Performance Measurement

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Umit Bititci - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Performance Measurement: Challenges for Tomorrow
    International Journal of Management Reviews, 2012
    Co-Authors: Umit Bititci, Patrizia Garengo, Viktor Dörfler, Sai Nudurupati

    This paper demonstrates that the context within which Performance Measurement is used is changing. The key questions posed are: Is Performance Measurement ready for the emerging context? What are the gaps in our knowledge? and Which lines of enquiry do we need to pursue? A literature synthesis conducted by a team of multidisciplinary researchers charts the evolution of the PerformanceMeasurement literature and identifies that the literature largely follows the emerging business and global trends. The ensuing discussion introduces the currently emerging and predicted future trends and explores how current knowledge on Performance Measurement may deal with the emerging context. This results in identification of specific challenges for Performance Measurement within a holistic systems‐based framework. The principle limitation of the paper is that it covers a broad literature base without in‐depth analysis of a particular aspect of Performance Measurement. However, this weakness is also the strength of the paper. What is perhaps most significant is that there is a need for rethinking how we research the field of Performance Measurement by taking a holistic systems‐based approach, recognizing the integrated and concurrent nature of challenges that the practitioners, and consequently the field, face.

  • Performance Measurement: questions for tomorrow
    Co-Authors: Umit Bititci, Viktor Dörfler, Patrizia Garengo, Kepa Mendibil

    Ever since Johnson and Kaplan (1987) published their seminal article Performance Measurement gained increasing popularity both in practice and research with over 3600 articles between 1994 and 1996. A precis of the literature on global and business trends predicts that the world is heading towards a networking era dominated by global autopoietic networks. A systematic review of the Performance Measurement literature concludes that although historically the Performance Measurement literature had tracked the global business trends our current state of knowledge on Performance Measurement is not complete and a number of fundamental questions remain unanswered, particularly in the context of future trends.

  • Business Performance Measurement: Integrated Performance Measurement systems: Structure and dynamics
    Business Performance Measurement, 2002
    Co-Authors: Umit Bititci, Allan S. Carrie, Trevor Turner

    Introduction The objective of this chapter is to provide an insight in to the background research, development, and practical application of the Integrated Performance Measurement Systems (IPMS) Reference Model and the associated audit method. The research described was conducted by a multidisciplinary team based at the Centre for Strategic Manufacturing, University of Strathclyde. The research was funded through EPSRC and industry. The point of departure for this work was that: 1 There are various Performance Measurement systems models, frameworks, and methodologies available – such as SMART (Cross and Lynch, 1988–9), Performance Measurement Questionnaire (Dixon, Nanni, and Vollmann, 1990), Performance Measurement for World Class Manufacture (Maskell, 1989), Performance Criteria System (Globerson, 1985), Cambridge Performance Measurement Design Process (Neely, Gregory, and Platts, 1995; Neely et al., 1996) and Balanced Scorecards (Kaplan and Norton, 1992 and 1996). 2 Other fields, such as Quality Management and Environmental Management, have auditable reference models and standards that describe the structure and content of a robust management system, i. e. ISO9000, QS9000, and ISO14000. 3 However, an auditable reference model, which describes the structure and constituent parts of a robust, integrated, efficient, and effective Performance Measurement system, was not available (Bititci, Carrie, and McDevitt, 1996). The overall aim of the work was to establish whether an auditable reference model for IPMS could be developed. The more specific objectives included: to research and model the hierarchical structure and relationships between Performance measures. to research and develop a reference model for comparison and benchmarking of integrated Performance Measurement systems; to provide a workbook and computer-based analysis tool to assist companies in auditing their Performance Measurement systems; to illustrate the methods developed using industrial case studies.

  • Dynamics of Performance Measurement systems
    International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2000
    Co-Authors: Umit Bititci, Utrevor Turner, Carsten Begemann

    Begins by creating a vision for dynamic Performance Measurement systems and goes on to describe the background to the work. Develops a model for integrated and dynamic Performance Measurement systems. Provides a critical review of existing frameworks, models and techniques against the model. Identifies that current knowledge and techniques are sufficiently mature to create dynamic Performance Measurement systems. The use of the dynamic Performance Measurement system is illustrated through a case study. Concludes with a series of lessons highlighting further research and development needs.

