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A. Van Der Linden - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Een nieuwe roofmijt tegen trips in chrysant: Verzamelen en kweken van Neoseiulus reductus
    Co-Authors: A. Van Der Linden

    Referaat De biologische bestrijding van trips in chrysant is begonnen als een afgeleide van de tripsbestrijding met roofmijten in vruchtgroentegewassen. Oorspronkelijk werd hiervoor Neoseiulus cucumeris ingezet. Maar met een roofmijt die van nature voorkomt op chrysant, trips nimfen eet en bij voorkeur ook spint, kan de biologische bestrijding mogelijk worden verbeterd. Bij inventarisatie in Hongarije van chrysant buiten werd de roofmijt Neoseiulus reductus Wainstein gevonden. Deze roofmijt is ook in Nederland inheems en is gevonden op Alchemilla, Delphinium, Lunaria en aardbei. Er is een kweek opgezet van deze roofmijt om hiermee proeven te kunnen doen. Het bleek dat de roofmijten niet alleen stuifmeel aten, maar ook meelmijten (Acarus farris). Dit biedt goede vooruitzichten voor het ontwikkelen van een massakweek. Het kweeksucces van Neoseiulus reductus op meelmijten is na een jaar vergelijkbaar met kweken van andere roofmijten zoals Neoseiulus cucumeris en Amblyseius andersoni. Er is voor het eerst vastgesteld dat N. reductus de nimfen van californische trips op chrysant eet. Uit de literatuur is bekend dat deze roofmijt spint en weekhuidmijten eet. Neoseiulus reductus bleek zich na eenmalig uitstrooien te handhaven op chrysant. Ook na maanden waren zowel volwassen roofmijten als eieren nog aanwezig. Abstract Biological control of Thrips in chrysanthemum has started years ago with predatory mites, such as Neoseiulus cucumeris, which were successful in greenhouse vegetables. However a predatory mite which occurs naturally in chrysanthemum and is predatory on Thrips and spider mites might result in an improvement of the biological control. Neoseiulus reductus Wainstein was found in a survey of predatory mites in chrysanthemum in Hungary. Neoseiulus reductus is also indigenous in The Netherlands and was found on Alchemilla, Delphinium, Lunaria and strawberry. A rearing of this predatory mite was started for future experiments. It turned out that the predatory mites eat pollen, but also storage mites (Acarus farris). This makes it possible to develop a mass-rearing. After one year the rearing success was comparable with the rearing of other species such as Neoseiulus cucumeris and Amblyseius andersoni. On chrysanthemum N. reductus appeared to predate nymphs of western flower Thrips, while the species was already known as a predator of spider mites and broad mites. After releasing Neoseiulus reductus in chrysanthemum, adults and eggs could still be found after months.

  • Een nieuwe roofmijt tegen trips in chrysant: Verzamelen en kweken van Neoseiulus reductus
    Co-Authors: A. Van Der Linden

    Referaat De biologische bestrijding van trips in chrysant is begonnen als een afgeleide van de tripsbestrijding met roofmijten in vruchtgroentegewassen. Oorspronkelijk werd hiervoor Neoseiulus cucumeris ingezet. Maar met een roofmijt die van nature voorkomt op chrysant, trips nimfen eet en bij voorkeur ook spint, kan de biologische bestrijding mogelijk worden verbeterd. Bij inventarisatie in Hongarije van chrysant buiten werd de roofmijt Neoseiulus reductus Wainstein gevonden. Deze roofmijt is ook in Nederland inheems en is gevonden op Alchemilla, Delphinium, Lunaria en aardbei. Er is een kweek opgezet van deze roofmijt om hiermee proeven te kunnen doen. Het bleek dat de roofmijten niet alleen stuifmeel aten, maar ook meelmijten (Acarus farris). Dit biedt goede vooruitzichten voor het ontwikkelen van een massakweek. Het kweeksucces van Neoseiulus reductus op meelmijten is na een jaar vergelijkbaar met kweken van andere roofmijten zoals Neoseiulus cucumeris en Amblyseius andersoni. Er is voor het eerst vastgesteld dat N. reductus de nimfen van californische trips op chrysant eet. Uit de literatuur is bekend dat deze roofmijt spint en weekhuidmijten eet. Neoseiulus reductus bleek zich na eenmalig uitstrooien te handhaven op chrysant. Ook na maanden waren zowel volwassen roofmijten als eieren nog aanwezig. Abstract Biological control of Thrips in chrysanthemum has started years ago with predatory mites, such as Neoseiulus cucumeris, which were successful in greenhouse vegetables. However a predatory mite which occurs naturally in chrysanthemum and is predatory on Thrips and spider mites might result in an improvement of the biological control. Neoseiulus reductus Wainstein was found in a survey of predatory mites in chrysanthemum in Hungary. Neoseiulus reductus is also indigenous in The Netherlands and was found on Alchemilla, Delphinium, Lunaria and strawberry. A rearing of this predatory mite was started for future experiments. It turned out that the predatory mites eat pollen, but also storage mites (Acarus farris). This makes it possible to develop a mass-rearing. After one year the rearing success was comparable with the rearing of other species such as Neoseiulus cucumeris and Amblyseius andersoni. On chrysanthemum N. reductus appeared to predate nymphs of western flower Thrips, while the species was already known as a predator of spider mites and broad mites. After releasing Neoseiulus reductus in chrysanthemum, adults and eggs could still be found after months.

