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Eduardo I Faundez - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
a case of biting humans by Nabis americoferus heteroptera nabidae with comments on bites by other species of the genus Nabis in the united states
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2016Co-Authors: Eduardo I FaundezAbstract:A case of biting humans by the common damsel bug Nabis americoferus Carayon, 1961 is reported for an adult male in Fargo, ND. The symptoms and evolution of the bite are described. A compilation of cases of other Nabis spp. biting humans in the United States is provided and discussed.
primer registro de Nabis paranensis harris 1931 heteroptera nabidae para la provincia de catamarca argentina
Idesia (arica), 2015Co-Authors: Eduardo I FaundezAbstract:Se entrega el primer registro para Nabis paranensis Harris, 1931 para la provincia de Catamarca, Argentina, y se comenta la importancia de los registros de esta especie en el oeste del pais.
primer registro de Nabis paranensis harris 1931 heteroptera nabidae para la provincia de catamarca argentina first record of Nabis paranensis harris 1931 heteroptera nabidae for the catamarca province argentina
2015Co-Authors: Eduardo I FaundezAbstract:RESUMEN Se entrega el primer registro para Nabis paranensis Harris, 1931 para la provincia de Catamarca, Argentina, y se comenta la importancia de los registros de esta especie en el oeste del pais. Palabras clave: Heteroptera, Nabidae, new record, Argentina. ABSTRACT The first records of Nabis paranensis Harris, 1931 for the Argentinean province of Catamarca are provided. The importance of the records of this species in the western part of the country is commented. Key words: Heteroptera, Nabidae, new record, Argentina. 1 Entomology Department, North Dakota State University, Dept. 7650, P.O. Box 6050; Fargo, ND. USA. 2 Departamento de Zoologia Medica, Centro de Estudios en Biodiversidad (CEBCh), Magallanes No 1979, Osorno, Chile.* Autor por correspondencia: eduardo.faundez@ndsu.eduFecha de Recepcion: 30 Enero, 2015.Fecha de Aceptacion: 10 Junio, 2015. Nabidae es una familia de insectos heteropteros que cuenta con cerca de 500 especies distribuidas en 20 generos (Schuh & Slater 1995). Los nabidos son insectos predadores, caracterizados por sus patas protoracicas adaptadas para cazar y manejar presas (Schuh & Slater 1995). Por esta razon es que las especies de esta familia son ampliamente usadas como controladores de plagas (Braman 2000); adicionalmente tambien son de interes por su capacidad de picar a seres humanos de forma adventicia (Faundez & Carvajal 2011). En Argentina esta familia ha sido revisada recientemente y se encuentra representada por 14 especies clasificadas en cinco generos (Cornelis & Coscaron 2013); sin embargo, para algunas especies aun existen pocos registros, especialmente en las zonas aridas del noroeste del pais.
contribucion al conocimiento de las especies del complejo de Nabis punctipennis blanchard 1852 hemiptera heteroptera nabidae en chile
Anales Del Instituto De La Patagonia, 2014Co-Authors: Eduardo I Faundez, Mariom A CarvajalAbstract:New data is provided for the Nabis punctipennis complex in Chile. New biological and distributional data are delivered for Nabis faminei. The distribution of N. punctipennis in Chile is clarified. A new species, Nabis ashworthi is described from Southern Chile. A key to the species of the complex present in Chile is included.
a human case of biting by Nabis punctipennis hemiptera heteroptera nabidae in chile
2011Co-Authors: Eduardo I Faundez, Mariom A CarvajalAbstract:A case of the damsel bug Nabis punctipennis Blanchard, 1852 (Nabidae) biting human in Valparaiso Region, Chile, is described and discussed. The nabid might have been attempting to obtain water and/or solutes.
