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Cotta-schønberg Michael - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Oration “Res Bohemicas” of Enea Silvio Piccolomini (1455, Rome). Edited and translated by Michael von Cotta-Schönberg. 4th version. (Orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Pope Pius II; 28)
    HAL CCSD, 2019
    Co-Authors: Cotta-schønberg Michael

    Published as part of project Edition and Translation of the Orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Pope Pius IIHaving presented Emperor Friedrich III’s declaration of obedience to the new pope, Calixtus III, in August 1455, the emperor’s top diplomat, Bishop Enea Silvio Piccolomini, at some unspecified time laid before the pope a proposal for settling the Hussite issue which posed a serious and permanent religious as well as political problem. The proposal was based on discussions between Piccolomini and George Podiebrad, the Regent of Bohemia. It took the form a memorandum, possibly a draft treaty, presented in the oration “Res Bohemicas” which was either delivered directly as an oration to the pope or formed the basis of a written memorandum. The main points of the proposal were to grant communion under both species to the Bohemians, to refuse the recognition of the Hussite cleric Rokycana as Archbishop of Prague, and to appoint someone else instead. The pope was sympathetic towards finding some pragmatic solution to the Hussite issue, but he did not act on the proposal, either because extreme caution was necessary in this rather complicated matter, which would soon become even more so with the death of the young catholic King Ladislaus, or because his brief pontificate was focused on the more important cause of a crusade against the Turks

  • Oration “Superioribus diebus” of Pope Pius II (31 March 1462, Rome). Edited and translated by Michael von Cotta-Schönberg. 5th version. (Orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Pope Pius II; 66)
    HAL CCSD, 2019
    Co-Authors: Cotta-schønberg Michael

    Published as part of project Edition and Translation of the Orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Pope Pius IIIn March 1462, an embassy from King Georg Podiebrad of Bohemia came to Pope Pius II to present the king’s declaration of obedience and to permanently settle the issue of communion under both species, granted to the Bohemians by the Council of Basel through the so-called Bohemian Compacts. Communion under both species was, in itself, a matter of Catholic ritual and not of Catholic dogma. But the Hussite claim that this form of communion had been commanded by the Lord not only for priests but also for the laity and that it was necessary for salvation went straight against the practice and teachings of the Church, as confirmed by the Councils of Konstanz and Basel, and it meant that for centuries the Church, by denying the communion of the chalice to the laypeople, had been sending countless souls to Hell. In his final oration to the Bohemian embassy, the “Superioribus diebus” of 31 March, the pope stated that the Hussite teachings concerning communion under both species as necessary for salvation were a heresy. He denied the petition for papal confirmation of the Bohemian Compacts made by the Council of Basel on the grounds that the Bohemians had not fulfilled the conditions stipulated by the Compacts. And he refused to grant the right to communicate under both species because of the risks of continued doctrinal error in Bohemia, irreverence for the sacrament (spilling of Christ’s blood), civil unrest, and continued international isolation and wars with the neighbouring countries

Nováček Oldřich - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • The Czechoslovak Hussite religious community in Prague's Vinohrady in years 1942 - 1961
    Co-Authors: Nováček Oldřich

    The thesis entitled "The Czechoslovak Hussite religious community in Prague's Vinohrady in years 1942-1961" deals with the development of the Vinohrady's religious community within the wider historical development of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. The introductory part of the thesis deals with the historical preconditions of the birth of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. Besides the Enlightenment it was particularly a reformist movement of the Catholic clergy in the 19th century, closely connected to Catholic modernism, which was a revivalist movement within the Roman Catholic Church at the turn of 19th and 20th century. The impact of World War I and the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian empire mustn't be omitted, as well as the influx of democracy, humanism and, finally, the turbulent atmosphere at the time of the establishment of the new independent Czechoslovak Republic. The second part of the thesis is focused on the founding of the Czechoslovak Hussite religious community in the Vinohrady district of Prague, its development from the establishment of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church to its recognition by the Czechoslovak Republic. Then follows a general overview of the first twenty years of its existence, at the time of the so-called "First Republic" and at the time of protectorate, with the..

  • The Czechoslovak Hussite religious community in Prague's Vinohrady in years 1942 - 1961
    Univerzita Karlova Husitská teologická fakulta, 2018
    Co-Authors: Nováček Oldřich

