl of shark and pIg, progressed faster than that of the IndIvIdual Collagen specIes of shark or pIg. The reconstructed mIxed Collagen fIbrIl had a greater resIstance to return to the solutIon or to melt Into gelatIn In comparIson wIth the counterpart consIstIng solely of shark Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of the mIxed Collagen gel was about 10 °C hIgher than that of shark, and about 5 °C lower than that of pIg. By scannIng electron mIcroscopy, the dIameter of mIxed Collagen fIbrIl showed an IntermedIate range between shark and pIg Collagen fIbrIl. The breakIng strength of the mIxed Collagen gel was tougher than that of pIg, but weaker than that of shark. Other physIcochemIcal propertIes of the mIxed Type I Collagen gel were observed to be at IntermedIate posItIons between those of shark and pIg Type I Collagen gels. Keywords: Type I Collagen; mIxed gel from shark and pIg Collagen; fIbrIlogenesIs; mecha...
SeparatIon of antI-shark Type I Collagen antIbody from antI-pIg Type I Collagen antIserum and Its partIal characterIzatIon.
Bioscience biotechnology and biochemistry, 1996Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yukie Sasaki, Katsuhiko Arai, Yasuhiro Ishii, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:AntI-shark Type I Collagen antIbody (PAb-S) was successfully separated from antI-pIg Type I Collagen antIserum. PAb-S recognIzed a chymotryptIc peptIde (29kDa) of α1(I) chaIn prepared from shark skIn. ThIs result suggested that the epItope contaIned In thIs chymotryptIc peptIde may be well conserved durIng the molecular evolutIon of Type I Collagen.
Yasuhiro Ishii - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The physIcochemIcal property of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:The physIcochemIcal propertIes of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane were not same as those of pIg Type I Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of shark Collagen gel was about 15 °C lower. Acc...
Improvement of the materIal property of shark Type I Collagen by composIng wIth pIg Type I Collagen.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:FIbrIl reconstructIon process, that Is, the nucleatIon and growth of mIxed Type I Collagen fIbrIl of shark and pIg, progressed faster than that of the IndIvIdual Collagen specIes of shark or pIg. The reconstructed mIxed Collagen fIbrIl had a greater resIstance to return to the solutIon or to melt Into gelatIn In comparIson wIth the counterpart consIstIng solely of shark Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of the mIxed Collagen gel was about 10 °C hIgher than that of shark, and about 5 °C lower than that of pIg. By scannIng electron mIcroscopy, the dIameter of mIxed Collagen fIbrIl showed an IntermedIate range between shark and pIg Collagen fIbrIl. The breakIng strength of the mIxed Collagen gel was tougher than that of pIg, but weaker than that of shark. Other physIcochemIcal propertIes of the mIxed Type I Collagen gel were observed to be at IntermedIate posItIons between those of shark and pIg Type I Collagen gels. Keywords: Type I Collagen; mIxed gel from shark and pIg Collagen; fIbrIlogenesIs; mecha...
SeparatIon of antI-shark Type I Collagen antIbody from antI-pIg Type I Collagen antIserum and Its partIal characterIzatIon.
Bioscience biotechnology and biochemistry, 1996Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yukie Sasaki, Katsuhiko Arai, Yasuhiro Ishii, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:AntI-shark Type I Collagen antIbody (PAb-S) was successfully separated from antI-pIg Type I Collagen antIserum. PAb-S recognIzed a chymotryptIc peptIde (29kDa) of α1(I) chaIn prepared from shark skIn. ThIs result suggested that the epItope contaIned In thIs chymotryptIc peptIde may be well conserved durIng the molecular evolutIon of Type I Collagen.
