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Ima Yu Wulandari - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
2010Co-Authors: Ima Yu WulandariAbstract:Various theme lifted by sinetron in order to drawing audience enthusiasm and generate emulation with other sinetron. this to Such emulation sharply cause industry of sinetron running out of of idea to chosen interesting themes, so that take short cut of mencontek display foreignly. yielded Sinetron have plagiarizing element with his original film. Intention of this research is (1) To know how big plagiarizing element in sinetron " OLIVIA"film to "SHE'S THE MAN". (2) To know scenescene any kind of showing plagiarizing in sinetron " OLIVIA" to film " SHE'S THE MAN". Imitating is the part of process learn, and even imitate this have been started by when age children still us early, swiftly Accept Message (Message) in their brain from what them see and hear. Plagiarizing is to make product which loo like (unegual precisely) with its genuiness then in giving name / merk differ, while ploughing is to make product which precisely is equal to its genuiness and is later; then given by name is same merk also. Data which is taken in this research is primary data and data of sekunder. As primary data is equality value / looking like in displaying " Olivia" to film " She's The Man", perceived by conducting recordkeeping to looking like categorys which implied in olivia sinetron. While as data of sekunder obtained to through bibliography study, data obtained from books, literature, newspaper, and also materials written is other. This research use content analysis. Data which is gathered in research, it is of course require to be compiled and presented. Presentation of data conducted by compiling alternately and mentioned by its frequency each, or more knowledgeable with frequency distribution term. Pursuant to research which have is to be obtained by the following result: Tendency of plagiarizing in sinetron " Olivia" to film " She'S The Man" is pursuant to category: (1) Story 16,78% (2) scene 26,57% (3) dialogued 22,38% (4) setting 34,27%. Later;Then scene showing the existence of plagiarizing element here can be Seen by most uppermost scene is scene 4 episode 2 that is at category of setting football field.
Hyunsook Kim - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
server for control plane at mobile communication network and method for controlling local ip access service
2010Co-Authors: Taehyeon Kim, Laeyoung Kim, Hyunsook KimAbstract:Disclosed is a method of controlling a LIPA (Local IP Access) service in a server taking charge of the control plane within a mobile communication network. The method of controlling a LIPA service may include receiving an initial Message from Home (e)NodeB. The initial Message may include at least one of LIPA related information and capability information. The LIPA related information may include at least one of APN (Access Point Name) for LIPA and information for a local gateway, and the capability information may include an indicator indicating whether the Home (e)NodeB supports a LIPA function, and the initial Message may include an access request Message by a terminal. The method of controlling a LIPA service may further include determining whether the terminal can use a LIPA service at the Home (e)NodeB by considering at least one of the LIPA related information within the initial Message, the capability information within the initial Message, and subscriber information of the terminal, upon receiving the initial Message; storing a result of the determination; generating an access Accept Message including an indicator indicating whether the terminal can use a LIPA service at the Home (e)NodeB; and transmitting an initial setup Message including the generated access Accept Message to the Home (e)NodeB.
Deng Pin-dong - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Design of PC and PLC Communication Program
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology, 2007Co-Authors: Deng Pin-dongAbstract:Serial communications between PC and PLC are introduced in this paper.Inferior PLC is in charge of field data acquisition and real-time control,while superior computer displays a human-computer interface using higher-level language.When working,PC operates VB monitor interface,and manages PLC and the motor.PLC is used mainly to acquire information,to control and to Accept Message of the motor as well as the system.Part of the program design of PC and PLC communication is given.Finally,a simple running demonstration is made.
