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Luiz Fernando Capretz - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
f2 rules for qualification of developing and managing Software Product line
arXiv: Software Engineering, 2015Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software Product line has emerged as a valuable concept of developing Software based on reusable Software assets. The concept aims on effective utilization of Software assets, reduced time to delivery, improved quality and better benefits to cost ratio of Products. In this paper we have defined certain rules for the qualification of developing and managing a Software Product line. An organization must follow these rules in order to establish and manage Software Product line effectively.
an architecture process maturity model of Software Product line engineering
arXiv: Software Engineering, 2015Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software architecture has been a key research area in the Software engineering community due to its significant role in creating high quality Software. The trend of developing Product lines rather than single Products has made the Software Product line a viable option in the industry. Software Product line architecture is regarded as one of the crucial components in the Product lines, since all of the resulting Products share this common architecture. The increased popularity of Software Product lines demands a process maturity evaluation methodology. Consequently, this paper presents an architecture process maturity model for Software Product line engineering to evaluate the current maturity of the Product line architecture development process in an organization. Assessment questionnaires and a rating methodology comprise the framework of this model. The objective of the questionnaires is to collect information about the Software Product line architecture development process. Thus, in general this work contributes towards the establishment of a comprehensive and unified strategy for the process maturity evaluation of Software Product line engineering. Furthermore, we conducted two case studies and reported the assessment results, which show the maturity of the architecture development process in two organizations
An architecture process maturity model of Software Product line engineering
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2011Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software architecture has been a key research area in the Software engineering community due to its significant role in creating high-quality Software. The trend of developing Product lines rather than single Products has made the Software Product line a viable option in the industry. Software Product line architecture (SPLA) is regarded as one of the crucial components in the Product lines, since all of the resulting Products share this common architecture. The increased popularity of Software Product lines demands a process maturity evaluation methodology. Consequently, this paper presents an architecture process maturity model for Software Product line engineering to evaluate the current maturity of the Product line architecture development process in an organization. Assessment questionnaires and a rating methodology comprise the framework of this model. The objective of the questionnaires is to collect information about the SPLA development process. Thus, in general this work contributes towards the establishment of a comprehensive and unified strategy for the process maturity evaluation of Software Product line engineering. Furthermore, we conducted two case studies and reported the assessment results, which show the maturity of the architecture development process in two organizations.
a business maturity model of Software Product line engineering
Information Systems Frontiers, 2011Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:In the recent past, Software Product line engineering has become one of the most promising practices in Software industry with the potential to substantially increase the Software development Productivity. Software Product line engineering approach spans the dimensions of business, architecture, Software engineering process and organization. The increasing popularity of Software Product line engineering in the Software industry necessitates a process maturity evaluation methodology. Accordingly, this paper presents a business maturity model of Software Product line, which is a methodology to evaluate the current maturity of the business dimension of a Software Product line in an organization. This model examines the coordination between Product line engineering and the business aspects of Software Product line. It evaluates the maturity of the business dimension of Software Product line as a function of how a set of business practices are aligned with Product line engineering in an organization. Using the model presented in this paper, we conducted two case studies and reported the assessment results. This research contributes towards establishing a comprehensive and unified strategy for a process maturity evaluation of Software Product lines.
The Software Product line architecture: An empirical investigation of key process activities
Information and Software Technology, 2008Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software architecture has been a key area of concern in Software industry due to its profound impact on the Productivity and quality of Software Products. This is even more crucial in case of Software Product line, because it deals with the development of a line of Products sharing common architecture and having controlled variability. The main contributions of this paper is to increase the understanding of the influence of key Software Product line architecture process activities on the overall performance of Software Product line by conducting a comprehensive empirical investigation covering a broad range of organizations currently involved in the business of Software Product lines. This is the first study to empirically investigate and demonstrate the relationships between some of the Software Product line architecture process activities and the overall Software Product line performance of an organization at the best of our knowledge. The results of this investigation provide empirical evidence that Software Product line architecture process activities play a significant role in successfully developing and managing a Software Product line.
Faheem Ahmed - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
f2 rules for qualification of developing and managing Software Product line
arXiv: Software Engineering, 2015Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software Product line has emerged as a valuable concept of developing Software based on reusable Software assets. The concept aims on effective utilization of Software assets, reduced time to delivery, improved quality and better benefits to cost ratio of Products. In this paper we have defined certain rules for the qualification of developing and managing a Software Product line. An organization must follow these rules in order to establish and manage Software Product line effectively.