  • integrated Performance Measurement systems a development guide
    International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1997
    Co-Authors: Umit Bititci, Allan S. Carrie, L Mcdevitt

    The Performance management process is seen as a closed loop control system which deploys policy and strategy, and obtains feedback from various levels in order to manage the Performance of the business. The Performance Measurement system is the information system which is at the heart of the Performance management process and it is of critical importance to the effective and efficient functioning of the Performance management system. Research identifies two critical elements with respect to the content and structure of the Performance Measurement system. These are: integrity and deployment. The viable systems model (VSM) provides a framework for assessing the integrity of the Performance Measurement system. The reference model developed for integrated Performance Measurement systems provides a framework against which Performance Measurement systems can be designed and audited.

Max Moullin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Performance Measurement definitions: Linking Performance Measurement and organisational excellence
    International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 2007
    Co-Authors: Max Moullin

    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to offer a definition of Performance Measurement.Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes Performance Measurement definitions in the context of organisational excellenceFindings – It is shown that there is a clear relationship between Performance Measurement and organisational excellence.Originality/value – The paper outlines a definition offering a clear link between Performance Measurement and organisational excellence

  • Performance Measurement definitions: linking Performance Measurement and organisational excellence.
    International journal of health care quality assurance, 2007
    Co-Authors: Max Moullin

    The purpose of this paper is to offer a definition of Performance Measurement. The paper describes Performance Measurement definitions in the context of organisational excellence. It is shown that there is a clear relationship between Performance Measurement and organisational excellence. The paper outlines a definition offering a clear link between Performance Measurement and organisational excellence.

  • Eight essentials of Performance Measurement
    International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 2004
    Co-Authors: Max Moullin

    A well‐designed Performance Measurement system is vital for ensuring that organisations deliver cost‐effective, high‐quality services that meet the needs of service users. Without feedback on all important aspects and a system for ensuring that the organisation acts on that information, managers are struggling in the dark to improve services. However, Performance Measurement is not easy, particularly in health and public services where a wide range of stakeholders is involved. This article discusses what the author considers to be the eight essentials of Performance Measurement. Though described in the context of health and social care, they are important for organisations in all sectors.

Milind Kumar Sharma - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Performance Measurement in automated manufacturing
    Measuring Business Excellence, 2011
    Co-Authors: Alok Mathur, G S Dangayach, M L Mittal, Milind Kumar Sharma

    Purpose – Today's customer‐focused paradigm of business environment puts tremendous pressures of quality, delivery, dependability, flexibility and cost on the manufacturing organisation. Automatic manufacturing systems offer several advantages and are increasingly being adopted as a strategy to improve the Performance of manufacturing organisations. Automatic manufacturing systems are highly sophisticated and expensive, and it is therefore important to maximise their productivity. Yet, one can improve only what one can measure. Performance Measurement is the key to improving Performance, and is a prerequisite to diagnosing, trouble‐shooting and improving the production system. Accordingly, Performance Measurement has been attracting increasing attention over the last two decades, and several frameworks have emerged for the design, review, evaluation and improvement of Performance Measurement systems for businesses and manufacturing organizations. The Performance Measurement, monitoring and continuous prod...

Andy Neely - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • implementing Performance Measurement systems a literature review
    International Journal of Business Performance Management, 2003
    Co-Authors: Mike Bourne, Andy Neely, John Mills, Ken Platts

    Currently, there is a great interest in Performance Measurement, with many companies attempting to implement the balanced scorecard. However, there is also evidence that many of these implementations are not successful. This paper reviews the different Performance Measurement system design processes published in the literature and creates a framework for comparing alternative approaches. The paper then proceeds to review the literature on Performance Measurement system implementations and concludes that the Performance Measurement literature is at the stage of identifying difficulties and pitfalls to be avoided based on practitioner experience with few published research studies. This paper is the first of two, the second going on to consider Performance Measurement implementation from the point of view of the change management literature.

  • business Performance Measurement theory and practice
    Co-Authors: Andy Neely

