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Björn D. Lindahl - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Contrasting effects of ectomycorrhizal fungi on early and late stage decomposition in a boreal forest
The ISME Journal, 2018Co-Authors: Erica Sterkenburg, Karina E. Clemmensen, Alf Ekblad, Roger D. Finlay, Björn D. LindahlAbstract:Symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi have received increasing attention as regulators of below-ground organic matter storage. They are proposed to promote organic matter accumulation by suppressing Saprotrophs, but have also been suggested to play an active role in decomposition themselves. Here we show that exclusion of tree roots and associated ectomycorrhizal fungi in a boreal forest increased decomposition of surface litter by 11% by alleviating nitrogen limitation of Saprotrophs–a “Gadgil effect”. At the same time, root exclusion decreased Mn-peroxidase activity in the deeper mor layer by 91%. Our results show that ectomycorrhizal fungi may hamper short-term litter decomposition, but also support a crucial role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in driving long-term organic matter oxidation. These observations stress the importance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in regulation of below-ground organic matter accumulation. By different mechanisms they may either hamper or stimulate decomposition, depending upon stage of decomposition and location in the soil profile.
Modelling the influence of ectomycorrhizal decomposition on plant nutrition and soil carbon sequestration in boreal forest ecosystems
New Phytologist, 2016Co-Authors: Preetisri Baskaran, Karina E. Clemmensen, Björn D. Lindahl, Riitta Hyvönen, S. Linnea Berglund, Göran I. Ågren, Stefano ManzoniAbstract:Summary Tree growth in boreal forests is limited by nitrogen (N) availability. Most boreal forest trees form symbiotic associations with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, which improve the uptake of inorganic N and also have the capacity to decompose soil organic matter (SOM) and to mobilize organic N (‘ECM decomposition’). To study the effects of ‘ECM decomposition’ on ecosystem carbon (C) and N balances, we performed a sensitivity analysis on a model of C and N flows between plants, SOM, Saprotrophs, ECM fungi, and inorganic N stores. The analysis indicates that C and N balances were sensitive to model parameters regulating ECM biomass and decomposition. Under low N availability, the optimal C allocation to ECM fungi, above which the symbiosis switches from mutualism to parasitism, increases with increasing relative involvement of ECM fungi in SOM decomposition. Under low N conditions, increased ECM organic N mining promotes tree growth but decreases soil C storage, leading to a negative correlation between C stores above- and below-ground. The interplay between plant production and soil C storage is sensitive to the partitioning of decomposition between ECM fungi and Saprotrophs. Better understanding of interactions between functional guilds of soil fungi may significantly improve predictions of ecosystem responses to environmental change.
Fungal identification biases in microbiome projects
Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2016Co-Authors: Leho Tedersoo, Björn D. LindahlAbstract:Summary Fungi are the key players in ecosystems as well as in plant and human health. High-throughput molecular identification of fungi has greatly progressed our understanding about the diversity of mutualists, Saprotrophs, and pathogens. We argue that the methods promoted by the microbiome consortia are suboptimal for detection of the most important fungal pathogens and ecologically important degraders. We recommend several sets of optimized primers for analysis of fungi or all eukaryote groups based on either short or long amplicons that cover the ITS region as well as part of 18S and 28S rDNA.
ectomycorrhizal fungi potential organic matter decomposers yet not Saprotrophs
New Phytologist, 2015Co-Authors: Björn D. Lindahl, Anders TunlidAbstract:Although hypothesized for many years, the involvement of ectomycorrhizal fungi in decomposition of soil organic matter remains controversial and has not yet been fully acknowledged as an important factor in the regulation of soil carbon (C) storage. Here, we review recent findings, which support the view that some ectomycorrhizal fungi have the capacity to oxidize organic matter, either by brown-rot' Fenton chemistry or using white-rot' peroxidases. We propose that ectomycorrhizal fungi benefit from organic matter decomposition primarily through increased nitrogen mobilization rather than through release of metabolic C and question the view that ectomycorrhizal fungi may act as facultative Saprotrophs. Finally, we discuss how mycorrhizal decomposition may influence organic matter storage in soils and mediate responses of ecosystem C sequestration to environmental changes.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi – potential organic matter decomposers, yet not Saprotrophs
New Phytologist, 2014Co-Authors: Björn D. Lindahl, Anders TunlidAbstract:Although hypothesized for many years, the involvement of ectomycorrhizal fungi in decomposition of soil organic matter remains controversial and has not yet been fully acknowledged as an important factor in the regulation of soil carbon (C) storage. Here, we review recent findings, which support the view that some ectomycorrhizal fungi have the capacity to oxidize organic matter, either by brown-rot' Fenton chemistry or using white-rot' peroxidases. We propose that ectomycorrhizal fungi benefit from organic matter decomposition primarily through increased nitrogen mobilization rather than through release of metabolic C and question the view that ectomycorrhizal fungi may act as facultative Saprotrophs. Finally, we discuss how mycorrhizal decomposition may influence organic matter storage in soils and mediate responses of ecosystem C sequestration to environmental changes.
Anders Tunlid - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ectomycorrhizal fungi potential organic matter decomposers yet not Saprotrophs
New Phytologist, 2015Co-Authors: Björn D. Lindahl, Anders TunlidAbstract:Although hypothesized for many years, the involvement of ectomycorrhizal fungi in decomposition of soil organic matter remains controversial and has not yet been fully acknowledged as an important factor in the regulation of soil carbon (C) storage. Here, we review recent findings, which support the view that some ectomycorrhizal fungi have the capacity to oxidize organic matter, either by brown-rot' Fenton chemistry or using white-rot' peroxidases. We propose that ectomycorrhizal fungi benefit from organic matter decomposition primarily through increased nitrogen mobilization rather than through release of metabolic C and question the view that ectomycorrhizal fungi may act as facultative Saprotrophs. Finally, we discuss how mycorrhizal decomposition may influence organic matter storage in soils and mediate responses of ecosystem C sequestration to environmental changes.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi – potential organic matter decomposers, yet not Saprotrophs
New Phytologist, 2014Co-Authors: Björn D. Lindahl, Anders TunlidAbstract:Although hypothesized for many years, the involvement of ectomycorrhizal fungi in decomposition of soil organic matter remains controversial and has not yet been fully acknowledged as an important factor in the regulation of soil carbon (C) storage. Here, we review recent findings, which support the view that some ectomycorrhizal fungi have the capacity to oxidize organic matter, either by brown-rot' Fenton chemistry or using white-rot' peroxidases. We propose that ectomycorrhizal fungi benefit from organic matter decomposition primarily through increased nitrogen mobilization rather than through release of metabolic C and question the view that ectomycorrhizal fungi may act as facultative Saprotrophs. Finally, we discuss how mycorrhizal decomposition may influence organic matter storage in soils and mediate responses of ecosystem C sequestration to environmental changes.
