The Experts below are selected from a list of 303 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Daniel Hering - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
‘Electronic subsampling’ of macrobenthic samples: how many individuals are needed for a valid assessment result?
Hydrobiologia, 2004Co-Authors: Armin Lorenz, Lars Kirchner, Daniel HeringAbstract:We developed and tested an `electronic subsampling technique' with benthic invertebrate samples taken in three German stream types to investigate, how strongly the number of individuals analysed influences the results. For each of 152 samples (`reference samples') 100 subsamples of the sizes 100, 200, 300, 500 and 700 individuals were generated randomly. To evaluate subsample deviation from the reference sample 45 metrics were calculated. In general, the variability of metric results increases with decreasing subsample size. Individual metrics show different sensitivity to decreasing subsample size. Three of the metrics tested (German Saprobic Index, German Fauna Index and Ecological Quality Index using Macroinvertebrates) are part of the German AQEM assessment system, for which they are transferred into quality classes. More than 40% of the 100-individuals subsamples are classified into a different quality class compared to the reference samples, but less than 20% for 700-individual subsamples. A certainty >20% is obtained with a subsample size of 300 individuals in lowland streams, whereas 700 individuals are needed to achieve the same level of confidence in mountain streams. Metrics, which rely on absolute abundances or abundance classes (e.g. BMWP, number of taxa) show higher sensitivity to a changing number of individuals than metrics, which depend on relative abundances (e.g. [%] Lithal preferences, [%] of Gatherers/collectors). Thus, the reliability of the metrics is related to subsample size, stream type and metric type.
Comparing macroinvertebrate indices to detect organic pollution across Europe: a contribution to the EC Water Framework Directive intercalibration
Hydrobiologia, 2004Co-Authors: Leonard Sandin, Daniel HeringAbstract:With the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) the ecological status of a water body is defined by comparing the observed biological community composition present with near-natural reference conditions. The ecological status is then classified into five quality classes (high, good, moderate, poor and bad). It is of great importance that `good ecological status' has the same meaning within the European Union, since water bodies not measuring up to these standards have to be improved. Therefore, the Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) at high-good, and good-moderate quality class boundaries will be intercalibrated. Each country has to report physical, chemical, and biological data from two sites at each of these boundaries and since most data exist for benthic macroinvertebrates, this quality element will be of great importance in the intercalibration process. The aim of this study was therefore to compare the results of different benthic macroinvertebrate metrics used to assess the impact of organic pollution (including eutrophication) (one of the major human impacts on European streams). A selection of the data sampled in the AQEM project was evaluated, where benthic macroinvertebrate- and abiotic data from four countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Sweden) and seven `stream types' were included. An organic pollution (including eutrophication) gradient was defined using Principal Component Analysis and the boundaries for high-good and good-moderate ecological status set by the partners from each country were used to define arbitrary class boundaries. The Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) was well correlated with the stress gradient in most stream types, whereas the Saprobic Index worked clearly better than ASPT in those countries (Austria and the Czech Republic) where macroinvertebrates are generally identified to lower (species) as opposed to a higher (genus or family) level of identification. Defining harmonised class boundaries is difficult; this process has to consider the natural differences between stream types (e.g. in the reference values of metrics) but has to eliminate different perceptions of ecological quality.
Leonard Sandin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Detection of organic pollution of streams in southern Sweden using benthic macroinvertebrates
Hydrobiologia, 2004Co-Authors: Joakim Dahl, Richard K. Johnson, Leonard SandinAbstract:Benthic macroinvertebrates samples were collected in spring and autumn 2000. Fifteen streams in southern Sweden were sampled twice both for chemical, physical, and biological parameters. Eighty-four macroinvertebrate `single' metrics were calculated and tested for their ability of detecting organic pollution of streams. A comparison of the `best' single metrics with two multimetric indices was also done. The Belgian Biotic Index (BBI), the Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT), the Saprobic Index (Zelinka & Marvan), the German Saprobic Index, percentage hypopotamal preferences, the Danish Stream Fauna Index (DSFI) and percentage pelal preferences were found to be good indicators of organic pollution. Both DSFI and ASPT are frequently used for detecting organic pollution in southern Sweden and could be recommended for further use. Although Saprobic indices are not commonly used in Sweden, our results indicate that they may be appropriate. BBI, percentage hypopotamal preferences, and percentage pelal preferences are seldom used for detecting organic pollution of Swedish streams, but could maybe prove useful for future uses. Two multimetric indices recently developed for detecting the effects of organic pollution in southern Sweden, the AQEM Type S05 Index and the DJ Index, were compared to the `best' single metrics by determining their responses to total phosphorous concentration, conductivity, and percentage cropland. The comparison showed that the DJ Index proved to be a better indicator of the effects of organic pollution than the single metrics. The other multimetric Index, the AQEM Type S05 Index, had slightly lower statistical power, but performed well in comparison to the other metrics.
