T Shape

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 360 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Mohammad Reza Monazzam - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • performance of T Shape barriers wiTh Top surface covered wiTh absorpTive quadraTic residue diffusers
    Applied Acoustics, 2008
    Co-Authors: Mohammad Reza Monazzam, Y W Lam

    AbsTracT A previous paper [Applied AcousTics 66 (2005) 709–730] has shown ThaT adding a quadraTic residue diffuser (QRD) To The Top of a T-Shape barrier can provide beTTer barrier performance Than an equivalenT purely absorpTive barrier. In here, we exTend The sTudy To look aT The performance when a QRD is made absorpTive. This paper presenTs an invesTigaTion on The acousTic performance of a few welled-diffusers wiTh differenT absorpTion abiliTy on Top of a T-Shape noise barrier. The absorpTion properTies of The diffusers are modified wiTh differenT sequences, by filling The wells wiTh fiberglass, by covering The well enTrance wiTh wire meshes, and by puTTing perforaTed sheeT eiTher on The Top surface or inside The wells. A 2D Boundary ElemenT MeThod (BEM) is used To calculaTe The barrier inserTion loss. The numerical and experimenTal resulTs on diffuser barriers wiTh rigid and absorpTive covers are compared. Among The TesTed models The besT meThod of TreaTing diffuser barriers wiTh absorbenT agenTs in The QRD is found To be a peroraTed sheeT on Top or inside The diffuser wells. IT is found ThaT increasing The absorpTion abiliTy of QRD by fiberglass or high resisTance wire meshes has negaTive effecT on The efficiency of a QRD barrier. IT is shown ThaT, if The increase in absorpTion desTroys The effecT of resonance in wells, iT will also have negaTive effecT on The inserTion loss performance of The QRD edge barrier.

  • performance of T Shape barriers wiTh Top surface covered wiTh absorpTive quadraTic residue diffusers
    Applied Acoustics, 2008
    Co-Authors: Mohammad Reza Monazzam

    AbsTracT A previous paper [Applied AcousTics 66 (2005) 709–730] has shown ThaT adding a quadraTic residue diffuser (QRD) To The Top of a T-Shape barrier can provide beTTer barrier performance Than an equivalenT purely absorpTive barrier. In here, we exTend The sTudy To look aT The performance when a QRD is made absorpTive. This paper presenTs an invesTigaTion on The acousTic performance of a few welled-diffusers wiTh differenT absorpTion abiliTy on Top of a T-Shape noise barrier. The absorpTion properTies of The diffusers are modified wiTh differenT sequences, by filling The wells wiTh fiberglass, by covering The well enTrance wiTh wire meshes, and by puTTing perforaTed sheeT eiTher on The Top surface or inside The wells. A 2D Boundary ElemenT MeThod (BEM) is used To calculaTe The barrier inserTion loss. The numerical and experimenTal resulTs on diffuser barriers wiTh rigid and absorpTive covers are compared. Among The TesTed models The besT meThod of TreaTing diffuser barriers wiTh absorbenT agenTs in The QRD is found To be a peroraTed sheeT on Top or inside The diffuser wells. IT is found ThaT increasing The absorpTion abiliTy of QRD by fiberglass or high resisTance wire meshes has negaTive effecT on The efficiency of a QRD barrier. IT is shown ThaT, if The increase in absorpTion desTroys The effecT of resonance in wells, iT will also have negaTive effecT on The inserTion loss performance of The QRD edge barrier.

  • performance of profiled single noise barriers covered wiTh quadraTic residue diffusers
    Applied Acoustics, 2005
    Co-Authors: Mohammad Reza Monazzam, Y W Lam

    The paper describes an invesTigaTion abouT The acousTic performance of noise barriers wiTh quadraTic residue diffuser (QRD) Tops, and wiTh T-, Arrow-, Cylindrical and Y-Shape profiles. A 2D boundary elemenT meThod (BEM) is used To calculaTe The barrier inserTion loss. The resulTs of rigid and wiTh absorpTive coverage are also calculaTed for comparisons. Using QRD on The Top surface of almosT all barrier models presenTed here is found To improve The efficiency of barriers compare wiTh using absorpTive coverage aT The examined receiver posiTions. T-Shape and Arrow-Shape barriers are also found To provide beTTer performance Than oTher Shapes of barriers. The besT Shape of barriers for uTilising QRD among The TesTed models is The T-Shape profile barrier. IT is found ThaT reducing The design frequency of QRD shifTs The performance improvemenT Towards lower frequency, and Therefore The mosT efficienT model for Traffic noise is a barrier covered wiTh a QRD Tuned To around 400 Hz.

