Abrasive Jet Machining

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Fengzhou Fang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • theoretical study on particle velocity in micro Abrasive Jet Machining
    Powder Technology, 2019
    Co-Authors: Ruslan Melentiev, Fengzhou Fang

    Abstract Micro-Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is an advanced subtractive Machining technology with ample opportunities to form regular micro-patterns on freeform surfaces. AJM removes material mainly through erosion and abrasion, which transform kinetic energy to fracture and deform substrates. The kinetic energy of a solid particle is tightly connected to its velocity, which is the most significant source of error in precise prediction of a machined feature. The present study involves both theoretical analysis and two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical simulation of particle velocity fields at the lower end of the micro-scale. The developed model represents the finest particles in a cylindrical nozzle down to an inner diameter of 100 μm. The computed results agree well with the experimental data. It is shown that, due to viscous friction, such nozzles are significantly less efficient in terms of particle saturation with kinetic energy. The study highlights the effects of nozzle diameter and length, air pressure, particle size and density on particle velocity development through the Jet field. Finally, practical recommendations and multiple regression models of maximum particle velocity, location from the nozzle exit and simplex velocity profile approximation are offered for management of particle kinetic energy.

  • recent advances and challenges of Abrasive Jet Machining
    Cirp Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2018
    Co-Authors: Ruslan Melentiev, Fengzhou Fang

    Abstract Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is a manufacturing technology based on erosion localization and intensification. AJM has a progressively important influence on the Machining technology market. Over the past 20 years, there has been an exponential growth in the number of papers that discuss AJM. Various innovations and process developments such as intermittent, submerged, thermally assisted and other Jet conditions were proposed. This paper examines AJM’s technological advantages and the variety of Machining operations in different industries where AJM is utilized. Particular attention is devoted to the micro-texturing capabilities of powder blasting and its application in tribology. New evidence of ductile and brittle material removal mechanisms are reviewed together with recently discovered elastic removal mode. The effects of hydraulic, Abrasive and Machining parameters on particles kinetic energy, machined surface roughness and footprint size are described in detail. Nozzle wear has a strong dependence on nozzle materials, its geometry, particles size, hardness, and flow rate. The trend of AJM development is a shift from macro to micro scale. Improvements in micro-Machining resolution, process controlling and erosion prediction are current challenges facing AJM.

Tae Jo Ko - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Thick SU-8 Mask for Micro Channeling of Glass by using Micro Abrasive Jet Machining
    Towards Synthesis of Micro- Nano-systems, 2020
    Co-Authors: Agung Shamsuddin Saragih, Tae Jo Ko

    In this paper, we present the implementation of thick SU-8 layer as a mask for micro Abrasive Jet Machining (micro- AJM) process. We obtained micro channel with aspect ratio 0.33. The micro channel was semicircular shape with 190 μm width and 70 μm depths. We also showed some phenomena happened along the processes which are important to have attention for achieving qualified micro channel for micro fluidic application. We think that repeated sequence of the proposed steps give possibility to fabricate 3D micro channel on a single glass slide.

  • Optimal conditions of SU-8 mask for micro-Abrasive Jet Machining of 3-D freeform brittle materials
    International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2013
    Co-Authors: Jean Bosco Byiringiro, Tae Jo Ko

    Micro-Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM), also called micro-blasting, is a mainstream Machining process that uses Abrasive particles for difficult-to-cut workpieces such as glass, carbides, and ceramics. During the micro-blasting process, non-machined areas are covered by a protective mask. Today, either mask fabrication practice or micro-blasting process is well suited and optimized for producing micro-features on planar workpieces. However, the demand for micro-features on three-dimensional (3-D) freeform substrates in micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and lab-on-a-chip devices requires more refined non-planar micro-manufacturing techniques. We focused on devising an appropriate photoresist mask required by micro-AJM processes on the surface of a 3-D freeform workpiece. Fundamental erosion mechanisms based on SU-8 mask properties (hardness, surface roughness, and thickness) were investigated. The optimal conditions were found at an ultraviolet (UV) energy of 12.0752 μJ/μm, focus ratio of 4.8341, and hard baking time of 8.4974 min. Under these settings, the mask hardness and surface roughness were 25.04 HV and 1.14 μm, respectively. The reliability of the fabricated mask was verified through a micro-AJM process. With existing plant conditions, the engraved microfeature dimensions on the surface of a 3-D freeform workpiece were 535.3 μm (width) and 11.6 μm (depth).