Comparing macroinvertebrate indices to detect organic pollution across Europe: a contribution to the EC Water Framework Directive intercalibration
Hydrobiologia, 2004Co-Authors: Leonard Sandin, Daniel HeringAbstract:With the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) the ecological status of a water body is defined by comparing the observed biological community composition present with near-natural reference conditions. The ecological status is then classified into five quality classes (high, good, moderate, poor and bad). It is of great importance that `good ecological status' has the same meaning within the European Union, since water bodies not measuring up to these standards have to be improved. Therefore, the Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) at high-good, and good-moderate quality class boundaries will be intercalibrated. Each country has to report physical, chemical, and biological data from two sites at each of these boundaries and since most data exist for benthic macroinvertebrates, this quality element will be of great importance in the intercalibration process. The aim of this study was therefore to compare the results of different benthic macroinvertebrate metrics used to assess the impact of organic pollution (including eutrophication) (one of the major human impacts on European streams). A selection of the data sampled in the AQEM project was evaluated, where benthic macroinvertebrate- and abiotic data from four countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Sweden) and seven `stream types' were included. An organic pollution (including eutrophication) gradient was defined using Principal Component Analysis and the boundaries for high-good and good-moderate ecological status set by the partners from each country were used to define arbitrary class boundaries. The Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) was well correlated with the stress gradient in most stream types, whereas the Saprobic Index worked clearly better than ASPT in those countries (Austria and the Czech Republic) where macroinvertebrates are generally identified to lower (species) as opposed to a higher (genus or family) level of identification. Defining harmonised class boundaries is difficult; this process has to consider the natural differences between stream types (e.g. in the reference values of metrics) but has to eliminate different perceptions of ecological quality.
Sutrisno Anggoro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Environmental Quality Index as the Foundation for Management of Aquaculture Areas in Tambak Lorok, Tanjung Mas Village, North Semarang
Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2020Co-Authors: Sharah Dina, Sutrisno Anggoro, HaeruddinAbstract:The Aquaculture Area in Tambak Lorok is one of the areas that is affected by human and industrial activities because utilizing water from the Kali Banger that has been affected by human activities, industry, etc., will reduce the water quality of the pond. The purpose of this study is to examine the water quality and Saprobic Index to see the level of pollution in the pond area; reviewing community perceptions for pond area management indicators; compile a community and ecosystem management strategy. The results of the study obtained that the aquaculture area in Tambak Lorok is at a level of heavy pollution, this is seen from the quality parameters that do not meet the quality standards and the Saprobic Index that many encounter with α-Meso-Saprobic organisms. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the area can still be managed by increasing public awareness with the help of counseling from the government about the importance of maintaining the quality of the aquatic environment. Keywords : Saprobic Index, Water Quality Index, SWOT Analysis
mariculture based on thropic Saprobic Index analysis case study coast of sayung distric demak central java indonesia
Journal of Coastal Zone Management, 2012Co-Authors: Sri Rejeki, Agung Suryanto, Johanes Hutabarat, Sutrisno Anggoro, R UsmilyansariAbstract:Coastal erosion in Sayung Distric, Demak Regency submerged 300 hectares of brackish water ponds. However, after the local government management by soft and hard barriers construction resulting the formation of semi-closed coastal water area with the depth of 1 – 7 m in depth. The condition of the this eroded coastal water is physically degraded, idle and abandont. The aims of this research were to evaluate ecological condition of the eroded coastal water at Sayung for coastal aquaculture based on its Trophic Saprobic Index values. The research was carried out from September 2009- August 2010. The results show that the eroded coastal water at Morosari, Sayung District Demak Central Java is lightly to moderately polluted, however, ecol[ogically it is still suitable for coastal aquaculture activity, especially for cultured organisms which are at the lowest level of the food chain/the plankton feeder .
