The Experts below are selected from a list of 321 Experts worldwide ranked by ideXlab platform
Guo Qing Song - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
transfer of endogenous small rnas between branches of Scions and rootstocks in grafted sweet cherry trees
PLOS ONE, 2020Co-Authors: Dongyan Zhao, Ganyuan Zhong, Guo Qing SongAbstract:Grafting is a well-established agricultural practice in cherry production for clonal propagation, altered plant vigor and architecture, increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, precocity, and higher yield. Mobile molecules, such as water, hormones, nutrients, DNAs, RNAs, and proteins play essential roles in rootstock-scion interactions. Small RNAs (sRNAs) are 19 to 30-nucleotides (nt) RNA molecules that are a group of mobile signals in plants. Rootstock-to-scion transfer of transgene-derived small interfering RNAs enabled virus resistance in nontransgenic sweet cherry scion. To determine whether there was long-distance scion-to-rootstock transfer of endogenous sRNAs, we compared sRNAs profiles in bud tissues of an ungrafted 'Gisela 6' rootstock, two sweet cherry 'Emperor Francis' Scions as well as their 'Gisela 6' rootstocks. Over two million sRNAs were detected in each sweet cherry scion, where 21-nt sRNA (56.1% and 55.8%) being the most abundant, followed by 24-nt sRNAs (13.1% and 12.5%). Furthermore, we identified over three thousand sRNAs that were potentially transferred from the sweet cherry Scions to their corresponding rootstocks. In contrast to the sRNAs in Scions, among the transferred sRNAs in rootstocks, the most abundant were 24-nt sRNAs (46.3% and 34.8%) followed by 21-nt sRNAs (14.6% and 19.3%). In other words, 21-nt sRNAs had the least transferred proportion out of the total sRNAs in sources (Scions) while 24-nt had the largest proportion. The transferred sRNAs were from 574 cherry transcripts, of which 350 had a match from the Arabidopsis thaliana standard protein set. The finding that "DNA or RNA binding activity" was enriched in the transcripts producing transferred sRNAs indicated that they may affect the biological processes of the rootstocks at different regulatory levels. Overall, the profiles of the transported sRNAs and their annotations revealed in this study facilitate a better understanding of the role of the long-distance transported sRNAs in sweet cherry rootstock-scion interactions as well as in branch-to-branch interactions in a tree.
rootstock to scion transfer of transgene derived small interfering rnas and their effect on virus resistance in nontransgenic sweet cherry
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2014Co-Authors: Dongyan Zhao, Guo Qing SongAbstract:Summary Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are silencing signals in plants. Virus-resistant transgenic rootstocks developed through siRNA-mediated gene silencing may enhance virus resistance of nontransgenic Scions via siRNAs transported from the transgenic rootstocks. However, convincing evidence of rootstock-to-scion movement of siRNAs of exogenous genes in woody plants is still lacking. To determine whether exogenous siRNAs can be transferred, nontransgenic sweet cherry (Scions) was grafted on transgenic cherry rootstocks (TRs), which was transformed with an RNA interference (RNAi) vector expressing short hairpin RNAs of the genomic RNA3 of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV-hpRNA). Small RNA sequencing was conducted using bud tissues of TRs and those of grafted (rootstock/scion) trees, locating at about 1.2 m above the graft unions. Comparison of the siRNA profiles revealed that the PNRSV-hpRNA was efficient in producing siRNAs and eliminating PNRSV in the TRs. Furthermore, our study confirmed, for the first time, the long-distance (1.2 m) transfer of PNRSV-hpRNA-derived siRNAs from the transgenic rootstock to the nontransgenic scion in woody plants. Inoculation of nontransgenic Scions with PNRSV revealed that the transferred siRNAs enhanced PNRSV resistance of the Scions grafted on the TRs. Collectively, these findings provide the foundation for ‘using transgenic rootstocks to produce products of nontransgenic Scions in fruit trees'.