Amela García, María Teresa - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Vegetación espontánea en el cinturón hortícola platense hospedante de Thripidae (Thysanoptera) vectores de Tospovirus: riesgo relativo como componente epidemiológico
    Ediciones INTA, 2019
    Co-Authors: Carrizo Paola, Amela García, María Teresa

    La peste negra es una virosis causada por el Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), transmitida por trips y representa un problema complejo ya que las malezas hospedantes para los trips vectores y el virus acentuado como reservorio del virus y sustento de los vectores. El objetivo fue generar, a partir de una lista de malezas que actúan como hospedantes de las cuatro especies de trips vectores en el cinturón hortícola platense, una categorización de riesgo relativo como componente epidemiológico. Entre 2000 y 2003 se seleccionaron tres sitios dentro del cinturón hortícola platense (Buenos Aires, Argentina) donde se realizaron muestreos mensuales (60 en total) en flores de 21 malezas hospedantes de Frankliniella occidentalis, Frankliniella schultzei, Frankliniella gemina y Thrips tabaci. Para su análisis, los resultados de los muestreos fueron agrupados en tres estaciones anuales, en correspondencia con la fenología de los cultivos en invernadero en la región. Para los cuatro trips vectores, se consideró la abundancia de trips adultos y la presencia de sus larvas, mediante un análisis cluster, jerárquico y no supervisado, y la prueba DGC de comparación de medias multivariada para obtener el número de grupos significativos. A partir de este agrupamiento de base, fueron definidos tres grupos de riesgo (GR) como fuente de inóculo de estos vectores: alto (A), medio (M) y bajo (B) según el estatus de hospedantes reproductivas (HR). Los grupos que surgieron fueron: (A): HR de F. occidentalis, (M): HR de F. schultzei y T. tabaci, y (B): HR de F. gemina o de trips no vectores. Se propone el relevamiento periódico y la supresión temprana de la floración de nueve especies de malezas categorizadas como de riesgo alto. Ello implica el monitoreo continuo de tres especies de malezas, a las cuales se les suman otras acompañantes según la estación de crecimiento.The Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) is a Thrips transmitted virus and a complex problem since weeds are hosts of the vectors and also of the virus, then those plant species may act as reservoir and vector support. The objective was to obtain, from a list of weeds previously known as hosts of the four vector Thrips species in the La Plata horticultural belt, a categorization of relative risk as epidemiological component. Between 2000 and 2003, three sites were selected within the horticultural belt of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), where samples (total = 60) were collected from flowers of 21 weeds, known as hosts of Frankliniella occidentalis, Frankliniella schultzei, Frankliniella gemina and Thrips tabaci. For their analysis, the results of the samplings were grouped in three annual seasons, in correspondence with the phenology of the greenhouse crops in the region. For the four species of Thrips known as vectors, were considered the adult abundance and the presence of their larvae. It was cluster analysis, hierarchical and unsupervised, and then the DGC multivariate means test, were used to obtain the number of significant groups. From this early grouping, three risk groups (RG) were defined as a source of inoculum of these vectors: high (H), medium (M) and low (L), according to their previously known status as reproductive hosts (RH). The groups that emerged were: (H): RH of F. occidentalis, (M): RH of F. schultzei and T. tabaci, and (L): RH of F. gemina or RH of non-vector Thrips. The proposal focuses on the periodic survey and early suppression of flowering of nine weed species categorized as RG (H). This involves the continuous survey of three species of weeds, to which are added other companions according to the growing season.Gerencia de Comunicación Institucional, DG SICyP, INTAFil: Carrizo, Paola. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Vegetal. Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Amela Garcia, Maria Teresa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; Argentin

