Haugh Unit

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Siti Muflichatun Mardiati - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • kandungan protein indeks putih telur ipt dan Haugh Unit hu telur itik setelah perendaman dengan larutan daun jambu biji psidium guajava yang disimpan pada suhu 270c
    Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi (Bulletin of Anatomy and Physiology), 2018
    Co-Authors: Nur Azizah, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati

    Telur merupakan salah satu sumber protein hewani yang bergizi tinggi sehingga banyak di gemari dikalangan masyarakat. Protein telur mempunyai mutu yang tinggi, karena memiliki susunan asam amino esensial yang lengkap sehingga dijadikan patokan untuk menentukan mutu protein dari bahan pangan yang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan protein, Haugh Unit (HU) dan Indeks Putih Telur (IPT) telur itik setelah diberi perlakuan pencucian dan perendaman dengan larutan daun jambu biji ( Psidium guajava ) yang disimpan pada suhu kamar dalam jangka waktu 28 hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan 45 butir telur itik dengan 9 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan, P0: kontrol, P1: cuci dan rendam hari 14, P2: cuci dan rendam hari 28, P3: cuci tidak rendam hari 14, P4: cuci tidak rendam hari 28, P5: tidak cuci rendam hari 14, P6: cuci tidak rendam hari 28, P7: tidak cuci tidak rendam hari 14, P8: tidak cuci tidak rendam hari 28, dengan lama penyimpanan telur 14 hari dan 28 hari pada suhu kamar. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Variabel pengamatan yaitu kadar protein, Indeks Putih Telur, serta Haugh Unit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA pada taraf signifikan 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan dengan α=0,05. Hasil simpulan data menunjukkan penelitian perendaman telur dengan larutan daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava) yang disimpan dalam suhu 27 0 C selama 28 hari dengan kadar tanin 3.90% dan perendaman selama 30 menit tidak efektif untuk mempertahankan protein, Indeks Putih Telur (IPT), dan Haugh Unit telur itik. Kata kunci : telur itik; Haugh Unit; indeks putih telur; protein; larutan daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava)

  • kadar protein indeks putih telur dan nilai Haugh Unit telur itik setelah perendaman ekstrak daun salam syzygium polyanthum dengan waktu penyimpanan yang berbeda pada suhu 4oc
    Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi (Bulletin of Anatomy and Physiology), 2018
    Co-Authors: Lia Lestari, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani

    Telur merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang memiliki nilai gizi tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perendaman ekstrak daun salam ( Syzygium polyanthum ) terhadap kadar protein, Indeks Putih Telur (IPT), dan nilai Haugh Unit (HU) pada telur itik. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 9 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan. Telur yang digunakan sebanyak 45 butir dengan perlakuan pencucian air dan perendaman ekstrak daun salam serta penyimpanan setelah 14 hari dan 28 hari pada suhu 4 o C. Perlakuan terdiri atas P0: kontrol (telur umur satu hari dan tanpa penyimpanan), P1 14 dan P2 28 : pencucian air, perendaman ekstrak daun salam, P3 14 dan P4 28 : pencucian air, tanpa perendaman ekstrak daun salam, P5 14 dan P6 28 : tanpa pencucian air, dengan perendaman ekstrak daun salam, P7 14 dan P8 28 : tanpa pencucian air, tanpa perendaman ekstrak air daun salam. Variabel yang diamati yaitu kadar protein telur, IPT, serta nilai HU. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan dilanjutkan uji Duncan dengan α=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar protein tertinggi pada P3 14 (12,792%) serta terendah pada P4 28 (9,85%), kadar protein pada P7 14 lebih rendah dibandingkan perlakuan yang lain setelah penyimpanan 14 hari. Nilai IPT tertinggi pada P5 14 (0,079) dan terendah pada P8 28 (0,069). Nilai HU tertinggi pada P5 14 (75,116) dan terendah pada P8 28 (65,924). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ekstrak air daun salam tidak efektif digunakan untuk mengawetkan telur pada suhu penyimpanan 4 o C. Kata kunci : Telur itik; Haugh Unit (HU); Indeks Putih Telur (IPT); protein; daun salam

  • bobot indeks kuning telur ikt dan Haugh Unit hu telur ayam ras setelah perlakuan dengan pembungkusan pasta rimpang temulawak curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb
    Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 2016
    Co-Authors: Dyah Ayu Putri, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati

    Eggs are farm products that provide the greatest contribution to the achievement of commUnity nutritional adequacy. The aims of the research was to an analyzed the quality of eggs in treatment without and with a temulawak rhizome pasta stored at 6,12, and 24 days. This research used  35 eggs consists of 7 treatment and 5 replication, namely PtT 0 : as control, a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta and without storage, PtT 6 : a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 6 days storage, PdT 6 : a group of eggs with packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 6 days storage, PtT 12 : a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 12 days storage, PdT 12 : a group of eggs with packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 12 days storage, PtT 24 : a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 24 days storage, and PdT 24 : a group of eggs with packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 24 days storage. This research was analyzed used a completely randomized design (CRD). Variables measured were egg weight, yolk indeks, and Haugh Unit (HU). Data obtained from this study were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) if there is a real difference then continued further test using Duncan test at the level 95 %. The result  egg weight reducted and yolk index shows was significantly different in PtT 6 , PtT 12 , PtT 24 , and PdT 24 and Haugh Unit (HU) shows was significantly different in PtT 6 , PtT 12 , PtT 24 . Conclusion of this research is gived temulawak rhizome pasta are able to maintain the quality of eggs were observed on days 6, 12, and 24. Key Word : Chicken egg,  Temulawak rhizome, Egg quality

    Co-Authors: Yeni Alfiyah, Koen Praseno, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati

    One of the effort to increase the duck support to egg production was necessary to consideration some factors. One of the factor was feed. Parameter to determined egg quality  namely : yolk index, and Haught Unit (HU). IKT (Yolk Index) was a comparison between yolk and yolk diameter. Whereas HU was a quality parameter of egg freshness which was numbered based on the high of albumen and egg weight. The aim of this research was to  know the yolk index and Haugh Unit. The local egg duck from some culture place in Java and to know the management from each place as knowledge to duck farmer to optimalized  the management duck culture. The sample was got from four place culturing in Java, namely Kroya Cirebon Village (A), Pasar Bawang Brebes Village (B), Kalijoso Magelang Village (C), dan Modopuro Mojokerto Village (D), each of them 20 eggs. The Methode which used in this research was with egg measurement the parameter, such as measurement the weight duck, egg weight, albumen high, yolk hight, yolk diameter. The measurement of IKT and HU was done in structure and function of animal biology laboratory. The research design that be used was Completely Randomozed Design with SAS programme. The product of IKT and HU from four culturing duck place in Java were different, IKT has range rata (A) 0.419, (B) 0.463, (C) 0.482, and (D) 0.492. whereas the range of  HU value were A) 86.93, (B) 97.53, (C) 100.33, (D) 99.45. this was caused by the difference of management from kind of feed offering, the management that can choosed to applied for other duck farmer, such as from the duck farmer from Modopuro Mojokerto Village and Kalijoso Magelang Village. Keywords : The Duck, Yolk Index, Haugh Unit

Tintin Kurtini - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • pengaruh penambahan feed aditif dalam ransum dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap bobot telur dan nilai Haugh Unit hu telur ayam ras
    Co-Authors: Destama Rendy Saputra, Tintin Kurtini

    This research aims to 1) study the effect of using feed additive on ration for egg weight and Haugh Unit (H U ) value; 2) study optimum doses of feed additive in ration layer. This research was conducted in May - June 2016 at layer farm in Sumber Sari, Tamansari village of Gedong Tataan, Pesawaran, Analysis Laboratory Polytechnic of Lampung, Laboratory of Nutrition and Food livestock, and Laboratory Production and Reproduction of Livestock  Animal Husbandry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung.  This  research used completely randomized design with 4 treatments of feed additives doses (0; 0.15; 0.25; and 0.35%) added on feed with 5 replications. Each replications using four layer. The data were analyzed using ANOVA analysis with 5% significance level. Significantly different results was further tested by orthogonal polynomials. The result can be conclude that 1) Addition of feed additives with a doses of 0; 0.15; 0.25; 0.35% on feed influence insignificantly (P> 0.05) to the egg weight, but it influenced significantly (P<0.05) in the Haugh Unit value (HU). 2) The optimum dose addition of feed additives in the ration was 0.24% on the value of Haugh Units of eggs. Keywords: Feed Additive, Egg Weight, Haugh Unit Value, Layer

    Co-Authors: Sakroni, Tintin Kurtini, Khaira Nova

    The objective of this research was to find out the comparison of ten days old eggs on shell thickness, weight lost, and egg Haugh Unit value from different layer  strains. Layer strains to use in this research were isa brown and lohman brown strains. 50 egg samples were taken from each strain from layerof 58 weeks old. This reserach was conducted in Mulawarman egg chicken farming in Tegal Sari village of GadingRejo sub district, in Pringsewu district, and in Animal Production and Reproduction  Laborator , i n Animal Husbandry Departement of Agriculture Faculty in Lampung University inApril 2015. Eggs from each strain were stored for ten days. Data were tested by using t-student test with 5% trust level. The result showed that egg weight lost from lohman brown strain was significantly lower ( P 0.05) at ten days storage. Keywords : Shell thickness, egg weight lost,HaughUnit value, and different layer strains.

