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Suluh Langgeng Wicaksono - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
evaluasi Usability google classroom menggunakan system Usability scale
Walisongo Journal of Information Technology, 2020Co-Authors: Dimas Setiawan, Suluh Langgeng WicaksonoAbstract:Pandemi Covid-19 membuat pengguna E-learning di masa meningkat pesat, hal ini dikarenakan adanya kebijakan WFH ( work from home ) dari pemerintah sehingga seluruh proses kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas digantikan dengan model pembelajaran secara online, tak tekecuali di Universitas PGRI Madiun. Salah satu platform E-Learning yang banyak digunakan adalah Google Classroom , sebagai salah satu platform yang banyak digunakan tentunya perlu dilakukan evaluasi kepuasan agar terdapat perbaikan kedepannya. System Usability Scale merupakan salah satu metode evaluasi yang digunakan untuk melihat usabilitas dari sebuah produk perangkat lunak. Evaluasi Usability ini dilakukan kepada 10 responden pengguna Google clasrrom mahasiswa lintas angkatan, khususnya di program studi sistem informasi dan Teknik informatika UNIPMA. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi Usability E-learning platform Google calssroom memiliki score 82,8 dan dianggap telah memenuhi unsur Usablity
Dimas Setiawan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
evaluasi Usability google classroom menggunakan system Usability scale
Walisongo Journal of Information Technology, 2020Co-Authors: Dimas Setiawan, Suluh Langgeng WicaksonoAbstract:Pandemi Covid-19 membuat pengguna E-learning di masa meningkat pesat, hal ini dikarenakan adanya kebijakan WFH ( work from home ) dari pemerintah sehingga seluruh proses kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas digantikan dengan model pembelajaran secara online, tak tekecuali di Universitas PGRI Madiun. Salah satu platform E-Learning yang banyak digunakan adalah Google Classroom , sebagai salah satu platform yang banyak digunakan tentunya perlu dilakukan evaluasi kepuasan agar terdapat perbaikan kedepannya. System Usability Scale merupakan salah satu metode evaluasi yang digunakan untuk melihat usabilitas dari sebuah produk perangkat lunak. Evaluasi Usability ini dilakukan kepada 10 responden pengguna Google clasrrom mahasiswa lintas angkatan, khususnya di program studi sistem informasi dan Teknik informatika UNIPMA. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi Usability E-learning platform Google calssroom memiliki score 82,8 dan dianggap telah memenuhi unsur Usablity
pengukuran Usability pada learning management system perguruan tinggi menggunakan pedoman system Usability scale
Teknologi: Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi, 2015Co-Authors: Dimas Setiawan, Naufal RafiantoAbstract:Kebijakan pemerintah di masa pandemi berdampak pada perubahan kegiatan pembelajaran di Universitas PGRI Madiun, di mana keseluruhan proses dilaksakan secara daring, salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan ELMA ( e-learning Universitas PGRI Madiun). Dalam praktiknya, pengguna mengeluh ketika menggunakan platform tersebut, salah satunya terdapat beberapa tombol yang malfungsi, beberapa menu dashboard membuat bingung pengguna, dan masih banyak permasalahan lainnya. Namun, keluhan tersebut belum bisa terakomodasi dengan baik, sehingga membuat pengguna merasa kurang nyaman dalam menggunakan platform tersebut, sehingga diperlukan evaluasi untuk mengungkap kondisi Usability ELMA. Hal ini perlu dilakukan mengingat salah satu misi dari ELMA adalah mendukung pembelajaran online melalui fitur yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Adapaun evaluasi usablity yang bisa dilakukan salah satunya dengan menggunakan SUS ( System Usability Scale ). SUS merupakan salah satu instrumen evaluasi yang digunakan untuk melihat Usability dari sebuah produk perangkat lunak. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi Usability terhadap 30 responden mahaiswa di berbagai lintas angkatan program studi sistem informasi, platform ELMA memiliki skor rata-rata sebesar 44 dengan rating rendah dan nilai huruf F. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ELMA masih memiliki tingkat kegunaan/ Usability yang masih rendah. Sehingga perlu adanya perbaikan, diantaranya menghilangkan menu yang dirasa tidak diperlukan, memperbaiki tampilan dari forum diskusi, perbaikan plug-in fitur live conference , perbaikan terhadap tombol yang sering terjadi malfungsi, serta percepatan loading page pada paltform tersebut. Government policy during the pandemic has an impact on changes in learning activities at the University of PGRI Madiun, where the whole process is carried out online, one of them by utilizing ELMA (E-learning of Madiun PGRI University). In practice, users complain when using the platform, one of which is a number of useless buttons, some dashboard menus that confuse users, and many other problems. However, these complaints have not been well accommodated, so it makes users feel uncomfortable using the platform, so an evaluation is needed to understand the Usability condition of ELMA. It is necessary to remember one of the ELMA's mission is to support online learning through the features according to user needs. The usablity evaluation can be done either by using SUS (System Usability Scale). SUS is one of the evaluation instrument used to look at the Usability of a software product. Based on the results of Usability evaluation of the 30 respondents from various forces student information system study program, ELMA platform has an average score of 44 with a "Awful" and letter grade F. This shows that ELMA still has a low level of Usability. So there needs improvement, including removing the menu that was deemed unnecessary, improve the appearance of the discussion forum, repair plug-in features of a live conference, improvements to frequent malfunctions button and speed up page loading on the platform.