  • Vegetación espontánea en el cinturón hortícola platense hospedante de Thripidae (Thysanoptera) vectores de Tospovirus
    Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional DNA SICC INTA, 2017
    Co-Authors: Carrizo Paola, Amela García, María Teresa

    El virus de la peste negra (TSWV) es un Bunyaviridae que causa diferentes síntomas a las plantas, incluso la muerte. En Argentina existen 4 especies de tisanópteros transmisoras: Frankliniella occidentalis, Frankliniella schultzei, Frankliniella gemina y Thrips tabaci. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer las plantas de la vegetación espontánea circundante a los invernaderos de pimiento que actúan como hospedantes verdaderas (de reproducción) de los trips vectores mediante identificación de adultos y de larvas. El estudio se llevó a cabo en tres sitios ubicados en el cinturón hortícola platense (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Durante los años 2000 a 2003 se realizaron relevamientos mensuales en las áreas de los establecimientos en donde no se lleva a cabo el control de las malezas, extrayendo flores de la vegetación espontánea. A través de 60 fechas de muestreo se recolectaron y procesaron 14.636 flores de la vegetación espontánea de las cuales se obtuvieron 54.050 individuos de Thysanoptera, 40.356 adultos (96,96% Thripidae y 3,04% Phlaeothripidae) y 13.694 larvas de primer y segundo estadio (94,1% Thripidae vs. 5,9% Aeolothripidae y Phlaeothripidae). Se registró la presencia de las cuatro especies de trips vectores en el área. La familia botánica no mostró relación con la presencia de trips vectores, ya sea como adulto o larva. De las 40 especies de la vegetación espontánea relevadas resultaron: 19 no hospedantes (NoH), 21 hospedantes de alimentación (HA), 18 hospedantes reproductivos (HR) tanto en sentido amplio (18 sp.) como en sentido estricto (11 sp.) para una, dos, tres o las cuatro especies.The tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is a Bunyaviridae that causes different symptoms to plants, even death. In Argentina, there are 4 Thrips species reported as vectors of Tospovirus: Frankliniella occidentalis, Frankliniella schultzei, Frankliniella gemina and Thrips tabaci. The spontaneous vegetation growing within uncontrolled weedy areas near greenhouse peppers were identified as true reproductive hosts of Thrips vectors,by means of adult and larval identification. Three sites were studied within the horticultural belt, a strip of 40 km around La Plata City (34°54’ lat. S, 57°55’ long. O), Argentina. During 2000-2003, monthly surveys were performed in the areas of the greenhouses were weed control does not take place, extracting flowers from the spontaneous vegetation. Through 60 sampling dates, 14,636 flowers of spontaneous vegetation were collected, and 54,050 Thysanoptera individuals were obtained, 40,356 were adults (96.96% Thripidae vs. 3.04% Phlaeothripidae) and 13,694 were larvae of 1st and 2nd stage (94.1% Thripidae and 5.9% Aeolothripidae and Phlaeothripidae). The four species seem to have very similar requirements, due the overlap respect to their feeding and breeding hosts. The botanical family was not related to the presence of Thrips vectors, neither in adult or larval stage. Out of 40 surveyed weed species, 19 resulted non-host (NoH), 21 feeding host (HA), and the remnant 19, reproductive hosts (HR), (18 in wide sense and 11 in strict sense) for one, two, three or four species of Thrips.Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen InstitucionalFil: Carrizo, Paola. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Vegetal. Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Amela Garcia, Maria Teresa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; Argentin

Aunu Rauf - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Identifikasi Thrips alliorum (Priesner), Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan), dan Thrips parvispinus (Karny) berdasarkan variasi DNA COI mitokondria
    Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nia Kurniawaty, Purnama Hidayat, Aunu Rauf