  • pengaruh pemberian probiotik dari mikroba lokal terhadap tebal kerabang penurunan berat dan nilai Haugh Unit telur yang disimpan sepuluh hari
    Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan Terpadu, 2015
    Co-Authors: Jenny Marthika Sari, Tintin Kurtini, Madi Hartono

    This study was conducted to 1) determine the effect local of probiotic supplements on shell thickness, weight loss persentage, and Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days; 2) determine the optimal  level of supplements local of probiotic on shell thickness, weight loss presentage, and Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days. This research was held on 08--19 December 2014  in the CV. Varia Agung Jaya henhouse laying  in  the District of  Seputih Mataram, Center of Lampung  Regency and continued on 20 December 2014--18 January 2015 in the Laboratory of Microbiology, Laboratory of Molecular Biology Faculty, University of Lampung. The study used completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments of  local  probiotics in the diet (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%) and 5 replications. Data obtained was analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% level and continued Orthogonal Polynomial test at 5% level. Based on these results we can conclude: effect of local probiotics in the diet (0,1,2, and 3%) no significant (P> 0.05) on the weight loss presentage and  Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days, but significant (P <0.05) on  shell thickness. Increasing the percentage of local probiotic on the ration will improve shell thickness indicated by the regression equation ŷ = 0.42 + 0,24x, with r = 0.68 and R 2 = 0.47. (Keywords: Local of  probiotic, Shell thickness, Weight loss, and  Haugh Unit).

  • Pengaruh Pemberian Probiotik dari Mikroba Lokal terhadap Tebal Kerabang, Penurunan Berat, dan Nilai Haugh Unit Telur yang Disimpan Sepuluh Hari
    Co-Authors: Jenny Marthika Sari, Tintin Kurtini, Madi Hartono

    This study was conducted to 1) determine the effect local of probiotic supplements on shell thickness, weight loss persentage, and Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days; 2) determine the optimal  level of supplements local of probiotic on shell thickness, weight loss presentage, and Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days. This research was held on 08--19 December 2014  in the CV. Varia Agung Jaya henhouse laying  in  the District of  Seputih Mataram, Center of Lampung  Regency and continued on 20 December 2014--18 January 2015 in the Laboratory of Microbiology, Laboratory of Molecular Biology Faculty, University of Lampung. The study used completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments of  local  probiotics in the diet (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%) and 5 replications. Data obtained was analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% level and continued Orthogonal Polynomial test at 5% level. Based on these results we can conclude: effect of local probiotics in the diet (0,1,2, and 3%) no significant (P> 0.05) on the weight loss presentage and  Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days, but significant (P

  • pengaruh pemberian probiotik dari mikroba lokal terhadap tebal kerabang penurunan berat dan nilai Haugh Unit telur yang disimpan sepuluh hari the effect local of probiotic suplplements on shell thickness weight loss and Haugh Unit of egg which stored
    Co-Authors: Jenny Marthika Sari, Tintin Kurtini

    This study was conducted to 1) determine the effect local of probiotic supplements on shell thickness, weight loss persentage, and Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days; 2) determine the optimal level of supplements local of probiotic on shell thickness, weight loss presentage, and Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days. This research was held on 08--19 December 2014 in the CV. Varia Agung Jaya henhouse laying in the District of Seputih Mataram, Center of Lampung Regency and continued on 20 December 2014--18 January 2015 in the Laboratory of Microbiology, Laboratory of Molecular Biology Faculty, University of Lampung. The study used completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments of local probiotics in the diet (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%) and 5 replications. Data obtained was analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% level and continued Orthogonal Polynomial test at 5% level. Based on these results we can conclude: effect of local probiotics in the diet (0,1,2, and 3%) no significant (P> 0.05) on the weight loss presentage and Haugh Unit of eggs which stored ten days, but significant (P <0.05) on shell thickness. Increasing the percentage of local probiotic on the ration will improve shell thickness indicated by the regression equation ŷ = 0.42 + 0,24x, with r = 0.68 and R 2 = 0.47.

