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Yunjeong Choi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
motivation strategy and english as a foreign language Vocabulary learning a structural equation modelling study
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2017Co-Authors: Yining Zhang, Chinhsi Lin, Dongbo Zhang, Yunjeong ChoiAbstract:Background In spite of considerable advancements in our understanding of the different factors involved in achieving Vocabulary-learning success, the overall pattern and interrelationships of critical factors involved in L2 Vocabulary learning – particularly, the mechanisms through which learners regulate their motivation and learning strategies – remain unclear. Aims This study examined L2 Vocabulary learning, focusing on the joint influence of different motivational factors and learning strategies on the Vocabulary breadth of adolescent learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in China. Sample The participants were 107 tenth graders (68 females, 39 males) in China. Methods The data were collected via two questionnaires, one assessing students' motivation towards English-Vocabulary learning and the other their English Vocabulary-learning strategies, along with a test measuring Vocabulary breadth. Results Structural equation modelling (SEM) indicated that learning strategy partially mediated the relationship between motivation (i.e., a composite score of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) and Vocabulary learning. Separate SEM analyses for intrinsic (IM) and extrinsic motivation (EM) revealed that there were significant and positive direct and indirect effects of IM on Vocabulary knowledge; and while EM's direct effect over and above that of learning strategies did not achieve significance, its indirect effect was significant and positive. Conclusions The findings suggest that Vocabulary-learning strategies mediate the relationship between motivation and Vocabulary knowledge. In addition, IM may have a greater influence on Vocabulary learning in foreign-language contexts.
Harjanto Ignatius - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Improving Elementary School Students’ English Vocabulary Through Local Cultural Content Materials
'Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya', 2015Co-Authors: Manurung Frans, Harjanto IgnatiusAbstract:Abstract Elementary students of a certain public school in Indonesia had difficulties in learning English. One of the crucial problems was learning English Vocabulary. In an attempt to help the students learn and improve English Vocabulary, the researchers decided to use CAR to teach English Vocabulary with local cultural content materials. The aim of this study was to investigate how the teaching of English Vocabulary with local cultural content materials contributed to the improvement of the students’ English Vocabulary mastery. The topics covered in the materials were selected based on schemata theory. Vocabulary learning process was done through several activities provided in the materials: classroom and outside Vocabulary learning. The results showed that the teaching of local cultural content materials have contributed to the improvement of the Elementary students’ Vocabulary mastery. The schematic knowledge found in the familiar topics has aroused the students’ interest and motivation in learning English Vocabulary. Students who were more familiar with the topics could respond to the Vocabulary learning better than those who were not familiar with. The Vocabulary mastery was more successful only if the students participated in both classroom and outside Vocabulary learning process. Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, Vocabulary Improvement, Local Cultural Content Materials, Vocabulary Learning, Schemat
Improving Elementary School Students’ English Vocabulary Through Local Cultural Content Materials.
Unika Widya Mandala Surabaya, 2015Co-Authors: Manurung Frans, Harjanto IgnatiusAbstract:Elementary students of a certain public school in Indonesia had difficulties in learning English. One of the crucial problems was learning English Vocabulary. In an attempt to help the students learn and improve English Vocabulary, the researchers decided to use CAR to teach English Vocabulary with local cultural content materials. The aim of this study was to investigate how the teaching of English Vocabulary with local cultural content materials contributed to the improvement of the students’ English Vocabulary mastery. The topics covered in the materials were selected based on schemata theory. Vocabulary learning process was done through several activities provided in the materials: classroom and outside Vocabulary learning. The results showed that the teaching of local cultural content materials have contributed to the improvement of the Elementary students’ Vocabulary mastery. The schematic knowledge found in the familiar topics has aroused the students’ interest and motivation in learning English Vocabulary. Students who were more familiar with the topics could respond to the Vocabulary learning better than those who were not familiar with. The Vocabulary mastery was more successful only if the students participated in both classroom and outside Vocabulary learning process
Gesa Vidal Ferran - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
L1 / L2 subtitled TV series and EFL learning: A study on Vocabulary acquisition and content comprehension at different proficiency levels
'Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona', 2020Co-Authors: Gesa Vidal FerranAbstract:[eng] Whether and how video viewing is beneficial for language learning has been a matter of debate over the last decades (Vanderplank, 2015). Multimedia learning theories (Mayer, 2009; Paivio, 1986) suggest that exposure to multimodal input promotes Foreign Language (FL) learning, although the Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller, 1994) defends that multimodality may hinder it. First and second language subtitles have been found to enhance content comprehension (Baltova, 1999) and Vocabulary learning (Frumuselu, 2015), even if opposite results have also been reported (Rodgers, 2013). However, most of the studies so far have been conducted with adult university learners viewing short videos (e.g., Montero Perez, Peters, & Desmet, 2013) and there is virtually no research on younger less proficient learners, with sustained exposure to video viewing, and comparing it to other teaching and methodological approaches. Therefore, this dissertation aims at analysing the effects of viewing subtitled TV series on the acquisition of FL Vocabulary and on the degree of content comprehension at different proficiency levels. The present work aims at filling these gaps by exposing Catalan / Spanish English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners at three proficiency levels (primary school –beginners–, high school –intermediate–, and university –upper-intermediate–) to subtitled TV series over an academic term (university) or year (primary and high school). At each level, participants (N=158) were randomly allocated to the Experimental (EG) or control group. On a weekly basis, all learners were taught a set of Target Words (TW) and completed two Vocabulary tasks (a pre-task at the beginning of the session and a post-task at the end), but only those in the EGs additionally watched a subtitled episode of a TV series containing the TWs. In order to assess lexical gains, all learners were pre- and post-tested on their knowledge of TW forms and meanings at the beginning and the end of each of the three terms the study was divided into. To measure retention effects, a Vocabulary delayed post-test was also administered to the primary and high- school groups eight months after the end of the pedagogical intervention. Learners in the EGs were also regularly tested on content comprehension after viewing each of the episodes. Results on Vocabulary learning show that viewing subtitled TV series was beneficial for participants’ Vocabulary development. However, significant differences between conditions were only revealed in primary and high school, but not at university. More significant differences were also found in the last term, indicating that exposure to subtitled TV series is more effective if it is sustained over time. Vocabulary learning through video viewing is also mediated by the participants’ proficiency level, since intermediate learners benefitted from the pedagogical intervention to the greatest extent. Results from the Vocabulary delayed post-test indicate that the benefits of being exposed to video viewing were not maintained in the long- term. Regarding comprehension, there was not a steady improvement throughout the intervention at any of the proficiency levels, and scores were both participant- and episode- dependent. The findings are discussed in the light of what previous research on the topic has found, as well as multimedia learning theories and the role that proficiency level plays in learning from multimodal input. Results on video viewing are considered for further research in the field and potential advantages of this practice are also described. Therefore, not only does this thesis bring new evidence to research on multimodal input and FL learning, but it also offers new insights into EFL teaching.[cat] Els possibles efectes del visionat de vídeos per a l’aprenentatge de llengües han estat motiu de debat durant les últimes dècades (Vanderplank, 2015). Les teories d’aprenentatge multimèdia (Mayer, 2009; Paivio, 1986) suggereixen que l’exposició a input multimodal promou l’aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres, encara que la Teoria de la Càrrega Cognitiva (Sweller, 1994) defensa que la multimodalitat pot dificultar-lo. Més enllà d’això, s’ha demostrat que els subtítols en llengua materna i estrangera promouen un major grau de comprensió auditiva (Baltova, 1999) i l’aprenentatge de vocabulari (Frumuselu, 2015), tot i que també s’han trobat resultats oposats (Rodgers, 2013). D’altra banda, la majoria dels estudis existents s’han portat a terme amb aprenents universitaris adults visionant vídeos de curta durada (ex.: Montero Perez, Peters, & Desmet, 2013). En conseqüència, pràcticament no hi ha estudis amb participants més joves amb un nivell més limitat de llengua estrangera, amb una exposició prolongada en el temps i comparant la citada experiència amb altres tècniques i metodologies d’aprenentatge. D’aquí que aquesta tesi tingui com a objectiu analitzar els efectes de veure sèries de televisió subtitulades sobre l’adquisició de vocabulari i el grau de comprensió en llengua estrangera a diferents nivells de competència. El treball investiga aprenents d’anglès bilingües català / castellà, amb tres nivells de competència diferents (educació primària –nivell