an architecture process maturity model of Software Product line engineering
arXiv: Software Engineering, 2015Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software architecture has been a key research area in the Software engineering community due to its significant role in creating high quality Software. The trend of developing Product lines rather than single Products has made the Software Product line a viable option in the industry. Software Product line architecture is regarded as one of the crucial components in the Product lines, since all of the resulting Products share this common architecture. The increased popularity of Software Product lines demands a process maturity evaluation methodology. Consequently, this paper presents an architecture process maturity model for Software Product line engineering to evaluate the current maturity of the Product line architecture development process in an organization. Assessment questionnaires and a rating methodology comprise the framework of this model. The objective of the questionnaires is to collect information about the Software Product line architecture development process. Thus, in general this work contributes towards the establishment of a comprehensive and unified strategy for the process maturity evaluation of Software Product line engineering. Furthermore, we conducted two case studies and reported the assessment results, which show the maturity of the architecture development process in two organizations
An architecture process maturity model of Software Product line engineering
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2011Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software architecture has been a key research area in the Software engineering community due to its significant role in creating high-quality Software. The trend of developing Product lines rather than single Products has made the Software Product line a viable option in the industry. Software Product line architecture (SPLA) is regarded as one of the crucial components in the Product lines, since all of the resulting Products share this common architecture. The increased popularity of Software Product lines demands a process maturity evaluation methodology. Consequently, this paper presents an architecture process maturity model for Software Product line engineering to evaluate the current maturity of the Product line architecture development process in an organization. Assessment questionnaires and a rating methodology comprise the framework of this model. The objective of the questionnaires is to collect information about the SPLA development process. Thus, in general this work contributes towards the establishment of a comprehensive and unified strategy for the process maturity evaluation of Software Product line engineering. Furthermore, we conducted two case studies and reported the assessment results, which show the maturity of the architecture development process in two organizations.
a business maturity model of Software Product line engineering
Information Systems Frontiers, 2011Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:In the recent past, Software Product line engineering has become one of the most promising practices in Software industry with the potential to substantially increase the Software development Productivity. Software Product line engineering approach spans the dimensions of business, architecture, Software engineering process and organization. The increasing popularity of Software Product line engineering in the Software industry necessitates a process maturity evaluation methodology. Accordingly, this paper presents a business maturity model of Software Product line, which is a methodology to evaluate the current maturity of the business dimension of a Software Product line in an organization. This model examines the coordination between Product line engineering and the business aspects of Software Product line. It evaluates the maturity of the business dimension of Software Product line as a function of how a set of business practices are aligned with Product line engineering in an organization. Using the model presented in this paper, we conducted two case studies and reported the assessment results. This research contributes towards establishing a comprehensive and unified strategy for a process maturity evaluation of Software Product lines.
The Software Product line architecture: An empirical investigation of key process activities
Information and Software Technology, 2008Co-Authors: Faheem Ahmed, Luiz Fernando CapretzAbstract:Software architecture has been a key area of concern in Software industry due to its profound impact on the Productivity and quality of Software Products. This is even more crucial in case of Software Product line, because it deals with the development of a line of Products sharing common architecture and having controlled variability. The main contributions of this paper is to increase the understanding of the influence of key Software Product line architecture process activities on the overall performance of Software Product line by conducting a comprehensive empirical investigation covering a broad range of organizations currently involved in the business of Software Product lines. This is the first study to empirically investigate and demonstrate the relationships between some of the Software Product line architecture process activities and the overall Software Product line performance of an organization at the best of our knowledge. The results of this investigation provide empirical evidence that Software Product line architecture process activities play a significant role in successfully developing and managing a Software Product line.
Klaus Pohl - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Software Product line engineering and variability management achievements and challenges
International Conference on Software Engineering, 2014Co-Authors: Andreas Metzger, Klaus PohlAbstract:Software Product line engineering has proven to empower organizations to develop a diversity of similar Software-intensive systems (applications) at lower cost, in shorter time, and with higher quality when compared with the development of single systems. Over the last decade the Software Product line engineering research community has grown significantly. It has produced impressive research results both in terms of quality as well as quantity. We identified over 600 relevant research and experience papers published within the last seven years in established conferences and journals. We briefly summarize the major research achievements of these past seven years. We structure this research summary along a standardized Software Product line framework. Further, we outline current and future research challenges anticipated from major trends in Software engineering and technology.
variability management in Software Product line engineering
International Conference on Software Engineering, 2007Co-Authors: Andreas Metzger, Klaus PohlAbstract:Software Product line engineering (SPLE [2], [6]) has proven to be the paradigm for developing a diversity of similar Software applications and Software-intensive systems at low costs, in short time, and with high quality. Numerous reports document the significant achievements of introducing Software Product lines in industry [6].
Software Product line engineering foundations principles and techniques
2005Co-Authors: Klaus Pohl, Gnter Bckle, Frank Van Der LindenAbstract:Software Product line engineering has proven to be the methodology for developing a diversity of Software Products and Software intensive systems at lower costs, in shorter time, and with higher quality. In this book, Pohl and his co-authors present a framework for Software Product line engineering which they have developed based on their academic as well as industrial experience gained in projects over the last eight years. They do not only detail the technical aspect of the development, but also an integrated view of the business, organisation and process aspects are given. In addition, they explicitly point out the key differences of Software Product line engineering compared to traditional single Software system development, as the need for two distinct development processes for domain and application engineering respectively, or the need to define and manage variability.
