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The Experts below are selected from a list of 158313 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Tayfun Akin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • A new design and a fabrication approach to realize a high performance three axes capacitive MEMS Accelerometer
    Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 2016
    Co-Authors: Akin Aydemir, Yunus Terzioglu, Tayfun Akin

    This paper presents a new fabrication approach and design for a three axis capacitive MEMS Accelerometer that is capable of measuring externally applied accelerations in three orthogonal axes. Individual lateral and vertical axis Accelerometers are fabricated in the same die on an SOI wafer which is anodically bonded to a glass substrate. Handle layer of the SOI wafer is used as the top electrode for the vertical axis Accelerometer. This Accelerometer has a 2 mm2 perforated electrode area anchored to the glass substrate by four beams. The lateral axis Accelerometers on the other hand, have comb finger structures with a 2.7 × 4.2 mm device size and anchored to the glass substrate by six folded beams. Rest capacitance of the vertical axis Accelerometer is designed to be 8.8 pF, and it is 10.2 pF for the lateral axis Accelerometers. The system level performance results are obtained using analog readout circuitry integrated to each axis separately. The x- and y-axis Accelerometers show a noise floor and bias instability equal or better than 13.9 μg/√Hz and 17 μg, respectively, while the z-axis Accelerometer shows 17.8 μg/√Hz noise floor and 36 μg bias instability values.

  • a bulk micromachined three axis capacitive mems Accelerometer on a single die
    IEEE\ ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2015
    Co-Authors: Ulas Aykutlu, Mustafa Mert Torunbalci, Tayfun Akin

    This paper presents a high-performance three-axis capacitive microelectromechanical system (MEMS) Accelerometer implemented by fabricating individual lateral and vertical differential Accelerometers in the same die. The fabrication process is based on the formation of a glass-silicon-glass multi-stack. First, a 35- $\mu \text{m}$ thick $\langle 111\rangle $ silicon structural layer of an Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) wafer is patterned with deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) and attached on a base glass substrate with anodic bonding, whose handle layer is later removed. Next, the second glass wafer is placed on the top of the structure not only for allowing to implement a top electrode for the vertical Accelerometer, but also for acting as an inherent cap for the entire structure. The fabricated three-axis MEMS capacitive Accelerometer die measures $12\,\times \,7\,\times \,1$ mm3. The $x$ -axis and $y$ -axis Accelerometers demonstrate measured noise floors and bias instabilities equal to or better than 5.5 $\mu \text{g}/\surd $ Hz and 2.2 $\mu \text{g}$ , respectively, while the $z$ -axis Accelerometer demonstrates $12.6~\mu \text{g}/\surd $ Hz noise floor and $17.4~\mu \text{g}$ bias instability values using hybrid-connected fourth-order sigma–delta CMOS application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips. These low noise performances are achieved with a measurement range of over ±10 g for the $x$ -axis and $y$ -axis Accelerometers and +12/−7.5 g for the $z$ -axis Accelerometer, suggesting their potential use in navigation grade applications. [2014-0351]

  • fabrication of a sandwich type three axis capacitive mems Accelerometer
    IEEE Sensors, 2013
    Co-Authors: Tayfun Akin

    This paper presents a three axis capacitive MEMS Accelerometer including individual lateral and vertical Accelerometers in a same die. The three axis capacitive MEMS Accelerometer is fabricated by utilizing a glass-silicon-glass multi-stack formed by a fabrication process depending on the double glass modified silicon on glass process (DGM-SOG), where the structural layer is selected to be 35 μm thick silicon. The fabrication process uses the Au-Si eutectic bonding in the last step of the formation of the glass-silicon-glass multi-stack, eliminating the stiction risk of the suspended silicon structures to the top glass with the voltage free feature of the Au-Si eutectic bonding method, allowing to implement 2 μm capacitive gaps for the vertical Accelerometers without any pull in during fabrication, while matching 2μιη capacitive gaps of the lateral Accelerometers. The top glass wafer allows implementing not only a top electrode for the vertical Accelerometer, but also a cap for the entire structure. The fabricated three axis MEMS capacitive Accelerometer die is 12×7×1 mm3. Measured capacitances of the lateral and the vertical Accelerometers are 9.4 pF and 7.4 pF, but their capacitance change is similar to each other, as they are approximately measured as 90 fF/V and 100 fF/V, respectively. The Brownian noise of the lateral and vertical are estimated to be 6 Mg/√Hz and 7.6 Mg/√Hz, respectively.