inicial–, educació secundària –intermedi–, i universitat –intermedi-alt–), que veuen sèries de televisió subtitulades al llarg d’un trimestre (universitat) o un curs acadèmic complet (primària i secundària). A cada nivell, els participants (N=158) van ser dividits aleatòriament en dos grups: experimental (GE) i control. Cada setmana s’introduïen paraules noves a aprendre per tots els estudiants i aquests completaven dues tasques amb aquest vocabulari (una pre-tasca al principi de cada sessió i una post-tasca al final), però només els estudiants dels GEs veien, a més, un episodi subtitulat d’una sèrie de televisió on apareixien les paraules noves. Per tal de mesurar els guanys en vocabulari, tots els estudiants van completar, al principi i al final de cadascun dels trimestres de l’estudi, un pre- i un post-test on s’avaluava el seu coneixement de la forma i el significat de les paraules. Per tal de mesurar el grau de retenció del vocabulari après, els estudiants de primària i secundària van fer, a més, un post-test de vocabulari vuit mesos després de l’acabament de la intervenció pedagògica. Els estudiants dels GEs també eren examinats del grau de comprensió de cada episodi immediatament després de visionar-lo. Els resultats de vocabulari mostren que veure sèries de televisió subtitulades fou beneficiós pel seu aprenentatge. Malgrat això, les diferències significatives entre grups només sorgiren a educació primària i secundària, però no a nivells superiors. Així mateix, es trobaren més diferències significatives entre els grups al darrer trimestre, indicant que l’exposició a sèries de televisió subtitulades té efectes més positius si és prolongada en el temps. L’adquisició de lèxic a través del visionat de vídeos també està relacionat amb el nivell de competència dels estudiants: els participants de nivell intermedi van ser els que més es van beneficiar de la intervenció pedagògica. Els resultats del segon post-test, però, indiquen que els beneficis del visionat de vídeos no es mantingueren a llarg termini. Pel que fa als resultats de comprensió, no es va trobar un increment significatiu en cap dels tres nivells de competència: les puntuacions obtingudes variaven segons els participants i els episodis. Els resultats obtinguts es comparen amb els d’altres estudis previs i són interpretats en relació a les teories d’aprenentatge multimèdia i al paper del nivell de competència en l’aprenentatge amb input multimodal. Així mateix, les troballes de la tesi apunten a futures línies de recerca n el camp i al potencial real d’aprenentatge amb materials multimèdia. Per tant, aquesta tesi ofereix no només noves evidències en la recerca sobre input multimodal i adquisició de llengües estrangeres, sinó també altres perspectives sobre l’ensenyament de l’anglès
L1 / L2 subtitled TV series and EFL learning: A study on Vocabulary acquisition and content comprehension at different proficiency levels
'Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona', 2019Co-Authors: Gesa Vidal FerranAbstract:Whether and how video viewing is beneficial for language learning has been a matter of debate over the last decades (Vanderplank, 2015). Multimedia learning theories (Mayer, 2009; Paivio, 1986) suggest that exposure to multimodal input promotes Foreign Language (FL) learning, although the Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller, 1994) defends that multimodality may hinder it. First and second language subtitles have been found to enhance content comprehension (Baltova, 1999) and Vocabulary learning (Frumuselu, 2015), even if opposite results have also been reported (Rodgers, 2013). However, most of the studies so far have been conducted with adult university learners viewing short videos (e.g., Montero Perez, Peters, & Desmet, 2013) and there is virtually no research on younger less proficient learners, with sustained exposure to video viewing, and comparing it to other teaching and methodological approaches. Therefore, this dissertation aims at analysing the effects of viewing subtitled TV series on the acquisition of FL Vocabulary and on the degree of content comprehension at different proficiency levels. The present work aims at filling these gaps by exposing Catalan / Spanish English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners at three proficiency levels (primary school –beginners–, high school –intermediate–, and university –upper-intermediate–) to subtitled TV series over an academic term (university) or year (primary and high school). At each level, participants (N=158) were randomly allocated to the Experimental (EG) or control group. On a weekly basis, all learners were taught a set of Target Words (TW) and completed two Vocabulary tasks (a pre-task at the beginning of the session and a post-task at the end), but only those in the EGs additionally watched a subtitled episode of a TV series containing the TWs. In order to assess lexical gains, all learners were pre- and post-tested on their knowledge of TW forms and meanings at the beginning and the end of each of the three terms the study was divided into. To measure retention effects, a Vocabulary delayed post-test was also administered to the primary and high- school groups eight months after the end of the pedagogical intervention. Learners in the EGs were also regularly tested on content comprehension after viewing each of the episodes. Results on Vocabulary learning show that viewing subtitled TV series