evaluation of idle eroded coastal water for mariculture based on thropic Saprobic Index analysis case study coast of sayung distric demak central java indonesia
Journal of Coastal Zone Management, 2012Co-Authors: Sri Rejeki, Agung Suryanto, Johanes Hutabarat, Sutrisno AnggoroAbstract:Coastal erosion in Sayung Distric, Demak Regency submerged 300 hectares of brackish water ponds. However, after the local government management by soft and hard barriers construction resulting the formation of semi-closed coastal water area with the depth of 1 – 7 m in depth. The condition of the this eroded coastal water is physically degraded, idle and abandont. The aims of this research were to evaluate ecological condition of the eroded coastal water at Sayung for coastal aquaculture based on its Trophic Saprobic Index values. The research was carried out from September 2009- August 2010. The results show that the eroded coastal water at Morosari, Sayung District Demak Central Java is lightly to moderately polluted, however, ecol[ogically it is still suitable for coastal aquaculture activity, especially for cultured organisms which are at the lowest level of the food chain/the plankton feeder .
Jiří Jarkovský - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
ISESS - Temporal Changes in Biological Communities Affecting Models for Evaluating of Ecological Status
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2011Co-Authors: Simona Littnerová, Jiří JarkovskýAbstract:Temporal changes in the structure of biological communities are one of the factors affecting water quality assessment systems. The aim of our work was to analyze the temporal variability of benthic macroinvertebrates and its consequences for the established streams typology. The data analyzed come from a biomonitoring of streams of the Czech Republic during 2002-2005. Changes of the structure of macroinvertebrates communities were observed using diversity indices (Shannon Index) and biotic indices (Saprobic Index) and using actual changes in community structure. The time related shift in indices and the community composition was found, but the correlation of the locality typologies and the change was not found.
Assessment of organic pollution effect considering differences between lotic and lentic stream habitats
Hydrobiologia, 2004Co-Authors: Karel Brabec, Světlana Zahrádková, Denisa Němejcová, Petr Pařil, Jiří Kokeš, Jiří JarkovskýAbstract:Based on the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, a macroinvertebrate-based assessment system to evaluate the ecological quality of streams has been developed by AQEM project consortium. In the Czech Republic the impact of organic pollution was principal pressure studied, but some morphological degradation of some sampling sites could not be avoided. A multimetric assessment system for three stream types was developed. Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used for the detection of the response of macroinvertebrate communities to the gradient of organic degradation. Significant relationships between abiotic (BOD, TOC, nutrients) and biotic (Saprobic Index, ASPT) indicators of organic enrichment/eutrophication were identified. Separate storage of the riffle and pool components of each multi-habitat sample allowed differences between these habitats to be compared in context of the metrics applied in the assessment system. Lotic and lentic habitats differed in taxonomic composition, ecological traits and biotic indices. The separate assessment of the riffle and pool parts of samples provides additional useful information when combined effects of organic pollution and morphological degradation are to be considered.