Fitra Yosi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Pengaruh Perendaman dengan Perbedaan Level Kitosan terhadap Indek Putih, Haugh Unit, dan pH Putih Telur Itik
    Co-Authors: Eli Sahara, Sofia Sandi, Fitra Yosi, Avin Bastian

    Sahara E, Sandi S, Yosi F, Bastian A. 2019. The effect of use chitosan solution in the immersion proces on egg quality. In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds. ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang  4-5 September 2019. pp. 287-291. Palembang: Unsri Press. Eggs are a commodity of poultry that can be easily damaged if stored at room temperature for a long time.  Chitosan has anti-microorganism properties and can be used to extend the shelf life of eggs. The purpose of this study is to extend the shelf life of eggs by soaking chitosan solution and maintaining egg quality. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) of 6 treatments, 4 replications and each replication consisted of 2 eggs. The treatment is; P0=0% chitosan, P1=0.5% chitosan, P2=1% chitosan, P3=1.5% chitosan, P4=2% chitosan and P5=2.5% chitosan. Eggs are stored for 14 days at room temperature after being soaked in chitosan solution for 24 hours. The parameters measured are; egg white index,, haugt Unit and egg white pH. The results showed that immersion of eggs in chitosan solution 0.5% (P1) gave an egg white index of 0.075 significantly better than the control of 0.05, the highest real Haugh Unit value of all treatments was 84. The pH of the egg white soaked with Chitosan solution is the same, but lower than the control. The conclusion of this study is the treatment of P1 (0.5% chitosan) shows the best Haugh Unit value which is 10.71% higher than the control. Keywords:  chitosan, ducks, eggs, quality, solution

  • pengaruh konsentrasi tanin dalam larutan daun belimbing wuluh averrhoa bilimbi l terhadap susut bobot Haugh Unit dan daya buih telur itik pegagan the effect of tannin concentration in wuluh star fruit leaves solution averrhoa bilimbi l to the egg wei
    Co-Authors: Nia Kurniati, Sofia Sandi, Fitra Yosi

    The concentration of tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves serves as a tannerto cover the pores, reduce evaporation of CO2 and H2O, and maintain internal qualities of Pegagan duck eggs. This study aims to determine the effect of tannin concentration in the solution of starfruit leaves on weight loss, Haugh Unit, and foaming power. This research was carried out in March 2018 at the Laboratory of Animal Feed and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University. The research design used was a completely randomized design followed by Duncan's multiple range test. This study used 24 Pegagan duck eggs and 180 g starfruit leaves. This study consisted of 4 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments consisted of: P0 (without solution of starfruit leaves); P1 (using 1% concentration tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves solution); P2 (using 2% concentration tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves solution); P3 (using 3% concentration tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves solution). Eggs are stored for 14 days. The variables observed were weight loss, Haugh Unit, and foaming power. The results of this study indicate that the concentration of tannins in the solution of starfruit leaves effected to lose weight. However, had no significant effect (<0,05), Haugh Unit, and foam power of Pegagan duck eggs. It can be concluded that the concentration of tannins in the solution of wuluh starfruit leaves up to 3% has not been able to influence the, Haugh Unit, and the foaming power of Pegagan duck eggs.

    Co-Authors: Nia Kurniati, Sofia Sandi, Fitra Yosi

    The concentration of tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves serves as a tannerto cover the pores, reduce evaporation of CO2 and H2O, and maintain internal qualities of Pegagan duck eggs. This study aims to determine the effect of tannin concentration in the solution of starfruit leaves on weight loss, Haugh Unit, and foaming power. This research was carried out in March 2018 at the Laboratory of Animal Feed and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University. The research design used was a completely randomized design followed by Duncan's multiple range test. This study used 24 Pegagan duck eggs and 180 g starfruit leaves. This study consisted of 4 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments consisted of: P0 (without solution of starfruit leaves); P1 (using 1% concentration tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves solution); P2 (using 2% concentration tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves solution); P3 (using 3% concentration tannin in wuluh starfruit leaves solution). Eggs are stored for 14 days. The variables observed were weight loss, Haugh Unit, and foaming power. The results of this study indicate that the concentration of tannins in the solution of starfruit leaves effected to lose weight. However, had no significant effect (