E Martino - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
comparative genomics and transcriptomics depict ericoid mycorrhizal fungi as versatile Saprotrophs and plant mutualists
New Phytologist, 2018Co-Authors: E Martino, Emmanuelle Morin, Gwenaelle Grelet, Annegret Kohler, Stefania Daghino, Kerrie Barry, Nicolas Cichocki, Alicia Clum, Rhyan B DockterAbstract:Author(s): Martino, Elena; Morin, Emmanuelle; Grelet, Gwen-Aelle; Kuo, Alan; Kohler, Annegret; Daghino, Stefania; Barry, Kerrie W; Cichocki, Nicolas; Clum, Alicia; Dockter, Rhyan B; Hainaut, Matthieu; Kuo, Rita C; LaButti, Kurt; Lindahl, Bjorn D; Lindquist, Erika A; Lipzen, Anna; Khouja, Hassine-Radhouane; Magnuson, Jon; Murat, Claude; Ohm, Robin A; Singer, Steven W; Spatafora, Joseph W; Wang, Mei; Veneault-Fourrey, Claire; Henrissat, Bernard; Grigoriev, Igor V; Martin, Francis M; Perotto, Silvia | Abstract: Some soil fungi in the Leotiomycetes form ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) symbioses with Ericaceae. In the harsh habitats in which they occur, ERM plant survival relies on nutrient mobilization from soil organic matter (SOM) by their fungal partners. The characterization of the fungal genetic machinery underpinning both the symbiotic lifestyle and SOM degradation is needed to understand ERM symbiosis functioning and evolution, and its impact on soil carbon (C) turnover. We sequenced the genomes of the ERM fungi Meliniomyces bicolor, M. variabilis, Oidiodendron maius and Rhizoscyphus ericae, and compared their gene repertoires with those of fungi with different lifestyles (ecto- and orchid mycorrhiza, endophytes, Saprotrophs, pathogens). We also identified fungal transcripts induced in symbiosis. The ERM fungal gene contents for polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, lipases, proteases and enzymes involved in secondary metabolism are closer to those of Saprotrophs and pathogens than to those of ectomycorrhizal symbionts. The fungal genes most highly upregulated in symbiosis are those coding for fungal and plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs), lipases, proteases, transporters and mycorrhiza-induced small secreted proteins (MiSSPs). The ERM fungal gene repertoire reveals a capacity for a dual saprotrophic and biotrophic lifestyle. This may reflect an incomplete transition from saprotrophy to the mycorrhizal habit, or a versatile life strategy similar to fungal endophytes.
Comparative genomics and transcriptomics depict ericoid mycorrhizal fungi as versatile Saprotrophs and plant mutualists
New Phytologist, 2018Co-Authors: E Martino, Emmanuelle Morin, Gwenaelle Grelet, Annegret Kohler, Stefania Daghino, Kerrie Barry, Nicolas Cichocki, Alicia Clum, Rhyan B DockterAbstract:Author(s): Martino, E; Morin, E; Grelet, GA; Kuo, A; Kohler, A; Daghino, S; Barry, KW; Cichocki, N; Clum, A; Dockter, RB; Hainaut, M; Kuo, RC; LaButti, K; Lindahl, BD; Lindquist, EA; Lipzen, A; Khouja, HR; Magnuson, J; Murat, C; Ohm, RA; Singer, SW; Spatafora, JW; Wang, M; Veneault-Fourrey, C; Henrissat, B; Grigoriev, IV; Martin, FM; Perotto, S | Abstract: © 2018 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2018 New Phytologist Trust Some soil fungi in the Leotiomycetes form ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) symbioses with Ericaceae. In the harsh habitats in which they occur, ERM plant survival relies on nutrient mobilization from soil organic matter (SOM) by their fungal partners. The characterization of the fungal genetic machinery underpinning both the symbiotic lifestyle and SOM degradation is needed to understand ERM symbiosis functioning and evolution, and its impact on soil carbon (C) turnover. We sequenced the genomes of the ERM fungi Meliniomyces bicolor, M. variabilis, Oidiodendron maius and Rhizoscyphus ericae, and compared their gene repertoires with those of fungi with different lifestyles (ecto- and orchid mycorrhiza, endophytes, Saprotrophs, pathogens). We also identified fungal transcripts induced in symbiosis. The ERM fungal gene contents for polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, lipases, proteases and enzymes involved in secondary metabolism are closer to those of Saprotrophs and pathogens than to those of ectomycorrhizal symbionts. The fungal genes most highly upregulated in symbiosis are those coding for fungal and plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs), lipases, proteases, transporters and mycorrhiza-induced small secreted proteins (MiSSPs). The ERM fungal gene repertoire reveals a capacity for a dual saprotrophic and biotrophic lifestyle. This may reflect an incomplete transition from saprotrophy to the mycorrhizal habit, or a versatile life strategy similar to fungal endophytes.