Variability issues in Software Product lines
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002Co-Authors: Jan Bosch, Gert Florijn, Danny Greefhorst, Juha Kuusela, Jh Obbink, Klaus PohlAbstract:Software Product lines (or system families) have achieved considerable adoption by the Software industry. A Software Product line captures the commonalities between a set of Products while providing for the differences. Differences are managed by delaying design decisions, thereby introducing variation points. The whole of variation points is typically referred to as the variability of the Software Product line. Variability management is, however, not a trivial activity and several issues exist, both in general as well as specific to individual phases in the lifecycle. This paper identifies and describes several variability issues based on practical experiences and theoretical understanding of the problem domain.
Timo Soininen - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
characterizing configurable Software Product families and their derivation
Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 2005Co-Authors: Mikko Raatikainen, Timo Soininen, Tomi Mannisto, Antti MattilaAbstract:Configurable Software Product families are a subclass of Software Product families that are customized in a Product individual derivation process without design or programming. This article presents results on analyzing two such families and their derivation processes found in a descriptive case study on Software Product families. Some characteristics particular to such Product families and their derivation seem to emerge: There is a configurable Product base that is configured to the customer requirements. The variability has two distinct levels, of which the first is visible to the customer at sales. The derivation process consists of requirements specification, configuring, delivery, installing, and tailoring activities. Derivation is very flexible and efficient. Most derivations can be carried out without programming. The activities primarily require application domain understanding, system administrator skills, and understanding of the family. The Product developers can be separated organizationally from Product derivators. We further proposed some hypotheses on the success factors for configurable Software Product families: A large enough number of derivations, understanding and stability of the application domain, and clear Software Product family–oriented culture and processes. However, very advanced or Software Product family–oriented Software engineering methods or similar methods do not seem a prerequisite for success. We also suggest further research on configurable Software Product families. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
a case study of two configurable Software Product families
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004Co-Authors: Mikko Raatikainen, Timo Soininen, Tomi Mannisto, Antti MattilaAbstract:A configurable Software Product family allows the deployment of individual Products without customer-specific design or programming effort. Despite the fact that such Software Product families have recently gained research interest, there are only few empirical studies on them. This paper presents some results of a descriptive case study undertaken in two companies that develop and deploy configurable Software Product families. The similarities found in comparisons between characteristics of the configurable Software Product families were remarkable, although the companies, Products, and application domains were different. The study shows that the configurable Software Product family approach is already applied in the industry. Furthermore, the approach seems to be a feasible and even efficient way to systematically develop a family of Products and manage the variability within it.
towards intelligent support for managing evolution of configurable Software Product families
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003Co-Authors: Tero Kojo, Tomi Mannisto, Timo SoininenAbstract:Software Product families are a means for increasing the efficiency of Software development. We propose a conceptualisation for modelling the evolution and variability of configurable Software Product families. We describe a first prototype of an intelligent tool that allows modelling a Software Product family on the basis of the conceptualisation and supports the user in interactively producing correct configurations with respect to the model. The implementation is based on an existing general purpose configurator and thus is not application domain specific. We use the Debian Familiar Linux package configuration task over many releases and package versions as an example. Preliminary results show that the conceptualisation can be used to model evolution of such a Software Product family relatively easily and the implementation performs acceptably.
Antti Mattila - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
characterizing configurable Software Product families and their derivation
Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 2005Co-Authors: Mikko Raatikainen, Timo Soininen, Tomi Mannisto, Antti MattilaAbstract:Configurable Software Product families are a subclass of Software Product families that are customized in a Product individual derivation process without design or programming. This article presents results on analyzing two such families and their derivation processes found in a descriptive case study on Software Product families. Some characteristics particular to such Product families and their derivation seem to emerge: There is a configurable Product base that is configured to the customer requirements. The variability has two distinct levels, of which the first is visible to the customer at sales. The derivation process consists of requirements specification, configuring, delivery, installing, and tailoring activities. Derivation is very flexible and efficient. Most derivations can be carried out without programming. The activities primarily require application domain understanding, system administrator skills, and understanding of the family. The Product developers can be separated organizationally from Product derivators. We further proposed some hypotheses on the success factors for configurable Software Product families: A large enough number of derivations, understanding and stability of the application domain, and clear Software Product family–oriented culture and processes. However, very advanced or Software Product family–oriented Software engineering methods or similar methods do not seem a prerequisite for success. We also suggest further research on configurable Software Product families. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
a case study of two configurable Software Product families
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004Co-Authors: Mikko Raatikainen, Timo Soininen, Tomi Mannisto, Antti MattilaAbstract:A configurable Software Product family allows the deployment of individual Products without customer-specific design or programming effort. Despite the fact that such Software Product families have recently gained research interest, there are only few empirical studies on them. This paper presents some results of a descriptive case study undertaken in two companies that develop and deploy configurable Software Product families. The similarities found in comparisons between characteristics of the configurable Software Product families were remarkable, although the companies, Products, and application domains were different. The study shows that the configurable Software Product family approach is already applied in the industry. Furthermore, the approach seems to be a feasible and even efficient way to systematically develop a family of Products and manage the variability within it.