    Part I. Performance Measurement - Functional Analyses: 1. Measuring Performance: the accounting perspective David Otley 2. Measuring Performance: the marketing perspective Bruce Clark 3. Measuring Performance: the operations perspective Andy Neely and Rob Austin 4. Finding Performance: the new discipline in management Marshall Meyer Part II. Performance Measurement - Theoretical Foundations: 5. A conceptual and operational delineation of Performance Michel Lebas and Ken Euske 6. Anomalies of Measurement: when it works, but should not Rob Austin and Jody Hoffer Gittel 7. Does pay for Performance really motivate employees? Margit Osterloh and Bruno Frey 8. Superior managers' tolerance to dysfunctional behaviour: a test Clive Emmanuel Part III. Performance Measurement - Frameworks and Methodologies: 9. Performance Measurement frameworks: a review Mike Kennerley and Andy Neely 10. The critical few: first among equals as parameters for measuring strategic effectiveness Elspeth Murray and Peter Richardson 11. Auditing Measurement systems Umit Bititci, Allan Carrie and Trevor Turner 12. Why Measurement initiatives succeed and fail Mike Bourne and Andy Neely Part IV. Performance Measurement - Practical Applications: 13. What really goes on in the name of benchmarking D. T. Mayle, Matthew Hinton, Graham Francis and Jackie Holloway 14. Measuring marketing Performance: in practice Tim Ambler and Flora Kokkinaki 15. Loosely coupled Performance Measurement systems Thomas Ahrens and Chris Chapman 16. Redefining government Performance Ken Ogata and R. Gookey Part V. Specific Measures: 17. Customer satisfaction and business Performance Kai Kristensen, Anne Martensen and Lars Gronholdt 18. Linking financial Performance to employee and customer satisfaction Andy Neely and Mohammed Al Najjar 19. Measuring innovation Performance Riitta Katila Part VI. Performance Measurement - Emerging Issues and Trends: 20. Measuring knowledge work Rob Austin and Pat Larkey 21. Measuring ebusiness Performance Andy Neely, Bernard Marr, Chris Adams and Neha Kapashi.

  • Performance Measurement system design
    International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 1995
    Co-Authors: Andy Neely, Mike Gregory, Ken Platts

    The importance of Performance Measurement has long been recognized by academics and practitioners from a variety of functional disciplines. Seeks to bring together this diverse body of knowledge into a coherent whole. To ensure that the key issues are identified, focuses on the process of Performance Measurement system design, rather than the detail of specific measures. Following a comprehensive review of the literature, proposes a research agenda.

  • Performance Measurement frameworks: A review
    Business Performance Measurement, 1
    Co-Authors: Andy Neely, Mike Kennerley, Chris Adams

    Introduction It has been widely reported that there has been a revolution in Performance Measurement in the last 20 years. The enormous interest in Measurement has manifested itself in practitioner conferences and publications as well as in academic research (Neely, 1998). Research indicates that organizations using balanced Performance Measurement systems as the basis for management perform better than those that do not (Lingle and Schiemann, 1996). For this benefit to be realized, it is necessary for organizations to implement an effective Performance Measurement system that “enables informed decisions to be made and actions to be taken because it quantifies the efficiency and effectiveness of past actions through acquisition, collation, sorting, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of appropriate data” (Neely, 1998, pp. 5–6). This definition is important as it indicates that a Performance Measurement system has a number of constituent parts: individual measures that quantify the efficiency and effectiveness of actions; a set of measures that combine to assess the Performance of an organization as a whole; a supporting infrastructure that enables data to be acquired, collated, sorted, analyzed, interpreted, and disseminated. For the full benefit of Measurement to be exploited it is important for organizations to maximize the appropriateness and effectiveness of Measurement activity at each of these levels. This contribution is concerned with the second of these points, that is how an organization identifies a set of measures that reflects the Performance it is trying to achieve. Numerous processes have been proposed that organizations should follow in order to design and implement Performance Measurement systems (Bourne et al., 2000; Neely et al., 1996).

Jim Browne - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • a review of Performance Measurement towards Performance management
    Computers in Industry, 2005
    Co-Authors: Paul Folan, Jim Browne

    Describes the evolution of Performance Measurement (PM) in four sections: recommendations, frameworks, systems and inter-organisational Performance Measurement. Measurement begins with a recommendation, which is a piece of advice related to the measures or structure of Performance Measurement; frameworks can be dichotomised into a structural and procedural typology that suggests structural framework development has outstripped procedural framework development. The basic requirements for a successful PM system are two frameworks--one structural and one procedural as well as a number of other Performance management tools. Inter-organisational Performance Measurement may be divided into supply chain and extended enterprise Performance Measurement: the former relying solely on traditional logistics measures, while the latter incorporates the structural aspects of the supply chain system and adds non-logistics perspectives to its Measurement arena. Finally, the encroachment of the Performance Measurement literature into the processes related to Performance management is examined, and areas for future research are suggested.

  • A Framework for Strategic Performance Measurement
    IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 1996
    Co-Authors: P. Bradley, David O'sullivan, Jim Browne

    Traditional Performance Measurement systems no longer provide companies with the information they required to compete effectively. This has led to the development of more contemporary Performance Measurement systems. A framework for measuring the impact on a company of the strategic decisions made by senior management is described in this paper. This framework is compared to another contemporary system and the impact of their integration on Performance Measurement is examined.