Dongyan Zhao - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
transfer of endogenous small rnas between branches of Scions and rootstocks in grafted sweet cherry trees
PLOS ONE, 2020Co-Authors: Dongyan Zhao, Ganyuan Zhong, Guo Qing SongAbstract:Grafting is a well-established agricultural practice in cherry production for clonal propagation, altered plant vigor and architecture, increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, precocity, and higher yield. Mobile molecules, such as water, hormones, nutrients, DNAs, RNAs, and proteins play essential roles in rootstock-scion interactions. Small RNAs (sRNAs) are 19 to 30-nucleotides (nt) RNA molecules that are a group of mobile signals in plants. Rootstock-to-scion transfer of transgene-derived small interfering RNAs enabled virus resistance in nontransgenic sweet cherry scion. To determine whether there was long-distance scion-to-rootstock transfer of endogenous sRNAs, we compared sRNAs profiles in bud tissues of an ungrafted 'Gisela 6' rootstock, two sweet cherry 'Emperor Francis' Scions as well as their 'Gisela 6' rootstocks. Over two million sRNAs were detected in each sweet cherry scion, where 21-nt sRNA (56.1% and 55.8%) being the most abundant, followed by 24-nt sRNAs (13.1% and 12.5%). Furthermore, we identified over three thousand sRNAs that were potentially transferred from the sweet cherry Scions to their corresponding rootstocks. In contrast to the sRNAs in Scions, among the transferred sRNAs in rootstocks, the most abundant were 24-nt sRNAs (46.3% and 34.8%) followed by 21-nt sRNAs (14.6% and 19.3%). In other words, 21-nt sRNAs had the least transferred proportion out of the total sRNAs in sources (Scions) while 24-nt had the largest proportion. The transferred sRNAs were from 574 cherry transcripts, of which 350 had a match from the Arabidopsis thaliana standard protein set. The finding that "DNA or RNA binding activity" was enriched in the transcripts producing transferred sRNAs indicated that they may affect the biological processes of the rootstocks at different regulatory levels. Overall, the profiles of the transported sRNAs and their annotations revealed in this study facilitate a better understanding of the role of the long-distance transported sRNAs in sweet cherry rootstock-scion interactions as well as in branch-to-branch interactions in a tree.
rootstock to scion transfer of transgene derived small interfering rnas and their effect on virus resistance in nontransgenic sweet cherry
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2014Co-Authors: Dongyan Zhao, Guo Qing SongAbstract:Summary Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are silencing signals in plants. Virus-resistant transgenic rootstocks developed through siRNA-mediated gene silencing may enhance virus resistance of nontransgenic Scions via siRNAs transported from the transgenic rootstocks. However, convincing evidence of rootstock-to-scion movement of siRNAs of exogenous genes in woody plants is still lacking. To determine whether exogenous siRNAs can be transferred, nontransgenic sweet cherry (Scions) was grafted on transgenic cherry rootstocks (TRs), which was transformed with an RNA interference (RNAi) vector expressing short hairpin RNAs of the genomic RNA3 of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV-hpRNA). Small RNA sequencing was conducted using bud tissues of TRs and those of grafted (rootstock/scion) trees, locating at about 1.2 m above the graft unions. Comparison of the siRNA profiles revealed that the PNRSV-hpRNA was efficient in producing siRNAs and eliminating PNRSV in the TRs. Furthermore, our study confirmed, for the first time, the long-distance (1.2 m) transfer of PNRSV-hpRNA-derived siRNAs from the transgenic rootstock to the nontransgenic scion in woody plants. Inoculation of nontransgenic Scions with PNRSV revealed that the transferred siRNAs enhanced PNRSV resistance of the Scions grafted on the TRs. Collectively, these findings provide the foundation for ‘using transgenic rootstocks to produce products of nontransgenic Scions in fruit trees'.
