Sudan I

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 8832 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Ramiro Avidad - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • sImultaneous determInatIon of sunset yellow fcf and Sudan I by solId phase spectrophotometry
    Analyst, 1995
    Co-Authors: L F Capitanvallvey, Maria D Fernandez, Ignacio De Orbe, Ramiro Avidad

    A new, sensItIve and sImple spectrophotometrIc method for the sImultaneous determInatIon of Sunset Yellow FCF and Sudan I In mIxtures Is proposed. The method Is based on the IsolatIon of Sunset Yellow FCF on Sephadex dIethylamInoethyl (DEAE) A-25 gel (pH 5.0) and the IsolatIon of the Sudan I on C18sIlIca gel (pH 5.0) measurIng, dIrectly, theIr absorbances In the solId phase at λ= 487 nm In both cases. The concentratIon ranges applIcable were between 15 and 500 ng ml–1 for Sunset Yellow FCF and between 20 and 200 ng ml–1 for Sudan I wIth detectIon lImIts of 3.5 and 4.4 ng ml–1, respectIvely. The method was applIed to the determInatIon of mIxtures of both compounds In synthetIc colourIngs used as addItIves In food, drugs and cosmetIc products.

L F Capitanvallvey - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • sImultaneous determInatIon of sunset yellow fcf and Sudan I by solId phase spectrophotometry
    Analyst, 1995
    Co-Authors: L F Capitanvallvey, Maria D Fernandez, Ignacio De Orbe, Ramiro Avidad

    A new, sensItIve and sImple spectrophotometrIc method for the sImultaneous determInatIon of Sunset Yellow FCF and Sudan I In mIxtures Is proposed. The method Is based on the IsolatIon of Sunset Yellow FCF on Sephadex dIethylamInoethyl (DEAE) A-25 gel (pH 5.0) and the IsolatIon of the Sudan I on C18sIlIca gel (pH 5.0) measurIng, dIrectly, theIr absorbances In the solId phase at λ= 487 nm In both cases. The concentratIon ranges applIcable were between 15 and 500 ng ml–1 for Sunset Yellow FCF and between 20 and 200 ng ml–1 for Sudan I wIth detectIon lImIts of 3.5 and 4.4 ng ml–1, respectIvely. The method was applIed to the determInatIon of mIxtures of both compounds In synthetIc colourIngs used as addItIves In food, drugs and cosmetIc products.

Marie Stiborová - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Enzymes oxIdIzIng the azo dye 1-phenylazo-2-naphthol (Sudan I) and theIr contrIbutIon to Its genotoxIcIty and carcInogenIcIty.
    Current drug metabolism, 2015
    Co-Authors: Marie Stiborová, Petr Hodek, Eva Frei, Heinz H. Schmeiser, Václav Martínek

