The Experts below are selected from a list of 3264 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Charles F Nicholson - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
smallholder Dairying under transactions costs in east africa
World Development, 1997Co-Authors: Steven J Staal, Christopher L Delgado, Charles F NicholsonAbstract:Abstract It is argued that Dairying is vital to future viability of many small farms in East Africa and that high transactions costs for Dairy production and marketing limit participation by asset- and information-poor smallholders. Case studies from Kenya and Ethiopia illustrate the role of Dairy Cooperatives in reducing transactions costs. Analysis of the determinants of producer prices received by a sample of Dairy producers near Addis Ababa suggests that different levels of access to infrastructure, assets, and information explain why they contemporaneously accept widely different producer prices for fluid milk.
smallholder Dairying under transactions costs in east africa
Research Papers in Economics, 1996Co-Authors: Steven J Staal, Christopher L Delgado, Charles F NicholsonAbstract:It is argued that Dairying is vital to future viability of many small farms in East Africa and that high transactions costs for Dairy production and marketing limit participation by asset- and information-poor smallholders. Case studies from Kenya and Ethiopia illustrate the role of Dairy Cooperatives in reducing transactions costs. Analysis of the determinants of producer prices received by a sample of Dairy producers near Addis Ababa suggests that different levels of access to infrastructure, assets, and information explain why different households contemporaneously accept widely different producer prices for fluid milk.
Gopal Sankhala - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
potential impact of Dairy Cooperatives on sustainable milk production evidence from gujarat india
Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 2018Co-Authors: Darshnaben P Mahida, R Sendhil, Smita Sirohi, B S Chandel, K Ponnusamy, Gopal SankhalaAbstract:Dairying has been a prominent supplementary enterprise and regular source of income to the farmers. Indian Dairy sector has progressed commendably well with the seven-fold increase in milk production since independence, but progress in terms of yield per animal is still low which is quite unsustainable. Literature suggests two approaches for productivity growth viz., through technological progress and improved efficiency. The present study is an attempt to determine the factors affecting the technical efficiency of Dairy farmers in Gujarat state with a special emphasis on the role of milk Cooperatives. Multiple regression analysis and regression tree approach were used for arriving valid conclusions. Results indicated that socio-economic factors i.e. membership in the Dairy cooperative society, non-farm annual income, access to information, and herd size significantly influenced the technical efficiency of farmers. Dairy Cooperatives provide several inputs in the form of Dairying resources as well as technical information to the farmers which significantly influenced their efficiency. The study concludes with policy prescriptions for enhancing milk production and shift towards sustainable Dairying.
economics of milk production among member and non member families of Dairy Cooperatives in jaipur rajasthan
Indian journal of dairy science, 2012Co-Authors: P S Tanwar, Yogendra Kumar, Gopal SankhalaAbstract:Study was conducted to estimate the economics of milk production among different categories of members and non-members families of Dairy co-operatives based on personal interview method. An analysis of data from 240 families (120 household under each category) revealed that overall gross maintenance cost per animal per year was higher (Rs. 21532.81) in members families in comparison to non-members families (Rs. 19768.30). Maximum gross maintenance cost was on small farmers and minimum was on landless farmers in both the categories. The share of variable and fixed cost in total maintenance cost was (82.36% and 17.64%) in members families and almost same in case of non-members families (82.95% and 17.05%). The cost of feed, fodder and concentrate was main component in gross maintenance cost in both the categories. The overall cost per liter of milk was lower (Rs.10.47) in members families than non-members families (Rs.11.29). The size of land holding showed negative relationship with cost of milk production. Overall net return per animal per year was higher in members households in comparison to non-members households. Overall net profit per liter of milk was Rs. 4.73 for members households, while it was Rs. 2.01 on non-members households. The overall average income per rupee of investment was higher ( Rs.1.45) in members families than non-members families (Rs. 1.18).
Amit Hatey - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Perception towards Livestock Breeding Service Delivery by Dairy Cooperatives
2020Co-Authors: Prakashkumar Rathod, T R Nikam, Sariput Landge, Amit Hatey, B P SinghAbstract:ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Western Maharashtra region to know the perception of farmers towards livestock breeding services delivered by Gokul Dair
perceived constraints in livestock service delivery by Dairy Cooperatives a case study of western maharashtra india
Indian journal of dairy science, 2012Co-Authors: Prakashkumar Rathod, T R Nikam, Sariput Landge, Amit HateyAbstract:Livestock service delivery by Dairy Cooperatives in developing countries like India is getting attention from the past decade. However, due to competitive market players, these Cooperatives are able to handle only about 17 per cent of the marketable milk surplus. Hence, there is an urgent need to study the factors hindering availability and effectiveness of livestock service delivery. Keeping this in view, an earnest effort was made to study the perceived constraints of farmers and cooperative staff in livestock service delivery of Dairy Cooperatives in Western Maharashtra. To obtain the suggestions in this regards, the study also summarized the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of Gokul Dairy Cooperative. A pretested interview schedule was used to collect data from 150 Dairy producer members and 35 cooperative staff which included veterinarians, para-veterinarians and secretaries of village level Cooperatives. The study reported that Gokul Dairy Union delivered 46 livestock services under seven heads, viz. animal health care, breeding, production and management, feed and fodder production, extension, marketing and other services. Dairy farmers and cooperative staff perceived that constraints in livestock service delivery included human resource, financial, policy related and administrative constraints. Among various constraints, high cost of concentrates, non remunerative price for milk, procedural complications for insurance and subsidy and high cost of medicine and treatment were the major constraints in service delivery. SWOT Analysis revealed that, the cooperative had strong and weak sides with respect to livestock service delivery. Hence, to expand proven initiatives and strengthen good practice there is a need to improve upon the quality of the services and reduction in cost of services delivered so that farmers would be more content with the services of Dairy Cooperatives.
