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Christos J Petropoulos - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • baseline hiv type 1 coreceptor Tropism predicts disease progression
    Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2007
    Co-Authors: Eric S Daar, Wei Huang, Christos J Petropoulos, Karen Kesler, Michael Bates, Alice Lail, Eoin Coakley, Edward D Gomperts, Sharyne Donfield, Hemophilia Growth

    Background. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) coreceptor Tropism, the ability of the virus to enter cells via CCR5 or CXCR4, is a viral characteristic mediated by the envelope gene. The impact of coreceptor Tropism on the natural history of HIV-1 infection has not been fully explored. Methods. Coreceptor Tropism was measured using a recombinant virus single-cycle assay on plasma specimens obtained at baseline from 126 children and adolescents in the Hemophilia Growth and Development Study cohort who were enrolled from 1989 through 1990 and underwent follow-up through 1997. Results. Detectable CXCR4-using virus at baseline was associated with a lower baseline CD4 + T cell count and a higher plasma HIV-1 RNA level. In addition, it independently predicted a greater decrease in CD4 + T cell count over time (P<.001) and was associated with a 3.8-fold increased risk of progression to clinical AIDS. Conclusions. This study demonstrates that coreceptor Tropism, as assessed by this single-cycle assay, independently influences the natural history of HIV-1 disease.

  • development and characterization of a novel single cycle recombinant virus assay to determine human immunodeficiency virus type 1 coreceptor Tropism
    Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2007
    Co-Authors: Jeannette M Whitcomb, Wei Huang, Signe Fransen, Kay Limoli, Jonathan Toma, Terri Wrin, Colombe Chappey, Linda D B Kiss, Ellen E Paxinos, Christos J Petropoulos

    Most human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains require either the CXCR4 or CCR5 chemokine receptor to efficiently enter cells. Blocking viral binding to these coreceptors is an attractive therapeutic target. Currently, several coreceptor antagonists are being evaluated in clinical trials that require characterization of coreceptor Tropism for enrollment. In this report, we describe the development of an automated and accurate procedure for determining HIV-1 coreceptor Tropism (Trofile) and its validation for routine laboratory testing. HIV-1 pseudoviruses are generated using full-length env genes derived from patient virus populations. Coreceptor Tropism is determined by measuring the abilities of these pseudovirus populations to efficiently infect CD4+/U87 cells expressing either the CXCR4 or CCR5 coreceptor. Viruses exclusively and efficiently infecting CXCR4+/CD4+/U87 cells are designated X4-tropic. Conversely, viruses exclusively and efficiently infecting CCR5+/CD4+/U87 cells are designated R5-tropic. Viruses capable of infecting both CXCR4+/CD4+/U87 and CCR5+/CD4+/U87 cells are designated dual/mixed-tropic. Assay accuracy and reproducibility were established by evaluating the Tropisms of well-characterized viruses and the variability among replicate results from samples tested repeatedly. The viral subtype, hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus coinfection, and the plasma viral load did not affect assay performance. Minority subpopulations with alternate Tropisms were reliably detected when present at 5 to 10%. The plasma viral load above which samples can be amplified efficiently in the Trofile assay is 1,000 copies per ml of plasma. Trofile has been automated for high-throughput use; it can be used to identify patients most likely to benefit from treatment regimens that include a coreceptor inhibitor and to monitor patients on treatment for the emergence of resistant virus populations that switch coreceptor Tropism.

Jens Peter Teifke - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • immunohistochemistry for detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus strain m41 in the proventriculus and nervous system of experimentally infected chicken embryos
    Virology Journal, 2009
    Co-Authors: Ahmed S Abdelmoneim, Priscila Zlotowski, Jutta Veits, Gunther M Keil, Jens Peter Teifke

    Background Infectious bronchitis virus primarily induces a disease of the respiratory system, different IBV strains may show variable tissue Tropisms and also affect the oviduct and the kidneys. Proventriculitis was also associated with some new IBV strains. Aim of this study was to investigate by immunohistochemistry (IHC) the tissue Tropism of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain M41 in experimentally infected chicken embryos.

