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Danilo Reis Goncalves - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
protoachlya papillata Saprolegniales oomycota a new name for protoachlya hypogyna coker pemberton tw johnson rl seym
Phytotaxa, 2017Co-Authors: Danilo Reis Goncalves, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:A new combination was proposed by Johnson and collaborators in 2005 transferring Achlya hypogyna to the genus Protoachlya based on morphological evidence. However, the proposed name Protoachlya hypogyna was not legitimate because it had been already adopted for another species. Therefore, a new name for this taxon is herein proposed and morphological and phylogenetic analyses are presented justifying the position of this species inside the genus Protoachlya . For the first time, ITS and LSU sequences of P. hypogyna are used in a phylogenetic analysis and deposited in GenBank.
Protoachlya papillata (Saprolegniales, Oomycota): a new name for Protoachlya hypogyna (Coker & Pemberton) TW Johnson & RL Seym
Phytotaxa, 2017Co-Authors: Danilo Reis Goncalves, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Carmen Lidia Amorim Pires-zottarelliAbstract:A new combination was proposed by Johnson and collaborators in 2005 transferring Achlya hypogyna to the genus Protoachlya based on morphological evidence. However, the proposed name Protoachlya hypogyna was not legitimate because it had been already adopted for another species. Therefore, a new name for this taxon is herein proposed and morphological and phylogenetic analyses are presented justifying the position of this species inside the genus Protoachlya . For the first time, ITS and LSU sequences of P. hypogyna are used in a phylogenetic analysis and deposited in GenBank.
saprolegnia milanezii sp nov a new species of Saprolegniales oomycota straminipila from brazil
Phytotaxa, 2016Co-Authors: Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Agostina V. Marano, Jose Vladimir Sandovalsierra, Javier Dieguezuribeondo, Danilo Reis Goncalves, Gustavo Henrique Jeronimo, Ana Lucia De Jesus, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:Saprolegnia milanezii sp. nov . is described as a new species of the genus Saprolegnia (Saprolegniales, Oomycota). It has been collected from freshwater samples at “Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso”, Cananeia, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This species is characterized by rare antheridia, extended stalk near the oogonial septum and subcentric oospores. Phylogenetic analysis using concatenated ITS and LSU rDNA regions confirmed the position of this new species into the genus Saprolegnia as sister group of S. furcata .
achlya catenulata sp nov a new Saprolegniales oomycetes straminipila from brazilian mangrove swamp
Phytotaxa, 2015Co-Authors: Ana Lucia De Jesus, Agostina V. Marano, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Danilo Reis Goncalves, Gustavo Henrique Jeronimo, Jose Ivanildo De Souza, Timothy Young James, Marcela Castilho Boro, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:Achlya catenulata sp. nov. was collected from water samples in a mangrove swamp of the “Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso”, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This new species is characterized by the presence of achlyoid type of zoospore discharge from both primary and secondary sporangia, catenulate smooth-walled oogonia in chains of up to 11 oogonia, diclinous antheridial branches and eccentric oospores, which generally failed to mature. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses based on the ITS and LSU regions (rDNA) placed this species within the Achlya sensu stricto clade.
Carmen Lidia Amorim Pireszottarelli - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
protoachlya papillata Saprolegniales oomycota a new name for protoachlya hypogyna coker pemberton tw johnson rl seym
Phytotaxa, 2017Co-Authors: Danilo Reis Goncalves, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:A new combination was proposed by Johnson and collaborators in 2005 transferring Achlya hypogyna to the genus Protoachlya based on morphological evidence. However, the proposed name Protoachlya hypogyna was not legitimate because it had been already adopted for another species. Therefore, a new name for this taxon is herein proposed and morphological and phylogenetic analyses are presented justifying the position of this species inside the genus Protoachlya . For the first time, ITS and LSU sequences of P. hypogyna are used in a phylogenetic analysis and deposited in GenBank.
saprolegnia milanezii sp nov a new species of Saprolegniales oomycota straminipila from brazil
Phytotaxa, 2016Co-Authors: Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Agostina V. Marano, Jose Vladimir Sandovalsierra, Javier Dieguezuribeondo, Danilo Reis Goncalves, Gustavo Henrique Jeronimo, Ana Lucia De Jesus, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:Saprolegnia milanezii sp. nov . is described as a new species of the genus Saprolegnia (Saprolegniales, Oomycota). It has been collected from freshwater samples at “Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso”, Cananeia, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This species is characterized by rare antheridia, extended stalk near the oogonial septum and subcentric oospores. Phylogenetic analysis using concatenated ITS and LSU rDNA regions confirmed the position of this new species into the genus Saprolegnia as sister group of S. furcata .
achlya catenulata sp nov a new Saprolegniales oomycetes straminipila from brazilian mangrove swamp
Phytotaxa, 2015Co-Authors: Ana Lucia De Jesus, Agostina V. Marano, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Danilo Reis Goncalves, Gustavo Henrique Jeronimo, Jose Ivanildo De Souza, Timothy Young James, Marcela Castilho Boro, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:Achlya catenulata sp. nov. was collected from water samples in a mangrove swamp of the “Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso”, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This new species is characterized by the presence of achlyoid type of zoospore discharge from both primary and secondary sporangia, catenulate smooth-walled oogonia in chains of up to 11 oogonia, diclinous antheridial branches and eccentric oospores, which generally failed to mature. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses based on the ITS and LSU regions (rDNA) placed this species within the Achlya sensu stricto clade.
Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
protoachlya papillata Saprolegniales oomycota a new name for protoachlya hypogyna coker pemberton tw johnson rl seym
Phytotaxa, 2017Co-Authors: Danilo Reis Goncalves, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:A new combination was proposed by Johnson and collaborators in 2005 transferring Achlya hypogyna to the genus Protoachlya based on morphological evidence. However, the proposed name Protoachlya hypogyna was not legitimate because it had been already adopted for another species. Therefore, a new name for this taxon is herein proposed and morphological and phylogenetic analyses are presented justifying the position of this species inside the genus Protoachlya . For the first time, ITS and LSU sequences of P. hypogyna are used in a phylogenetic analysis and deposited in GenBank.
Protoachlya papillata (Saprolegniales, Oomycota): a new name for Protoachlya hypogyna (Coker & Pemberton) TW Johnson & RL Seym
Phytotaxa, 2017Co-Authors: Danilo Reis Goncalves, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Carmen Lidia Amorim Pires-zottarelliAbstract:A new combination was proposed by Johnson and collaborators in 2005 transferring Achlya hypogyna to the genus Protoachlya based on morphological evidence. However, the proposed name Protoachlya hypogyna was not legitimate because it had been already adopted for another species. Therefore, a new name for this taxon is herein proposed and morphological and phylogenetic analyses are presented justifying the position of this species inside the genus Protoachlya . For the first time, ITS and LSU sequences of P. hypogyna are used in a phylogenetic analysis and deposited in GenBank.
saprolegnia milanezii sp nov a new species of Saprolegniales oomycota straminipila from brazil
Phytotaxa, 2016Co-Authors: Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Agostina V. Marano, Jose Vladimir Sandovalsierra, Javier Dieguezuribeondo, Danilo Reis Goncalves, Gustavo Henrique Jeronimo, Ana Lucia De Jesus, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:Saprolegnia milanezii sp. nov . is described as a new species of the genus Saprolegnia (Saprolegniales, Oomycota). It has been collected from freshwater samples at “Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso”, Cananeia, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This species is characterized by rare antheridia, extended stalk near the oogonial septum and subcentric oospores. Phylogenetic analysis using concatenated ITS and LSU rDNA regions confirmed the position of this new species into the genus Saprolegnia as sister group of S. furcata .
achlya catenulata sp nov a new Saprolegniales oomycetes straminipila from brazilian mangrove swamp
Phytotaxa, 2015Co-Authors: Ana Lucia De Jesus, Agostina V. Marano, Sarah Cristina Oliveira Rocha, Danilo Reis Goncalves, Gustavo Henrique Jeronimo, Jose Ivanildo De Souza, Timothy Young James, Marcela Castilho Boro, Carmen Lidia Amorim PireszottarelliAbstract:Achlya catenulata sp. nov. was collected from water samples in a mangrove swamp of the “Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso”, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This new species is characterized by the presence of achlyoid type of zoospore discharge from both primary and secondary sporangia, catenulate smooth-walled oogonia in chains of up to 11 oogonia, diclinous antheridial branches and eccentric oospores, which generally failed to mature. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses based on the ITS and LSU regions (rDNA) placed this species within the Achlya sensu stricto clade.