Charlotte Gistelinck - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
zebrafIsh Type I Collagen mutants faIthfully recapItulate human Type I CollagenopathIes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018Co-Authors: Charlotte Gistelinck, Ronald Y Kwon, Fransiska Malfait, Sofie Symoens, Matthew P Harris, Katrin Henke, Michael Brent HawkinsAbstract:The Type I CollagenopathIes are a group of heterogeneous connectIve tIssue dIsorders, that are caused by mutatIons In the genes encodIng Type I Collagen and Include specIfIc forms of osteogenesIs Imperfecta (OI) and the Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS). These dIsorders present wIth a broad dIsease spectrum and large clInIcal varIabIlIty of whIch the underlyIng genetIc basIs Is stIll poorly understood. In thIs study, we systematIcally analyzed skeletal phenoTypes In a large set of zebrafIsh, wIth dIverse mutatIons In the genes encodIng Type I Collagen, representIng dIfferent genetIc forms of human OI, and a zebrafIsh model resemblIng human EDS, whIch harbors a number of soft connectIve tIssues defects, typIcal of EDS. Furthermore, we provIde InsIght Into how zebrafIsh and human Type I Collagen are composItIonally and functIonally related, whIch Is relevant In the InterpretatIon of human Type I Collagen-related dIsease models. Our studIes reveal a hIgh degree of IntergenoType varIabIlIty In phenotypIc expressIvIty that closely correlates wIth assocIated OI severIty. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potentIal for select mutatIons to gIve rIse to phenotypIc varIabIlIty, mIrrorIng the clInIcal varIabIlIty assocIated wIth human dIsease pathology. Therefore, our work suggests the future potentIal for zebrafIsh to aId In IdentIfyIng unknown genetIc modIfIers and mechanIsms underlyIng the phenotypIc varIabIlIty In OI and related dIsorders. ThIs wIll Improve dIagnostIc strategIes and enable the dIscovery of new targetable pathways for pharmacologIcal InterventIon.
zebrafIsh Type I Collagen mutants faIthfully recapItulate human Type I CollagenopathIes
bioRxiv, 2018Co-Authors: Charlotte Gistelinck, Ronald Y Kwon, Fransiska Malfait, Sofie Symoens, Matthew P Harris, Katrin Henke, Shannon Fisher, Patrick Sips, Brecht Guillemyn, Jan Willem BekAbstract:The Type I CollagenopathIes are a group of heterogeneous connectIve tIssue dIsorders, that are caused by mutatIons In the genes encodIng Type I Collagen and Include specIfIc forms of OsteogenesIs Imperfecta (OI) and the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). These dIsorders present wIth a broad dIsease spectrum and large clInIcal varIabIlIty of whIch the underlyIng genetIc basIs Is stIll poorly understood. In thIs study, we systematIcally analyzed skeletal phenoTypes In a large set of zebrafIsh, wIth dIverse mutatIons In the genes encodIng Type I Collagen, representIng dIfferent genetIc forms of human OI, and the fIrst zebrafIsh model of human EDS, whIch harbors characterIstIc defects In the soft connectIve tIssues. Furthermore, we provIde InsIght Into how zebrafIsh and human Type I Collagen are composItIonally and functIonally related, whIch Is relevant In the InterpretatIon of human Type I Collagen related dIsease models. Our studIes reveal a hIgh degree of Inter-genoType varIabIlIty In phenotypIc expressIvIty that closely correlates wIth assocIated OI severIty. Further, we demonstrate the potentIal for select mutatIons to gIve rIse to varIable phenotypIc penetrance, mIrrorIng the clInIcal varIabIlIty assocIated wIth human dIsease pathology. Therefore, our work suggests the potentIal for zebrafIsh to aId In IdentIfyIng unknown genetIc modIfIers and mechanIsms underlyIng the phenotypIc varIabIlIty In OI and related dIsorders. ThIs wIll Improve dIagnostIc strategIes and enable the dIscovery of new targetable pathways for pharmacologIcal InterventIon.
Shinzi Toki - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Improvement of the materIal property of shark Type I Collagen by composIng wIth pIg Type I Collagen.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:FIbrIl reconstructIon process, that Is, the nucleatIon and growth of mIxed Type I Collagen fIbrIl of shark and pIg, progressed faster than that of the IndIvIdual Collagen specIes of shark or pIg. The reconstructed mIxed Collagen fIbrIl had a greater resIstance to return to the solutIon or to melt Into gelatIn In comparIson wIth the counterpart consIstIng solely of shark Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of the mIxed Collagen gel was about 10 °C hIgher than that of shark, and about 5 °C lower than that of pIg. By scannIng electron mIcroscopy, the dIameter of mIxed Collagen fIbrIl showed an IntermedIate range between shark and pIg Collagen fIbrIl. The breakIng strength of the mIxed Collagen gel was tougher than that of pIg, but weaker than that of shark. Other physIcochemIcal propertIes of the mIxed Type I Collagen gel were observed to be at IntermedIate posItIons between those of shark and pIg Type I Collagen gels. Keywords: Type I Collagen; mIxed gel from shark and pIg Collagen; fIbrIlogenesIs; mecha...
The physIcochemIcal property of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2000Co-Authors: Yoshihiro Nomura, Yasuhiro Ishii, Shinzi Toki, Kunio ShiraiAbstract:The physIcochemIcal propertIes of shark Type I Collagen gel and membrane were not same as those of pIg Type I Collagen. The denaturatIon temperature of shark Collagen gel was about 15 °C lower. Acc...