    Genus Thrips adalah genus kedua terbesar Ordo Thysanoptera yang sebagian besar anggotanya bersifat polifag dan beberapa spesies merupakan hama serius pada tanaman sayuran. Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh trips dapat menyebabkan kehilangan hasil 30–50%. Thrips alliorum (Priesner), T. hawaiiensis (Morgan), dan T. parvispinus (Karny) banyak dilaporkan menjadi hama pada pertanaman terutama pertanaman hortikultura. Penggunaan karakter molekuler, seperti runutan DNA fragmen gen Cytochrome Oxydase I mitokondria (mtCOI) dapat digunakan untuk identifikasi spesies atau konfirmasi hasil identifikasi dengan menggunakan karakter morfologi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi T. alliorum , T. hawaiiensis , dan T. parvispinus berdasarkan runutan DNA fragmen gen mtCOI. Identifikasi molekular dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu koleksi sampel dan isolasi DNA, amplifikasi DNA menggunakan polimerase chain reaction (PCR), dan analisis hasil runutan DNA. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa runutan DNA fragmen mtCOI T. alliorum , T. hawaiiensis , dan T. parvispinus memiliki panjang basa 678, 690, dan 668 pb yang didominasi oleh basa A dan T dengan nilai variasi nukleotida sebesar 25,18%. Identifikasi tiga spesies trips T. alliorum , T. hawaiiensis , dan T. parvispinus berdasarkan runutan DNA fragmen mtCOI menunjukkan hasil yang sama dengan identifikasi berdasarkan karakter morfologi .

  • Identifikasi Thrips alliorum (Priesner), Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan), dan Thrips parvispinus (Karny) berdasarkan variasi DNA COI mitokondria
    Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia, 2017
    Co-Authors: Nia Kurniawaty, Purnama Hidayat, Aunu Rauf

    Thrips is the second largest genus on the order of Thysanoptera, most of them are polyphagous and some species are serious pests on vegetables. The damages caused by Thrips can reach 30–50% yield loss. Thrips alliorum (Priesner), T. hawaiiensis (Morgan), and T. parvispinus (Karny) are widely reported as pests on crops, especially on horticulture. This study aimed to identify three trhips species: Thrips alliorum, T. hawaiiensis, and T. parvispinus based on the DNA sequences of mtCOI gene fragment. Thrips samples were collected from Bandung, Bogor, Cianjur, and Kuningan districts. Three steps, they were sample collection and DNA total extraction, amplification by using PCR and DNA sequence analysis. The PCR succesfully amplified DNA of mtCOI gene fragments of T. alliorum, T. hawaiiensis, and T. parvispinus at 678, 690, and 668 bp respectively. The mtCOI DNA sequences were dominated by A and T bases with the nucleotide variation value of 25.18%. Identification of the three Thrips species: T. alliorum, T. hawaiiensis, and T. parvispinus based on molecular characters using mtCOI DNA sequences confirmed the identification result based on the morphological caharacters

Tóth M. - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Monitoring the population of vine Thrips ( DrepanoThrips reuteri Uzel) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by using fluorescent yellow sticky traps
    'Akademiai Kiado Zrt.', 2030
    Co-Authors: Jenser G., Szita Éva, Szénási Ágnes, Vörös G., Tóth M.

    Among the blue, green, fluorescent yellow, red, white and yellow coloured sticky traps the fluorescent yellow caught greatest number of both females and males of the vine trips (DrepanoThrips reuteri) followed by yellow. Other colours caught negligible numbers. Fluorescent yellow sticky traps proved to be suitable for the monitoring of the flight activity of the vine Thrips during the vegetative season. Both females and males immigrated in high number to the vineyards throughout the vegetation period. Based on trends of catches of the males the species develops presumably threes or four overlapping generations in a year under the climatic conditions of Hungary. The fluorescent yellow sticky traps tested in the present study may offer an usable tool for detection and monitoring of this pest

Miklós Tóth - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Monitoring the population of vine Thrips ( DrepanoThrips reuteri Uzel) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by using fluorescent yellow sticky traps
    Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 2010
    Co-Authors: Gábor Jenser, Éva Szita, Ágnes Szénási, G. Vörös, Miklós Tóth

    Among the blue, green, fluorescent yellow, red, white and yellow coloured sticky traps the fluorescent yellow caught greatest number of both females and males of the vine trips (DrepanoThrips reuteri) followed by yellow. Other colours caught negligible numbers. Fluorescent yellow sticky traps proved to be suitable for the monitoring of the flight activity of the vine Thrips during the vegetative season. Both females and males immigrated in high number to the vineyards throughout the vegetation period. Based on trends of catches of the males the species develops presumably threes or four overlapping generations in a year under the climatic conditions of Hungary. The fluorescent yellow sticky traps tested in the present study may offer an usable tool for detection and monitoring of this pest.