    Diplomová práce "Náboženská obec CČS(H) v Praze na Vinohradech v letech 1942- 1961" pojednává o vývoji náboženské obce Církve československé (husitské) v Praze na Vinohradech v období let 1942 až 1961 v kontextu historického vývoje Církve československé (husitské). Úvodní část práce se zabývá dějinnými předpoklady vzniku Církve československé (husitské). Vedle osvícenství to byl především katolický modernismus - obrodné reformní hnutí uvnitř Římskokatolické církve na přelomu 19. a 20. století. Nelze opomenout ani významný vliv první světové války, rozpadu Rakouska-Uherska a vznik svobodné Československé republiky v roce 1918, stojící na myšlenkách demokracie a humanismu. Druhá část práce přibližuje vznik náboženské obce CČS(H) v Praze na Vinohradech, její vývoj od doby založení CČS(H) do jejího státního uznání. Následuje obecný přehled prvních dvaceti let jejího vývoje v období první republiky, těžké období protektorátu se zaměřením na vývoj od roku 1942 až do poválečných let 1945-1950. Třetí část práce se podrobněji zabývá vývojem vinohradské náboženské obce v období let 1951-1961, které bylo poznamenáno vzrůstajícím tlakem ateistického totalitního státu a uplatňováním jeho proticírkevní politiky. Tato část práce blíže seznamuje s vedením náboženské obce, její duchovní správou a činností,...The thesis entitled "The Czechoslovak Hussite religious community in Prague's Vinohrady in years 1942-1961" deals with the development of the Vinohrady's religious community within the wider historical development of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. The introductory part of the thesis deals with the historical preconditions of the birth of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. Besides the Enlightenment it was particularly a reformist movement of the Catholic clergy in the 19th century, closely connected to Catholic modernism, which was a revivalist movement within the Roman Catholic Church at the turn of 19th and 20th century. The impact of World War I and the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian empire mustn't be omitted, as well as the influx of democracy, humanism and, finally, the turbulent atmosphere at the time of the establishment of the new independent Czechoslovak Republic. The second part of the thesis is focused on the founding of the Czechoslovak Hussite religious community in the Vinohrady district of Prague, its development from the establishment of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church to its recognition by the Czechoslovak Republic. Then follows a general overview of the first twenty years of its existence, at the time of the so-called "First Republic" and at the time of protectorate, with the...HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějinHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult

Cotta-schönberg, Michael Von - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Collected Reports on Diplomatic Missions, 1447-1455, of Enea Silvio Piccolomini. Edited and translated by Michael von Cotta-Schönberg. 2021.
    HAL CCSD, 2021
    Co-Authors: Cotta-schönberg, Michael Von

    L'éditeur a donné son consentement à la publication de l'oeuvre en open access électronique.International audienceAs a secretary and later councillor and top diplomat of Emperor Friedrich III, Enea Silvio Piccolomini (later Pope Pius II) undertook many diplomatic missions. His reports on five of the most important ones have survived. The first mission was to Pope Eugenius IV in Rome in 1447, where he negotiated and presented the Holy Roman Empire's obedience to the Roman papacy and witnessed the pope's death and the election of his successor. The second, later in 1447, was to the city of Milan to make that city accept imperial rule after the death of the last Visconti duke. The third was to Bohemia in 1451, where he was to persuade the Bohemian estates to accept that the boy-king, Ladislaus the Posthumous, would remain under the emperor's guardianship until he came of age. Piccolomini also used the voyage to visit the Hussites in Tabor and have discussions with them, aiming at ending the Hussite schism. The fourth was to the imperial diet of Regensburg in 1454, summoned by the emperor to discuss a joint European military response to the Turkish conquest of Constantinople and the threat of a Turkish invasion of Europe. This report is also known as the History of the Diet of Regensburg. The fifth was to Pope Calixtus III in Rome 1455, where he presented the emperor's declaration of obedience and also prepared the way for his own appointment as cardinal, the last career step before he was elected pope in 1456. Piccolomini's five reports witness important political and religious processes in Europe at the middle of the fifteenth century and provide precious insight into the history of Renaissance diplomacy and the history of the Holy Roman Empire and the papacy

  • Collected Orations of Pope Pius II. Edited and translated by Michael von Cotta-Schönberg. Vol. 6: Orations 26-28 (1455-1457). 4th version
    HAL CCSD, 2019
    Co-Authors: Cotta-schönberg, Michael Von

    International audienceVolume 6 of the Collected Orations of Pope Pius II contains three orations from the three year period 1455-1457. Two of them were addressed to Pope Calixtus III by Piccolomini in his capacity as imperial ambassador, and one of them to King Alfonso V in his capacity as representative of the City if Siena. The first oration to Calixtus concerned the imperial declaration of obedience to the new pope, whereas the second was a memorandum on the Hussite question in the form of an oration, possibly never delivered as such. The oration to Alfonso concerned a peace with the condottiero Jacopo Piccino and city-state of Siena

Vorlíček Petr - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Benediktines in Bohemia 1419-1620. Selected Monasteries.
    Co-Authors: Vorlíček Petr