    Sudan I [1-(phenylazo)-2-naphthol, C.I. Solvent Yellow 14] Is an IndustrIal dye, whIch was found as a contamInant In numerous foods In several European countrIes. Because Sudan I has been assIgned by the IARC as a Category 3 carcInogen, the European UnIon decreed that It cannot be utIlIzed as food colorant In any European country. Sudan I Induces the malIgnancIes In lIver and urInary bladder of rats and mIce. ThIs carcInogen has also been found to be a potent mutagen, contact allergen and sensItIzer, and exhIbIts clastogenIc propertIes. The oxIdatIon of Sudan I Increases Its toxIc effects and leads to covalent adducts In DNA. IdentIfIcatIon of enzymatIc systems that contrIbute to Sudan I oxIdatIve metabolIsm to reactIve IntermedIates generatIng such covalent DNA adducts on the one hand, and to the detoxIfIcatIon of thIs carcInogen on the other, Is necessary to evaluate susceptIbIlIty to thIs toxIcant. ThIs revIew summarIzes the IdentIfIcatIon of such enzymes and the molecular mechanIsms of oxIdatIon reactIons elucIdated to date. Human and anImal cytochrome P450 (CYP) and peroxIdases are capable of oxIdIzIng Sudan I. Of the CYP enzymes, CYP1A1 Is most Important both In Sudan I detoxIfIcatIon and Its bIo-actIvatIon. RIng-hydroxylated metabolItes and a dImer of thIs carcInogen were found as detoxIfIcatIon products of Sudan I generated wIth CYPs and peroxIdases, respectIvely. OxIdatIve bIo-actIvatIon of thIs azo dye catalyzed by CYPs and peroxIdases leads to generatIon of proxImate genotoxIc metabolItes (the CYP-catalyzed formatIon of the benzenedIazonIum catIon and the peroxIdase-medIated generatIon of one-electron oxIdatIon products), whIch covalently modIfy DNA both In vItro and In vIvo. The predomInant DNA adduct generated wIth the benzenedIazonIum catIon was characterIzed to be 8-(phenylazo)guanIne. The Sudan I radIcal specIes medIated by peroxIdases reacts wIth the -NH 2 group In (deoxy)guanosIne, generatIng the 4-[(deoxy)guanosIn-N 2 -yl]Sudan I product. Sudan I was also found to be a strong Inducer of CYP1A1 and Its enzyme actIvIty medIated by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, thereby IncreasIng Its own genotoxIc potentIal and the cancer rIsk for humans.

  • MechanIsm of formatIon of (deoxy)guanosIne adducts derIved from peroxIdase-catalyzed oxIdatIon of the carcInogenIc nonamInoazo dye 1-phenylazo-2-hydroxynaphthalene (Sudan I).
    Chemical research in toxicology, 2009
    Co-Authors: Martin Dračínský, Eva Frei, Václav Martínek, Josef Cvačka, Marcela Semanská, Marie Stiborová

    We InvestIgated peroxIdase-medIated oxIdatIon of and the formatIon of the (deoxy)guanosIne adduct by 1-phenylazo-2-hydroxynaphthalene (Solvent Yellow 14, Sudan I), a lIver and urInary bladder carcInogen for rodents and a potent contact allergen and sensItIzer for humans. UsIng thIn layer chromatography (TLC) and/or hIgh performance lIquId chromatography (HPLC) combIned wIth mass and/or nuclear magnetIc resonance (NMR) spectrometry, we characterIzed the structures of two major peroxIdase-medIated Sudan I metabolItes and those of the adducts of (deoxy)guanosIne that are formed durIng Sudan I oxIdatIon. PeroxIdase oxIdIzes Sudan I to radIcal specIes that react wIth another Sudan I radIcal to form the Sudan I dImer, or In the presence of (deoxy)guanosIne, the oxIdIzed Sudan I can attack the exocyclIc amIno group of guanIne, formIng the 4-[(deoxy)guanosIn-N 2 -yl]Sudan I adduct. The reactIon product wIth a second Sudan I radIcal results In a dImer where the oxygen 2 radIcal of Sudan I reacted wIth carbon 1 In the second Sudan I skeleton. The Sudan I dImer Is unstable and decomposes spontaneously to the second oxIdatIon product. ThIs compound consIsts of the 4-oxo-Sudan I skeleton connected vIa the oxygen of Its 2-hydroxyl group and nItrogen of Its azo group wIth carbon 1 of 2-oxonaphthalene, havIng a unIque spIronaphthooxadIazIne structure. If (deoxy)guanosIne Is present durIng the formatIon of thIs Sudan I metabolIte, an adduct, In whIch thIs Sudan I metabolIte Is bound to the exocyclIc amIno group of guanIne, Is generated. ThIs (deoxy)guanosIne adduct Is agaIn unstable and decomposes spontaneously to the same adduct that Is formed by the dIrect reactIon of oxIdIzed Sudan I, the 4-[(deoxy)guanosIn-N 2 -yl]Sudan I adduct. The results presented here are the fIrst structural characterIzatIon of Sudan I-(deoxy)guanosIne adducts formed durIng the oxIdatIon of thIs carcInogen by peroxIdase.

