Nail Plate

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The Experts below are selected from a list of 360 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform

Bianca Maria Piraccini - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    Resumo: Este consenso, com foco em melanoniquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os medicos que trabalham com melanoniquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estu- dos sobre melanoniquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopa- tologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definicoes comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reuniao deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reuniao e ate a presente, nao existem orientacoes com base em evidencias sobre a utilizacao de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal. Palavras-chave: Dermoscopia; Doencas da unha; Melanoma; Unhas Abstract: This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical pro- fessionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy Consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias
    Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.Este consenso, com foco em melanoníquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os médicos que trabalham com melanoníquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estudos sobre melanoníquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopatologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definições comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reunião deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reunião e até a presente, não existem orientações com base em evidências sobre a utilização de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal

  • retronychia proximal ingrowing of the Nail Plate
    Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 2008
    Co-Authors: David De Berker, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Bertrand Richert, Josette André, Edith Duhard, Robert Baran

    Background Proximal Nail fold inflammation can be caused by many diseases and has not previously been recognized as a result of posterior embedding of the Nail. We describe a new pattern of ingrowth that we have termed retronychia ("retro"—Latin for backwards; "onychia"—Greek for Nail). The term describes a combination of proximal Nail Plate ingrowth into the proximal Nail fold which is associated with multiple generations of Nail Plate misaligned beneath the proximal Nail. Objective To describe a new pattern of Nail ingrowth which causes a specific form of proximal Nail fold paronychia. Methods Collective cases were reported to a European Nail Society expert group. Results Persistent proximal Nail fold inflammation can result from an episode of trauma that disturbs longitudinal Nail growth and results in reverse embedding of the Nail Plate. This can cause pain, inflammation, and granulation tissue formation, and is typically relieved by avulsion and antiinflammatory treatment. Limitations We cannot demonstrate causality between the proposed precipitants and the clinical features. Conclusion Retroncyhia represents proximal ingrowth of the Nail that occurs when the Nail embeds backwards into the proximal Nail fold. Nail Plate avulsion with supplementary medical management is curative.

  • idiopathic trachyonychia twenty Nail dystrophy a pathological study of 23 patients
    British Journal of Dermatology, 1994
    Co-Authors: Antonella Tosti, Federico Bardazzi, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Pier Alessandro Fanti

    Summary We report the clinical features and pathological findings in 23 patients with idiopathic trachyonychia (twenty-Nail dystrophy). Clinically, the Nail changes in the majority of patients consisted of the typical ‘sandapered’ appearance, with a rough, Iustreless Nail Plate. In some, however, the Nail Plate abnormality was less severe, with numerous small, superficial pits, which imparted a shiny appearance to the surface of the Nail. Histology of Nail biopsy specimens showed spongiotic changes in 19 patients, psoriasiform features in three, and features of lichen planus in one patient. The mean follow-up of these patients was 2 years, during which time none developed alopecia areata or mucocutaneous lesions. Idiopathic trachyonychia is therefore a consequence of several inflammatory disorders, which produce a disturbance of Nail matrix kinetics. The course of the inflammation and the extent of the inflammatory process within the Nail matrix produce two different patterns of Nail Plate surface abnormalities.

Pier Alessandro Fanti - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    Resumo: Este consenso, com foco em melanoniquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os medicos que trabalham com melanoniquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estu- dos sobre melanoniquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopa- tologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definicoes comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reuniao deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reuniao e ate a presente, nao existem orientacoes com base em evidencias sobre a utilizacao de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal. Palavras-chave: Dermoscopia; Doencas da unha; Melanoma; Unhas Abstract: This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical pro- fessionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy Consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias
    Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.Este consenso, com foco em melanoníquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os médicos que trabalham com melanoníquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estudos sobre melanoníquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopatologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definições comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reunião deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reunião e até a presente, não existem orientações com base em evidências sobre a utilização de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal

  • idiopathic trachyonychia twenty Nail dystrophy a pathological study of 23 patients
    British Journal of Dermatology, 1994
    Co-Authors: Antonella Tosti, Federico Bardazzi, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Pier Alessandro Fanti

    Summary We report the clinical features and pathological findings in 23 patients with idiopathic trachyonychia (twenty-Nail dystrophy). Clinically, the Nail changes in the majority of patients consisted of the typical ‘sandapered’ appearance, with a rough, Iustreless Nail Plate. In some, however, the Nail Plate abnormality was less severe, with numerous small, superficial pits, which imparted a shiny appearance to the surface of the Nail. Histology of Nail biopsy specimens showed spongiotic changes in 19 patients, psoriasiform features in three, and features of lichen planus in one patient. The mean follow-up of these patients was 2 years, during which time none developed alopecia areata or mucocutaneous lesions. Idiopathic trachyonychia is therefore a consequence of several inflammatory disorders, which produce a disturbance of Nail matrix kinetics. The course of the inflammation and the extent of the inflammatory process within the Nail matrix produce two different patterns of Nail Plate surface abnormalities.

Beth S. Ruben - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • histological analysis of the Nail Plate in the diagnosis of melanonychia and other Nail pigmentation
    Co-Authors: Beth S. Ruben

    Melanocytic activation is a common cause of pigmentation of the Nail Plate and consists of melanin production without a proliferation of melanocytes. Melanocytic proliferations (lentigo, nevi, and melanoma) often produce a solitary longitudinal pigmented band. Other causes of Nail Plate pigmentation: pigmented squamous cell carcinoma, pigmented onychomatricoma, onychocytic matricoma, pigmented onychomycosis, and Nail Plate hemorrhage. Nail clipping can serve as a less invasive screening procedure for identifying the cause of Nail Plate discoloration. Fontana–Masson staining is useful in identifying melanin. Benzidine stain can be used to identify hemoglobin.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    Resumo: Este consenso, com foco em melanoniquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os medicos que trabalham com melanoniquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estu- dos sobre melanoniquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopa- tologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definicoes comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reuniao deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reuniao e ate a presente, nao existem orientacoes com base em evidencias sobre a utilizacao de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal. Palavras-chave: Dermoscopia; Doencas da unha; Melanoma; Unhas Abstract: This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical pro- fessionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy Consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias
    Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.Este consenso, com foco em melanoníquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os médicos que trabalham com melanoníquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estudos sobre melanoníquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopatologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definições comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reunião deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reunião e até a presente, não existem orientações com base em evidências sobre a utilização de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal

Bertrand Richert - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    Resumo: Este consenso, com foco em melanoniquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os medicos que trabalham com melanoniquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estu- dos sobre melanoniquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopa- tologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definicoes comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reuniao deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reuniao e ate a presente, nao existem orientacoes com base em evidencias sobre a utilizacao de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal. Palavras-chave: Dermoscopia; Doencas da unha; Melanoma; Unhas Abstract: This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical pro- fessionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy Consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias
    Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.Este consenso, com foco em melanoníquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os médicos que trabalham com melanoníquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estudos sobre melanoníquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopatologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definições comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reunião deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reunião e até a presente, não existem orientações com base em evidências sobre a utilização de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal

  • retronychia proximal ingrowing of the Nail Plate
    Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 2008
    Co-Authors: David De Berker, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Bertrand Richert, Josette André, Edith Duhard, Robert Baran