Selim Zaim - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
a machine learning based Usability evaluation method for elearning systems
Decision Support Systems, 2013Co-Authors: Asil Oztekin, Ali Turkyilmaz, Dursun Delen, Selim ZaimAbstract:The research presented in this paper proposes a new machine learning-based evaluation method for assessing the Usability of eLearning systems. Three machine learning methods (support vector machines, neural networks and decision trees) along with multiple linear regression are used to develop prediction models in order to discover the underlying relationship between the overall eLearning system Usability and its predictor factors. A subsequent sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine the rank-order importance of the predictors. Using both sensitivity values along with the Usability scores, a metric (called severity index) is devised. By applying a Pareto-like analysis, the severity index values are ranked and the most important Usability characteristics are identified. The case study results show that the proposed methodology enhances the determination of eLearning system problems by identifying the most pertinent Usability factors. The proposed method could provide an invaluable guidance to the Usability experts as to what measures should be improved in order to maximize the system Usability for a targeted group of end-users of an eLearning system. Usability assessment of eLearning systems is a necessary and challenging problem.Machine learning techniques are effective tools for Usability assessments.Pareto-like analysis can help devise severity index values.Sensitivity analysis can help rank the most important Usability factors.
Asil Oztekin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
a machine learning based Usability evaluation method for elearning systems
Decision Support Systems, 2013Co-Authors: Asil Oztekin, Ali Turkyilmaz, Dursun Delen, Selim ZaimAbstract:The research presented in this paper proposes a new machine learning-based evaluation method for assessing the Usability of eLearning systems. Three machine learning methods (support vector machines, neural networks and decision trees) along with multiple linear regression are used to develop prediction models in order to discover the underlying relationship between the overall eLearning system Usability and its predictor factors. A subsequent sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine the rank-order importance of the predictors. Using both sensitivity values along with the Usability scores, a metric (called severity index) is devised. By applying a Pareto-like analysis, the severity index values are ranked and the most important Usability characteristics are identified. The case study results show that the proposed methodology enhances the determination of eLearning system problems by identifying the most pertinent Usability factors. The proposed method could provide an invaluable guidance to the Usability experts as to what measures should be improved in order to maximize the system Usability for a targeted group of end-users of an eLearning system. Usability assessment of eLearning systems is a necessary and challenging problem.Machine learning techniques are effective tools for Usability assessments.Pareto-like analysis can help devise severity index values.Sensitivity analysis can help rank the most important Usability factors.
uselearn a novel checklist and Usability evaluation method for elearning systems by criticality metric analysis
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2010Co-Authors: Asil Oztekin, Zhenyu James Kong, Ozgur UysalAbstract:Abstract This paper proposes a new Usability evaluation checklist, UseLearn, and a related method for eLearning systems. UseLearn is a comprehensive checklist which incorporates both quality and Usability evaluation perspectives in eLearning systems. Structural equation modeling is deployed to validate the UseLearn checklist quantitatively. The experimental results show that the UseLearn method supports the determination of Usability problems by criticality metric analysis and the definition of relevant improvement strategies. The main advantage of the UseLearn method is the adaptive selection of the most influential Usability problems, and thus significant reduction of the time and effort for Usability evaluation can be achieved. At the sketching and/or design stage of eLearning systems, it will provide an effective guidance to Usability analysts as to what problems should be focused on in order to improve the Usability perception of the end-users. Relevance to industry During the sketching or design stage of eLearning platforms, Usability problems should be revealed and eradicated to create more usable and quality eLearning systems to satisfy the end-users. The UseLearn checklist along with its quantitative methodology proposed in this study would be helpful for Usability experts to achieve this goal.
Danar Wahyu Ramadhan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
pengujian Usability website time excelindo menggunakan system Usability scale sus studi kasus website time excelindo
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika), 2019Co-Authors: Danar Wahyu RamadhanAbstract:Pengujian Usability website Time Excelindo menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS) merupakan penelitian aksi yang bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kebergunaan (Usability) dari website Time Excelindo. Â Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan akan dianalisa lebih jauh lagi untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan website untuk meningkatkan Usability. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner SUS yang berisi 10 pernyataan dan menggunakan skala Likert untuk jawabannya. Pengujian dilakukan 2 tahap, pengujian pertama dengan menggunakan kuesioner SUS untuk mengukur tingkat Usability website. Dari hasil pengujian pertama kemudian dianalisa untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan. Pengujian kedua menggunakan kuesioner SUS yang telah diberikan perlakuan dengan menambahkan hasil rekomendasi pada pernyataan yang ada. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah website Time Excelindo memiliki Usability yang masih dapat diterima. Namun dengan diberikan rekomendasi perbaikan, mampu meningkatkan Usability website lebih baik lagi.