Muhammad Anwar Djaelani - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • kandungan protein indeks putih telur ipt dan Haugh Unit hu telur itik setelah perendaman dengan larutan daun jambu biji psidium guajava yang disimpan pada suhu 270c
    Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi (Bulletin of Anatomy and Physiology), 2018
    Co-Authors: Nur Azizah, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati

    Telur merupakan salah satu sumber protein hewani yang bergizi tinggi sehingga banyak di gemari dikalangan masyarakat. Protein telur mempunyai mutu yang tinggi, karena memiliki susunan asam amino esensial yang lengkap sehingga dijadikan patokan untuk menentukan mutu protein dari bahan pangan yang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan protein, Haugh Unit (HU) dan Indeks Putih Telur (IPT) telur itik setelah diberi perlakuan pencucian dan perendaman dengan larutan daun jambu biji ( Psidium guajava ) yang disimpan pada suhu kamar dalam jangka waktu 28 hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan 45 butir telur itik dengan 9 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan, P0: kontrol, P1: cuci dan rendam hari 14, P2: cuci dan rendam hari 28, P3: cuci tidak rendam hari 14, P4: cuci tidak rendam hari 28, P5: tidak cuci rendam hari 14, P6: cuci tidak rendam hari 28, P7: tidak cuci tidak rendam hari 14, P8: tidak cuci tidak rendam hari 28, dengan lama penyimpanan telur 14 hari dan 28 hari pada suhu kamar. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Variabel pengamatan yaitu kadar protein, Indeks Putih Telur, serta Haugh Unit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA pada taraf signifikan 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan dengan α=0,05. Hasil simpulan data menunjukkan penelitian perendaman telur dengan larutan daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava) yang disimpan dalam suhu 27 0 C selama 28 hari dengan kadar tanin 3.90% dan perendaman selama 30 menit tidak efektif untuk mempertahankan protein, Indeks Putih Telur (IPT), dan Haugh Unit telur itik. Kata kunci : telur itik; Haugh Unit; indeks putih telur; protein; larutan daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava)

  • kadar protein indeks putih telur dan nilai Haugh Unit telur itik setelah perendaman ekstrak daun salam syzygium polyanthum dengan waktu penyimpanan yang berbeda pada suhu 4oc
    Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi (Bulletin of Anatomy and Physiology), 2018
    Co-Authors: Lia Lestari, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani

    Telur merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang memiliki nilai gizi tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perendaman ekstrak daun salam ( Syzygium polyanthum ) terhadap kadar protein, Indeks Putih Telur (IPT), dan nilai Haugh Unit (HU) pada telur itik. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 9 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan. Telur yang digunakan sebanyak 45 butir dengan perlakuan pencucian air dan perendaman ekstrak daun salam serta penyimpanan setelah 14 hari dan 28 hari pada suhu 4 o C. Perlakuan terdiri atas P0: kontrol (telur umur satu hari dan tanpa penyimpanan), P1 14 dan P2 28 : pencucian air, perendaman ekstrak daun salam, P3 14 dan P4 28 : pencucian air, tanpa perendaman ekstrak daun salam, P5 14 dan P6 28 : tanpa pencucian air, dengan perendaman ekstrak daun salam, P7 14 dan P8 28 : tanpa pencucian air, tanpa perendaman ekstrak air daun salam. Variabel yang diamati yaitu kadar protein telur, IPT, serta nilai HU. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan dilanjutkan uji Duncan dengan α=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar protein tertinggi pada P3 14 (12,792%) serta terendah pada P4 28 (9,85%), kadar protein pada P7 14 lebih rendah dibandingkan perlakuan yang lain setelah penyimpanan 14 hari. Nilai IPT tertinggi pada P5 14 (0,079) dan terendah pada P8 28 (0,069). Nilai HU tertinggi pada P5 14 (75,116) dan terendah pada P8 28 (65,924). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ekstrak air daun salam tidak efektif digunakan untuk mengawetkan telur pada suhu penyimpanan 4 o C. Kata kunci : Telur itik; Haugh Unit (HU); Indeks Putih Telur (IPT); protein; daun salam

  • bobot indeks kuning telur ikt dan Haugh Unit hu telur ayam ras setelah perlakuan dengan pembungkusan pasta rimpang temulawak curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb
    Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 2016
    Co-Authors: Dyah Ayu Putri, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani, Siti Muflichatun Mardiati