Augusto Hauber Gameiro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Quality based payment program and milk quality in Dairy Cooperatives of Southern Brazil: an econometric analysis
Scientia Agricola, 2017Co-Authors: Bruno Garcia Botaro, Augusto Hauber GameiroAbstract:Programs designed to enhance milk quality have been used to motivate Dairy farmers to improve the quality of the raw milk they produce. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between a milk quality payment program and four indicative variables of milk quality, by testing bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC), bulk tank total bacterial count (TBC), fat (FAT) and protein (PROT) percentages over three years in four Dairy Cooperatives in Southern Brazil. We used a multiple regression econometric model estimated from market data of milk delivered by farmers to the Cooperatives. Bulk tank milk samples (n = 19,644) were monthly collected. The data set was analyzed for the effects of seasonality, average daily volume of milk, the award/penalty, producer, and Cooperatives on SCC, TBC, FAT and PROT. Results suggested an association between the adoption of a payment program based on milk quality and the reduction of SCC and TBC. Nevertheless, the program seems to have not contributed to increase fat and protein milk percentages. This information may help the Dairy industry in developing countries to conceive strategies to enhance overall milk quality.
quality based payment program and milk quality in Dairy Cooperatives of southern
2013Co-Authors: Bruno Garcia Botaro, Augusto Hauber Gameiro, Marcos VeigaAbstract:Programs designed to enhance milk quality have been used to motivate Dairy farm- ers to improve the quality of the raw milk they produce. The objective of this study was to evalu- ate the association between a milk quality payment program and four indicative variables of milk quality, by testing bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC), bulk tank total bacterial count (TBC), fat (FAT) and protein (PROT) percentages over three years in four Dairy Cooperatives in Southern Brazil. We used a multiple regression econometric model estimated from market data of milk delivered by farmers to the Cooperatives. Bulk tank milk samples (n = 19,644) were monthly col- lected. The data set was analyzed for the effects of seasonality, average daily volume of milk, the award/penalty, producer, and Cooperatives on SCC, TBC, FAT and PROT. Results suggested an association between the adoption of a payment program based on milk quality and the reduction of SCC and TBC. Nevertheless, the program seems to have not contributed to increase fat and protein milk percentages. This information may help the Dairy industry in developing countries to conceive strategies to enhance overall milk quality.
Bruno Garcia Botaro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Quality based payment program and milk quality in Dairy Cooperatives of Southern Brazil: an econometric analysis
Scientia Agricola, 2017Co-Authors: Bruno Garcia Botaro, Augusto Hauber GameiroAbstract:Programs designed to enhance milk quality have been used to motivate Dairy farmers to improve the quality of the raw milk they produce. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between a milk quality payment program and four indicative variables of milk quality, by testing bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC), bulk tank total bacterial count (TBC), fat (FAT) and protein (PROT) percentages over three years in four Dairy Cooperatives in Southern Brazil. We used a multiple regression econometric model estimated from market data of milk delivered by farmers to the Cooperatives. Bulk tank milk samples (n = 19,644) were monthly collected. The data set was analyzed for the effects of seasonality, average daily volume of milk, the award/penalty, producer, and Cooperatives on SCC, TBC, FAT and PROT. Results suggested an association between the adoption of a payment program based on milk quality and the reduction of SCC and TBC. Nevertheless, the program seems to have not contributed to increase fat and protein milk percentages. This information may help the Dairy industry in developing countries to conceive strategies to enhance overall milk quality.
quality based payment program and milk quality in Dairy Cooperatives of southern
2013Co-Authors: Bruno Garcia Botaro, Augusto Hauber Gameiro, Marcos VeigaAbstract:Programs designed to enhance milk quality have been used to motivate Dairy farm- ers to improve the quality of the raw milk they produce. The objective of this study was to evalu- ate the association between a milk quality payment program and four indicative variables of milk quality, by testing bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC), bulk tank total bacterial count (TBC), fat (FAT) and protein (PROT) percentages over three years in four Dairy Cooperatives in Southern Brazil. We used a multiple regression econometric model estimated from market data of milk delivered by farmers to the Cooperatives. Bulk tank milk samples (n = 19,644) were monthly col- lected. The data set was analyzed for the effects of seasonality, average daily volume of milk, the award/penalty, producer, and Cooperatives on SCC, TBC, FAT and PROT. Results suggested an association between the adoption of a payment program based on milk quality and the reduction of SCC and TBC. Nevertheless, the program seems to have not contributed to increase fat and protein milk percentages. This information may help the Dairy industry in developing countries to conceive strategies to enhance overall milk quality.