  • performance of profiled single noise barriers covered wiTh quadraTic residue diffusers
    Applied Acoustics, 2005
    Co-Authors: Mohammad Reza Monazzam

    The paper describes an invesTigaTion abouT The acousTic performance of noise barriers wiTh quadraTic residue diffuser (QRD) Tops, and wiTh T-, Arrow-, Cylindrical and Y-Shape profiles. A 2D boundary elemenT meThod (BEM) is used To calculaTe The barrier inserTion loss. The resulTs of rigid and wiTh absorpTive coverage are also calculaTed for comparisons. Using QRD on The Top surface of almosT all barrier models presenTed here is found To improve The efficiency of barriers compare wiTh using absorpTive coverage aT The examined receiver posiTions. T-Shape and Arrow-Shape barriers are also found To provide beTTer performance Than oTher Shapes of barriers. The besT Shape of barriers for uTilising QRD among The TesTed models is The T-Shape profile barrier. IT is found ThaT reducing The design frequency of QRD shifTs The performance improvemenT Towards lower frequency, and Therefore The mosT efficienT model for Traffic noise is a barrier covered wiTh a QRD Tuned To around 400 Hz.

Suxia Xie - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • bound sTaTes in The conTinuum in a T Shape nanohole array perforaTed in a phoTonic crysTal slab
    Plasmonics, 2020
    Co-Authors: Suxia Xie, Song Xie, Jie Zhan, Changzhong Xie, Guang Tian, Qiong Liu

    We have sTudied The reflecTance specTra of T-Shape nanohole array in a layer of PhoTonic crysTal (PhC) slab. ResulTs show ThaT lighT can be confined perfecTly in The PhC slab aT a given incidenT angle aT a suiTable hole Shape, hole size, layer Thickness, and refracTive index of surrounding medium. We obTained ThaT The Q-facTor aT BIC can exceed 105, and The wavelengTh, incidenT angle of BIC can be modulaTed by sTrucTure parameTers and surrounding mediums dielecTric facTor. Especially, The BIC has high sensiTiviTy To The refracTive index of The surrounding medium. The resulTs can be helpful in The design of new-Type phoTonics devices, such as filTers and sensors.

Lu Zhao - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • analog rf performance of T Shape gaTe dual source Tunnel field effecT TransisTor
    Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018
    Co-Authors: Shupeng Chen, Hongxia Liu, Shulong Wang, Xing Wang, Lu Zhao

    In This paper, a silicon-based T-Shape gaTe dual-source Tunnel field-effecT TransisTor (TGTFET) is proposed and invesTigaTed by TCAD simulaTion. As a conTrasTive sTudy, The sTrucTure, characTerisTic, and analog/RF performance of TGTFET, LTFET, and UTFET are discussed. The gaTe overlap inTroduced by T-Shape gaTe can enhance The efficiency of Tunneling juncTion. The dual-source regions in TGTFET can increase The on-sTaTe currenT (ION) by offering a doubled Tunneling juncTion area. In order To furTher improve The device performance, The n+ pockeT is inTroduced in TGTFET To furTher increase The band-To-band Tunneling raTe. SimulaTion resulTs reveal ThaT The TGTFET’s ION and swiTching raTio (ION/IOFF) reach 81 μA/μm and 6.7 × 1010 aT 1 V gaTe To source volTage (Vg). The average subThreshold swing of TGTFET (SSavg, from 0 To 0.5 V Vg) reaches 51.5 mV/dec, and The minimum subThreshold swing of TGTFET (SSmin, aT 0.1 V Vg) reaches 24.4 mV/dec. Moreover, iT is found ThaT TGTFET have sTrong robusTness on drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) effecT. The effecTs of doping concenTraTion, geomeTric dimension, and applied volTage on device performance are invesTigaTed in order To creaTe The TGTFET design guideline. FurThermore, The TransconducTance (gm), ouTpuT conducTance (gds), gaTe To source capaciTance (Cgs), gaTe To drain capaciTance (Cgd), cuT-off frequency (fT), and gain bandwidTh (GBW) of TGTFET reach 232 μS/μm, 214 μS/μm, 0.7 fF/μm, 3.7 fF/μm, 11.9 GHz, and 2.3 GHz aT 0.5 V drain To source volTage (Vd), respecTively. BenefiTing from The sTrucTural advanTage, TGTFET obTains beTTer DC/AC characTerisTics compared To UTFET and LTFET. In conclusion, The considerable good performance makes TGTFET Turn inTo a very aTTracTive choice for The nexT generaTion of low-power and analog/RF applicaTions.