Peter Hogberg - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
contrasting effects of nitrogen availability on plant carbon supply to mycorrhizal fungi and Saprotrophs a hypothesis based on field observations in boreal forest
New Phytologist, 2003Co-Authors: Mona N Hogberg, Erland Baath, Anders Nordgren, Kristina Arnebrant, Peter HogbergAbstract:Soil microorganisms are considered C-limited, while plant productivity is frequently N-limited. Large stores of organic C in boreal forest soils are attributed to negative effects of low temperature, soil acidity and plant residue recalcitrance upon microbial activity. We examined microbial activity, biomass and community composition along a natural 90-m-long soil N supply gradient, where plant species composition varies profoundly, forest productivity three-fold and soil pH by three units. There was, however, no significant variation in soil respiration in the field across the gradient. Neither did microbial biomass C determined by fumigation-extraction vary, while other estimates of activity and biomass showed a weak increase with increasing N supply and soil pH. Simultaneously, a phospholipid fatty acid attributed mainly to mycorrhizal fungi declined drastically, while bacterial biomass increased. We hypothesize that low N supply and plant productivity, and hence low litter C supply to Saprotrophs is associated with a high plant C supply to mycorrhizal fungi, while the reverse occurs under high N supply. This should mean that effects of N availability on C supply to these functional groups of microbes acts in opposing directions. (Less)
Contrasting effects of nitrogen availability on plant carbon supply to mycorrhizal fungi and Saprotrophs – a hypothesis based on field observations in boreal forest
New Phytologist, 2003Co-Authors: Mona N Hogberg, Erland Baath, Anders Nordgren, Kristina Arnebrant, Peter HogbergAbstract:Soil microorganisms are considered C-limited, while plant productivity is frequently N-limited. Large stores of organic C in boreal forest soils are attributed to negative effects of low temperature, soil acidity and plant residue recalcitrance upon microbial activity. We examined microbial activity, biomass and community composition along a natural 90-m-long soil N supply gradient, where plant species composition varies profoundly, forest productivity three-fold and soil pH by three units. There was, however, no significant variation in soil respiration in the field across the gradient. Neither did microbial biomass C determined by fumigation-extraction vary, while other estimates of activity and biomass showed a weak increase with increasing N supply and soil pH. Simultaneously, a phospholipid fatty acid attributed mainly to mycorrhizal fungi declined drastically, while bacterial biomass increased. We hypothesize that low N supply and plant productivity, and hence low litter C supply to Saprotrophs is associated with a high plant C supply to mycorrhizal fungi, while the reverse occurs under high N supply. This should mean that effects of N availability on C supply to these functional groups of microbes acts in opposing directions. (Less)
Rhyan B Dockter - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
comparative genomics and transcriptomics depict ericoid mycorrhizal fungi as versatile Saprotrophs and plant mutualists
New Phytologist, 2018Co-Authors: E Martino, Emmanuelle Morin, Gwenaelle Grelet, Annegret Kohler, Stefania Daghino, Kerrie Barry, Nicolas Cichocki, Alicia Clum, Rhyan B DockterAbstract:Author(s): Martino, Elena; Morin, Emmanuelle; Grelet, Gwen-Aelle; Kuo, Alan; Kohler, Annegret; Daghino, Stefania; Barry, Kerrie W; Cichocki, Nicolas; Clum, Alicia; Dockter, Rhyan B; Hainaut, Matthieu; Kuo, Rita C; LaButti, Kurt; Lindahl, Bjorn D; Lindquist, Erika A; Lipzen, Anna; Khouja, Hassine-Radhouane; Magnuson, Jon; Murat, Claude; Ohm, Robin A; Singer, Steven W; Spatafora, Joseph