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Alexander E Gorbalenya - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales , to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae , Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus , Iflavirus and Sadwavirus . Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae , Caliciviridae , Hypoviridae , do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
picornavirales a proposed order of positive sense single stranded rna viruses with a pseudo t 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Le Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales, to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae, Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus, Iflavirus and Sadwavirus. Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae, Caliciviridae, Hypoviridae, do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales, to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae, Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus, Iflavirus and Sadwavirus. Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae, Caliciviridae, Hypoviridae, do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
Olivier Gall - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Secoviridae: a proposed family of plant viruses within the order Picornavirales that combines the families Sequiviridae and Comoviridae, the unassigned genera Cheravirus and Sadwavirus, and the proposed genus Torradovirus
Archives of Virology, 2009Co-Authors: Hélène Sanfaçon, Olivier Gall, Alexander Karasev, Joan Wellink, René Vlugt, Thierry WetzelAbstract:The order Picornavirales includes several plant viruses that are currently classified into the families Comoviridae (genera Comovirus , Fabavirus and Nepovirus ) and Sequiviridae (genera Sequivirus and Waikavirus ) and into the unassigned genera Cheravirus and Sadwavirus . These viruses share properties in common with other picornavirales (particle structure, positive-strand RNA genome with a polyprotein expression strategy, a common replication block including type III helicase, a 3C-like cysteine proteinase and type I RNA-dependent RNA polymerase). However, they also share unique properties that distinguish them from other picornavirales. They infect plants and use specialized proteins or protein domains to move through their host. In phylogenetic analysis based on their replication proteins, these viruses form a separate distinct lineage within the picornavirales branch. To recognize these common properties at the taxonomic level, we propose to create a new family termed “Secoviridae” to include the genera Comovirus , Fabavirus , Nepovirus , Cheravirus , Sadwavirus , Sequivirus and Waikavirus . Two newly discovered plant viruses share common properties with members of the proposed family Secoviridae but have distinct specific genomic organizations. In phylogenetic reconstructions, they form a separate sub-branch within the Secoviridae lineage. We propose to create a new genus termed Torradovirus (type species, Tomato torrado virus) and to assign this genus to the proposed family Secoviridae.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales , to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae , Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus , Iflavirus and Sadwavirus . Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae , Caliciviridae , Hypoviridae , do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales, to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae, Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus, Iflavirus and Sadwavirus. Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae, Caliciviridae, Hypoviridae, do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
René Vlugt - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Proposed revision of the family Secoviridae taxonomy to create three subgenera, “Satsumavirus”, “Stramovirus” and “Cholivirus”, in the genus Sadwavirus
Archives of Virology, 2020Co-Authors: Hélène Sanfaçon, Alexander Karasev, Jeremy R. Thompson, Ioannis Tzanetakis, Thierry Wetzel, Karel Petrzik, René Vlugt, Indranil Dasgupta, Marc Fuchs, Nobuyuki YoshikawaAbstract:We present a taxonomic proposal for revision of the family Secoviridae , a taxon of plant viruses in the order Picornavirales . We propose the reorganization of the genus Sadwavirus to create three new subgenera and to update the classification of five existing species. The proposed subgenera are “ Satsumavirus ” (one species: Satsuma dwarf virus ), “ Stramovirus ” (two species: Strawberry mottle virus and Black raspberry necrosis virus ) and “ Cholivirus ” (two species: Chocolate lily virus A and Dioscorea mosaic associated virus ).
Secoviridae: a proposed family of plant viruses within the order Picornavirales that combines the families Sequiviridae and Comoviridae, the unassigned genera Cheravirus and Sadwavirus, and the proposed genus Torradovirus
Archives of Virology, 2009Co-Authors: Hélène Sanfaçon, Olivier Gall, Alexander Karasev, Joan Wellink, René Vlugt, Thierry WetzelAbstract:The order Picornavirales includes several plant viruses that are currently classified into the families Comoviridae (genera Comovirus , Fabavirus and Nepovirus ) and Sequiviridae (genera Sequivirus and Waikavirus ) and into the unassigned genera Cheravirus and Sadwavirus . These viruses share properties in common with other picornavirales (particle structure, positive-strand RNA genome with a polyprotein expression strategy, a common replication block including type III helicase, a 3C-like cysteine proteinase and type I RNA-dependent RNA polymerase). However, they also share unique properties that distinguish them from other picornavirales. They infect plants and use specialized proteins or protein domains to move through their host. In phylogenetic analysis based on their replication proteins, these viruses form a separate distinct lineage within the picornavirales branch. To recognize these common properties at the taxonomic level, we propose to create a new family termed “Secoviridae” to include the genera Comovirus , Fabavirus , Nepovirus , Cheravirus , Sadwavirus , Sequivirus and Waikavirus . Two newly discovered plant viruses share common properties with members of the proposed family Secoviridae but have distinct specific genomic organizations. In phylogenetic reconstructions, they form a separate sub-branch within the Secoviridae lineage. We propose to create a new genus termed Torradovirus (type species, Tomato torrado virus) and to assign this genus to the proposed family Secoviridae.
