Unconditional Positive Regard

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Kate Sheehan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • The Sibling Relationship in Foster Care
    Co-Authors: Kate Sheehan

    The majority of children placed into foster care are separated from their siblings upon entering the child welfare system. Some research suggests that siblings enjoy more stable home environments and fewer behavioral problems when placed together in care. The sibling relationship may provide stability, consistency, and Unconditional Positive Regard to the children most at risk for poor outcomes such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and loss of identity. This paper argues that foster care and child welfare agencies must institute the changes necessary to make sibling relationships a priority. Recommendations for integrating the protection of sibling relationships in the placement process are proposed.

  • The Sibling Relationship in Foster Care: Policy Implications
    Co-Authors: Kate Sheehan

    The majority of children placed into foster care are separated from their siblings upon entering the child welfare system. Some research suggests that siblings enjoy more stable home environments and fewer behavioral problems when placed together in care. The sibling relationship may provide stability, consistency, and Unconditional Positive Regard to the children most at risk for poor outcomes such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and loss of identity. This paper argues that foster care and child welfare agencies must institute the changes necessary to make sibling relationships a priority. Recommendations for integrating the protection of sibling relationships in the placement process are proposed. T S R  F C: P I

Jerold D Bozarth - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • “Nondirectivity” in the theory of Carl R. Rogers: An unprecedented premise
    Person-centered and experiential psychotherapies, 2012
    Co-Authors: Jerold D Bozarth

    The unprecedented premise of the self-authority and self-determination of the person is that of the therapist's nondirective attitude. The dedication of Rogers to the value laden concept of nondirectivity throughout his life is reviewed. In Rogers' theory, the client is the director of her/his own life when facilitated through a psychological environment characterized by the congruent therapist experiencing of Unconditional Positive Regard and empathy towards the client. Nondirectivity refers to the therapist's actions, attitudes, and demeanor that maximize the opportunity for the client/participant to direct her/his own life. The misunderstandings of nondirectivity lie within the interface with the deviations from Rogers' theory, the conventional mental health treatment model, and the characterization of Rogers' theory as a form of response repertoire. Those who disagree with the nondirective value laden principle of the theory disagree with the foundational value of Rogers' theory, a value that represen...

  • The art of “being’ in psychotherapy
    The Humanistic Psychologist, 2001
    Co-Authors: Jerold D Bozarth

    Abstract This article discusses the art of being in psychotherapy from the perspective of the author's experience and study as a client‐centered/person‐centered therapist. Several conclusions about psychotherapy are presented within a quasi‐autobiographical context in order to permit readers to know the source of such conclusions. Among these conclusions are that: (1) Effective psychotherapy is as much about what the therapist does not do as what the therapist does in therapy, (2) The client is her own best expert about her life, and (3) It is a virtual myth that there are specific treatments for particular psychiatric dysfunction. The art of psychotherapy in Rogers’ theory is the presence of the therapist's Unconditional Positive self‐Regard, creating an atmosphere of Unconditional Positive Regard towards the client within an empathic context. It is the Unconditional empathic reception of the client with trust in the client's own direction, way and pace that is the art of psychotherapy. It is this presen...

  • Unconditional Positive Regard
    Co-Authors: Jerold D Bozarth, Paul Wilkins

    Historial Perspectives. Unconditional Positive Regard - Deep Openess by Armin Klein. Unconditional Positive Regard by Gerald Bauman. Client-centred Unconditional Positive Regard: A historical perspective by Jerold D. Bozarth. Stanley W Standal and the Need for Positive Regard by Kathryn Moon, Bert Rice and Carolyn Schneider. Theory and Practice. Unconditional Positive Regard Reconsidered by Paul Wilkins. Acknowledgement: The art of responding by Peter F Schmid. Unconditional Positive Regard: A misunderstood way of being by Ruth Stanford. Undonctional Positive Regard and Pre-Therapy: An exploration by Garry Prouty. Unconditional Acceptance and Positive Regard by Germain Lietaer. Unconditional Positive Regard: Constituent activites by James Iberg. An experiential version of Unconditional Positive Regard by Marion Hendricks. Unconditional Positive Regard: The distinctive feature of Client-centered Therapy by Barbara Temaner Brodley and Carolyn Schneider. A reconceptualization of the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Therapeutic Personality Change by Jerold D Bozarth.The Wider Context and Links to the Other Conditions. Potentiating Growth: An examination of the research on Unconditional Positive Regard by Jeanne C Watson and Patricia Steckley. Acceptance and the Truth of the Present Moment as a Trustworthy Foundation for Unconditional Positive Regard by Judy Moore. An Interpretation of Unconditional Positive Regard from the Standpoint of Buddhist-based Psychology by Toro Kuno. Unconditional Positive Regard: Towards unravelling the puzzle by Jerold D Bozarth and Paul Wilkins.

