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Marcin świtoniak - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
use of soil profile truncation to estimate influence of Accelerated Erosion on soil cover transformation in young morainic landscapes north eastern poland
Catena, 2014Co-Authors: Marcin świtoniakAbstract:Abstract Human-induced Erosion is one of the key factors leading to the soil degradation. Agricultural, undulating or hilly morainic areas of North-Eastern Poland are exposed to this negative process. This paper elucidates the influence of Accelerated soil Erosion on soil cover in young morainic landscapes of North-Eastern Poland (Brodnica Lake District). Detailed pedological investigation (21 soil pits and 375 augerholes) were carried out within two study sites (forest and agricultural). A comparison of fully developed forest reference soil pedons with arable soil has been made. Five classes of soil truncation have been distinguished. According to the identified degrees of truncation, maps of soil cover transformation, caused by Accelerated Erosion, were generated and overlapped on Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Eroded soils overlap 39.5% of agricultural area and 2.5% of forest site. The widespread occurrence of strongly and completely eroded pedons (respectively 7.4% and 5.4%), only in the agricultural areas, provides intense anthropogenic impact on soil cover in the agriculture areas of North-Eastern Poland. The average values of soil reduction are about 40–50 cm. In the case of completely eroded soils it exceeds even 100 cm. Truncation of pedons with abrupt textural change due to the slope processes leads to the disappearance of vertical textural contrasts and the formation of new soil units. The evidence of Erosion from the topsoils is mainly the decrease in the content of organic matter and calcium carbonate enrichment. The effect of intensive slope processes is widespread occurrence of thick (up to 3 m) colluvial deposits.
transformation of vertical texture contrasted soils due to Accelerated Erosion in young glacial landscapes north eastern poland
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world Brisbane Australia 1-6 August 2010. Symposium 1.1.2 Soil m, 2010Co-Authors: Marcin świtoniak, R J Gilkes, N PrakongkepAbstract:The purpose of the present paper is to elucidate the influence of Accelerated soil Erosion on vertical texture contrasted soils (VTC-s) in young glacial landscapes of North-Eastern Poland. To solve the problem, a comparison of non eroded forest reference VTC pedons with arable soil has been made. On the basis of the results, five classes of VTC-soil truncation have been distinguished. According to the identified degrees of truncation, maps of soil cover transformation, caused by Accelerated Erosion, were generated and overlapped on Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The widespread occurence of strongly and completely eroded investigated soils provides intense anthropical pressure on soil cover in the agriculture areas of NorthEastern Poland.
Bal Ram Singh - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
soil quality effects of Accelerated Erosion and management systems in three eco regions of tanzania
Soil & Tillage Research, 1999Co-Authors: F B S Kaihura, I K Kullaya, Method Kilasara, J B Aune, Bal Ram SinghAbstract:Abstract Soil Erosion can adversely influence soil quality, especially in tropical soils. Thus, a multi-location field experiment was conducted on eight major agricultural soils with different degrees of Erosion, in three eco-regions in Tanzania. The objective was to assess the impact of topsoil depth (TSD) and management on soil properties. Three eco-regions comprising of humid at Kilimanjaro, sub-humid at Tanga and sub-humid/semi-arid at Morogoro were selected. There were a total of eight locations within three eco-regions comprising two at Kilimanjaro (e.g., Kirima Boro and Xeno Helena), two at Tanga (Mlingano 1 and Mlingano 2) and four at Morogoro (Misufini 1, Misufini 2, Misufini 3, and Mindu). The soil management treatments consisted of farmyard manure (FYM), N and P fertilizer, tie-ridging and farmers’ practice. Plant nutrient content was generally lowest on severely eroded and the highest on least eroded soil classes. Soil pH decreased with increasing severity of Erosion on soils with higher content of Ca +2 in the sub-surface. In general, there occurred a decline in soil organic carbon (SOC) and P with the decrease in TSD. The SOC content decreased on severely eroded soil class by 0.16%, 0.39% and 0.13% at Misufini 1, Mlingano 1 and Kirima Boro, respectively, compared to slightly or least eroded soil class. Corresponding decline in available P at these sites was 41%, 62% and 61%, respectively. Application of FYM significantly increased soil pH at some sites. Soil content of SOC, N, P, K and Mg were significantly increased by FYM application. Significant effects of N and P fertilizers on SOC and P were observed at most sites. In comparison with farmer’s practice, FYM application increased SOC by 0.55%, N by 0.03%, P by six-fold and K by two-fold. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers had comparable effects for SOC and P only at some sites. The results indicate that FYM is a better soil input than N and P fertilizers in improving soil quality. The data show that SOC, N and P are most adversely affected with Accelerated Erosion and that FYM fertilizer applications have the potential to improve fertility of eroded soils.