Haeruddin - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Environmental Quality Index as the Foundation for Management of Aquaculture Areas in Tambak Lorok, Tanjung Mas Village, North Semarang
Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2020Co-Authors: Sharah Dina, Sutrisno Anggoro, HaeruddinAbstract:The Aquaculture Area in Tambak Lorok is one of the areas that is affected by human and industrial activities because utilizing water from the Kali Banger that has been affected by human activities, industry, etc., will reduce the water quality of the pond. The purpose of this study is to examine the water quality and Saprobic Index to see the level of pollution in the pond area; reviewing community perceptions for pond area management indicators; compile a community and ecosystem management strategy. The results of the study obtained that the aquaculture area in Tambak Lorok is at a level of heavy pollution, this is seen from the quality parameters that do not meet the quality standards and the Saprobic Index that many encounter with α-Meso-Saprobic organisms. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the area can still be managed by increasing public awareness with the help of counseling from the government about the importance of maintaining the quality of the aquatic environment. Keywords : Saprobic Index, Water Quality Index, SWOT Analysis
Saprobic analysis to Marina coastal, Semarang city
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018Co-Authors: D M Nuriasih, S Anggoro, HaeruddinAbstract:Semarang city is one of coastal city in Indonesia, that antropogenic activities have impact to coastal of Semarang, including Marina beach. Therefore, it is important to study the quality of seawater related with antropogenic activities. The research purpose was to analyze the Saprobic level of Marina beach as an indicator of marine pollution. This case study research used survey method. Purposive method was used for sampling the seawater at five stations at the beach. This research can be concluded that TSI (Tropic Saprobic Index) higher than standard that indicated the Marina Beach Seawaters polution at level of β – MesoSaprobic.
Studi Pengaruhnya Deterjen terhadap Komposisi dan Kelimpahan Fitoplankton di Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur Semarang
Management of Aquatic Resources Journal, 2014Co-Authors: Amalia Swary, Sahala Hutabarat, HaeruddinAbstract:Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur merupakan sungai yang terletak di daerah Semarang Timur. Sepanjang aliran sungai terdapat pemukiman warga setempat, perikanan, dan kawasan industri. Deterjen adalah pembersih sintesis yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan turunan minyak bumi dan mengandung bahan-bahan kimia antara lain surfaktan , builder, filler, dan additives . Surfaktan mempunyai perbedaan yaitu hydrophile (suka air) dan hydrophobe (suka lemak). Fitoplankton merupakan organisme yang hidup di perairan berukuran sangat kecil dan dapat menguntungkan bagi organisme lainya serta sebagai produser utama di dalam rantai makanan yang ada di perairan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui konsentrasi deterjen, kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragamaan, keseragamaan, serta dominasi fitoplankton dan saprobik indeks, pengaruh konsentrasi deterjen terhadap fitoplankton di Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode penelitian survey. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling . Konsentrasi deterjen tertingi sebesar 7,67 mg/L, kelimpahan fitoplankton sebesar 1405 ind/L dengan 13 genera, keanekaragaman sebesar 2,61, keseragaman sebesar 1 serta dominasi fitoplankton sebesar 0,13 dan yang mendominasi adalah Euglena sp. dari kelas Euglenoidea dan Indeks Saprobitas sebesar -0,42 dan Trofik Saprobik Indeks sebesar -0,10. Perairan tersebut termasuk dalam golongan α-Mesosaprobik/perairan cukup berat. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh antara konsentrasi deterjen dengan kelimpahan fitoplankton menunjukkan korelasi yang erat sekali (r) 0,963. Nilai R 2 (determinasi) 0,927 dengan tingkat keeratan sebesar 92,7 % . Banjir Kanal Timur River is located in east part of Semarang. Along the river there are local residents, fisheries activity and industrial area. Detergent is sintetic cleaning which made from derivated of oil and containing chemical material such as surfactan, builder, filler, and additives. There are 2 kind of surfactan, hydrophile dan hydrophobe. Phytoplankton is small organism living in the waters dan favorable to others organism, phytoplankton is main producer in waters food chain. This purpose research are to know detergent concentration, phytoplankton abundance, diversity, eveness, domination and Saprobic Indexs, and the influence of detergent the living of phytoplakton in Banjir Kanal Tmur River Semarang. This methode research used survey research and to colect the samples/datas used purposive sampling methode. The highest concentration detergent is 7.67 mg/L and phytoplankton abundance is 1405 ind/L with 13 genera. This research showed that diversity is 2,61, eveness is 1 and the domination is 0.13, dominated by Euglena sp. from class of Euglenoidea . This research also show that Saprobic Index is -0.42 and trophic Saprobic Index is -0.10, this mean that Banjir Kanal Timur River is clasified of α-Mesosaprobik waters or the river is in high contamination. This result show that there is high corelation between detergent consentration and phytoplankton abundance with (r) value is 0.963, (R 2 ) determination value is 0.927 and precentage is 92.7%.