  • Actualisation: A Functional Concept in Client-Centered Therapy
    Co-Authors: Jerold D Bozarth, Barbara Temaner Brodley

    This paper reviews CarI R. Rogers' concept of the actualising tendency as an operational premise in client-centred therapy. Rogers' view of actualisation is clarified including the relationship of the concept to Rogers' speculations about the "fully functioning person." The function of the actualising concept in therapy is demonstrated by reviewing segments of a therapy session. The client-centred therapist implements the actualising tendency by creating a specific interpersonal climate during the therapy session. This climate is created by means of the therapist experiencing and communicating certain attitudes toward the client. These attitudes are identified as congruency, Unconditional Positive Regard, and empathic understanding. Rather than intervening and thereby assuming therapeutic expertise about the client, the client- centred therapist trusts the client to move forward in a constructive direction. The constructive forward movement of the client is propelled by the sole and inherent motivation in human beings; that is, the actualising tendency.

Noam Schimmel - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • A humanistic approach to caring for street children: The importance of emotionally intimate and supportive relationships for the successful rehabilitation of street children
    Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 2008
    Co-Authors: Noam Schimmel

    This article illustrates the psychologically damaging effects that result from living on the street and that negatively impact upon street children's well-being and development. It notes that one of the fundamental deprivations which street children face—often the very deprivation that prompts their decision to move away from home to the street—is that of close, supportive and loving relationships with adult caregivers. It argues that the successful rehabilitation of street children requires an intentional emphasis on building emotionally intimate, supportive relationships between street children and social workers. Drawing upon the humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers, which centers upon the prerequisite of Unconditional Positive Regard for healthy human development, it argues that individuals who have suffered from psychic stress and trauma are in particular need of Unconditional Positive Regard in order to gain self-respect, self-confidence and trust and faith in society and in their capacity to succes...

M Ladea - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • p03 157 can the lack of Unconditional Positive Regard change the correct diagnose and the decision of treatment case report
    European Psychiatry, 2011
    Co-Authors: M C Sarpe, M Ladea

    Carl Rogers, one of the founders of humanistic approach in psychology, sees people as basically good and healthy. He considers mental health as the normal progression of life, and believes that mental illness and criminality are distortions of that natural tendency. Rogers felt that a good therapist must have three very special qualities: Congruence, Empathy and Respect -- acceptance, Unconditional Positive Regard towards the client. These qualities are “necessary and sufficient”. We present the case of an 18-year-old adolescent with distressing thoughts of killing someone, a colleague or a family member, and compulsions like the wish to be restrained to the bad so that he couldn’t hurt someone. He was first diagnosed with premorbid symptoms of a psychotic disorder by a psychologist, and he was recommended to begin antipsychotic treatment. We subsequently diagnosed him with obsessive-compulsive disorder due to the fact that he felt repulsion and remorse for having these thoughts. He began the treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and Rogersian therapy. We intend to demonstrate that the lack of acceptance and Unconditional Positive Regard as well as communication problems with the patient can interfere with giving the correct diagnose and decision of treatment. “If I accept the other person as something fixed, already diagnosed and classified, already shaped by his past, then I am doing my part to confirm this limited hypothesis. If I accept him as a process of becoming, then I am doing what I can to confirm or make real his potentialities”, Carl Rogers.

Archana Kaushik - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Use of ‘Self’ in Social Work: Some Reflections
    Indian Journal of Social Work, 2018
    Co-Authors: Archana Kaushik

    Social workers exercise the use of ‘self’ by consciously demonstrating their knowledge, values, skills and personality traits in their interventions with clients. The paper argues that what we call our ‘self’ is a false perception conceptualised through our social environment. It asserts that knowing the ‘self’ is not confined to merely identifying personal biases and prejudices. The effective use of social work values such as compassion, Unconditional Positive Regard and empathy towards clients are compromised without the true realisation of ‘self’.