  • Analog/RF Performance of T-Shape GaTe Dual-Source Tunnel Field-EffecT TransisTor
    SpringerOpen, 2018
    Co-Authors: Shupeng Chen, Hongxia Liu, Shulong Wang, Xing Wang, Lu Zhao

    AbsTracT In This paper, a silicon-based T-Shape gaTe dual-source Tunnel field-effecT TransisTor (TGTFET) is proposed and invesTigaTed by TCAD simulaTion. As a conTrasTive sTudy, The sTrucTure, characTerisTic, and analog/RF performance of TGTFET, LTFET, and UTFET are discussed. The gaTe overlap inTroduced by T-Shape gaTe can enhance The efficiency of Tunneling juncTion. The dual-source regions in TGTFET can increase The on-sTaTe currenT (I ON) by offering a doubled Tunneling juncTion area. In order To furTher improve The device performance, The n+ pockeT is inTroduced in TGTFET To furTher increase The band-To-band Tunneling raTe. SimulaTion resulTs reveal ThaT The TGTFET’s I ON and swiTching raTio (I ON/I OFF) reach 81 μA/μm and 6.7 × 1010 aT 1 V gaTe To source volTage (V g). The average subThreshold swing of TGTFET (SSavg, from 0 To 0.5 V V g) reaches 51.5 mV/dec, and The minimum subThreshold swing of TGTFET (SSmin, aT 0.1 V V g) reaches 24.4 mV/dec. Moreover, iT is found ThaT TGTFET have sTrong robusTness on drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) effecT. The effecTs of doping concenTraTion, geomeTric dimension, and applied volTage on device performance are invesTigaTed in order To creaTe The TGTFET design guideline. FurThermore, The TransconducTance (g m), ouTpuT conducTance (g ds), gaTe To source capaciTance (C gs), gaTe To drain capaciTance (C gd), cuT-off frequency (f T), and gain bandwidTh (GBW) of TGTFET reach 232 μS/μm, 214 μS/μm, 0.7 fF/μm, 3.7 fF/μm, 11.9 GHz, and 2.3 GHz aT 0.5 V drain To source volTage (V d), respecTively. BenefiTing from The sTrucTural advanTage, TGTFET obTains beTTer DC/AC characTerisTics compared To UTFET and LTFET. In conclusion, The considerable good performance makes TGTFET Turn inTo a very aTTracTive choice for The nexT generaTion of low-power and analog/RF applicaTions

Qihuang Gong - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • a dichroic surface plasmon polariTon spliTTer based on an asymmeTric T Shape nanosliT
    Optics Express, 2013
    Co-Authors: Xiang Zhang, Jianjun Chen, Song Yue, Qihuang Gong

    An asymmeTric T-Shape nanosliT in a meTal film is proposed To acT as an efficienT dichroic surface-plasmon-polariTon (SPP) spliTTer, which is composed of a single nanosliT in immediaTe conTacTing wiTh Two nanogrooves wiTh differenT widThs. SimulaTions show ThaT, due To The inTerferences of SPPs in The upper parT of The asymmeTric T-Shape nanosliT, The generaTed SPPs propagaTing To The lefT and righT direcTions on The fronT meTal surface can be manipulaTed nearly independenTly by alTering The righT and lefT groove widThs, respecTively. Based on such effecTs, a dichroic SPP spliTTer is demonsTraTed and The spliTTing wavelengThs can easily be adjusTed. High spliTTing raTios of 31:1 and 1:12 aT spliTTing wavelengThs of 680 nm and 884 nm are numerically presenTed wiTh a device’s laTeral dimension of only 1200 nm. FurTher experimenTal resulTs maTch The simulaTions well.