Monica M Steciow - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Saprolegniales oomycota straminipila brings order in a neglected group of pathogens
2014Co-Authors: Monica M Steciow, Enrique Lara, Christophe Paul, Amandine Pillonel, Lassaad BelbahriAbstract:The Saprolegnia-Achlya clade comprises species of major environmental and economic importance due to their negative impact on aquaculture and aquatic ecosystems by threatening fishes, amphibians, and crustaceans. However, their taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships remain unresolved and suffer from many inconsistencies, which is a major obstacle to the widespread application of molecular barcoding to identify pathogenic strains with quarantine implications. We assessed phylogenetic relationships of major genera using three commonly used markers (ITS, SSU rRNA, and LSU rRNA). A consensus tree of the three genes provided support for nine clades encompassing eleven documented genera and a new clade (SAP1) that has not been described morphologically. In the course of this study, we isolated a new species, Newbya dichotoma sp. nov., which provided the only culture available for this genus. In parallel, we attempted to summarize the evolution of traits in the different genera, but their successive reversals rendered the inference of ancestral states impossible. This highlights even more the importance of a bar-coding strategy for saprolegniacean parasite detection and monitoring.
nuevas citas de Saprolegniales peronosporomycota straminipila para ambientes acuaticos de la provincia de buenos aires argentina
Darwiniana (Argentina) Num.1 Vol.46, 2008Co-Authors: Maria Luz Arellano, Agostina V. Marano, Monica M SteciowAbstract:Cuatro especies de Saprolegniales fueron encontradas en ambientes acuaticos de los partidos de La Plata y Ensenada (charcas semipermanentes, arroyo Las Canas y zanjon Los Helechos), provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Scoliolegnia asterophora, Aphanomyces laevis, A. stellatus y A. parasiticus, son citadas por primera vez para la Argentina. Tres de ellas fueron encontradas como saprotrofas en muestras de materia organica flotante (restos vegetales) y agua, y la cuarta, como parasita en hifas de una especie no identificada del genero Achlya.
a new species of saprolegnia Saprolegniales straminipila from a polluted argentine channel
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 2002Co-Authors: Monica M Steciow, Lorena Alejandra EliadesAbstract:Abstract Saprolegnia variabilis sp. nov. is described from litter (floating twigs, leaves, and roots) in a artificial polluted channel, near a petroleum refinery, in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The species is illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. It differs from S. australis in having mature subcentric oospores; the oogonia and the oospores are larger and more variable in shape and size, and the number of oospores is greater. The oogonial stalks are also variable in length and the zoosporangia are very much longer.
a robusta sp nov a new species of achlya Saprolegniales straminipila from a polluted argentine channel
Microbiological Research, 2002Co-Authors: Monica M Steciow, Lorena Alejandra EliadesAbstract:Summary Achlya robusta sp. nov. was found on litter (floating twigs, leaves, and roots) in an artificial polluted channel, near a petroleum refinery, in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The species is described, illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. A. robusta produces mainly smooth and papillate, tuberculate or bullate oogonia and monoclinous antheridial branches. It develops spherical and subglobose oogonia, with the oogonial wall yellowish and containing mainly immature oospheres. The oospores are eccentric and ranging from (1) 4–17 (30) per oogonium.
Lorena Alejandra Eliades - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
a new species of saprolegnia Saprolegniales straminipila from a polluted argentine channel
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 2002Co-Authors: Monica M Steciow, Lorena Alejandra EliadesAbstract:Abstract Saprolegnia variabilis sp. nov. is described from litter (floating twigs, leaves, and roots) in a artificial polluted channel, near a petroleum refinery, in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The species is illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. It differs from S. australis in having mature subcentric oospores; the oogonia and the oospores are larger and more variable in shape and size, and the number of oospores is greater. The oogonial stalks are also variable in length and the zoosporangia are very much longer.
a robusta sp nov a new species of achlya Saprolegniales straminipila from a polluted argentine channel
Microbiological Research, 2002Co-Authors: Monica M Steciow, Lorena Alejandra EliadesAbstract:Summary Achlya robusta sp. nov. was found on litter (floating twigs, leaves, and roots) in an artificial polluted channel, near a petroleum refinery, in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The species is described, illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. A. robusta produces mainly smooth and papillate, tuberculate or bullate oogonia and monoclinous antheridial branches. It develops spherical and subglobose oogonia, with the oogonial wall yellowish and containing mainly immature oospheres. The oospores are eccentric and ranging from (1) 4–17 (30) per oogonium.