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The Experts below are selected from a list of 165 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

W S W Trollope - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Veld management in the communal areas of Ciskei
    African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 1991
    Co-Authors: R.g. Forbes, W S W Trollope

    Veld management in Ciskei is based predominantly on a communal land tenure system, and livestock is produced under a ‘Group Ranch’ system. Stocking rates are excessively high and consequently Veld degradation is severe, resulting in a lowered carrying capacity and low efficiency indicators such as weaning percentage. Veld rehabilitation programmes during the 1960s resulted in some improvement in Veld condition, but also caused bush encroachment and selective grazing. Factors limiting Veld rehabilitation are of a political, socio‐economic and technical nature, the most important being overstocking, the land tenure system and incorrect land use. A solution to the continued degradation of the Veld depends on the commitment of the government to a development strategy which addresses factors such as freehold tenure, education and the provision of incentive for profitable production.

  • Veld management with specific reference to game ranching in the grassland and savanna areas of south africa
    Koedoe, 1990
    Co-Authors: W S W Trollope

    Veld management refers to the management of natural vegetation for specific objectives related to different forms of land use. In the wildlife context a wide spectrum of different forms of land use are practised ranging from pure nature conservation in large national parks through to smaller areas used for game farming. Consequently the products useable to society emanating from these areas vary greatly, and therefore the management of Veld stocked with wildlife is extremely complex and must be adapted to the particular form of land use that is being practised. A generally accepted principle is that the smaller the area being used for wildlife the more intensively it must be managed, particularly game ranches. A prerequisite for the development of an effective Veld management program is a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the Veld upon which realistic Veld management practices can be formulated. These practices will include stocking the Veld with the appropriate species and numbers of animals, grazing and browsing management, Veld burning and the provision of watering points. Finally a programme for monitoring Veld condition over time is a prerequisite for sound Veld management.

  • development of a technique for assessing Veld condition in the kruger national park using key grass species
    African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 1990
    Co-Authors: W S W Trollope

    A technique based on key grass species was developed for assessing Veld condition in the Kruger National Park in terms of its potential to produce grass forage for consumption by herbivores and fine fuels for Veld burning. Fourteen grass species were selected out of a total of 93 species. Forbs were treated as a single separate category. The key species included at least two species from the decreaser and increaser categories. Multiple regression models were developed using these species which are able to estimate accurately the forage and fuel potential of the Veld and also indicate trends in the condition of the grass sward.

Amon Taruvinga - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • an integrated mobile Veld fire detection and sharing platform for southern africa
    South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nobert Jere, Mfundo Shakes Scott, Amon Taruvinga

    While there are clear efforts towards managing Veld fires, it comes as a concern that in Southern Africa, the role of local communities in fire control has weakened and Veld fires have grown to be a major threat. Current systems and technologies to share Veld fire information have several challenges. These include; being unable to detect burning fires in the forests, poor to almost missing Veld fire local alerting systems, and malfunctioning local Veld firefighting communities. Against this background, a mobile Veld fire detection and sharing application prototype was developed using a qualitative data approach and experimental design. Weather data and scientific models of different areas were used to create fire-danger indices based on forecasted weather data and weather station information on the ground. These were programmed into the system to trigger alerts for the Veld fire prediction component. For the identification of already burning fires, this was linked to the MODIS system of firefighting stakeholders (EMA Zimbabwe). Results revealed that conditions that promote Veld fires can be predicted and local residents can thus be warned instantly to avoid activities that cause fires. For already burning fires, the mobile application was able to instantly communicate to users registered to the system.

  • SAICSIT - An integrated mobile Veld fire detection and sharing platform for Southern Africa
    Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists on - SAICSIT '17, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nobert Jere, Mfundo Shakes Scott, Amon Taruvinga

    While there are clear efforts towards managing Veld fires, it comes as a concern that in Southern Africa, the role of local communities in fire control has weakened and Veld fires have grown to be a major threat. Current systems and technologies to share Veld fire information have several challenges. These include; being unable to detect burning fires in the forests, poor to almost missing Veld fire local alerting systems, and malfunctioning local Veld firefighting communities. Against this background, a mobile Veld fire detection and sharing application prototype was developed using a qualitative data approach and experimental design. Weather data and scientific models of different areas were used to create fire-danger indices based on forecasted weather data and weather station information on the ground. These were programmed into the system to trigger alerts for the Veld fire prediction component. For the identification of already burning fires, this was linked to the MODIS system of firefighting stakeholders (EMA Zimbabwe). Results revealed that conditions that promote Veld fires can be predicted and local residents can thus be warned instantly to avoid activities that cause fires. For already burning fires, the mobile application was able to instantly communicate to users registered to the system.

