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Peng Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
System Safety Assessment
Civil Aircraft Electrical Power System Safety Assessment, 2017Co-Authors: Peng WangAbstract:Preliminary System Safety Assessment (PSSA) is the process of allocating Safety requirements in a top-down manner, while System Safety Assessment (SSA) is the process of verifying these Safety requirements in a bottom-up way. There is a corresponding SSA for each PSSA implemented at different levels. This chapter will introduce the process of SSA in detail, primarily including verifying the Safety objectives, confirming the compliance with the Development Assurance Level requirements, deriving Candidate Certification Maintenance Requirement items, operational procedures and limitations, and checking the correctness of the Master Minimum Equipment Lists. The traceability model is employed to establish the relationship between the system Safety data. Finally, the example of the SSA process for an electrical power system is provided to illustrate the process.
Preliminary System Safety Assessment
Civil Aircraft Electrical Power System Safety Assessment, 2017Co-Authors: Peng WangAbstract:Preliminary System Safety Assessment (PSSA) is utilized to assess the system architecture after the Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment (PASA) and System-Level Functional Hazard Assessment (SFHA). PSSA is the bridge between system- and item-level Safety activities. Through the Assessment, system level Safety requirements can be allocated to subsystem and item level, which is the core part for implementing the top-down design concept. This chapter provides a detailed introduction to PSSA and explains the determination of the analysis depth, the prerequisite assumptions, and the Assessment process of PSSA and the application of Fault Tree Analysis tools. Finally, the application of PSSA to an electrical power system is presented as an example.
Research and application of Preliminary System Safety Assessment on civil airborne systems
2011 International Conference on Quality Reliability Risk Maintenance and Safety Engineering, 2011Co-Authors: Nve Xiao, Peng Wang, Yi TianAbstract:Safety design and Assessment is important to the Safety of the airborne systems and equipment. The Preliminary System Safety Assessment is a key process of the system Safety Assessment. This paper has mainly studied the objectives and principle, and the specific process of the preliminary system Safety Assessment, and finally showed how to implement the PSSA and its application. This paper has some significance to the Safety design and Assessment of the large airplane project.
Marko Čepin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The extended living probabilistic Safety Assessment
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2019Co-Authors: Marko ČepinAbstract:The term living probabilistic Safety Assessment was defined soon after the initial probabilistic Safety Assessments were implemented. The objective of this article is to present the extended living...
Application of shutdown probabilistic Safety Assessment
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2018Co-Authors: Marko ČepinAbstract:Abstract Shutdown probabilistic Safety Assessment represents an extension of probabilistic Safety Assessment performed for other plant operating states, excluding power operation, which is covered in probabilistic Safety Assessment. The objective is to present the method of shutdown probabilistic Safety Assessment and its application on real nuclear power plant example model to evaluate the feasibility of the future wider use. The main methods are similar to conventional probabilistic Safety Assessment including the fault tree analysis, the event tree analysis, the common cause failures analysis, the human reliability analysis and the probabilistic data collection and analysis. Results interpretation reveals differences between power and other operating states probabilistic Safety Assessment. Most of the results have been expected including notable or significant differences among the plat operating states regarding the minimal cut sets, regarding the main risk contributors, regarding the importance factors for equipment, regarding the variability of initiating events contributions which are easily explained due to the differences among the plant operating states. The results revealed a variability of durations of the plant operating states among different shutdowns, which causes large differences in risk results among different shutdowns and different overall risk. Such variability may require the adjustment of risk informed decision making methods.
Analysis of truncation limit in probabilistic Safety Assessment
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2005Co-Authors: Marko ČepinAbstract:A truncation limit defines the boundaries of what is considered in the probabilistic Safety Assessment and what is neglected. The truncation limit that is the focus here is the truncation limit on the size of the minimal cut set contribution at which to cut off. A new method was developed, which defines truncation limit in probabilistic Safety Assessment. The method specifies truncation limits with more stringency than presenting existing documents dealing with truncation criteria in probabilistic Safety Assessment do. The results of this paper indicate that the truncation limits for more complex probabilistic Safety Assessments, which consist of larger number of basic events, should be more severe than presently recommended in existing documents if more accuracy is desired. The truncation limits defined by the new method reduce the relative errors of importance measures and produce more accurate results for probabilistic Safety Assessment applications. The reduced relative errors of importance measures can prevent situations, where the acceptability of change of equipment under investigation according to RG 1.174 would be shifted from region, where changes can be accepted, to region, where changes cannot be accepted, if the results would be calculated with smaller truncation limit.
Method for Setting up the Truncation Limit of Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, 2004Co-Authors: Marko ČepinAbstract:Truncation defines cutting off the negligible contribution of the results of the probabilistic Safety Assessment. A method is developed, which defines truncation limit in probabilistic Safety Assessment. The new method specifies the truncation limits with more requirements. The results show that application of the new method largely reduces the large relative errors of importance measures in probabilistic Safety Assessment. Evaluation of examples shows that application of the method can reduce the relative errors for more than one order of magnitude. It is recommended that users of probabilistic Safety Assessment consider the method and its findings for setting up the truncation limits in order to have probabilistic Safety Assessment results, which can serve as a standpoint for decisions.
Nve Xiao - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Research and application of Preliminary System Safety Assessment on civil airborne systems
2011 International Conference on Quality Reliability Risk Maintenance and Safety Engineering, 2011Co-Authors: Nve Xiao, Peng Wang, Yi TianAbstract:Safety design and Assessment is important to the Safety of the airborne systems and equipment. The Preliminary System Safety Assessment is a key process of the system Safety Assessment. This paper has mainly studied the objectives and principle, and the specific process of the preliminary system Safety Assessment, and finally showed how to implement the PSSA and its application. This paper has some significance to the Safety design and Assessment of the large airplane project.
Comparative study on the Safety Assessment technology between civil airborne system and railway signal system
The Proceedings of 2011 9th International Conference on Reliability Maintainability and Safety, 2011Co-Authors: Nve Xiao, Yadong ZhangAbstract:Safety is the main topic of civil aviation and railway transportation. The Safety of civil airborne system is crucial to civil aviation transportation, which is the same of railway signal system to railway transportation. This paper will conduct a comparative study on the Safety Assessment technology between civil airborne system and railway signal system. By analyzing the Safety Assessment technologies of both, this paper studies the differences of the Safety Assessment processes and methods between civil airborne system and railway signal system.
Zongxiao Yang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Mathematical Safety Assessment Approaches for Thermal Power Plants
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014Co-Authors: Zongxiao Yang, Lei Song, Chun-yang Zhang, Chong Li, Xiao-bo YuanAbstract:How to use system analysis methods to identify the hazards in the industrialized process, working environment, and production management for complex industrial processes, such as thermal power plants, is one of the challenges in the systems engineering. A mathematical system Safety Assessment model is proposed for thermal power plants in this paper by integrating fuzzy analytical hierarchy process, set pair analysis, and system functionality analysis. In the basis of those, the key factors influencing the thermal power plant Safety are analyzed. The influence factors are determined based on fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. The connection degree among the factors is obtained by set pair analysis. The system Safety preponderant function is constructed through system functionality analysis for inherence properties and nonlinear influence. The decision analysis system is developed by using active server page technology, web resource integration, and cross-platform capabilities for applications to the industrialized process. The availability of proposed Safety Assessment approach is verified by using an actual thermal power plant, which has improved the enforceability and predictability in enterprise Safety Assessment.
Integrated Safety Assessment modeling and application
2009 International Conference on Networking Sensing and Control, 2009Co-Authors: Chun-yang Zhang, Zongxiao Yang, Chong Li, Hui Shi, Zhili ZhouAbstract:It is required to deal quantitatively with the uncertainty of information and ambiguities involved in the data for Safety Assessment modeling. In order to improve the reliability of results and practicability of system functionality, an integrated model of Safety Assessment for thermal power plants is proposed. The multi-hierarchy valuation structure is established on a basis of key influence factors for the thermal power plant Safety. The weight of factors is calculated by fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP), the connection degree among the factors is obtained by set pair analysis (SPA) and the preponderant function of system Safety is constructed for resolving the problem that systems Safety preponderates over the weight sum of sub-systems Safety. The immanence relation and nonlinear influence of Safety factors in thermal power plants can be quantified. A case study that assesses the thermal power plant Safety methods is presented to illustrate the use of the model and to demonstrate the capability of the model.
Construction of Ontology-based Safety Assessment System for Power Plants
IEEE International Conference on Networking Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2008), 2008Co-Authors: Zongxiao Yang, Chuanye Cheng, Zhiqiang FengAbstract:Unterschiedliche systeme nutzen unterschiedliche konzepte begrifflichkeiten um dinge zu beschreiben.daher ist es nicht leicht wissen wiederzuverwenden. ontology-based methode für Safety Assessment einer power plant wird vorgestellt im paper. ... bietet ein ontology model mit fehler charakteristiken für equipment das geteilt und wiederverwendet wird in power plants. die vorgestellte methode verbessert die genauigkeit/eindeutigkeit eines Safety Assessment systems. Auf den ersten Blick kaum Safety Dinge wie Fehlerbaum oder so zu erkennen. Scheint eher darauf ausgelegt zu sein die entsprechende Ontology des Anwendungsfalls zu entwickeln
Safety Assessment Modelling BasedonRecipe Engineering forPowerPlants
2008Co-Authors: Mingchuan Zhang, Zongxiao YangAbstract:Powerplants Safety Assessment arecomplex system engineering. Inorder tostudy thefactors that influence power plants Safety Assessment, therelationship between recipe engineering andprescription oftraditional Chinese medicine arestudied aswellasproduction equipment Safety, labor Safety, working environment andSafety management of powerplants based onrecipe engineering inthis paper. Onthe basis ofthese researches, ahierarchical structure ofpower plants Safety Assessment ismodelled basedonanalytical hierarchy process, andamodelling method ofpowerplants Safety Assessment isproposed. Theresults oftheresearches canenhance theaccuracy andcredibility ofpowerplants Safety Assessment. Thepractice showsthat theAssessment Software System constructed bythehierarchical structure and themodelling method canacquire higher accuracy.
Safety Assessment for Power Plants using Analytical Hierarchy Process and System Functionality
2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking Sensing and Control, 2007Co-Authors: Zongxiao Yang, Xiao-bo Yuan, Jun Wang, Akira Inoue, Mingcong DengAbstract:A Safety Assessment approach based on analytical hierarchy process and system functionality is proposed in this paper for power plant Safety. The multi-hierarchy valuation structure is established on a basis of key influence factors for power plant Safety. The preponderant function of system Safety is constructed by using system functionality principle and analytical hierarchy process for resolving the problem that systems Safety preponderates over the weight sum of sub-systems Safety. The proposed analysis approach can adjust the harmonics of Safety Assessment factors for power plants, and provide decision-making advices or Safety simulation means for the enterprise managers for Safety management and Safety Assessment. The proposed method is applied successfully to the enterprise Safety Assessment of Datang Luoyang Shouyangshan Power Plant.
Yi Tian - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Research and application of Preliminary System Safety Assessment on civil airborne systems
2011 International Conference on Quality Reliability Risk Maintenance and Safety Engineering, 2011Co-Authors: Nve Xiao, Peng Wang, Yi TianAbstract:Safety design and Assessment is important to the Safety of the airborne systems and equipment. The Preliminary System Safety Assessment is a key process of the system Safety Assessment. This paper has mainly studied the objectives and principle, and the specific process of the preliminary system Safety Assessment, and finally showed how to implement the PSSA and its application. This paper has some significance to the Safety design and Assessment of the large airplane project.