Maria Del Carmen Coscaron - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
first ever report of a bite by Nabis argentinus meyer dur hemiptera heteroptera nabidae on a human
Biodiversity and Natural History, 2017Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Fernando Diez, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Herein, we described the first ever reported bite of Nabis argentinus Meyer-Dur 1870 on a human. The bite was registered in the locality Santa Rosa La Pampa, Argentina (36°37'29.02"S, 64°17'19.13"W). The insect was not provoked by the victim, and thus, the bite was probably not in self-defense. We therefore concluded that the insect bite the victim because it was searching for sources of hydration.
description of nymphs and additional information on Nabis ashworthi hemiptera heteroptera nabidae from patagonia argentina
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 2016Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Fernando Diez, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Immature stages III–V are described for the first time and additional information on the males and females of Nabis ashworthi Faundez & Carvajal, 2014 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nabidae: Nabinae) are given, including descriptions of their genitalia, based on specimens from the Argentine Patagonia. This is the first record of this species from Argentina. The geographical distribution and habitat of Nabis ashworthi are discussed.
description of some immature stages of Nabis tropicoNabis capsiformis hemiptera nabidae
Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad, 2015Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Estela M Quiran, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Instar III-V of Nabis capsiformis Germar are described and illustrated, based on specimens from La Pampa, Argentina.
description of some immature stages of Nabis tropicoNabis capsiformis hemiptera nabidae descripcion de algunos estadios inmaduros de Nabis tropicoNabis capsiformis hemiptera nabidae
2012Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Estela M Quiran, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Instars III-V of Nabis (TropicoNabis) capsiformis Germar are described and illustrated, based on specimens from La Pampa, Argentina (new record).
Maria Cristina Reguzzi - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
observations sur Nabis pseudoferus pseudoferus remane et Nabis occidentalis rieger comparaison avec Nabis punctatus costa rhynchota nabidae
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 1999Co-Authors: Elisabetta Chiappini, Maria Cristina ReguzziAbstract:Les auteurs font la description morphologique des adultes et des larves des especes Nabis pseudoferus pseudoferus Remane et N. occidentalis Rieger, avec les observations sur la biologie et la distribution des especes. Une comparaison est faite entre les stades preimaginaux des deux especes considerees et ceux de N. punctatus Costa.
egg structures of four Nabis species rhynchota nabidae
International Journal of Insect Morphology & Embryology, 1998Co-Authors: Elisabetta Chiappini, Maria Cristina ReguzziAbstract:Abstract Despite the numerous works on insect egg structure, detailed studies on Nabis genus (Rhynchota : Nabidae) have not been carried out previously. The external morphology and internal chorionic structure of the eggs of Nabis pseudoferus pseudoferus Remane, Nabis occidentalis Rieger, Nabis punctatus Costa and Nabis rugosus L. were investigated, using scanning electron microscopy, to improve our knowledge of their organization. To assess their role in taxonomy, a comparison between the eggs of the 4 species under consideration was carried out. The eggs are jar-shaped with the front end narrowed in a “collar” and closed by an operculum. The chorion, except in the regions of the collar and the operculum, is organized in an outer layer of about 4–5 μm, separated from the inner surface by a “pillars” layer of about 0.5–1 μm. In the region of the collar, the chorion has small internal channels which represent the aeropyles; their number varies very considerably even within the same species. The operculum is made up of closed spaces filled with air in communication with the aeropyles and the “pillars” layer, thus forming a single space that represents the respiratory system. The general shape and characteristics of the eggs of N. pseudoferus, N. occidentalis and N. rugosus are very similar; only N. punctatus can be identified with certainty at the egg stage.