W; Wang, Mei; Veneault-Fourrey, Claire; Henrissat, Bernard; Grigoriev, Igor V; Martin, Francis M; Perotto, Silvia | Abstract: Some soil fungi in the Leotiomycetes form ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) symbioses with Ericaceae. In the harsh habitats in which they occur, ERM plant survival relies on nutrient mobilization from soil organic matter (SOM) by their fungal partners. The characterization of the fungal genetic machinery underpinning both the symbiotic lifestyle and SOM degradation is needed to understand ERM symbiosis functioning and evolution, and its impact on soil carbon (C) turnover. We sequenced the genomes of the ERM fungi Meliniomyces bicolor, M. variabilis, Oidiodendron maius and Rhizoscyphus ericae, and compared their gene repertoires with those of fungi with different lifestyles (ecto- and orchid mycorrhiza, endophytes, Saprotrophs, pathogens). We also identified fungal transcripts induced in symbiosis. The ERM fungal gene contents for polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, lipases, proteases and enzymes involved in secondary metabolism are closer to those of Saprotrophs and pathogens than to those of ectomycorrhizal symbionts. The fungal genes most highly upregulated in symbiosis are those coding for fungal and plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs), lipases, proteases, transporters and mycorrhiza-induced small secreted proteins (MiSSPs). The ERM fungal gene repertoire reveals a capacity for a dual saprotrophic and biotrophic lifestyle. This may reflect an incomplete transition from saprotrophy to the mycorrhizal habit, or a versatile life strategy similar to fungal endophytes.
Comparative genomics and transcriptomics depict ericoid mycorrhizal fungi as versatile Saprotrophs and plant mutualists
New Phytologist, 2018Co-Authors: E Martino, Emmanuelle Morin, Gwenaelle Grelet, Annegret Kohler, Stefania Daghino, Kerrie Barry, Nicolas Cichocki, Alicia Clum, Rhyan B DockterAbstract:Author(s): Martino, E; Morin, E; Grelet, GA; Kuo, A; Kohler, A; Daghino, S; Barry, KW; Cichocki, N; Clum, A; Dockter, RB; Hainaut, M; Kuo, RC; LaButti, K; Lindahl, BD; Lindquist, EA; Lipzen, A; Khouja, HR; Magnuson, J; Murat, C; Ohm, RA; Singer, SW; Spatafora, JW; Wang, M; Veneault-Fourrey, C; Henrissat, B; Grigoriev, IV; Martin, FM; Perotto, S | Abstract: © 2018 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2018 New Phytologist Trust Some soil fungi in the Leotiomycetes form ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) symbioses with Ericaceae. In the harsh habitats in which they occur, ERM plant survival relies on nutrient mobilization from soil organic matter (SOM) by their fungal partners. The characterization of the fungal genetic machinery underpinning both the symbiotic lifestyle and SOM degradation is needed to understand ERM symbiosis functioning and evolution, and its impact on soil carbon (C) turnover. We sequenced the genomes of the ERM fungi Meliniomyces bicolor, M. variabilis, Oidiodendron maius and Rhizoscyphus ericae, and compared their gene repertoires with those of fungi with different lifestyles (ecto- and orchid mycorrhiza, endophytes, Saprotrophs, pathogens). We also identified fungal transcripts induced in symbiosis. The ERM fungal gene contents for polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, lipases, proteases and enzymes involved in secondary metabolism are closer to those of Saprotrophs and pathogens than to those of ectomycorrhizal symbionts. The fungal genes most highly upregulated in symbiosis are those coding for fungal and plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs), lipases, proteases, transporters and mycorrhiza-induced small secreted proteins (MiSSPs). The ERM fungal gene repertoire reveals a capacity for a dual saprotrophic and biotrophic lifestyle. This may reflect an incomplete transition from saprotrophy to the mycorrhizal habit, or a versatile life strategy similar to fungal endophytes.