Jennifer A J Dungait - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
carbon and macronutrient losses during Accelerated Erosion under different tillage and residue management
European Journal of Soil Science, 2015Co-Authors: Joshua W Beniston, M J Shipitalo, E A Dayton, D W Hopkins, F S Jones, A Joynes, Jennifer A J DungaitAbstract:Summary There have been many studies on the effects of tillage on Erosional losses from soil, but rarely have soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses been quantified simultaneously during a single Erosion event. We applied a simulated rainfall event (70 mm hour−1) to plots within a gently sloping field (6%) in Ohio, USA, on which maize (C4) cultivation had replaced C3 vegetation several decades earlier. The plots were under different tillage management: (i) no till (NT100) for 42 years; (ii) NT100 plots from which 50% (NT50) or (iii) 100% (NT0) of crop residues were removed annually for 8 years; (iv) NT100 plots tilled 24 hours previously (TNT); and (v) conventional tillage (CT) for 28 years. Relationships between SOC, N and P concentrations and natural abundance 13C : 15N stable isotope values in the topsoils and sediments suggested that eroded SOC and TN were associated with the Erosion of soil organic matter, whilst P losses were driven by the transport of the mineral fraction. Stable 13C isotope analyses revealed that tillage and residue removal both increased the proportion of older (C3), rather than new (C4, maize-derived), SOC in eroded sediments. This study therefore demonstrated that a single tillage event after 42 years of continuous no-till caused larger Erosional fluxes than 8 years of continuous removal of all maize residues, and that long-term conventional tillage resulted in the loss of a greater amount of older (> 28 years) SOC in eroded sediments, compared with continuous NT management.
woody plant encroachment into grasslands leads to Accelerated Erosion of previously stable organic carbon from dryland soils
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2014Co-Authors: Alan Puttock, Jennifer A J Dungait, C J A Macleod, Richard E BrazierAbstract:Drylands worldwide are experiencing rapid and extensive environmental change, concomitant with the encroachment of woody vegetation into grasslands. Woody encroachment leads to changes in both the structure and function of dryland ecosystems and has been shown to result in Accelerated soil Erosion and loss of soil nutrients. Covering 40% of the terrestrial land surface, dryland environments are of global importance, both as a habitat and a soil carbon store. Relationships between environmental change, soil Erosion, and the carbon cycle are uncertain. There is a clear need to further our understanding of dryland vegetation change and impacts on carbon dynamics. Here two grass-to-woody ecotones that occur across large areas of the southwestern United States are investigated. This study takes a multidisciplinary approach, combining ecohydrological monitoring of structure and function and a dual-proxy biogeochemical tracing approach using the unique natural biochemical signatures of the vegetation. Results show that following woody encroachment, not only do these drylands lose significantly more soil and organic carbon via Erosion but that this includes significant amounts of legacy organic carbon which would previously have been stable under grass cover. Results suggest that these dryland soils may not act as a stable organic carbon pool, following encroachment and that Accelerated Erosion of carbon, driven by vegetation change, has important implications for carbon dynamics.
A Stein - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
flow Accelerated Erosion corrosion fac considerations for secondary side piping in the ap1000 sup r nuclear power plant design
2012Co-Authors: J F Vanderhoff, A SteinAbstract:The issue of Flow Accelerated Erosion-Corrosion (FAC) in power plant piping is a known phenomenon that has resulted in material replacements and plant accidents in operating power plants. Therefore, it is important for FAC resistance to be considered in the design of new nuclear power plants. This paper describes the design considerations related to FAC that were used to develop a safe and robust AP1000{sup R} plant secondary side piping design. The primary FAC influencing factors include: - Fluid Temperature - Pipe Geometry/layout - Fluid Chemistry - Fluid Velocity - Pipe Material Composition - Moisture Content (in steam lines) Due to the unknowns related to the relative impact of the influencing factors and the complexities of the interactions between these factors, it is difficult to accurately predict the expected wear rate in a given piping segment in a new plant. This paper provides: - a description of FAC and the factors that influence the FAC degradation rate, - an assessment of the level of FAC resistance of AP1000{sup R} secondary side system piping, - an explanation of options to increase FAC resistance and associated benefits/cost, - discussion of development of a tool for predicting FAC degradation rate in new nuclear more » power plants. (authors) « less
Flow Accelerated Erosion-Corrosion (FAC) considerations for secondary side piping in the AP1000{sup R} nuclear power plant design
2012Co-Authors: J F Vanderhoff, A SteinAbstract:The issue of Flow Accelerated Erosion-Corrosion (FAC) in power plant piping is a known phenomenon that has resulted in material replacements and plant accidents in operating power plants. Therefore, it is important for FAC resistance to be considered in the design of new nuclear power plants. This paper describes the design considerations related to FAC that were used to develop a safe and robust AP1000{sup R} plant secondary side piping design. The primary FAC influencing factors include: - Fluid Temperature - Pipe Geometry/layout - Fluid Chemistry - Fluid Velocity - Pipe Material Composition - Moisture Content (in steam lines) Due to the unknowns related to the relative impact of the influencing factors and the complexities of the interactions between these factors, it is difficult to accurately predict the expected wear rate in a given piping segment in a new plant. This paper provides: - a description of FAC and the factors that influence the FAC degradation rate, - an assessment of the level of FAC resistance of AP1000{sup R} secondary side system piping, - an explanation of options to increase FAC resistance and associated benefits/cost, - discussion of development of a tool for predicting FAC degradation rate in new nuclear more » power plants. (authors) « less
Nikolaus J Kuhn - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
does the invasive plant impatiens glandulifera promote soil Erosion along the riparian zone an investigation on a small watercourse in northwest switzerland
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014Co-Authors: Philip Greenwood, Nikolaus J KuhnAbstract:Purpose The invasive plant, Impatiens glandulifera (common English name: Himalayan Balsam), is now found in many river catchments in most European countries. Its preference for damp, nutrient-rich soils, along with its intolerance to cold weather and rapid dieback, has implicated it in promoting soil Erosion along the riparian zone. Despite the implication, its influence on the sediment dynamics of river systems remains unconfirmed. This communication reports the preliminary findings of ongoing work to investigate a possible link between I. glandulifera and Accelerated Erosion rates in inland river systems.