  • Immunohistochemistry for detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus strain M41 in the proventriculus and nervous system of experimentally infected chicken embryos
    Virology Journal, 2009
    Co-Authors: Ahmed S Abdel-moneim, Priscila Zlotowski, Jutta Veits, Gunther M Keil, Jens Peter Teifke

    Background Infectious bronchitis virus primarily induces a disease of the respiratory system, different IBV strains may show variable tissue Tropisms and also affect the oviduct and the kidneys. Proventriculitis was also associated with some new IBV strains. Aim of this study was to investigate by immunohistochemistry (IHC) the tissue Tropism of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain M41 in experimentally infected chicken embryos. Results To this end chicken embryos were inoculated in the allantoic sac with 10^3 EID_50 of IBV M41 at 10 days of age. At 48, 72, and 120 h postinoculation (PI), embryos and chorioallantoic membranes (CAM) were sampled, fixed, and paraffin-wax embedded. Allantoic fluid was also collected and titrated in chicken embryo kidney cells (CEK). The sensitivity of IHC in detecting IBV antigens in the CAM of inoculated eggs matched the virus reisolation and detection in CEK. Using IHC, antigens of IBV were detected in nasal epithelium, trachea, lung, spleen, myocardial vasculature, liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, skin, sclera of the eye, spinal cord, as well as in brain neurons of the inoculated embryos. These results were consistent with virus isolation and denote the wide tissue Tropism of IBV M41 in the chicken embryo. Most importantly, we found infection of vasculature and smooth muscle of the proventriculus which has not seen before with IBV strain M41. Conclusion IHC can be an additional useful tool for diagnosis of IBV infection in chickens and allows further studies to foster a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of infections with IBV strains of different virulence. Moreover, these results underline that embryonic tissues in addition to CAM could be also used as possible source to generate IBV antigens for diagnostic purposes.

Rodríguez Aguilar Ester - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Caracterització i anàlisi del potencial terapèutic de l’Adenovirus 5/40 quimèric de Tropisme específic intestinal com a vector de teràpia gènica per al tractament de la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal
    'Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona', 2015
    Co-Authors: Rodríguez Aguilar Ester