Raphaël Morillon - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Influence of Rootstock Genotype and Ploidy Level on Common Clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan) Tolerance to Nutrient Deficiency
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021Co-Authors: Julie Oustric, Raphaël Morillon, Stéphane Herbette, Jean Giannettini, Liliane Berti, Jérémie SantiniAbstract:Nutrient deficiency, in particular when this involves a major macronutrient (N, P, and K), is a limiting factor on the performance of plants in their natural habitat and agricultural environment. In the citrus industry, one of the eco-friendliest techniques for improving tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress is based on the grafting of a rootstock and a scion of economic interest. Scion tolerance may be improved by a tetraploid rootstock. The purpose of this study was to highlight if tolerance of a common clementine scion (C) ( Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan) to nutrient deficiency could be improved by several diploid (2×) and their tetraploid (4×) counterparts citrus genotypes commonly used as rootstocks: Trifoliate orange × Cleopatra mandarin (C/PMC2x and C/PMC4x), Carrizo citrange (C/CC2x and C/CC4x), Citrumelo 4475 (C/CM2x and C/CM4x). The allotetraploid FlhorAG1 (C/FL4x) was also included in the experimental design. The impact of nutrient deficiency on these seven scion/rootstock combinations was evaluated at root and leaf levels by investigating anatomical parameters, photosynthetic properties and oxidative and antioxidant metabolism. Nutrient deficiency affects foliar tissues, physiological parameters and oxidative metabolism in leaves and roots in different ways depending on the rootstock genotype and ploidy level. The best known nutrient deficiency-tolerant common clementine Scions were grafted with the doubled diploid Citrumelo 4475 (C/CM4x) and the allotetraploid FlhorAG1 (C/FL4x). These combinations were found to have less foliar damage, fewer changes of photosynthetic processes [leaf net photosynthetic rate ( P net ), stomatal conductance ( g s ), transpiration (E), maximum quantum efficiency of PSII ( F v / F m ), electron transport rate (ETR), ETR/ P net ], and effective quantum yield of PSII [ Y (II)], less malondialdehyde accumulation in leaves and better functional enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems. Common clementine Scions grafted on other 4× rootstocks did not show better tolerance than those grafted on their 2× counterparts. Chromosome doubling of rootstocks did not systematically improve the tolerance of the common clementine scion to nutrient deficiency.
Synthetic Polyploidy in Grafted Crops
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020Co-Authors: Marta Ruiz, Julie Oustric, Jérémie Santini, Raphaël MorillonAbstract:Synthetic polyploids have been extensively studied for breeding in the last decade. However, the use of such genotypes at the agronomical level is still limited. Polyploidization is known to modify certain plant phenotypes, while leaving most of the fundamental characteristics apparently untouched. For this reason, polyploid breeding can be very useful for improving specific traits of crop varieties, such as quality, yield, or environmental adaptation. Nevertheless, the mechanisms that underlie polyploidy-induced novelty remain poorly understood. Ploidy-induced phenotypes might also include some undesired effects that need to be considered. In the case of grafted or composite crops, benefits can be provided both by the rootstock's adaptation to the soil conditions and by the scion's excellent yield and quality. Thus, grafted crops provide an extraordinary opportunity to exploit artificial polyploidy, as the effects can be independently applied and explored at the root and/or scion level, increasing the chances of finding successful combinations. The use of synthetic tetraploid (4x) rootstocks may enhance adaptation to biotic and abiotic stresses in perennial crops such as apple or citrus. However, their use in commercial production is still very limited. Here, we will review the current and prospective use of artificial polyploidy for rootstock and scion improvement and the implications of their combination. The aim is to provide insight into the methods used to generate and select artificial polyploids and their limitations, the effects of polyploidy on crop phenotype (anatomy, function, quality, yield, and adaptation to stresses) and their potential agronomic relevance as Scions or rootstocks in the context of climate change.
Barbara M. R. Harvey - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
A Study of the graft union in in vitro micrografted apple
Plant Growth Regulation, 1996Co-Authors: Ffiona V. M. Richardson, Seán Mac An Tsaoir, Barbara M. R. HarveyAbstract:Light microscopy was used to study graft union formation in in vitro micrografts of tissue cultured apple ( Malus domestica . Borkh). Micrografts were constructed using horizontal incisions to form the grafting surface, and placing the cut ends of rootstock and scion into sterile silicon tubing to permit graft formation to occur. The outer morphological and histological development was similar for different stock-scion micrograft combinations but graft union formation was slower in heterografts than in autografts. Initial leaf expansion at the scion shoot apex occurred in all micrografted plantlets within 1–4 days and was not indicative of graft success. Progressive scion growth and development could be used as an indication of graft success by ten to fourteen days after grafting and probably was related to establisment of cell to cell contact at the graft interface. Microscopy showed initiation of callus proliferation in the vascular cumbium and the pith ten days after grafting. Differentiation was observed subsequently and this was reflected in scion development. Longitudinally orientated cambial cells began to differentiate between twenty and forty days after grafting, and formed a bridge between the vascular cylinders of scion and rootstock. The Scions at this stage had as many as eight newly expanded leaves and micrografts were strong enough to permit silicon sleeve removal without damage. Continuity of new vascular elements in rootstock and scion was established around forty days. New vascular elements curved slightly in towards the pith to form a ‘c’ shaped bridge across the graft union. Vascular development continued until it reached completion after six months.