  • plasmon induced Transparency in asymmeTric T Shape single sliT
    Nano Letters, 2012
    Co-Authors: Jianjun Chen, Song Yue, Jinghua Xiao, Qihuang Gong

    By uTilizing a dielecTric-film-coaTed asymmeTric T-Shape single sliT, comprising Two grooves of slighTly deTuned widThs immediaTely conTacTing wiTh a single nanosliT, The plasmon-induced Transparency was experimenTally demonsTraTed. Because of The symmeTry breaking in The uniT-cell sTrucTure, The scaTTered lighTs from The Two grooves wiTh slighTly deTuned widThs inTerfere desTrucTively, leading To The plasmon-induced Transparency. As a resulT, a response specTrum wiTh nearly The same inTerference conTrasT buT a much narrower bandwidTh emerges in The uniT-cell sTrucTure wiTh The fooTprinT of only abouT 0.9 μm(2), compared wiTh ThaT in The symmeTric T-Shape single sliT. These pronounced feaTures in The sTrucTure, such as The increased qualiTy facTor, ulTracompacT size, easy fabricaTion, and experimenTal observaTion, have significanT applicaTions in ulTracompacT plasmonic devices.

Sezgin Bakirdere - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • a novel analyTical meThod for sensiTive deTerminaTion of lead hydrogen assisTed T Shape sloTTed quarTz Tube aTom Trap flame aTomic absorpTion specTromeTry
    Microchemical Journal, 2018
    Co-Authors: Humeysa Uslu, Cagdas Buyukpinar, Fatma Turak, Tugce Unutkan, Hakan Serbest, Nevin San, Sezgin Bakirdere

    AbsTracT Lead is a Toxic meTal which affecTs human healTh badly due To iTs high ToxiciTy. The wide applicaTion range of lead causes environmenTal conTaminaTion of air, waTer and soil. Flame aTomic absorpTion specTromeTry is one of The simple and economical insTrumenT used for The deTerminaTion of heavy meTals, buT iT has low sensiTiviTy due To low sample inTroducTion efficiency. In This sTudy, a sensiTive analyTical meThod was developed by using T-Shaped sloTTed quarTz Tube as an aTom Trap uniT To geT lower deTecTion limiT for lead. The Trapped aToms were released using hydrogen gas which supplies reducing environmenT in T-SQT-AT-FAAS sysTem. FacTors such as Trapping period, sample and fuel flow raTes were opTimized To obTain high sensiTiviTy. Under The opTimum condiTions, limiTs of deTecTion and quanTiTaTion were found To be 0.6 and 2.1 μg L− 1, respecTively. Accuracy of The developed meThod was checked and resulTs found under The opTimum condiTions agreed wiTh The cerTified value of coal fly ash sTandard reference maTerial. The developed meThod was applied To waTer samples To figure ouT iTs suiTabiliTy.

  • DevelopmenT of a sensiTive analyTical meThod for The deTerminaTion of cadmium using hydrogen assisTed T-Shape sloTTed quarTz Tube-aTom Trap-flame aTomic absorpTion specTrophoTomeTry
    Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2018
    Co-Authors: İpek Şahin, Cagdas Buyukpinar, Nevim San, Sezgin Bakirdere

    AbsTracT Cadmium is an elemenT ThaT has several indusTrial applicaTions and exposure To humans causes serious healTh problems. Hence, deTerminaTion of This elemenT in environmenTal samples surrounding humans is very crucial. In This sTudy, a sensiTive, accuraTe and inexpensive analyTical meThod was developed for The deTerminaTion of cadmium aT Trace levels. All The sysTem parameTers including aceTylene flow raTe, T-Shape SloTTed QuarTz Tube (T-SQT) heighT, sample flow raTe, Trapping period and hydrogen flow raTe were opTimized To obTain lower deTecTion limiTs. AnalyTical performance of T-Shape SloTTed QuarTz Tube-ATom Trap-Flame ATomic AbsorpTion SpecTrophoTomeTry (T-SQT-AT-FAAS) was deTermined under The opTimum condiTions, and The limiT of deTecTion (LOD) was calculaTed as 0.10 μg L−1. The percenT recovery of Tap waTer samples spiked aT 2.0, 3.0, 7.0 and 20 μg L−1 were found To be beTween 99.5 and 102.8%. The %RSD values were all below 8.0%, indicaTing applicabiliTy and good accuracy of The meThod for The waTer maTrix.