    Eggs are farm products that provide the greatest contribution to the achievement of commUnity nutritional adequacy. The aims of the research was to an analyzed the quality of eggs in treatment without and with a temulawak rhizome pasta stored at 6,12, and 24 days. This research used  35 eggs consists of 7 treatment and 5 replication, namely PtT 0 : as control, a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta and without storage, PtT 6 : a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 6 days storage, PdT 6 : a group of eggs with packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 6 days storage, PtT 12 : a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 12 days storage, PdT 12 : a group of eggs with packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 12 days storage, PtT 24 : a group of eggs without packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 24 days storage, and PdT 24 : a group of eggs with packing temulawak rhizome pasta after 24 days storage. This research was analyzed used a completely randomized design (CRD). Variables measured were egg weight, yolk indeks, and Haugh Unit (HU). Data obtained from this study were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) if there is a real difference then continued further test using Duncan test at the level 95 %. The result  egg weight reducted and yolk index shows was significantly different in PtT 6 , PtT 12 , PtT 24 , and PdT 24 and Haugh Unit (HU) shows was significantly different in PtT 6 , PtT 12 , PtT 24 . Conclusion of this research is gived temulawak rhizome pasta are able to maintain the quality of eggs were observed on days 6, 12, and 24. Key Word : Chicken egg,  Temulawak rhizome, Egg quality

  • indeks kuning telur ikt Haugh Unit hu dan bobot telur pada berbagai itik lokal di jawa tengah
    Jurnal Akademika Biologi, 2015
    Co-Authors: Dwi Purwati, Muhammad Anwar Djaelani, Enny Yusuf Wachidah Yuniwarti

    Ducks is one of poultry producer eggs that potential in Indonesia. Research about ducks eggs quality which includes egg yolk index (IKT), Haugh Unit (HU) and eggs weight local ducks in central java very important to know the genetic ability to ducks from each region and as an attempt to provide and improve the quality of  foodstuffs. The purpose of the research was analyze eggs quality from local breeds in Central Java that is Tegal ducks, Magelang ducks and Pengging ducks, viewed from the value IKT, HU and weight eggs. Ducks used in this research are raised in the hall breeding and raising ducks satker non ruminant Banyubiru, Ambarawa. The research was done by measuring egg quality from each ducks that was six month. Data  were  analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the differentiating factor is the type of ducks. If the data were analyzed significantly different, then do a further test using the Least Significant Differences Test (LSDt) at 95% confidence level. The results showed that ducks eggs Magelang has the heaviest weight  copared with Tegal ducks and Pengging ducks. Eggs quality data include IKT and HU showed no  significantly different from each ducks. The research conclusion the eggs Magelang ducks is the best eggs. K eywords: Local Ducks Cental Java, Eggs Quality, IKT, HU, Egg Weight

Joko Purdiyanto - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • pengaruh lama simpan telur itik terhadap penurunan berat indeks kuning telur ikt dan Haugh Unit hu
    MADURANCH: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan, 2018
    Co-Authors: Joko Purdiyanto

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penurunan kualitas telur itik yang disimpan pada suhu kamar yang meliputi penurunan  berat, penurunan indeks kuning telur (IKT), dan penurunan nilai Haugh Unit (HU). Telur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah telur itik segar yang berumur 1 hari sebanyak 45 butir yang berasal dari peternak telur itik, dilakukan sortasi dari bentuk dan ukuran yang hampir sama. Sebelum disimpan telur itik terlebih dahulu dibersihkan dengan kain basah,  diberi label dan  disimpan  pada suhu ruang ± 27 0 C. Data primer yang diambil adalah : suhu ruang, berat telur, tinggi kuning telur, diameter kuning telur, tinggi putih telur tebal, dan diameter putih telur. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam grafik untuk mengetahui tingkat penurunan masing-masing parameter yang diukur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penyimpanan telur itik pada suhu 27 °C selama 35 hari akan mengalami penurunan berat sebesar 8.01 %. Indeks kuning telur, maka telur itik yang disimpan selama 20 melebihi 20 hari, maka nilai indeks kuning telurnya < 0.3 yang merupakan nilai indeks kuning telur dibawah rata-rata telur segar, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa telur sudah mengalami penurunan kualitas. Dan jika dilihat dari nilai Haugh Unitnya, dapat dijelaskan bahwa telur itik yang disimpan selama 10 hari masih dalam kualitas A, dan telur dengan lama penyimpanan sampai 20 hari termasuk dalam kualitas B, sedangkan telur yang disimpan setelah 20 hari termasuk telur dalam kelompok kualitas C.