Identification and characterisation of tomato torrado virus, a new plant picorna-like virus from tomato
Archives of Virology, 2007Co-Authors: M. Verbeek, A. M. Dullemans, J. F. J. M. Van Den Heuvel, P. C. Maris, René VlugtAbstract:A new virus was isolated from tomato plants from the Murcia region in Spain which showed symptoms of ‘torrado disease’ very distinct necrotic, almost burn-like symptoms on leaves of infected plants. The virus particles are isometric with a diameter of approximately 28 nm. The viral genome consists of two (+)ssRNA molecules of 7793 (RNA1) and 5389 nts (RNA2). RNA1 contains one open reading frame (ORF) encoding a predicted polyprotein of 241 kDa that shows conserved regions with motifs typical for a protease-cofactor, a helicase, a protease and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. RNA2 contains two, partially overlapping ORFs potentially encoding proteins of 20 and 134 kDa. These viral RNAs are encapsidated by three proteins with estimated sizes of 35, 26 and 23 kDa. Direct protein sequencing mapped these coat proteins to ORF2 on RNA2. Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences showed that the virus is related to but distinct from viruses belonging to the genera Sequivirus , Sadwavirus and Cheravirus . This new virus, for which the name tomato torrado virus is proposed, most likely represents a member of a new plant virus genus.
Peter Christian - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales , to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae , Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus , Iflavirus and Sadwavirus . Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae , Caliciviridae , Hypoviridae , do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
picornavirales a proposed order of positive sense single stranded rna viruses with a pseudo t 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Le Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales, to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae, Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus, Iflavirus and Sadwavirus. Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae, Caliciviridae, Hypoviridae, do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales, to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae, Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus, Iflavirus and Sadwavirus. Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae, Caliciviridae, Hypoviridae, do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
Nick J Knowles - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales , to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae , Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus , Iflavirus and Sadwavirus . Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae , Caliciviridae , Hypoviridae , do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
picornavirales a proposed order of positive sense single stranded rna viruses with a pseudo t 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Le Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales, to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae, Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus, Iflavirus and Sadwavirus. Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae, Caliciviridae, Hypoviridae, do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.
Picornavirales, a proposed order of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses with a pseudo-T = 3 virion architecture
Archives of Virology, 2008Co-Authors: Olivier Gall, Peter Christian, Andrew M Q King, Glyn Stanway, Nobuhiko Nakashima, Claude M Fauquet, Nick J Knowles, Alexander E GorbalenyaAbstract:Despite the apparent natural grouping of “picorna-like” viruses, the taxonomical significance of this putative “supergroup” was never addressed adequately. We recently proposed to the ICTV that an order should be created and named Picornavirales, to include viruses infecting eukaryotes that share similar properties: (i) a positive-sense RNA genome, usually with a 5′-bound VPg and 3′-polyadenylated, (ii) genome translation into autoproteolytically processed polyprotein(s), (iii) capsid proteins organized in a module containing three related jelly-roll domains which form small icosahedral, non-enveloped particles with a pseudo-T = 3 symmetry, and (iv) a three-domain module containing a superfamily III helicase, a (cysteine) proteinase with a chymotrypsin-like fold and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. According to the above criteria, the order Picornavirales includes the families Picornaviridae, Comoviridae, Dicistroviridae, Marnaviridae, Sequiviridae and the unassigned genera Cheravirus, Iflavirus and Sadwavirus. Other taxa of “picorna-like” viruses, e.g. Potyviridae, Caliciviridae, Hypoviridae, do not conform to several of the above criteria and are more remotely related: therefore they are not being proposed as members of the new order. Newly described viruses, not yet assigned to an existing taxon by ICTV, may belong to the proposed order.