    La Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal (IBD) engloba un grup de malalties (com la CD i la UC) que es caracteritzen per una inflamació crònica del tub digestiu. La IBD requereix un tractament mèdic i farmacològic a mida, i tot i que actualment existeixen diferents teràpies que permeten millorar la qualitat de vida dels pacients, cap d’aquestes aconsegueix eliminar totalment la malaltia. La teràpia gènica és una de les disciplines de la biomedicina amb més futur pel tractament de malalties d’origen genètic, però també en malalties en que la patologia no està determinada per un sol gen sinó que hi ha una alteració de la homeòstasis del sistema, com en càncer, malalties cardiovasculars o malalties neurològiques. Per tant la teràpia gènica sembla una alternativa prometedora per administrar localment a l’intestí una teràpia per a la IBD. Dintre de la família dels adenovirus, els vectors més utilitzats en teràpia gènica, hi ha el subgrup F (Ad40 i Ad41) amb Tropisme intestinal. Aquests adenovirus es caracteritzen per la presència de dos fibers de diferent mida i pel seu pobre creixement in vitro. Mitjançant el pseudotipatge, es pot substituir els gens que codifiquen la proteïna fiber de l’Ad5, un dels vectors més utilitzats en teràpia gènica, per gens que codifiquen per la proteïna fiber curta de l’Ad40. D’aquesta manera, a més de canviar el Tropisme natural de l’Ad5 pel Tropisme del nou fiber, es millora la seva producció i es facilita la clonació de gens terapèutics. Així doncs, ens vam proposar caracteritzar i analitzar el potencial terapèutic d’adenovirus quimèrics 5/40 de Tropisme específic intestinal per a la futura aplicació com vectors de teràpia gènica per a la Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal. En la primera part d’aquest treball ens vam centrar en caracteritzar els vectors quimèrics per tal de determinar les possibilitats reals per convertir-se en vectors de teràpia gènica. En primer lloc es va optimitzar el protocol de producció dels vectors, augmentant l’eficiència de 2-4 a 20 i 25 vegades per cada cicle, i es va estudiar quines noves característiques conferia el fiber curt de l’Ad40 a les partícules de l’Ad5. En la segona part es va avaluar la capacitat dels vectors quimèrics com a vectors de teràpia gènica a l’intestí. Es va comprovar que la presència del fiber augmentava la resistència a pH àcid dels vectors (tot i que no a proteases) i es va estudiar la biodistribució i bioseguretat d’aquests vectors en ratolins per tres vies diferents: oral, rectal i intravenosa mitjançant la quantificació de l’expressió de β-gal per luminometria i l’anàlisi histològic i immunohistoquímic de la transfecció adenoviral. Els resultats van mostrar que els adenovirus quimèrics administrats per la via rectal eren més eficients que l’Ad5, transfectant cèl·lules epitelials en vellositats i criptes intestinals, cèl·lules enteroendocrines i macròfags locals de la mucosa intestinal. Un cop avaluada la capacitat dels adenovirus quimèrics d’infectar l’intestí de ratolins sans, es va procedir a avaluar si mantenia la seva infectivitat en un model murí de MMI, escollint el model de colitis induïda per DSS. En la tercera part d’aquest treball es van generar nous vectors quimèrics que permetessin la clonació fàcil i ràpida de qualsevol gen terapèutic. En resum, en aquest treball demostrem que amb el pseudotipatge del fiber curt de l’Ad40 es transfereixen moltes de les característiques singulars dels Adenovirus entèrics, i es proposa un protocol optimitzat per a la seva producció a nivells equivalents als de l’Ad5. Els nostres resultats també suggereixen que l’adenovirus quimèric F/40S es un excel·lent candidat com a vector estratègia de teràpia gènica per a l’administració de gens terapèutics a l’intestí de manera local.Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) comprises a group of diseases (such as CD and UC) characterized by a chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. The IBD requires a personalized medical and pharmacological approach, and although currently there are different therapies to improve the quality of life of patients, none of these has healed the disease. Gene therapy is one of the most promising biomedical disciplines for the treatment of genetic diseases, but also for other diseases in which the pathology is not determined by a single gene, but there is an alteration of the homeostasis of the system, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases. Therefore, gene therapy seems a promising alternative to administer local therapy in the intestine for IBD. Within the family of adenovirus vectors, the most used vectors in gene therapy, there is subgroup F adenovirus (Ad40 and Ad41) with intestinal Tropism. These adenoviruses are characterized by the presence of two different size fibers and its poor growth in vitro. By pseudotyping technique, you can replace the genes encoding the Ad5 fiber protein, one of the most used adenoviral vector, for the genes encoding the protein of Ad40 short fiber. Thus, besides changing the natural Tropism of Ad5 Tropism by the new fiber, it improves production and simplify the cloning of therapeutic genes. Therefore, we decided to analyse and characterize the therapeutic potential of chimeric adenovirus 5/40 specific intestinal Tropism for future use as gene therapy vectors for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In the first part of this work, we focused on characterizing the chimeric vector to determine the real possibilities to become gene therapy vectors. Firstly, we optimize the protocol for the vectors production, increasing the efficiency from 2-4 times to 20 and 25 times per cycle, and we studied what new features the Ad40 short fiber transferred to Ad5 particles. In the second part, we evaluate the ability of chimeric vectors as gene therapy vectors in the intestine. We found that the presence of fiber increased vectors resistance to acidic pH (but not to proteases) and we studied the biodistribution and biosafety of these vectors in mice by three different routes: oral, rectal and intravenous by quantifying the expression of β-gal luminometry and by histology and immunohistochemistry analysis of adenoviral transfection. The results showed that the chimeric adenovirus administered by rectal route were more efficient than Ad5, transfecting intestinal epithelial cells in villi and crypts, and enteroendocrine cells and local macrophages in intestinal mucosa. After evaluating the ability of chimeric adenovirus to infect the intestines of healthy mice, we proceeded to assess their infectivity capacity in a MMI animal model of MMI, choosing the model of DSS-induced colitis mice. In the third part of this work, we generate new chimeric vectors that allow easy and fast cloning of any therapeutic gene. In summary, this work shows that the short fiber of the Ad40 pseudotipying transferred many of the unique characteristics of enteric adenovirus, and it proposes an optimized protocol for production levels equivalent to the Ad5. Our results also suggest that the chimeric adenovirus F/40S is an excellent candidate as a gene therapy vector for for the local administration of therapeutic genes in the gu