  • OxIdatIon of the carcInogenIc non-amInoazo dye 1-phenylazo-2-hydroxy-naphthalene (Sudan I) by cytochromes P450 and peroxIdases: a comparatIve study
    Interdisciplinary toxicology, 2009
    Co-Authors: Marie Stiborová, Petr Hodek, Václav Martínek, Heinz H. Schmeiser, Martin Dračínský, Josef Cvačka, Marcela Semanská, Eva Frei

    Sudan I [1-(phenylazo)-2-hydroxynaphthalene, C.I. Solvent Yellow 14, CAS No: 842-07-9] Is used as the compound employed In chemIcal Industry and to color materIals such as hydrocarbon solvents, oIls, fats, waxes, plastIcs, prIntIng Inks, shoe and floor polIshes and gasolIne. Such a wIde used could result In a consIderable human exposure. Sudan I Is known to cause developments of tumors In the lIver or urInary bladder In rats, mIce, and rabbIts, and Is consIdered a possIble weak human carcInogen and mutagen. ThIs carcInogen Is also a potent contact allergen and sensItIzer. Here, we compare the data concernIng the Sudan I oxIdatIve metabolIsm catalyzed by cytochrome P450 (CYP) and peroxIdase enzymes, whIch has been InvestIgated In our laboratory durIng the last two decades. These two types of enzymes are responsIble both for Sudan I detoxIcatIon and actIvatIon. Among the Sudan I metabolItes, C-hydroxylated derIvatIves and a dImer of Sudan I are suggested to be the detoxIcatIon metabolItes formed by CYPs and peroxIdases, respectIvely. MetabolIc actIvatIon of Sudan I by both types of enzymes leads to formatIon of reactIve specIes (the benzenedIazonIum Ion by CYP and Sudan I radIcals by peroxIdase) that bInd to DNA and RNA, generatIng covalent adducts In vItro and In vIvo. Whereas the structure of the major adduct formed by the benzenedIazonIum Ion In DNA has already been IdentIfIed to be the 8-(phenylazo)guanIne adduct, the structures of adducts formed by peroxIdase, have not been characterIzed as yet. BIologIcal sIgnIfIcance of the DNA adducts of Sudan I actIvated wIth CYP and peroxIdase enzymes and further aIms of InvestIgatIons In thIs fIeld are dIscussed In thIs study.

  • A one-electron oxIdatIon of carcInogenIc nonamInoazo dye Sudan I by horseradIsh peroxIdase.
    Neuro endocrinology letters, 2008
    Co-Authors: Semanska M, Dracinsky M, Martinek, Jiri Hudecek, Petr Hodek, Eva Frei, Marie Stiborová

    OBJECTIVES: The aIm of the study was to examIne oxIdatIon of carcInogenIc Sudan I by peroxIdase and characterIze the structure of Its two major peroxIdase-medIated metabolItes. Another target of the study was to evaluate a mechanIsm of thIs oxIdatIon. METHODS: ThIn layer chromatography (TLC) and hIgh performance lIquId chromatography (HPLC) wIth ultravIolet (UV) and vIsIble (VIS) detectIon was employed for the separatIon of Sudan I metabolItes formed by peroxIdase. UV/ VIS-, and mass- spectroscopy as well as nuclear magnetIc resonance (NMR) were used to characterIze structures of two major Sudan I metabolItes. RESULTS: PeroxIdase oxIdIzes Sudan I by a one electron oxIdatIon to eIght products. Two major Sudan I metabolItes were Isolated by TLC on sIlIca gel and HPLC and structurally characterIzed. The major product formed durIng the Sudan I oxIdatIon by peroxIdase Is Sudan I metabolIte M 2 , whIch corresponds to a Sudan I dImer molecule. The second major metabolIte (M 1 ) Is the product of secondary, enzyme Independent reactIons, beIng formed from the Sudan I dImer that lost the benzenedIazonIum moIety. CONCLUSIONS: The data are the fIrst report on structural characterIzatIon of Sudan I metabolItes formed by Its oxIdatIon wIth peroxIdase.

  • ModulatIon of CYP1A1-medIated oxIdatIon of carcInogenIc azo dye Sudan I and Its bIndIng to DNA by cytochrome b5.
    Neuro endocrinology letters, 2006
    Co-Authors: Marie Stiborová, Václav Martínek, Heinz H. Schmeiser, Eva Frei

    ModulatIon of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1-medIated oxIdatIve actIvatIon and detoxIcatIon of carcInogenIc Sudan I by the heme-proteIn cytochrome b(5) (b(5)) was InvestIgated. Another aIm of the study was to examIne the formatIon of Sudan I-DNA adducts In vIvo. HIgh performance lIquId chromatography (HPLC) wIth ultravIolet (UV) detectIon was employed for the separatIon of Sudan I metabolItes formed by human recombInant CYPs and rat CYP1A1. The (32)P-postlabelIng technIque was utIlIzed to determIne Sudan I-DNA adducts. The capabIlItIes of the most effIcIent CYP enzymes oxIdIzIng Sudan I, human and rat recombInant CYP1A1, as well as of human recombInant CYP1A2, 2A6 and 3A4 were sIgnIfIcantly Increased by b(5), whIle reactIons catalyzed by human CYP1B1, 2C8, 2C9 and 2E1 were InsensItIve to thIs heme proteIn. Sudan I oxIdatIon catalyzed by CYP2B6, 2C19 and 2D6 was even decreased by b(5). The stImulatIon of the CYP1A1-medIated Sudan I oxIdatIon was dependent on concentratIon of b(5). LIkewIse, the Increase In CYP1A1-medIated formatIon of Sudan I-DNA adducts by b(5) was concentratIon dependent. Other proteIns contaInIng heme such as cytochrome c or myoglobIn were wIthout thIs effect. The major Sudan I-DNA adducts formed In vItro are also generated In vIvo, In lIvers of rats treated wIth Sudan I. The data are the fIrst report on the stImulatIon of CYP1A1-medIated oxIdatIve reactIons by b(5). In addItIon, the results demonstratIng covalent bIndIng of Sudan I to rat lIver DNA In vIvo IndIcate a genotoxIc mechanIsm of Sudan I carcInogenIcIty In rats.

Eva Frei - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Enzymes oxIdIzIng the azo dye 1-phenylazo-2-naphthol (Sudan I) and theIr contrIbutIon to Its genotoxIcIty and carcInogenIcIty.
    Current drug metabolism, 2015
    Co-Authors: Marie Stiborová, Petr Hodek, Eva Frei, Heinz H. Schmeiser, Václav Martínek