  • 3D tool path generation for micro-Abrasive Jet Machining on 3D curved surface
    International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2013
    Co-Authors: Tae Jo Ko

    Micro-patterns can be carved by Jetting fine particles onto the surface of a workpiece. A mask structure is required to classify the surface regions to be machined. This mask is a plate with a hole that corresponds to the pattern to be carved. Abrasive particles are used to erode the workpiece through the hole in the mask. Recently, Abrasive Jet Machining technology has been applied to workpieces with three-dimensional curved surfaces. To utilize the technology for a three-dimensional workpiece, a mask structure needs to be built on the workpiece. Microstereolithography can be used to build this three-dimensional mask for the workpiece. Consequently, process planning technology for the movement of the Abrasive Jet nozzle should be developed. It should follow the three-dimensional mask and workpiece at a specific distance to achieve uniform Machining and a better surface finish. This paper introduces a process planning technique that can automatically generate a three-dimensional Machining path for a three-dimensional mask and workpiece. A verification example and an application example are also shown.

  • Fabrication of the Photo-Resist Mask onto 3D Non-Planar Wafer for Micro Abrasive Jet Machining
    Co-Authors: Jean Bosco Byiringiro, Tae Jo Ko

    This paper presents a novel fabrication technique of a photo-resist mask onto 3D curved wafer for micro-Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) process. The photo-resist mask structure selectively blocks the Abrasive Jet at the portion of the surface that is not supposed to be machined.  Previous studies on the photo-resist mask fabrication process were mainly focused on planar wafers and it was difficult to adapt the fabrication technology directly to materials with 3D curved surfaces because besides UV power and scanning speed, the solidifying action is strongly affected by the beam size as well as hatching size. In this research work, a modeling algorithm that uses images obtained from 3D CAD or no CAD mask models of the wafer has been developed and validated through a number of experiments. SU-8 a negative, epoxy-type, near-UV photo-resist based on EPON SU-8 epoxy resin has been used for the photo-resist mask fabrication. Even though, the SU-8 photo-resist is highly sensitive epoxy resin to UV light, existing fabrication process onto the wafer surface is still an ill-defined problem relying on heuristic methods because of the lack of adequate knowledge on the sensitivity variation. The UV laser limits the SU-8 photo-resist mask to 300µm thickness where photo-resist is most sensitive; therefore a spin coating technique is desired to allow the resist to acquire uniform thickness. For 3D non-planar, the spinning technique is very much demanding and sometimes unfeasible depending on the wafer shape.  In this study, the spinning issue has been consciously analyzed and worked out through dilute, at defined ratio, of the concentrated SU-8 epoxy resin with Cyclopentanone (C 5 H 8 O). Through Taguchi method, the most effective controlling parameters for fabrication of the mask with appropriate hardness and surface quality as vital conditions for micro-AJM process have been ranked and reported in this paper.

  • Fabrication of passive glass micromixer with third-dimensional feature by employing SU8 mask on micro-Abrasive Jet Machining
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2009
    Co-Authors: Agung Shamsuddin Saragih, Tae Jo Ko

    Micro-Abrasive Jet Machining (μ-AJM) is a fast and flexible technique for micro-patterning of brittle materials and can be combined with patterned mask made from a material with excellent photolithographic properties. Here, we demonstrate a fabrication method for the realization of a passive micromixer with third-dimensional feature by using a μ-AJM process with employing photopolymer as a mask on a glass slide target. We fabricated the mask using SU8, a photosensitive polymer, applied as a micro-pattern for μ-AJM process. The design and fabrication of the proposed micromixer is the first reported for such a device. Three glass layers were successfully bonded in a single step using a direct bonding method. These three bonded glass layers with micro-patterns etched on them were the realization of third-dimension feature on the micromixer design.

Stephen C. Veldhuis - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • effects on tool performance of cutting edge prepared by pressurized air wet Abrasive Jet Machining pawajm
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020
    Co-Authors: Wanting Wang, Dirk Biermann, A F M Arif, Robert Asmuth, Stephen C. Veldhuis

    Abstract Edge preparation techniques are used to shape a proper edge microgeometry for enhanced tool performance. However, depending on the edge preparation method, the edge properties are also altered. Most of the reported work is limited to the effect of edge micro-geometry. In this paper, cutting edges prepared by pressurized air wet Abrasive Jet Machining (PAWAJM) were evaluated from several aspects including tool edge geometries, tool surface quality and topographies, edge hardness (H) and residual stresses. Furthermore, the influence of the prepared edge on the tool performance of uncoated tungsten carbide cutting inserts with different average cutting edge rounding ( S ¯ ) as well as different form factor (K) were experimentally investigated through the orthogonal turning of AISI 4140 alloy steel. Results show that the performance of the prepared cutting edge depends on the combined effect of the initial state of edge geometry and edge properties For symmetric edges (form factor K = 1), the optimum range for average cutting edge rounding ( S ¯ ) was found to be 20 μm to 30 μm when using cemented carbide tools for dry Machining AISI 4140 steel at a feed rate (f) =0.1 mm/rev, width of cut = 3 mm, and cutting speed (vc) = 300 m/min.