Jérémie Santini - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.
Influence of Rootstock Genotype and Ploidy Level on Common Clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan) Tolerance to Nutrient Deficiency
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021Co-Authors: Julie Oustric, Raphaël Morillon, Stéphane Herbette, Jean Giannettini, Liliane Berti, Jérémie SantiniAbstract:Nutrient deficiency, in particular when this involves a major macronutrient (N, P, and K), is a limiting factor on the performance of plants in their natural habitat and agricultural environment. In the citrus industry, one of the eco-friendliest techniques for improving tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress is based on the grafting of a rootstock and a scion of economic interest. Scion tolerance may be improved by a tetraploid rootstock. The purpose of this study was to highlight if tolerance of a common clementine scion (C) ( Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan) to nutrient deficiency could be improved by several diploid (2×) and their tetraploid (4×) counterparts citrus genotypes commonly used as rootstocks: Trifoliate orange × Cleopatra mandarin (C/PMC2x and C/PMC4x), Carrizo citrange (C/CC2x and C/CC4x), Citrumelo 4475 (C/CM2x and C/CM4x). The allotetraploid FlhorAG1 (C/FL4x) was also included in the experimental design. The impact of nutrient deficiency on these seven scion/rootstock combinations was evaluated at root and leaf levels by investigating anatomical parameters, photosynthetic properties and oxidative and antioxidant metabolism. Nutrient deficiency affects foliar tissues, physiological parameters and oxidative metabolism in leaves and roots in different ways depending on the rootstock genotype and ploidy level. The best known nutrient deficiency-tolerant common clementine Scions were grafted with the doubled diploid Citrumelo 4475 (C/CM4x) and the allotetraploid FlhorAG1 (C/FL4x). These combinations were found to have less foliar damage, fewer changes of photosynthetic processes [leaf net photosynthetic rate ( P net ), stomatal conductance ( g s ), transpiration (E), maximum quantum efficiency of PSII ( F v / F m ), electron transport rate (ETR), ETR/ P net ], and effective quantum yield of PSII [ Y (II)], less malondialdehyde accumulation in leaves and better functional enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems. Common clementine Scions grafted on other 4× rootstocks did not show better tolerance than those grafted on their 2× counterparts. Chromosome doubling of rootstocks did not systematically improve the tolerance of the common clementine scion to nutrient deficiency.
Synthetic Polyploidy in Grafted Crops
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020Co-Authors: Marta Ruiz, Julie Oustric, Jérémie Santini, Raphaël MorillonAbstract:Synthetic polyploids have been extensively studied for breeding in the last decade. However, the use of such genotypes at the agronomical level is still limited. Polyploidization is known to modify certain plant phenotypes, while leaving most of the fundamental characteristics apparently untouched. For this reason, polyploid breeding can be very useful for improving specific traits of crop varieties, such as quality, yield, or environmental adaptation. Nevertheless, the mechanisms that underlie polyploidy-induced novelty remain poorly understood. Ploidy-induced phenotypes might also include some undesired effects that need to be considered. In the case of grafted or composite crops, benefits can be provided both by the rootstock's adaptation to the soil conditions and by the scion's excellent yield and quality. Thus, grafted crops provide an extraordinary opportunity to exploit artificial polyploidy, as the effects can be independently applied and explored at the root and/or scion level, increasing the chances of finding successful combinations. The use of synthetic tetraploid (4x) rootstocks may enhance adaptation to biotic and abiotic stresses in perennial crops such as apple or citrus. However, their use in commercial production is still very limited. Here, we will review the current and prospective use of artificial polyploidy for rootstock and scion improvement and the implications of their combination. The aim is to provide insight into the methods used to generate and select artificial polyploids and their limitations, the effects of polyploidy on crop phenotype (anatomy, function, quality, yield, and adaptation to stresses) and their potential agronomic relevance as Scions or rootstocks in the context of climate change.