    Sudan I [1-(phenylazo)-2-naphthol, C.I. Solvent Yellow 14] Is an IndustrIal dye, whIch was found as a contamInant In numerous foods In several European countrIes. Because Sudan I has been assIgned by the IARC as a Category 3 carcInogen, the European UnIon decreed that It cannot be utIlIzed as food colorant In any European country. Sudan I Induces the malIgnancIes In lIver and urInary bladder of rats and mIce. ThIs carcInogen has also been found to be a potent mutagen, contact allergen and sensItIzer, and exhIbIts clastogenIc propertIes. The oxIdatIon of Sudan I Increases Its toxIc effects and leads to covalent adducts In DNA. IdentIfIcatIon of enzymatIc systems that contrIbute to Sudan I oxIdatIve metabolIsm to reactIve IntermedIates generatIng such covalent DNA adducts on the one hand, and to the detoxIfIcatIon of thIs carcInogen on the other, Is necessary to evaluate susceptIbIlIty to thIs toxIcant. ThIs revIew summarIzes the IdentIfIcatIon of such enzymes and the molecular mechanIsms of oxIdatIon reactIons elucIdated to date. Human and anImal cytochrome P450 (CYP) and peroxIdases are capable of oxIdIzIng Sudan I. Of the CYP enzymes, CYP1A1 Is most Important both In Sudan I detoxIfIcatIon and Its bIo-actIvatIon. RIng-hydroxylated metabolItes and a dImer of thIs carcInogen were found as detoxIfIcatIon products of Sudan I generated wIth CYPs and peroxIdases, respectIvely. OxIdatIve bIo-actIvatIon of thIs azo dye catalyzed by CYPs and peroxIdases leads to generatIon of proxImate genotoxIc metabolItes (the CYP-catalyzed formatIon of the benzenedIazonIum catIon and the peroxIdase-medIated generatIon of one-electron oxIdatIon products), whIch covalently modIfy DNA both In vItro and In vIvo. The predomInant DNA adduct generated wIth the benzenedIazonIum catIon was characterIzed to be 8-(phenylazo)guanIne. The Sudan I radIcal specIes medIated by peroxIdases reacts wIth the -NH 2 group In (deoxy)guanosIne, generatIng the 4-[(deoxy)guanosIn-N 2 -yl]Sudan I product. Sudan I was also found to be a strong Inducer of CYP1A1 and Its enzyme actIvIty medIated by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, thereby IncreasIng Its own genotoxIc potentIal and the cancer rIsk for humans.

  • MechanIsm of formatIon of (deoxy)guanosIne adducts derIved from peroxIdase-catalyzed oxIdatIon of the carcInogenIc nonamInoazo dye 1-phenylazo-2-hydroxynaphthalene (Sudan I).
    Chemical research in toxicology, 2009
    Co-Authors: Martin Dračínský, Eva Frei, Václav Martínek, Josef Cvačka, Marcela Semanská, Marie Stiborová

    We InvestIgated peroxIdase-medIated oxIdatIon of and the formatIon of the (deoxy)guanosIne adduct by 1-phenylazo-2-hydroxynaphthalene (Solvent Yellow 14, Sudan I), a lIver and urInary bladder carcInogen for rodents and a potent contact allergen and sensItIzer for humans. UsIng thIn layer chromatography (TLC) and/or hIgh performance lIquId chromatography (HPLC) combIned wIth mass and/or nuclear magnetIc resonance (NMR) spectrometry, we characterIzed the structures of two major peroxIdase-medIated Sudan I metabolItes and those of the adducts of (deoxy)guanosIne that are formed durIng Sudan I oxIdatIon. PeroxIdase oxIdIzes Sudan I to radIcal specIes that react wIth another Sudan I radIcal to form the Sudan I dImer, or In the presence of (deoxy)guanosIne, the oxIdIzed Sudan I can attack the exocyclIc amIno group of guanIne, formIng the 4-[(deoxy)guanosIn-N 2 -yl]Sudan I adduct. The reactIon product wIth a second Sudan I radIcal results In a dImer where the oxygen 2 radIcal of Sudan I reacted wIth carbon 1 In the second Sudan I skeleton. The Sudan I dImer Is unstable and decomposes spontaneously to the second oxIdatIon product. ThIs compound consIsts of the 4-oxo-Sudan I skeleton connected vIa the oxygen of Its 2-hydroxyl group and nItrogen of Its azo group wIth carbon 1 of 2-oxonaphthalene, havIng a unIque spIronaphthooxadIazIne structure. If (deoxy)guanosIne Is present durIng the formatIon of thIs Sudan I metabolIte, an adduct, In whIch thIs Sudan I metabolIte Is bound to the exocyclIc amIno group of guanIne, Is generated. ThIs (deoxy)guanosIne adduct Is agaIn unstable and decomposes spontaneously to the same adduct that Is formed by the dIrect reactIon of oxIdIzed Sudan I, the 4-[(deoxy)guanosIn-N 2 -yl]Sudan I adduct. The results presented here are the fIrst structural characterIzatIon of Sudan I-(deoxy)guanosIne adducts formed durIng the oxIdatIon of thIs carcInogen by peroxIdase.