    Background Proximal Nail fold inflammation can be caused by many diseases and has not previously been recognized as a result of posterior embedding of the Nail. We describe a new pattern of ingrowth that we have termed retronychia ("retro"—Latin for backwards; "onychia"—Greek for Nail). The term describes a combination of proximal Nail Plate ingrowth into the proximal Nail fold which is associated with multiple generations of Nail Plate misaligned beneath the proximal Nail. Objective To describe a new pattern of Nail ingrowth which causes a specific form of proximal Nail fold paronychia. Methods Collective cases were reported to a European Nail Society expert group. Results Persistent proximal Nail fold inflammation can result from an episode of trauma that disturbs longitudinal Nail growth and results in reverse embedding of the Nail Plate. This can cause pain, inflammation, and granulation tissue formation, and is typically relieved by avulsion and antiinflammatory treatment. Limitations We cannot demonstrate causality between the proposed precipitants and the clinical features. Conclusion Retroncyhia represents proximal ingrowth of the Nail that occurs when the Nail embeds backwards into the proximal Nail fold. Nail Plate avulsion with supplementary medical management is curative.

Josette André - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    Resumo: Este consenso, com foco em melanoniquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os medicos que trabalham com melanoniquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estu- dos sobre melanoniquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopa- tologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definicoes comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reuniao deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reuniao e ate a presente, nao existem orientacoes com base em evidencias sobre a utilizacao de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal. Palavras-chave: Dermoscopia; Doencas da unha; Melanoma; Unhas Abstract: This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical pro- fessionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.

  • Consensus on melanonychia Nail Plate dermoscopy Consenso sobre dermatoscopia da placa ungueal em melanoniquias
    Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, 2013
    Co-Authors: Nilton Di Chiacchio, Pier Alessandro Fanti, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Débora Cadore De Farias, Sergio Henrique Hirata, Bertrand Richert, Martin Zaiac, R. Daniel, Josette André, Beth S. Ruben

    This statement, focused on melanonychia and Nail Plate dermoscopy, is intended to guide medical professionals working with melanonychia and to assist choosing appropriate management for melanonychia patients. The International Study Group on Melanonychia was founded in 2007 and currently has 30 members, including Nail experts and dermatopathologists with special expertise in Nails. The need for common definitions of Nail Plate dermoscopy was addressed during the Second Meeting of this Group held in February 2008. Prior to this meeting and to date (2010) there have been no evidence-based guidelines on the use of dermoscopy in the management of Nail pigmentation.Este consenso, com foco em melanoníquia e dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal, se destina a orientar os médicos que trabalham com melanoníquia e auxiliar no manejo destes pacientes. O grupo internacional de estudos sobre melanoníquia foi fundada em 2007 e tem agora 30 membros, incluindo dermatologistas e dermatopatologistas com conhecimento especializado em unhas. A necessidade de definições comuns de dermatoscopia da lâmina ungueal foi abordada durante a segunda reunião deste grupo, realizada em fevereiro de 2008. Antes desta reunião e até a presente, não existem orientações com base em evidências sobre a utilização de dermatoscopia da placa ungueal

  • retronychia proximal ingrowing of the Nail Plate
    Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 2008
    Co-Authors: David De Berker, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Bertrand Richert, Josette André, Edith Duhard, Robert Baran

    Background Proximal Nail fold inflammation can be caused by many diseases and has not previously been recognized as a result of posterior embedding of the Nail. We describe a new pattern of ingrowth that we have termed retronychia ("retro"—Latin for backwards; "onychia"—Greek for Nail). The term describes a combination of proximal Nail Plate ingrowth into the proximal Nail fold which is associated with multiple generations of Nail Plate misaligned beneath the proximal Nail. Objective To describe a new pattern of Nail ingrowth which causes a specific form of proximal Nail fold paronychia. Methods Collective cases were reported to a European Nail Society expert group. Results Persistent proximal Nail fold inflammation can result from an episode of trauma that disturbs longitudinal Nail growth and results in reverse embedding of the Nail Plate. This can cause pain, inflammation, and granulation tissue formation, and is typically relieved by avulsion and antiinflammatory treatment. Limitations We cannot demonstrate causality between the proposed precipitants and the clinical features. Conclusion Retroncyhia represents proximal ingrowth of the Nail that occurs when the Nail embeds backwards into the proximal Nail fold. Nail Plate avulsion with supplementary medical management is curative.