Linda Henderson - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

Nobert Jere - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • an integrated mobile Veld fire detection and sharing platform for southern africa
    South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nobert Jere, Mfundo Shakes Scott, Amon Taruvinga

    While there are clear efforts towards managing Veld fires, it comes as a concern that in Southern Africa, the role of local communities in fire control has weakened and Veld fires have grown to be a major threat. Current systems and technologies to share Veld fire information have several challenges. These include; being unable to detect burning fires in the forests, poor to almost missing Veld fire local alerting systems, and malfunctioning local Veld firefighting communities. Against this background, a mobile Veld fire detection and sharing application prototype was developed using a qualitative data approach and experimental design. Weather data and scientific models of different areas were used to create fire-danger indices based on forecasted weather data and weather station information on the ground. These were programmed into the system to trigger alerts for the Veld fire prediction component. For the identification of already burning fires, this was linked to the MODIS system of firefighting stakeholders (EMA Zimbabwe). Results revealed that conditions that promote Veld fires can be predicted and local residents can thus be warned instantly to avoid activities that cause fires. For already burning fires, the mobile application was able to instantly communicate to users registered to the system.

  • SAICSIT - An integrated mobile Veld fire detection and sharing platform for Southern Africa
    Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists on - SAICSIT '17, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nobert Jere, Mfundo Shakes Scott, Amon Taruvinga

    While there are clear efforts towards managing Veld fires, it comes as a concern that in Southern Africa, the role of local communities in fire control has weakened and Veld fires have grown to be a major threat. Current systems and technologies to share Veld fire information have several challenges. These include; being unable to detect burning fires in the forests, poor to almost missing Veld fire local alerting systems, and malfunctioning local Veld firefighting communities. Against this background, a mobile Veld fire detection and sharing application prototype was developed using a qualitative data approach and experimental design. Weather data and scientific models of different areas were used to create fire-danger indices based on forecasted weather data and weather station information on the ground. These were programmed into the system to trigger alerts for the Veld fire prediction component. For the identification of already burning fires, this was linked to the MODIS system of firefighting stakeholders (EMA Zimbabwe). Results revealed that conditions that promote Veld fires can be predicted and local residents can thus be warned instantly to avoid activities that cause fires. For already burning fires, the mobile application was able to instantly communicate to users registered to the system.

Mfundo Shakes Scott - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • an integrated mobile Veld fire detection and sharing platform for southern africa
    South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nobert Jere, Mfundo Shakes Scott, Amon Taruvinga

    While there are clear efforts towards managing Veld fires, it comes as a concern that in Southern Africa, the role of local communities in fire control has weakened and Veld fires have grown to be a major threat. Current systems and technologies to share Veld fire information have several challenges. These include; being unable to detect burning fires in the forests, poor to almost missing Veld fire local alerting systems, and malfunctioning local Veld firefighting communities. Against this background, a mobile Veld fire detection and sharing application prototype was developed using a qualitative data approach and experimental design. Weather data and scientific models of different areas were used to create fire-danger indices based on forecasted weather data and weather station information on the ground. These were programmed into the system to trigger alerts for the Veld fire prediction component. For the identification of already burning fires, this was linked to the MODIS system of firefighting stakeholders (EMA Zimbabwe). Results revealed that conditions that promote Veld fires can be predicted and local residents can thus be warned instantly to avoid activities that cause fires. For already burning fires, the mobile application was able to instantly communicate to users registered to the system.

  • SAICSIT - An integrated mobile Veld fire detection and sharing platform for Southern Africa
    Proceedings of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists on - SAICSIT '17, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nobert Jere, Mfundo Shakes Scott, Amon Taruvinga

    While there are clear efforts towards managing Veld fires, it comes as a concern that in Southern Africa, the role of local communities in fire control has weakened and Veld fires have grown to be a major threat. Current systems and technologies to share Veld fire information have several challenges. These include; being unable to detect burning fires in the forests, poor to almost missing Veld fire local alerting systems, and malfunctioning local Veld firefighting communities. Against this background, a mobile Veld fire detection and sharing application prototype was developed using a qualitative data approach and experimental design. Weather data and scientific models of different areas were used to create fire-danger indices based on forecasted weather data and weather station information on the ground. These were programmed into the system to trigger alerts for the Veld fire prediction component. For the identification of already burning fires, this was linked to the MODIS system of firefighting stakeholders (EMA Zimbabwe). Results revealed that conditions that promote Veld fires can be predicted and local residents can thus be warned instantly to avoid activities that cause fires. For already burning fires, the mobile application was able to instantly communicate to users registered to the system.