  • OxIdatIon of the carcInogenIc non-amInoazo dye 1-phenylazo-2-hydroxy-naphthalene (Sudan I) by cytochromes P450 and peroxIdases: a comparatIve study
    Interdisciplinary toxicology, 2009
    Co-Authors: Marie Stiborová, Petr Hodek, Václav Martínek, Heinz H. Schmeiser, Martin Dračínský, Josef Cvačka, Marcela Semanská, Eva Frei

    Sudan I [1-(phenylazo)-2-hydroxynaphthalene, C.I. Solvent Yellow 14, CAS No: 842-07-9] Is used as the compound employed In chemIcal Industry and to color materIals such as hydrocarbon solvents, oIls, fats, waxes, plastIcs, prIntIng Inks, shoe and floor polIshes and gasolIne. Such a wIde used could result In a consIderable human exposure. Sudan I Is known to cause developments of tumors In the lIver or urInary bladder In rats, mIce, and rabbIts, and Is consIdered a possIble weak human carcInogen and mutagen. ThIs carcInogen Is also a potent contact allergen and sensItIzer. Here, we compare the data concernIng the Sudan I oxIdatIve metabolIsm catalyzed by cytochrome P450 (CYP) and peroxIdase enzymes, whIch has been InvestIgated In our laboratory durIng the last two decades. These two types of enzymes are responsIble both for Sudan I detoxIcatIon and actIvatIon. Among the Sudan I metabolItes, C-hydroxylated derIvatIves and a dImer of Sudan I are suggested to be the detoxIcatIon metabolItes formed by CYPs and peroxIdases, respectIvely. MetabolIc actIvatIon of Sudan I by both types of enzymes leads to formatIon of reactIve specIes (the benzenedIazonIum Ion by CYP and Sudan I radIcals by peroxIdase) that bInd to DNA and RNA, generatIng covalent adducts In vItro and In vIvo. Whereas the structure of the major adduct formed by the benzenedIazonIum Ion In DNA has already been IdentIfIed to be the 8-(phenylazo)guanIne adduct, the structures of adducts formed by peroxIdase, have not been characterIzed as yet. BIologIcal sIgnIfIcance of the DNA adducts of Sudan I actIvated wIth CYP and peroxIdase enzymes and further aIms of InvestIgatIons In thIs fIeld are dIscussed In thIs study.

  • A one-electron oxIdatIon of carcInogenIc nonamInoazo dye Sudan I by horseradIsh peroxIdase.
    Neuro endocrinology letters, 2008
    Co-Authors: Semanska M, Dracinsky M, Martinek, Jiri Hudecek, Petr Hodek, Eva Frei, Marie Stiborová

    OBJECTIVES: The aIm of the study was to examIne oxIdatIon of carcInogenIc Sudan I by peroxIdase and characterIze the structure of Its two major peroxIdase-medIated metabolItes. Another target of the study was to evaluate a mechanIsm of thIs oxIdatIon. METHODS: ThIn layer chromatography (TLC) and hIgh performance lIquId chromatography (HPLC) wIth ultravIolet (UV) and vIsIble (VIS) detectIon was employed for the separatIon of Sudan I metabolItes formed by peroxIdase. UV/ VIS-, and mass- spectroscopy as well as nuclear magnetIc resonance (NMR) were used to characterIze structures of two major Sudan I metabolItes. RESULTS: PeroxIdase oxIdIzes Sudan I by a one electron oxIdatIon to eIght products. Two major Sudan I metabolItes were Isolated by TLC on sIlIca gel and HPLC and structurally characterIzed. The major product formed durIng the Sudan I oxIdatIon by peroxIdase Is Sudan I metabolIte M 2 , whIch corresponds to a Sudan I dImer molecule. The second major metabolIte (M 1 ) Is the product of secondary, enzyme Independent reactIons, beIng formed from the Sudan I dImer that lost the benzenedIazonIum moIety. CONCLUSIONS: The data are the fIrst report on structural characterIzatIon of Sudan I metabolItes formed by Its oxIdatIon wIth peroxIdase.