    The thesis focuses on the history of several Czech benedictine monasteries in the period marked by two major milestones in Czech history, them being the outbreak of the Hussite Revolution and the Battle of White Mountain. It aims to juxtapose monasteries abandoned in the post-Hussite era with the ones that had undergone restoration and remained active during the above mentioned period. Apart from trying to put together an overall outline of the convents' history, the thesis also addresses select problems the abbots of the restored monasteries had to face in the course of the aforementioned two centuries. KEY WORDS Benedictine monks, monastery, priory, Hussitism, secularization, protestantis

  • Benediktines in Bohemia 1419-1620. Selected Monasteries.
    Univerzita Karlova Pedagogická fakulta, 2018
    Co-Authors: Vorlíček Petr

    Tato práce se zabývá dějinami vybraných benediktinských klášterů v Čechách v období, jež je vymezeno důležitými předěly českých dějin, vypuknutím husitských bouří a bitvou na Bílé hoře. Záměrně předkládá příklad kláštera v pohusitském období již neobnoveného, společně s těmi, jejichž dějiny pokračovaly i ve zmíněném období. Kromě snahy postihnout historický vývoj vybraných klášterů v údobí mezi roky 1419 až 1620 se práce věnuje ekonomickým a dalším společenským problémům, se kterými se v průběhu dvou staletí museli opati obnovených klášterů v důsledku nastalých situací potýkat. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Benediktini, klášter, proboštství, husitství, sekularizace, protestantstvíThe thesis focuses on the history of several Czech benedictine monasteries in the period marked by two major milestones in Czech history, them being the outbreak of the Hussite Revolution and the Battle of White Mountain. It aims to juxtapose monasteries abandoned in the post-Hussite era with the ones that had undergone restoration and remained active during the above mentioned period. Apart from trying to put together an overall outline of the convents' history, the thesis also addresses select problems the abbots of the restored monasteries had to face in the course of the aforementioned two centuries. KEY WORDS Benedictine monks, monastery, priory, Hussitism, secularization, protestantismKatedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

Fišera Tadeáš - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Myths and Reality - Facts and Fiction. Hussite hero, warrior and captain (hejtman) Jan Roháč of Dubá from the perspective of history and historical tales.
    Co-Authors: Fišera Tadeáš

    Jan Roháč of Dubá was one of the last Hussite captains in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, who rebelled against Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg. The story of his life has become the subject matter for numerous historical and literary adaptations and other works of art. The primary objective of this thesis is not any further description of the historical events at the turn of the 15th century, but the description of changes in the second life of the Hussite captain's image from his death (1437) to the beginning of the 21st century. Not only does the idealization of Jan Roháč's personality as a loyal adherent to the radical Hussite right-wing Czech party line belong to this category but also the image of an experienced warrior participating in a series of Hussite battles and his exemplary execution are found in this section. In addition to the historical narrative sources, also fiction, poetry, period songs, theatre performances and film adaptations will be included in the thesis's background materials, for example a film made in 1947 by the director Vladimír Borský

  • Myths and Reality - Facts and Fiction. Hussite hero, warrior and captain (hejtman) Jan Roháč of Dubá from the perspective of history and historical tales.
    Univerzita Karlova Katolická teologická fakulta, 2019
    Co-Authors: Fišera Tadeáš

    Jan Roháč of Dubá was one of the last Hussite captains in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, who rebelled against Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg. The story of his life has become the subject matter for numerous historical and literary adaptations and other works of art. The primary objective of this thesis is not any further description of the historical events at the turn of the 15th century, but the description of changes in the second life of the Hussite captain's image from his death (1437) to the beginning of the 21st century. Not only does the idealization of Jan Roháč's personality as a loyal adherent to the radical Hussite right-wing Czech party line belong to this category but also the image of an experienced warrior participating in a series of Hussite battles and his exemplary execution are found in this section. In addition to the historical narrative sources, also fiction, poetry, period songs, theatre performances and film adaptations will be included in the thesis's background materials, for example a film made in 1947 by the director Vladimír Borský.Jan Roháč z Dubé byl jedním z posledních husitských hejtmanů v zemích Koruny české, který se postavil na odpor proti císaři Zikmundovi. Jeho životní příběh se stal předmětem mnoha historických, literárních i uměleckých zpracování. Primárním cílem této práce však nebude další popis historických událostí přelomu 14. a 15. století, ale proměna obrazu husitského hejtmana Roháče z Dubé od konce jeho života (1437) až do počátku 21. století, tzv. druhý život. Do této kategorie patří nejen idealizace osobnosti Jana Roháče jako věrného Čecha a straníka radikálního křídla husitů, ale také obraz zkušeného válečníka účastnícího se řady velkých husitských bitev i Roháčova exemplární exekuce. Vedle historických narativních pramenů bude mezi informační zdroje práce patřit také historická beletrie, poezie, dobové písně, divadelní dramata i filmová zpracování, jako např. film natočený v roce 1947 režisérem Vladimírem Borským.Ústav dějin křesťanského uměníInstitute of Christian Art HistoryCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult