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Santos, Tiago Mendes Rodrigues Dos - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
“Those days” in the days of modess : the advent of the “spontaneous woman” in the Brazilian urban expanse
2016Co-Authors: Santos, Tiago Mendes Rodrigues DosAbstract:Este trabalho de dissertação trata-se de uma tentativa em traçar a sociobiografia de um objeto: o absorvente higiênico, no Brasil. Desde sua introdução no mercado nacional (na década de 1930), até a década de 1970, os absorventes higiênicos e, especialmente, os da marca Modess, da Johnson & Johnson (por sua força neste mercado), se aprimoraram cada vez mais em nome do bem-estar feminino. Em prol do conforto, da praticidade e da higiene, era prometido, nos anúncios publicitários de Modess, um incremento na qualidade de vida da mulher, “isentando-a” de incertezas, indisposições e inconveniências “naqueles dias”. Diante deste panorama, nos propomos a tarefa de investigar os investimentos em marketing e publicidade deste produto, especialmente entre os anos de 1954 e 1971, em uma das revistas femininas de maior circulação no Rio de Janeiro daquela época: a revista Querida. A emergência de uma “sociedade de consumo” em meados do século XX no Brasil – em meio à expansão urbano-industrial e de serviços e à modernização dos comportamentos –, foi um desenvolvimento de longo prazo. Nele se inserem a gradativa substituição das chamadas “toalhinhas laváveis” pelos “modernos absorventes higiênicos”, assim como a poderosa emergência da imprensa feminina e da publicidade como mecanismos de justificação de estilos de vida na cidade grande. Esta transição se caracterizou por uma nova estratificação social, moldando os gostos e gestos, os modos e as modas “femininos”, particularmente na então capital e maior cidade do país: o Rio de Janeiro. Acreditamos, portanto, que a trajetória dos absorventes higiênicos no Brasil e a extensão deste mercado de higiene íntima até nossos dias pode nos indicar profundas transformações da sociedade, tanto as de ordem intranacionais, quanto internacionais, no que tange à produção de identidades e diferenças sociais. __________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis dissertation is an attempt to trace the sociobiography of an object: the Sanitary Napkin in Brazil. Since its introduction in the national market (in the 1930s), until the decade of 1970, Sanitary Napkins, especially those belonging to the brand Modess produced by Johnson & Johnson (due to their market force) were gradually improved in the name of feminine well-being. In the name of comfort, of practicality and of hygiene it was promised, in the Modess advertisements, an increment in women’s quality of life “excepting her” from insecurities, indispositions and inconveniences in “those days”. Facing this panorama, we propose the task of investigating the investments made into the marketing and publicity of this product, especially between the years of 1954 and 1971, in one of the women’s periodicals with the greatest circulation at the time in Rio de Janeiro: the magazine Querida. The emergence of a “consumer society” in mid twentieth century Brazil – during urban-industrial and services expansion and the modernization of behaviors – was a long-term development. In it were inserted a gradual substitution of so-called “washable towels” by the “modern Sanitary Napkins”, as well as the powerful emergence of the feminine press and of publicity as mechanisms for the justification of life-styles in the big city. This transition was characterized by a new social stratification, molded by gestures and tastes, “feminine” modes and fashions, particularly in the then-capital and largest city of the country: Rio de Janeiro. We believe, therefore, that the trajectory of Sanitary Napkins in Brazil is an extension of this intimate hygiene market to the present day can indicate to us profound societal transformations, both intra-nationally and internationally, in what concerns the production of identity and social differences
“Those days” in the days of modess : the advent of the “spontaneous woman” in the Brazilian urban expanse
'Biblioteca Central da UNB', 2015Co-Authors: Santos, Tiago Mendes Rodrigues DosAbstract:Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2015.Este trabalho de dissertação trata-se de uma tentativa em traçar a sociobiografia de um objeto: o absorvente higiênico, no Brasil. Desde sua introdução no mercado nacional (na década de 1930), até a década de 1970, os absorventes higiênicos e, especialmente, os da marca Modess, da Johnson & Johnson (por sua força neste mercado), se aprimoraram cada vez mais em nome do bem-estar feminino. Em prol do conforto, da praticidade e da higiene, era prometido, nos anúncios publicitários de Modess, um incremento na qualidade de vida da mulher, “isentando-a” de incertezas, indisposições e inconveniências “naqueles dias”. Diante deste panorama, nos propomos a tarefa de investigar os investimentos em marketing e publicidade deste produto, especialmente entre os anos de 1954 e 1971, em uma das revistas femininas de maior circulação no Rio de Janeiro daquela época: a revista Querida. A emergência de uma “sociedade de consumo” em meados do século XX no Brasil – em meio à expansão urbano-industrial e de serviços e à modernização dos comportamentos –, foi um desenvolvimento de longo prazo. Nele se inserem a gradativa substituição das chamadas “toalhinhas laváveis” pelos “modernos absorventes higiênicos”, assim como a poderosa emergência da imprensa feminina e da publicidade como mecanismos de justificação de estilos de vida na cidade grande. Esta transição se caracterizou por uma nova estratificação social, moldando os gostos e gestos, os modos e as modas “femininos”, particularmente na então capital e maior cidade do país: o Rio de Janeiro. Acreditamos, portanto, que a trajetória dos absorventes higiênicos no Brasil e a extensão deste mercado de higiene íntima até nossos dias pode nos indicar profundas transformações da sociedade, tanto as de ordem intranacionais, quanto internacionais, no que tange à produção de identidades e diferenças sociais.This dissertation is an attempt to trace the sociobiography of an object: the Sanitary Napkin in Brazil. Since its introduction in the national market (in the 1930s), until the decade of 1970, Sanitary Napkins, especially those belonging to the brand Modess produced by Johnson & Johnson (due to their market force) were gradually improved in the name of feminine well-being. In the name of comfort, of practicality and of hygiene it was promised, in the Modess advertisements, an increment in women’s quality of life “excepting her” from insecurities, indispositions and inconveniences in “those days”. Facing this panorama, we propose the task of investigating the investments made into the marketing and publicity of this product, especially between the years of 1954 and 1971, in one of the women’s periodicals with the greatest circulation at the time in Rio de Janeiro: the magazine Querida. The emergence of a “consumer society” in mid twentieth century Brazil – during urban-industrial and services expansion and the modernization of behaviors – was a long-term development. In it were inserted a gradual substitution of so-called “washable towels” by the “modern Sanitary Napkins”, as well as the powerful emergence of the feminine press and of publicity as mechanisms for the justification of life-styles in the big city. This transition was characterized by a new social stratification, molded by gestures and tastes, “feminine” modes and fashions, particularly in the then-capital and largest city of the country: Rio de Janeiro. We believe, therefore, that the trajectory of Sanitary Napkins in Brazil is an extension of this intimate hygiene market to the present day can indicate to us profound societal transformations, both intra-nationally and internationally, in what concerns the production of identity and social differences
Manideepa Mukherjee - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
challenges and opportunities of textile based smart Sanitary Napkin design
International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 2019Co-Authors: Manideepa MukherjeeAbstract:Smart textiles are being used by multiple technologies for various health care applications. In my recent research, I have designed a textile-based smart Sanitary Napkin sensor. It helps in identifying multiple gynaecological diseases by regular monitoring of menstrual blood loss volume. This paper talks about the technical and physical challenges I faced during the designing of the smart sensor and the potential possibilities of future research to address these challenges.
Ratnasari Octavia - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Market share dan loyalitas konsumen terhadap merek-merek Sanitary Napkin di kalangan mahasiswi Universitas Kristen Petra
2003Co-Authors: Vonni Septa, Ratnasari OctaviaAbstract:Dalam penelitian ini digunakan data primer yang diambil langsung melalui kuesioner sebanyak 284 mahasiswi di Universitas Kristen Petra dan digunakan data sekunder (buku-buku, jurnal-jurnal ekonomi). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Faktor Psikologis paling menjelaskan loyalitas merek. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa mahasiswi Universitas Kristen Petra berpindah-pindah merek Sanitary Napkin di sekitar merek-merek terkenal. Market share dari merek-merek Sanitary Napkin di Universitas Kristen Petra dikuasai oleh merek Charm
Yadav S - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
High absorbency cellulose acetate electrospun nanofibers for feminine hygiene application
Elsevier, 2016Co-Authors: Yadav S, Illa M P, Sharma C SAbstract:The feminine Sanitary Napkin is an important disposable absorbent hygiene product. Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) are added in the absorbent core of Sanitary Napkins in order to improve their absorption capacity. However, they are found to have certain adverse effects on the health of user and also on the environment. Here, we demonstrate the potential use of electrospun cellulose acetate (CA) nanofibers as a material for absorbent core in feminine Sanitary Napkins. The analysis in terms of morphology, surface area, porosity, strength, absorption capacity, and percentage residue was done and further compared with some of the known commercially available feminine Sanitary Napkins. Considering the large surface area and porosity, it is found that the electrospun nanofibers provide a better alternative to achieve even higher absorbency that too without adding SAP. Sanitary Napkins without SAP can be a solution for its safe disposal, and therefore, can have global impact in the near future
Cellulose acetate based non-woven nanofiber matrix with high absorbency properties for female hygiene products
2016Co-Authors: Sharma, Chandra Shekhar, Yadav S, Rastogi T, Illa Mani PAbstract:The main objective of the present invention is to demonstrate a biocompatible polymer matrix in feminine hygiene products. Another objective of the invention is to produce the biocompatible polymer matrix in the form of non-woven nanofibers so as to enhance the properties such as surface area, absorption rate, tensile strength etc. Yet another objective of the present invention is to study the effect of SAP on the absorpotion capacity of absorbent matrix prepared as mentioned above. Accordingly, the present invention discloses an eco-friendly Sanitary Napkin characterized with absorbancy core having enhanced properties like absorbancy, tensile strength etc., without addition of SAP
Divya Chadha - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
universalization of Sanitary Napkin use is not menstrual hygiene management
2015Co-Authors: Divya ChadhaAbstract:Menstruation is a natural biological process, but if it is not properly managed it can lead to various health related problems. It is assumed that the risk of acquiring infection is higher than normal during menstruation but in low income countries girls and women face additional challenges that prevent them from practicing good menstrual hygiene or seeking medical help. They often suffer in silence because discussion on reproductive health issues is considered to be a taboo. Though initial discussion around menstrual education and menstrual hygiene management has begun but still it is often limited to provision of safe and affordable Sanitary material to girls in growing age. Universalization of Sanitary Napkin use will not solely help in menstrual hygiene management and in reducing risk of infection. In fact it may lead to environment degradation because these Napkins are mostly non-biodegradable and there is still lack of proper disposal mechanisms.