was beneficial for participants’ Vocabulary development. However, significant differences between conditions were only revealed in primary and high school, but not at university. More significant differences were also found in the last term, indicating that exposure to subtitled TV series is more effective if it is sustained over time. Vocabulary learning through video viewing is also mediated by the participants’ proficiency level, since intermediate learners benefitted from the pedagogical intervention to the greatest extent. Results from the Vocabulary delayed post-test indicate that the benefits of being exposed to video viewing were not maintained in the long- term. Regarding comprehension, there was not a steady improvement throughout the intervention at any of the proficiency levels, and scores were both participant- and episode- dependent. The findings are discussed in the light of what previous research on the topic has found, as well as multimedia learning theories and the role that proficiency level plays in learning from multimodal input. Results on video viewing are considered for further research in the field and potential advantages of this practice are also described. Therefore, not only does this thesis bring new evidence to research on multimodal input and FL learning, but it also offers new insights into EFL teaching.Els possibles efectes del visionat de vídeos per a l’aprenentatge de llengües han estat motiu de debat durant les últimes dècades (Vanderplank, 2015). Les teories d’aprenentatge multimèdia (Mayer, 2009; Paivio, 1986) suggereixen que l’exposició a input multimodal promou l’aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres, encara que la Teoria de la Càrrega Cognitiva (Sweller, 1994) defensa que la multimodalitat pot dificultar-lo. Més enllà d’això, s’ha demostrat que els subtítols en llengua materna i estrangera promouen un major grau de comprensió auditiva (Baltova, 1999) i l’aprenentatge de vocabulari (Frumuselu, 2015), tot i que també s’han trobat resultats oposats (Rodgers, 2013). D’altra banda, la majoria dels estudis existents s’han portat a terme amb aprenents universitaris adults visionant vídeos de curta durada (ex.: Montero Perez, Peters, & Desmet, 2013). En conseqüència, pràcticament no hi ha estudis amb participants més joves amb un nivell més limitat de llengua estrangera, amb una exposició prolongada en el temps i comparant la citada experiència amb altres tècniques i metodologies d’aprenentatge. D’aquí que aquesta tesi tingui com a objectiu analitzar els efectes de veure sèries de televisió subtitulades sobre l’adquisició de vocabulari i el grau de comprensió en llengua estrangera a diferents nivells de competència. El treball investiga aprenents d’anglès bilingües català / castellà, amb tres nivells de competència diferents (educació primària –nivell inicial–, educació secundària –intermedi–, i universitat –intermedi-alt–), que veuen sèries de televisió subtitulades al llarg d’un trimestre (universitat) o un curs acadèmic complet (primària i secundària). A cada nivell, els participants (N=158) van ser dividits aleatòriament en dos grups: experimental (GE) i control. Cada setmana s’introduïen paraules noves a aprendre per tots els estudiants i aquests completaven dues tasques amb aquest vocabulari (una pre-tasca al principi de cada sessió i una post-tasca al final), però només els estudiants dels GEs veien, a més, un episodi subtitulat d’una sèrie de televisió on apareixien les paraules noves. Per tal de mesurar els guanys en vocabulari, tots els estudiants van completar, al principi i al final de cadascun dels trimestres de l’estudi, un pre- i un post-test on s’avaluava el seu coneixement de la forma i el significat de les paraules. Per tal de mesurar el grau de retenció del vocabulari après, els estudiants de primària i secundària van fer, a més, un post-test de vocabulari vuit mesos després de l’acabament de la intervenció pedagògica. Els estudiants dels GEs també eren examinats del grau de comprensió de cada episodi immediatament després de visionar-lo. Els resultats de vocabulari mostren que veure sèries de televisió subtitulades fou beneficiós pel seu aprenentatge. Malgrat això, les diferències significatives entre grups només sorgiren a educació primària i secundària, però no a nivells superiors. Així mateix, es trobaren més diferències significatives entre els grups al darrer trimestre, indicant que l’exposició a sèries de televisió subtitulades té efectes més positius si és prolongada en el temps. L’adquisició de lèxic a través del visionat de vídeos també està relacionat amb el nivell de competència dels estudiants: els participants de nivell intermedi van ser els que més es van beneficiar de la intervenció pedagògica. Els resultats del segon post-test, però, indiquen que els beneficis del visionat de vídeos no es mantingueren a llarg termini. Pel que fa als resultats de comprensió, no es va trobar un increment significatiu en cap dels tres nivells de competència: les puntuacions obtingudes variaven segons els participants i els episodis. Els resultats obtinguts es comparen amb els d’altres estudis previs i són interpretats en relació a les teories d’aprenentatge multimèdia i al paper del nivell de competència en l’aprenentatge amb input multimodal. Així mateix, les troballes de la tesi apunten a futures línies de recerca n el camp i al potencial real d’aprenentatge amb materials multimèdia. Per tant, aquesta tesi ofereix no només noves evidències en la recerca sobre input multimodal i adquisició de llengües estrangeres, sinó també altres perspectives sobre l’ensenyament de l’anglès