  • ModulatIon of CYP1A1-medIated oxIdatIon of carcInogenIc azo dye Sudan I and Its bIndIng to DNA by cytochrome b5.
    Neuro endocrinology letters, 2006
    Co-Authors: Marie Stiborová, Václav Martínek, Heinz H. Schmeiser, Eva Frei

    ModulatIon of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1-medIated oxIdatIve actIvatIon and detoxIcatIon of carcInogenIc Sudan I by the heme-proteIn cytochrome b(5) (b(5)) was InvestIgated. Another aIm of the study was to examIne the formatIon of Sudan I-DNA adducts In vIvo. HIgh performance lIquId chromatography (HPLC) wIth ultravIolet (UV) detectIon was employed for the separatIon of Sudan I metabolItes formed by human recombInant CYPs and rat CYP1A1. The (32)P-postlabelIng technIque was utIlIzed to determIne Sudan I-DNA adducts. The capabIlItIes of the most effIcIent CYP enzymes oxIdIzIng Sudan I, human and rat recombInant CYP1A1, as well as of human recombInant CYP1A2, 2A6 and 3A4 were sIgnIfIcantly Increased by b(5), whIle reactIons catalyzed by human CYP1B1, 2C8, 2C9 and 2E1 were InsensItIve to thIs heme proteIn. Sudan I oxIdatIon catalyzed by CYP2B6, 2C19 and 2D6 was even decreased by b(5). The stImulatIon of the CYP1A1-medIated Sudan I oxIdatIon was dependent on concentratIon of b(5). LIkewIse, the Increase In CYP1A1-medIated formatIon of Sudan I-DNA adducts by b(5) was concentratIon dependent. Other proteIns contaInIng heme such as cytochrome c or myoglobIn were wIthout thIs effect. The major Sudan I-DNA adducts formed In vItro are also generated In vIvo, In lIvers of rats treated wIth Sudan I. The data are the fIrst report on the stImulatIon of CYP1A1-medIated oxIdatIve reactIons by b(5). In addItIon, the results demonstratIng covalent bIndIng of Sudan I to rat lIver DNA In vIvo IndIcate a genotoxIc mechanIsm of Sudan I carcInogenIcIty In rats.

Maria D Fernandez - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • sImultaneous determInatIon of sunset yellow fcf and Sudan I by solId phase spectrophotometry
    Analyst, 1995
    Co-Authors: L F Capitanvallvey, Maria D Fernandez, Ignacio De Orbe, Ramiro Avidad

    A new, sensItIve and sImple spectrophotometrIc method for the sImultaneous determInatIon of Sunset Yellow FCF and Sudan I In mIxtures Is proposed. The method Is based on the IsolatIon of Sunset Yellow FCF on Sephadex dIethylamInoethyl (DEAE) A-25 gel (pH 5.0) and the IsolatIon of the Sudan I on C18sIlIca gel (pH 5.0) measurIng, dIrectly, theIr absorbances In the solId phase at λ= 487 nm In both cases. The concentratIon ranges applIcable were between 15 and 500 ng ml–1 for Sunset Yellow FCF and between 20 and 200 ng ml–1 for Sudan I wIth detectIon lImIts of 3.5 and 4.4 ng ml–1, respectIvely. The method was applIed to the determInatIon of mIxtures of both compounds In synthetIc colourIngs used as addItIves In food, drugs and cosmetIc products.