  • Caracterització i anàlisi del potencial terapèutic de l'Adenovirus 5/40 quimèric de Tropisme específic intestinal com a vector de teràpia gènica per al tractament de la Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal
    [Barcelona] : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015
    Co-Authors: Rodríguez Aguilar Ester, Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona. Departament De Bioquímica I De Biolo

    La Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal (IBD) engloba un grup de malalties (com la CD i la UC) que es caracteritzen per una inflamació crònica del tub digestiu. La IBD requereix un tractament mèdic i farmacològic a mida, i tot i que actualment existeixen diferents teràpies que permeten millorar la qualitat de vida dels pacients, cap d'aquestes aconsegueix eliminar totalment la malaltia. La teràpia gènica és una de les disciplines de la biomedicina amb més futur pel tractament de malalties d'origen genètic, però també en malalties en que la patologia no està determinada per un sol gen sinó que hi ha una alteració de la homeòstasis del sistema, com en càncer, malalties cardiovasculars o malalties neurològiques. Per tant la teràpia gènica sembla una alternativa prometedora per administrar localment a l'intestí una teràpia per a la IBD. Dintre de la família dels adenovirus, els vectors més utilitzats en teràpia gènica, hi ha el subgrup F (Ad40 i Ad41) amb Tropisme intestinal. Aquests adenovirus es caracteritzen per la presència de dos fibers de diferent mida i pel seu pobre creixement in vitro. Mitjançant el pseudotipatge, es pot substituir els gens que codifiquen la proteïna fiber de l'Ad5, un dels vectors més utilitzats en teràpia gènica, per gens que codifiquen per la proteïna fiber curta de l'Ad40. D'aquesta manera, a més de canviar el Tropisme natural de l'Ad5 pel Tropisme del nou fiber, es millora la seva producció i es facilita la clonació de gens terapèutics. Així doncs, ens vam proposar caracteritzar i analitzar el potencial terapèutic d'adenovirus quimèrics 5/40 de Tropisme específic intestinal per a la futura aplicació com vectors de teràpia gènica per a la Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal. En la primera part d'aquest treball ens vam centrar en caracteritzar els vectors quimèrics per tal de determinar les possibilitats reals per convertir-se en vectors de teràpia gènica. En primer lloc es va optimitzar el protocol de producció dels vectors, augmentant l'eficiència de 2-4 a 20 i 25 vegades per cada cicle, i es va estudiar quines noves característiques conferia el fiber curt de l'Ad40 a les partícules de l'Ad5. En la segona part es va avaluar la capacitat dels vectors quimèrics com a vectors de teràpia gènica a l'intestí. Es va comprovar que la presència del fiber augmentava la resistència a pH àcid dels vectors (tot i que no a proteases) i es va estudiar la biodistribució i bioseguretat d'aquests vectors en ratolins per tres vies diferents: oral, rectal i intravenosa mitjançant la quantificació de l'expressió de β-gal per luminometria i l'anàlisi histològic i immunohistoquímic de la transfecció adenoviral. Els resultats van mostrar que els adenovirus quimèrics administrats per la via rectal eren més eficients que l'Ad5, transfectant cèl·lules epitelials en vellositats i criptes intestinals, cèl·lules enteroendocrines i macròfags locals de la mucosa intestinal. Un cop avaluada la capacitat dels adenovirus quimèrics d'infectar l'intestí de ratolins sans, es va procedir a avaluar si mantenia la seva infectivitat en un model murí de 05I, escollint el model de colitis induïda per DSS. En la tercera part d'aquest treball es van generar nous vectors quimèrics que permetessin la clonació fàcil i ràpida de qualsevol gen terapèutic. En resum, en aquest treball demostrem que amb el pseudotipatge del fiber curt de l'Ad40 es transfereixen moltes de les característiques singulars dels Adenovirus entèrics, i es proposa un protocol optimitzat per a la seva producció a nivells equivalents als de l'Ad5. Els nostres resultats també suggereixen que l'adenovirus quimèric F/40S es un excel·lent candidat com a vector estratègia de teràpia gènica per a l'administració de gens terapèutics a l'intestí de manera local.Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) comprises a group of diseases (such as CD and UC) characterized by a chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. The IBD requires a personalized medical and pharmacological approach, and although currently there are different therapies to improve the quality of life of patients, none of these has healed the disease. Gene therapy is one of the most promising biomedical disciplines for the treatment of genetic diseases, but also for other diseases in which the pathology is not determined by a single gene, but there is an alteration of the homeostasis of the system, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases. Therefore, gene therapy seems a promising alternative to administer local therapy in the intestine for IBD. Within the family of adenovirus vectors, the most used vectors in gene therapy, there is subgroup F adenovirus (Ad40 and Ad41) with intestinal Tropism. These adenoviruses are characterized by the presence of two different size fibers and its poor growth in vitro. By pseudotyping technique, you can replace the genes encoding the Ad5 fiber protein, one of the most used adenoviral vector, for the genes encoding the protein of Ad40 short fiber. Thus, besides changing the natural Tropism of Ad5 Tropism by the new fiber, it improves production and simplify the cloning of therapeutic genes. Therefore, we decided to analyse and characterize the therapeutic potential of chimeric adenovirus 5/40 specific intestinal Tropism for future use as gene therapy vectors for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In the first part of this work, we focused on characterizing the chimeric vector to determine the real possibilities to become gene therapy vectors. Firstly, we optimize the protocol for the vectors production, increasing the efficiency from 2-4 times to 20 and 25 times per cycle, and we studied what new features the Ad40 short fiber transferred to Ad5 particles. In the second part, we evaluate the ability of chimeric vectors as gene therapy vectors in the intestine. We found that the presence of fiber increased vectors resistance to acidic pH (but not to proteases) and we studied the biodistribution and biosafety of these vectors in mice by three different routes: oral, rectal and intravenous by quantifying the expression of β-gal luminometry and by histology and immunohistochemistry analysis of adenoviral transfection. The results showed that the chimeric adenovirus administered by rectal route were more efficient than Ad5, transfecting intestinal epithelial cells in villi and crypts, and enteroendocrine cells and local macrophages in intestinal mucosa. After evaluating the ability of chimeric adenovirus to infect the intestines of healthy mice, we proceeded to assess their infectivity capacity in a MMI animal model of MMI, choosing the model of DSS-induced colitis mice. In the third part of this work, we generate new chimeric vectors that allow easy and fast cloning of any therapeutic gene. In summary, this work shows that the short fiber of the Ad40 pseudotipying transferred many of the unique characteristics of enteric adenovirus, and it proposes an optimized protocol for production levels equivalent to the Ad5. Our results also suggest that the chimeric adenovirus F/40S is an excellent candidate as a gene therapy vector for for the local administration of therapeutic genes in the gu