Marcela Cornelis - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
first ever report of a bite by Nabis argentinus meyer dur hemiptera heteroptera nabidae on a human
Biodiversity and Natural History, 2017Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Fernando Diez, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Herein, we described the first ever reported bite of Nabis argentinus Meyer-Dur 1870 on a human. The bite was registered in the locality Santa Rosa La Pampa, Argentina (36°37'29.02"S, 64°17'19.13"W). The insect was not provoked by the victim, and thus, the bite was probably not in self-defense. We therefore concluded that the insect bite the victim because it was searching for sources of hydration.
description of nymphs and additional information on Nabis ashworthi hemiptera heteroptera nabidae from patagonia argentina
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 2016Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Fernando Diez, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Immature stages III–V are described for the first time and additional information on the males and females of Nabis ashworthi Faundez & Carvajal, 2014 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nabidae: Nabinae) are given, including descriptions of their genitalia, based on specimens from the Argentine Patagonia. This is the first record of this species from Argentina. The geographical distribution and habitat of Nabis ashworthi are discussed.
description of some immature stages of Nabis tropicoNabis capsiformis hemiptera nabidae
Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad, 2015Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Estela M Quiran, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Instar III-V of Nabis capsiformis Germar are described and illustrated, based on specimens from La Pampa, Argentina.
description of some immature stages of Nabis tropicoNabis capsiformis hemiptera nabidae descripcion de algunos estadios inmaduros de Nabis tropicoNabis capsiformis hemiptera nabidae
2012Co-Authors: Marcela Cornelis, Estela M Quiran, Maria Del Carmen CoscaronAbstract:Instars III-V of Nabis (TropicoNabis) capsiformis Germar are described and illustrated, based on specimens from La Pampa, Argentina (new record).
Tomislav Curkovic - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
efecto de carbaril metamidofos lambda cihalotrin y spinosad sobre ninfas de Nabis punctipennis blanchard hemiptera nabidae
Boletín de sanidad vegetal. Plagas, 2009Co-Authors: C Romero, Jaime E Araya, M A Guerrero, Tomislav CurkovicAbstract:ROMERO, C., J. E. ARAYA, M. A. GUERRERO, T. CURKOVIC. 2009. Effects of carbaril, metamidofos, lambda cyhalothrin and spinosad on nymph of Nabis punctipennis Blanchard (Hemiptera: Nabidae), Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 35: 371-376. Adults of Nabis punctipennis Blanchard were collected in alfalfa to set laboratory rearings and obtain nymphs for toxicology studies. The aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris was used as prey. The effect of concentrations equivalent to 50% of the average of the range recommended commercially for spinosad (6.86 g i.a. hl-1), carbaryl (106.25 g i.a. hl-1), metamidophos (57.90 g i.a. hl-1), and lambda cyhalothrin (625 mg i.a. hl-1) were determined onto stage IV-V nymphs. At the concentrations applied, metamidophos was the most toxic insecticide and had no nymph surviving after day 6th; lambda cyhalothrin and carbaryl were moderately toxic to nymphs in comparison with the control; spinosad did not have significant differences with the control.
biologia del depredador generalista Nabis punctipennis blanchard hemiptera nabidae
Phytoma España: La revista profesional de sanidad vegetal, 2007Co-Authors: Carlos Romero Salvador, Jaime E Araya, M A Guerrero, Tomislav Curkovic, Elisa Vinuela SandovalAbstract:Se ha estudiado en laboratorio la morfologia (se incluyen macrofotografias), duracion de los estadios ninfales, oviposicion y alimentacion del chinche depredador Nabis punctipennis Blanchard (Heteroptera: Nabidae) recogido en alfalfa en la Region Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, sobre el pulgon del guisante Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Cada hembra inserto un promedio de 200 huevos, alineados en grupos de 9 a 12, en la parte inferior de los tallos mas tiernos de plantas de haba (Vicia faba L.). Durante su desarrollo, la especie pasa por cinco estadios ninfales, con una duracion media de 3,4- 4,8- 5,5- 12,0 y 4,2 dias respectivamente, cuando se mantenian a 26,5oC, 45% HR y 16:8 (L:O). Bajo estas condiciones, el periodo desde la eclosion del huevo hasta la emergencia del estado adulto tarda 29,9 dias. No se detecto canibalismo en ninfas de tercer a quinto estadio, pero se observaron ninfas de primer estadio depredando otras ninfas neonatas.