Dongbo Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
motivation strategy and english as a foreign language Vocabulary learning a structural equation modelling study
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2017Co-Authors: Yining Zhang, Chinhsi Lin, Dongbo Zhang, Yunjeong ChoiAbstract:Background In spite of considerable advancements in our understanding of the different factors involved in achieving Vocabulary-learning success, the overall pattern and interrelationships of critical factors involved in L2 Vocabulary learning – particularly, the mechanisms through which learners regulate their motivation and learning strategies – remain unclear. Aims This study examined L2 Vocabulary learning, focusing on the joint influence of different motivational factors and learning strategies on the Vocabulary breadth of adolescent learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in China. Sample The participants were 107 tenth graders (68 females, 39 males) in China. Methods The data were collected via two questionnaires, one assessing students' motivation towards English-Vocabulary learning and the other their English Vocabulary-learning strategies, along with a test measuring Vocabulary breadth. Results Structural equation modelling (SEM) indicated that learning strategy partially mediated the relationship between motivation (i.e., a composite score of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) and Vocabulary learning. Separate SEM analyses for intrinsic (IM) and extrinsic motivation (EM) revealed that there were significant and positive direct and indirect effects of IM on Vocabulary knowledge; and while EM's direct effect over and above that of learning strategies did not achieve significance, its indirect effect was significant and positive. Conclusions The findings suggest that Vocabulary-learning strategies mediate the relationship between motivation and Vocabulary knowledge. In addition, IM may have a greater influence on Vocabulary learning in foreign-language contexts.
Vocabulary and grammar knowledge in second language reading comprehension a structural equation modeling study
The Modern Language Journal, 2012Co-Authors: Dongbo ZhangAbstract:Using structural equation modeling analysis, this study examined the contribution of Vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to second language reading comprehension among 190 advanced Chinese English as a foreign language learners. Vocabulary knowledge was measured in both breadth (Vocabulary Levels Test) and depth (Word Associates Test); grammatical measures focused on learners' implicit (timed grammaticality judgment task), as well as explicit knowledge (grammatical error correction task); reading comprehension had three indicators, namely, co-reference, textual inference, and gist. Vocabulary knowledge related significantly to reading comprehension; grammatical knowledge showed a weak contribution to reading comprehension after controlling for the effect of Vocabulary knowledge. In addition, learners' implicit knowledge of grammar had a stronger relationship to reading comprehension than explicit knowledge, over and above the effect of Vocabulary size. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Yining Zhang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
motivation strategy and english as a foreign language Vocabulary learning a structural equation modelling study
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2017Co-Authors: Yining Zhang, Chinhsi Lin, Dongbo Zhang, Yunjeong ChoiAbstract:Background In spite of considerable advancements in our understanding of the different factors involved in achieving Vocabulary-learning success, the overall pattern and interrelationships of critical factors involved in L2 Vocabulary learning – particularly, the mechanisms through which learners regulate their motivation and learning strategies – remain unclear. Aims This study examined L2 Vocabulary learning, focusing on the joint influence of different motivational factors and learning strategies on the Vocabulary breadth of adolescent learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in China. Sample The participants were 107 tenth graders (68 females, 39 males) in China. Methods The data were collected via two questionnaires, one assessing students' motivation towards English-Vocabulary learning and the other their English Vocabulary-learning strategies, along with a test measuring Vocabulary breadth. Results Structural equation modelling (SEM) indicated that learning strategy partially mediated the relationship between motivation (i.e., a composite score of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) and Vocabulary learning. Separate SEM analyses for intrinsic (IM) and extrinsic motivation (EM) revealed that there were significant and positive direct and indirect effects of IM on Vocabulary knowledge; and while EM's direct effect over and above that of learning strategies did not achieve significance, its indirect effect was significant and positive. Conclusions The findings suggest that Vocabulary-learning strategies mediate the relationship between motivation and Vocabulary knowledge. In addition, IM may have a greater influence on Vocabulary learning in foreign-language contexts.