Cecilia Chengmayer - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • structural modulations of the envelope gp120 glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 upon oligomerization and differential v3 loop epitope exposure of isolates displaying distinct Tropism upon virion soluble receptor binding
    Journal of Virology, 1995
    Co-Authors: L Stamatatos, Cecilia Chengmayer

    We investigated the binding of conformation-dependent anti-V2, anti-V3, and anti-CD4-binding site monoclonal antibodies to monomeric and virion-associated gp120 from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates displaying marked differences in cell Tropism. For all viruses examined, we found that the half-maximal binding values of the anti-V2 and anti-CD4-binding site antibodies with virion-associated gp120 were higher than those with monomeric gp120, but the maximum amount of antibodies bound was diminished only for one of the anti-V2 antibodies tested. These observations suggest that upon gp120 oligomerization, the V2 loop and CD4-binding site undergo conformational changes and that particular epitopes within these domains are occluded in the oligomeric gp120. In contrast, although the overall binding patterns and half-maximal binding values of the anti-V3 loop antibodies tested were similar with monomeric and oligomeric gp120, all the V3 loop epitopes examined were less accessible to antibody binding on the virion surface. This masking of the V3 loop is more pronounced for the primary-like macrophage-tropic isolates examined. Lastly, we observe that upon soluble receptor-virion binding, specific V3 loop epitopes that differ for viruses displaying different Tropisms are exposed.