  • Effect of edge preparation technologies on cutting edge properties and tool performance
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019
    Co-Authors: Wanting Wang, Md Khalid Saifullah, Robert Aßmuth, Dirk Biermann, A F M Arif, Stephen C. Veldhuis

    Edge preparation has gained widespread use due to its low cost and high impact. Various edge preparation methods are reported in the literature. Choice of edge preparation techniques influences the edge properties and the ensuing tool performance. The current work investigates the influence of three different edge preparation methods, brushing, drag finishing, and wet Abrasive Jet Machining on the performance of tungsten carbide inserts during orthogonal turning. Edge preparation not only changes the geometry but also the properties of the edge. Experimental results show that a drag finished edge has the lowest edge surface roughness (Ra = 0.42 μm), while Abrasive Jet Machining can induce 63% greater compressive residual stress than the unprepared tool. Reduction in tool wear was observed at the same stage of cutting length in the prepared edges alongside improved edge hardness. A thermomechanical finite element analysis is performed to evaluate the thermomechanical behavior of all the cutting edges. Results demonstrate that the use of prepared cutting edges enhances stress distribution and reduces the temperature. Experimental results confirm that the drag finished edge has the best overall performance out of the three edge techniques with lower cutting temperature, better stress distribution, lower cutting forces, reduced flank wear, and reduced roughness of the machined surface finish.

V Tagliaferri - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Development of an Abrasive Jet Machining system assisted by two fluidized beds for internal polishing of circular tubes
    International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2020
    Co-Authors: Massimiliano Barletta, V Tagliaferri

    This paper deals with the definition of a relatively novel Machining technology to finish the internal part of narrow and long tubular parts made from high resistance stainless steel. A hybrid technology, namely, fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-AJM), was developed and a thorough experimental investigation was concurrently performed. First, a systematic approach, based upon design of experiments, was used to examine the influence of leading operative variables on process. Surface roughness and material removal trends consistent with theoretical expectations were found. Subsequently, the Machining mechanisms were analyzed in terms of the evolution of roughness and waviness profile. FB-AJM was found to be a not pressure-copying Machining technology. Lastly, the uniformity and the precision of Machining all around the internal circumferences of the workpieces were checked out to assure the applicability of FB-AJM to process an ever-growing variety of complex shaped components. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

  • Progress in fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-AJM): Internal polishing of aluminium tubes
    International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2020
    Co-Authors: Massimiliano Barletta, S Guarino, G Rubino, V Tagliaferri

    This paper deals with the internal finishing of tubular components made from a high strength aluminium alloy (AA 6082 T6) using a fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-AJM) system. Firstly, a Taguchi's experimental plan was used to investigate the influence of Abrasive Jet speed, Machining cycle, and Abrasive mesh size on surface roughness and material removal trends. Secondly, the leading finishing mechanisms were studied using combined 3d profilometer-SEM analysis to monitor the evolution of the surface morphology of machined workpieces. Finally, the circumferential uniformity and precision Machining of the inner surface of workpieces were tested by evaluating the values of the more significant roughness parameters in different circumferential locations. Consistent trends of surface roughness vs. operational parameters were measured, and significant material removal was found to affect the workpieces during Machining. As a result, FB-AJM was found to preferentially machine the asperities and irregularities of the surface, thereby altering the overall surface morphology producing more regular and smoother finishing. Moreover, the good circumferential uniformity and Machining accuracy FB-AJM guarantees even on ductile aluminium alloy workpieces ensure that this technology can be applied to a diverse set of industrial components. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

  • fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining fb ajm precision internal finishing of inconel 718 components
    Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-transactions of The Asme, 2007
    Co-Authors: Massimiliano Barletta, D Ceccarelli, S Guarino, V Tagliaferri

    The relatively new technique of fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-AJM) is applied to finishing the inner surfaces of tubular Inconel 718 components. The effects. of Abrasive size, Jet pressure, and Machining cycle were evaluated, and the behavior of Abrasive cutting edges acting against the surface during the process to remove material is accounted for. The finished surface was found to be highly dependent on Jet pressure because it affects the Abrasive contact against the surface as well as the finishing force acting on the Abrasive, on the Abrasive grain size, which controls the depth of cut, and on Machining cycle, which controls the interaction time between the Abrasives and the surface being finished. By altering these conditions, this process achieves surface roughness (R-a) as fine as 0.1 mu m and imparts minimal additional residual stress on the surface. This study also reveals the mechanisms that determine the smoothing of the inner surface of Inconel 718 tubes and improve the form accuracy, i.e., the internal roundness of the Inconel 718 tube.

