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H. R. Dagla - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Plant Tissue Culture
Resonance, 2012Co-Authors: H. R. DaglaAbstract:The success of plant biotechnology relies on the fundamental techniques of plant Tissue Culture. Understanding basic biology of plants is a prerequisite for proper utilization of the plant system or parts thereof. Plant Tissue Culture helps in providing a basic understanding of physical and chemical requirements of cell, Tissue, organ Culture, their growth and development. Establishment of cell, Tissue and organ Culture and regeneration of plantlets under in vitro conditions has opened up new avenues in the area of plant biotechnology.
Plant Tissue Culture
Resonance, 2012Co-Authors: H. R. DaglaAbstract:The success of plant biotechnology relies on the fundamental techniques of plant Tissue Culture. Understanding basic biology of plants is a prerequisite for proper utilization of the plant system or parts thereof. Plant Tissue Culture helps in providing a basic understanding of physical and chemical requirements of cell, Tissue, organ Culture, their growth and development. Establishment of cell, Tissue and organ Culture and regeneration of plantlets under in vitro conditions has opened up new avenues in the area of plant biotechnology.
Xiao Yuan-zh - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Application of New Technologies in Tissue Culture of Ornamental Plants
Hunan Agricultural Sciences, 2013Co-Authors: Xiao Yuan-zhAbstract:Plant Tissue Culture is a new technology which will promote vegetative propagation.This paper summarized the application of some new Tissue Culture technologies in ornamental plants,including sugar-free Tissue Culture technology,open Tissue Culture technology,application of new light sources and new hormones.Plant Tissue Culture can shorten the production period and the reduce production cost,thereby promoting the development of ornamental plant industry.
Daniela Valenzuela Bustamante - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Nanotechnology and Plant Tissue Culture
Plant Nanobionics, 2019Co-Authors: Sandra Pérez Álvarez, Marco Antonio Magallanes Tapia, María Esther González Vega, Eduardo Fidel Héctor Ardisana, Jesús Alicia Chávez Medina, Gabriela Lizbeth Flores Zamora, Daniela Valenzuela BustamanteAbstract:Plant biotechnology is a great tool in several fields of human life such as medicine, pharmacology, agriCulture, biomass, and biofuels. The use of nanotechnology represent and improvement in plant Tissue Culture that is a technique mostly used to produce clones of a plant in a method known as micropropagation with different stages. In this chapter Tissue Culture in modern agriCulture and the use of nanomaterials for genetic transformation of plants; nanosilver as antimicrobial agent; nanomaterials for callus induction, organogenesis, and somatic embryogenesis; and titanium dioxide nanoparticles to remove bacterial contaminants will be discussed.
N. L. Biddington - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
The influence of ethylene in plant Tissue Culture
Plant Growth Regulation, 1992Co-Authors: N. L. BiddingtonAbstract:Ethylene produced by plant Tissues grown in vitro may accumulate in large quantities in the Culture vessels, particularly from rapidly growing non-differentiated callus or suspension Cultures, and hence is likely to influence growth and development in such systems. Research into this aspect of Tissue Culture has been sparse, although it has grown recently with the increasing importance of in vitro regeneration. This review deals with the measurement and relevance of the accumulated ethylene, and the influence of both exogenous and endogenous ethylene in the different types of Tissue Culture systems. The relationships between ethylene and other growth regulators in Tissue Culture growth and development are also discussed. Although in some cases its influence seems negligible, in many types of Tissue Culture ethylene may act either as a promoter or inhibitor depending on the species used. Thus ethylene has an important influence on many aspects of in vitro regeneration, but it is also clear that we cannot at present describe a specific role or roles for ethylene in Tissue Culture which can be applied at a general, species-wide level. If its effects are to be enhanced or diminished in order to improve the efficiency and range of plant Tissue Culture, then more research is needed to clarify what its fundamental role might be in in vitro growth and development.
Xiao Zhe-li - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Advances in Plant Tissue Culture and New Technology Application
Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology, 2011Co-Authors: Xiao Zhe-liAbstract:Plant Tissue Culture is an in vitro Culture technology which is based on cell totipotency.It has showed a tremendous value when applied in experiments and basic studies as a fundamental method.This paper provides an overview of the theory and progress of plant Tissue Culture technology,an introduction of some Tissue Culture new techniques.It has put forward the new development of plant Tissue Culture techniques.