  • small amino acid changes in the v3 hypervariable region of gp120 can affect the t cell line and macrophage Tropism of human immunodeficiency virus type 1
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1992
    Co-Authors: Tatsuo Shioda, Jay A Levy, Cecilia Chengmayer

    Abstract Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains display a high degree of heterogeneity in their biological properties that correlate with in vivo pathogenesis of the virus. We previously demonstrated that overlapping regions encompassing the third hypervariable domain (V3), within the envelope glycoprotein gp120 determine the Tropisms of HIV-1 for T-cell lines and primary macrophages. Studies with mutant viruses carrying one or more amino acid substitutions in the V3 loop have now identified this hypervariable domain as a major determinant for these cellular host range properties. Three to five amino acid changes in this domain, but rarely a single amino acid substitution, can confer macrophage Tropism and alter T-cell-line Tropism. These findings emphasize the effect on cell Tropism of small amino acid differences in the viral envelope and suggest that the overall conformation of the V3 loop plays the major role in determining the ability of HIV-1 to infect T-cell lines and primary macrophages.

Bruce Chesebro - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • mapping of independent v3 envelope determinants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 macrophage Tropism and syncytium formation in lymphocytes
    Journal of Virology, 1996
    Co-Authors: Bruce Chesebro, Kathy Wehrly, J Nishio, S Perryman

    The V3 region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope protein is known to have a major influence on macrophage Tropism as well as the ability to cause syncytium formation or fusion in CD4-positive lymphocyte cultures. Using infectious molecular HIV-1 clones, a series of mutant clones was created which allowed detailed mapping of V3 amino acid positions involved in these properties. In these experiments the non-syncytium-inducing phenotype in T cells did not always correlate with macrophage Tropism. Macrophage Tropism appeared to depend on the presence of certain combinations of amino acids at five specific positions within and just outside of the V3 loop itself, whereas syncytium formation in lymphocytes was influenced by substitution of particular residues at two to four positions within V3. In most cases, different V3 amino acid positions were found to independently influence macrophage Tropism and syncytium formation in T cells and position 13 was the only V3 location which appeared to simultaneously influence both macrophage Tropism and syncytium formation in lymphocytes.

  • sequences regulating Tropism of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 for brain capillary endothelial cells map to a unique region on the viral genome
    Journal of Virology, 1996
    Co-Authors: Ashlee V Moses, Kathy Wehrly, Bruce Chesebro, Stephan G Stenglein, Joanne G Strussenberg, Jay A Nelson

    Two infectious molecular clones of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, NL4-3 and JR-CSF, differ in their abilities to productively infect human brain capillary endothelial (HBCE) cells. The phenotypes of recombinants between these two molecular strains were examined to identify viral sequences responsible for the difference in HBCE cell Tropism between the two parental strains. Our results indicate that HBCE cell Tropism maps to a region that encompasses the C1 region of env and includes overlapping reading frames for the accessory genes vpr, vpu, tat, and rev. This region was unique for HBCE cell Tropism and did not cosegregate with either macrophage or T-cell line Tropism. However, several recombinant clones displayed dual Tropism for both HBCE cells and macrophages. These endothelial cell- and macrophage-tropic strains may have a unique pathogenic advantage by entering the brain via HBCE cells and subsequently infecting microglial cells with high efficiency, leading to the induction of human immunodeficiency virus dementia.

  • macrophage tropic human immunodeficiency virus isolates from different patients exhibit unusual v3 envelope sequence homogeneity in comparison with t cell tropic isolates definition of critical amino acids involved in cell Tropism
    Journal of Virology, 1992
    Co-Authors: Bruce Chesebro, Kathy Wehrly, J Nishio, S Perryman

    Abstract Previous experiments indicate that the V3 hypervariable region of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope protein influences cell Tropism of infection; however, so far no consistent V3 sequence can account for macrophage or T-cell Tropism. In these experiments, we studied infectious recombinant HIV clones constructed by using V3 region sequences of HIV isolates from 16 patients to search for sequences associated with cell Tropism. Remarkable homology was seen among V3 sequences from macrophage-tropic clones from different patients, and a consensus V3 region sequence for patient-derived macrophage-tropic viruses was identified. In contrast, V3 sequences of T-cell-tropic clones from different patients were highly heterogeneous, and the results suggested that sequence diversity leading to T-cell Tropism might be generated independently in each patient. Site-specific mutations identified amino acids at several positions on each side of the GPGR motif at the tip of the V3 loop as important determinants of Tropism for T cells and macrophages. However, a wide variety of mutant V3 sequences induced macrophage Tropism, as detected in vitro. Therefore, the homogeneity of macrophage-tropic patient isolates appeared to be the result of selection based on a biological advantage in vivo.