  • progress in fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining fb ajm internal polishing of aluminium tubes
    International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2007
    Co-Authors: Massimiliano Barletta, S Guarino, G Rubino, V Tagliaferri

    Abstract This paper deals with the internal finishing of tubular components made from a high strength aluminium alloy (AA 6082 T6) using a fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-AJM) system. Firstly, a Taguchi's experimental plan was used to investigate the influence of Abrasive Jet speed, Machining cycle, and Abrasive mesh size on surface roughness and material removal trends. Secondly, the leading finishing mechanisms were studied using combined 3d profilometer-SEM analysis to monitor the evolution of the surface morphology of machined workpieces. Finally, the circumferential uniformity and precision Machining of the inner surface of workpieces were tested by evaluating the values of the more significant roughness parameters in different circumferential locations. Consistent trends of surface roughness vs. operational parameters were measured, and significant material removal was found to affect the workpieces during Machining. As a result, FB-AJM was found to preferentially machine the asperities and irregularities of the surface, thereby altering the overall surface morphology producing more regular and smoother finishing. Moreover, the good circumferential uniformity and Machining accuracy FB-AJM guarantees even on ductile aluminium alloy workpieces ensure that this technology can be applied to a diverse set of industrial components.

  • development of an Abrasive Jet Machining system assisted by two fluidized beds for internal polishing of circular tubes
    International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2006
    Co-Authors: Massimiliano Barletta, V Tagliaferri

    Abstract This paper deals with the definition of a relatively novel Machining technology to finish the internal part of narrow and long tubular parts made from high resistance stainless steel. A hybrid technology, namely, fluidized bed assisted Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-AJM), was developed and a thorough experimental investigation was concurrently performed. First, a systematic approach, based upon design of experiments, was used to examine the influence of leading operative variables on process. Surface roughness and material removal trends consistent with theoretical expectations were found. Subsequently, the Machining mechanisms were analyzed in terms of the evolution of roughness and waviness profile. FB-AJM was found to be a not pressure-copying Machining technology. Lastly, the uniformity and the precision of Machining all around the internal circumferences of the workpieces were checked out to assure the applicability of FB-AJM to process an ever-growing variety of complex shaped components.

Wanting Wang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • effects on tool performance of cutting edge prepared by pressurized air wet Abrasive Jet Machining pawajm
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020
    Co-Authors: Wanting Wang, Dirk Biermann, A F M Arif, Robert Asmuth, Stephen C. Veldhuis

    Abstract Edge preparation techniques are used to shape a proper edge microgeometry for enhanced tool performance. However, depending on the edge preparation method, the edge properties are also altered. Most of the reported work is limited to the effect of edge micro-geometry. In this paper, cutting edges prepared by pressurized air wet Abrasive Jet Machining (PAWAJM) were evaluated from several aspects including tool edge geometries, tool surface quality and topographies, edge hardness (H) and residual stresses. Furthermore, the influence of the prepared edge on the tool performance of uncoated tungsten carbide cutting inserts with different average cutting edge rounding ( S ¯ ) as well as different form factor (K) were experimentally investigated through the orthogonal turning of AISI 4140 alloy steel. Results show that the performance of the prepared cutting edge depends on the combined effect of the initial state of edge geometry and edge properties For symmetric edges (form factor K = 1), the optimum range for average cutting edge rounding ( S ¯ ) was found to be 20 μm to 30 μm when using cemented carbide tools for dry Machining AISI 4140 steel at a feed rate (f) =0.1 mm/rev, width of cut = 3 mm, and cutting speed (vc) = 300 m/min.

  • Effect of edge preparation technologies on cutting edge properties and tool performance
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019
    Co-Authors: Wanting Wang, Md Khalid Saifullah, Robert Aßmuth, Dirk Biermann, A F M Arif, Stephen C. Veldhuis

    Edge preparation has gained widespread use due to its low cost and high impact. Various edge preparation methods are reported in the literature. Choice of edge preparation techniques influences the edge properties and the ensuing tool performance. The current work investigates the influence of three different edge preparation methods, brushing, drag finishing, and wet Abrasive Jet Machining on the performance of tungsten carbide inserts during orthogonal turning. Edge preparation not only changes the geometry but also the properties of the edge. Experimental results show that a drag finished edge has the lowest edge surface roughness (Ra = 0.42 μm), while Abrasive Jet Machining can induce 63% greater compressive residual stress than the unprepared tool. Reduction in tool wear was observed at the same stage of cutting length in the prepared edges alongside improved edge hardness. A thermomechanical finite element analysis is performed to evaluate the thermomechanical behavior of all the cutting edges. Results demonstrate that the use of prepared cutting edges enhances stress distribution and reduces the temperature. Experimental results confirm that the drag finished edge has the best overall performance out of the three edge techniques with lower cutting temperature, better stress distribution, lower cutting forces, reduced flank wear, and reduced roughness of the machined surface finish.