Weizheng Yuan - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Design, fabrication, and testing of a bulk micromachined inertial measurement unit
    Sensors, 2010
    Co-Authors: Honglong Chang, Jian Bing Xie, Z Y Zhou, Qinghua Jiang, Qiang Shen, Weizheng Yuan

    A bulk micromachined inertial measurement unit (MIMU) is presented in this paper. Three single-axis Accelerometers and three single-axis gyroscopes were simultaneously fabricated on a silicon wafer using a bulk micromachining process; the wafer is smaller than one square centimeter. In particular, a global area optimization method based on the relationship between the sensitivity and layout area was proposed to determine the layout configuration of the six sensors. The scale factors of the X/Y-axis Accelerometer and Z-axis Accelerometer are about 213.3 mV/g and 226.9 mV/g, respectively. The scale factors of the X/Y-axis gyroscope and Z-axis gyroscope are about 2.2 mV/o/s and \n10.8 mV/o/s, respectively. The bias stability of the X/Y-axis gyroscope and the Z-axis gyroscope are about 2135 deg/h and 80 deg/h, respectively. Finally, the resolutions of X/Y-axis Accelerometers, Z-axis Accelerometers, X/Y-axis gyroscopes, and Z-axis gyroscopes are 0.0012 , 0.0011 , 0.314 , and 0.008 , respectively.

Tetsuro Nakamura - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • a capacitive Accelerometer using sdb soi structure
    Sensors and Actuators A-physical, 1996
    Co-Authors: Y. Matsumoto, Moritaka Iwakiri, H Tanaka, Tetsuro Nakamura

    A capacitive Accelerometer using SDB-SOI (silicon direct bonding-silicon on insulator) structure has been developed. The mass and beams of the Accelerometer are fabricated with a single-crystal silicon layer 10 μm thick. The beam is formed in a spiral shape to the obtain longest beam in the minimum area. The silicon dioxide layer is etched sacrificially, which determines the capacitance gap as 1 μm. Seven kinds of Accelerometers for different measurement ranges have been integrated in the same chip. The capacitance changes of the Accelerometers are detected by a capacitance to voltage converter IC (TI28882D), and the output characteristics evaluated. As a result, a high sensitivity of 200 mV G−1 and wide frequency response of 200 Hz have been achieved.

  • A Capacitive Accelerometer Using Sdb-soi Structure
    Proceedings of the International Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Conference - TRANSDUCERS '95, 1995
    Co-Authors: Y. Matsumoto, M. Iwakdri, H Tanaka, Tetsuro Nakamura

    A novel capacitive Accelerometer using SDB-SOI(Si1icon Direct Bonding - Silicon On Insulator) structure has been proposed. The mass and beams of the Accelerometer were fabricated with single crystal silicon layer in the thickness of lop m. The beam was formed in Swastika (e) shape to obtain longest beam in minimum area. The fabrication process was simplified by utilization of SO1 structure. Seven kinds of Accelerometers for different measurement ranges were integrated in the same chip. The capacitance changes of the Accelerometers were detected by capacitance to voltage converter IC(TI28882D), and the output characteristics were evaluated.

Honglong Chang - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Design, fabrication, and testing of a bulk micromachined inertial measurement unit
    Sensors, 2010
    Co-Authors: Honglong Chang, Jian Bing Xie, Z Y Zhou, Qinghua Jiang, Qiang Shen, Weizheng Yuan

    A bulk micromachined inertial measurement unit (MIMU) is presented in this paper. Three single-axis Accelerometers and three single-axis gyroscopes were simultaneously fabricated on a silicon wafer using a bulk micromachining process; the wafer is smaller than one square centimeter. In particular, a global area optimization method based on the relationship between the sensitivity and layout area was proposed to determine the layout configuration of the six sensors. The scale factors of the X/Y-axis Accelerometer and Z-axis Accelerometer are about 213.3 mV/g and 226.9 mV/g, respectively. The scale factors of the X/Y-axis gyroscope and Z-axis gyroscope are about 2.2 mV/o/s and \n10.8 mV/o/s, respectively. The bias stability of the X/Y-axis gyroscope and the Z-axis gyroscope are about 2135 deg/h and 80 deg/h, respectively. Finally, the resolutions of X/Y-axis Accelerometers, Z-axis Accelerometers, X/Y-axis gyroscopes, and Z-axis gyroscopes are 0.0012 , 0.0011 , 0.314 , and 0.008 , respectively.

Hongwei Qu - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.