Ummi Rahmi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
PENGARUH TAYANGAN REPORTASE INVESTIGASI TRANS TV TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR JURNALISME INVESTIGASI (Studi pada Mahasiswa Konsentrasi Jurnalistik Ilmu KomunikasiUniversitasMuhammadiyah Malang Angkatan 2005)
2008Co-Authors: Ummi RahmiAbstract:Electronic media which name is television very popular and been enjoyed many people. Though it is constituted a fixed goods, but it has influence wonderly to human life. Indeed, the influence is felt by personal individually also group, both societies or family. There are three theory of mass media effect, which be presented Nuruddin 2004, namely (1) unlimited effect (it gives influence unlimited) that have assumption that mass media have strong wonderly (all powerfull), (2) limited effect that assumption that if media present Message contain to strong issues side particularly (advantage to Accept and loss if not support), so dominant effect which emerge that communicator state to their idea or legal it, and a very small for impossibility Message give effect to change and conversion (3) theory of medium effect, the assumption that a Message before published is needed to planning and formatted maturely, because however Message have two factors which give influence to societies to Accept Message, both individual factor and social factors. This study is explanatory research which have goal to look for correlation among variables. In this study, writer look for how big influence among one television exhibition, namely “Reportase Investigasi (Investigation Reporting)” of TRANS TV to motivation for learning investigation journalism. This study was carried out to students of journalism, communication program study of University of Muhammadiyah Malang especially students of 2005 period. The population are 101 students. Based on the formula is gained about 50 students as samples. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. This study use survey, the data collecting technique is through questionnaire and documentation as supported. The data which be gained is calculated statistically by using Simple Linear Regression, following: Y = a + bx. Based on the data may be known that “Reportase Investigasi (Investigation Reporting)” exhibit of TRANS TVE give significant influence to motivation for learning investigation journalism, communication program study of University of Muhammadiyah Malang especially students of 2005 period Based on the study result is gained that Ftest > Ftable namely 17.402 > 3.965 so correlation among “Reportase Investigasi (Investigation Reporting)” of TRANS TV with study motivation of investigation journalism is significant. It is mean that Ho is rejected and Ha is Accepted. How big influence is known by showing the coefficient of determination value multiplied with 100%, thus it is known that there are influence among “Reportase Investigasi (Investigation Reporting)” of TRANS TV with study motivation of investigation journalism about 26.6%. While the residual is 73.4% constituted influenced others variable which be not explained in this study. The conclusion that if someone often watch the Reportase Investigasi (Investigation Reporting) of TRANS TV will be motivated to study investigation journalism and to increase journalism knowledge, especially investigation journalism.
Budi Setiyono - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
2009Co-Authors: Budi SetiyonoAbstract:The communication activity constitute activity to send or Accept Message, but normally the Message does not move, the something which moving is the meaning of Message. Some experts of communication say that communication is sense change, the sense is in everyone who send the Messages. Thus sense is not just verbal words or nonverbal behavior, but sense is Message which be purposed by sender and hoped will be understood by Acceptor. Communication eiterh in simbolic activity meainng, that communication among individual, public communication, mass communication, organization communication. The belief of Javanese to shadow play with leather puppet as mass communication, beside that to entertaint, the shadow play with leather puppet also mirror character of human brain. Beside the exhibition, shodow play with leather puppet media have philosophy value of life. It is mirrored in acting which on the leather puppet when exorcisme ritual of village is begun in Seduri village. With this tradition and exhibition are hoped to be able to achieve or express information to societies. This is study is exploration research which be based on tradition phenomena of village custom which be carried out every years. Based on the knowledge who reseracher gotten, that tradition of exorcism ritual always be carried out every year near fast month. Thus it is interesting to be observed why every exorcism ritual of village always carried out shodow play with leather puppet exhibition, and what the meaning communication from the shodow play with leather puppet exhibition. To get knowledge completely then this study will describe tradition of exorcisme and shadow play with leather puppet in Seduri village. The basic theory (1) Reasoned Action theory (2) Message Effectivity Theory (3) Theory of Dimencion Communication. Based on this theory as basic to found what communication meaning in the problem. Based on the what communication meanig of exhibition of shadow play with leather puppet in exorcism of village, this study is carried out as description about village tradition. The first location of this study choose Seduri village becauase every year before fast month carried out this tradition, the study paradigm is post positivism to believe that social process happen in many maner and pattern on reality, the study method use qualitative with conclusion taking especial to general, based on the phenomena which be relevant with theory, the data collection technique by using interview, observation, documentation, and determination to criteria which will be respondent someone who understant exorcism ritual and leather puppet, puppetor, manner to get data to use strategy which be gotten in yard such as data of location, life story of respondent and data to answer problem about communication meanig of exhibition of leather puppet in ceremonial of exorcism ritual of village, validity technique use source triagualation, triangulation method, triangulation theory. The study result in Seduri village show that Seduri societies carried out tradition of exorcism ritual and leather puppet are (1) as tradition of village, (2) leather puppet and exorcism ritual of village as community self-help, (3) ceremonial dish of yellow rice as interaction simbol of ancestor, (4) leather puppet as communiation media which cover, as guideline, togetherness, as entertainment, as educational, as social ethic, (5) all of pupper be able to carried out exorcism ritua.