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Cartes Pinto Daniela - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • Las representaciones de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la periodización en contextos de diversidad étnica : la cosmovision mapuche
    Co-Authors: Cartes Pinto Daniela

    La recerca versa sobre les representacions que l'estudiantat i el professorat té sobre la periodització en contextos de diversitat ètnica (poble maputxe a Xile). El temps històric i la periodització són artefactes significatius per entendre la temporalitat humana i comprendre els accelerats canvis, contradiccions i les diferències que conviuen a les diferents societats. La periodització és un concepte fonamental en l'ensenyament i aprenentatge del temps històric perquè determina majors possibilitats de comprensió i expansió dels aprenentatges en relació a la temporalitat i la construcció d'una consciència històrica per entendre les relacions passades, presents i futur. Així, es pretén comprendre el concepte de temporalitat, multitemporalitat i periodització vinculada a la formació d'una consciència històrica i el tayín chegenmu (consciència ancestral: saviesa). Per a tal, s'analitzen les representacions de l'estudiantat maputxe i no maputxes i del seu professorat. En concret, ens fixem en els estudiants i professorat dels cursos de setè i vuitè d'Educació Bàsica i de primer a quart d'Educació Mèdia (segons el sistema educatiu de Xile i corresponent a la ESO i Batxillerat a l'Estat Espanyol). La metodologia d'estudi és de caràcter qualitatiu basat en l'estudi de casos amb un disseny mixt. Els instruments utilitzats corresponen a documents curriculars, qüestionaris, entrevistes i observacions d'aula. La tècnica per processar les dades es basa en l'anàlisi de contingut a partir de la lectura, organització i interpretació de les dades quantitatives i qualitatives. La recerca respon a la necessitat d'aconseguir que l'aprenentatge de la temporalitat i periodització sigui significatiu en contextos multitemporals. En aquest sentit, la recerca contribueix a una formació del penasment temporal complex i a la millora del procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la història i les ciències socials. Entre les aportacions de la recerca, en primer lloc, es pot esmentar la construcció d'un marc conceptual de la temporalitat considerant aspectes com el temps, el canvi/continuïtat, la temporalitat, la consciència històrica, la multitemporalitat i la periodització. En segon lloc, la metodologia ha proporcionat informació sobre les representacions de la periodització i temporalitat considerant la complexitat de diversitat ètnica que es dóna en el context. En tercer lloc, les troballes permeten organitzar les diferents categories per analitzar les relacions que es donen entre el que se sap i el que s'hauria de saber sobre temps, multitemporalidad i periodització. Finalment, es busca la transformació de la pràctica educativa donant compte de les contradiccions que es donen en l'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la temporalitat en contextos de gran diversitat. Podem esmentar la importància que segueix tenint la representació lineal i irreversible del temps com a conseqüència d'un currículum que emfatitza els aspectes cronològics del temps històric. No obstant, un 95,6% de l'estudiant reconeix el canvi i l'associa a aquelles transformacions de ràpida durada a nivell personal. En l'àmbit de l'història global, el currículum considera les diferents escales a tractar els continguts (local, regional i global), però, les interrelacions temporals queden limitades a una sola comprensió: l'eurocèntrica. Finalment, l'estructura de la tesi doctoral es divideix en tres parts: la primera que dóna compte dels fonaments i l'estructura de la investigació, la segona que exposa les bases teòriques i metodològiques de la recerca i l'última part que exposa els resultats obtinguts i les principals conclusions de la investigació.La investigación versa sobre las representaciones del estudiantado de segundo ciclo medio (secundaria) y del profesorado sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje sobre la periodización en contextos de diversidad étnica (pueblo mapuche). El tiempo histórico y la periodización son artefactos significativos para entender la temporalidad humana y con ello comprender los acelerados cambios, contradicciones y las diferencias que conviven en las diferentes sociedades. Es una preocupación indagar cómo se plantea la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la periodización en contextos de diversidad étnica porque las distintas representaciones impactan directamente en la adquisición de un aprendizaje temporal complejo del estudiantado. La periodización es un concepto fundamental en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del tiempo histórico porque determina mayores posibilidades de comprensión y expansión de los aprendizajes en relación a la temporalidad y la construcción de una conciencia histórica para entender las relaciones pasadas, presentes y futuro. Así, se pretende comprender el concepto de temporalidad, multitemporalidad y periodización vinculada a la formación de una conciencia historia y el tayiñ chegenmu (conciencia ancestral: sabiduría). Para ello, se analizan las representaciones del estudiantado mapuche y no mapuches y del profesorado. La metodología de estudio es de carácter cualitativa basado en un estudio de casos con un diseño mixto, donde los instrumentos utilizados corresponden a documentos curriculares, cuestionarios, entrevistas y observaciones de aula. La técnica para procesar los datos se basó en el análisis de contenido que favoreció leer, organizar e interpretar los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos de los diferentes tipos de documentos que componen el corpus de estudio. La investigación responde a la necesidad de lograr que el aprendizaje de la temporalidad y periodización sea significativo en contextos multitemporales. En este sentido, la investigación contribuye a una formación del pensamiento temporal complejo y mejora de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia y las ciencias sociales. Entre los aportes de la investigación, en primer lugar, se puede mencionar la construcción de un marco conceptual de la temporalidad considerando aspectos como el tiempo, el cambio/ la continuidad, la temporalidad, la conciencia histórica, la multitemporalidad y la periodización. En segundo lugar, la metodología ha proporcionado la información sobre las representaciones de la periodización y temporalidad considerando la complejidad de diversidad étnica que se da en contexto. En tercer lugar, los hallazgos permiten organizar las diferentes categorías para analizar las relaciones que se dan entre lo que se sabe y lo que se debería saber sobre tiempo, multitemporalidad y periodización. Por último, se busca la transformación de la práctica educativa dando cuenta de las contradicciones que se dan en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la temporalidad en contextos de gran diversidad. Podemos mencionar la importancia que sigue teniendo la representación lineal e irreversible del tiempo como consecuencia de un currículo que enfatiza los aspectos cronológicos del tiempo histórico. No obstante, un 95,6% del estudiando reconoce el cambio y lo asocia fácilmente aquellas transformaciones de rápida duración a nivel personal. En el ámbito de la historia global, el currículo considera las diferentes escalas a tratar los contenidos (local, regional y global), sin embargo, las interrelaciones temporales quedan limitadas a una sola comprensión: la eurocéntrica. La enseñanza de la temporalidad debe asentar una conciencia histórica que se relacione directamente con las habilidades del pensamiento temporal crítico de los estudiantes. Este tipo de pensamiento debe estar dirigido a tomar decisiones, comprometerse e intervenir en los problemas socialmente relevantes (Santisteban et al., 2016).The research is about the representations of High school students and teachers on teaching and learning about Periodization in ethnically diverse contexts (Mapuche people). Historical time and Periodization are significant artifacts for understanding human temporality and thus understanding the accelerated changes, contradictions and differences that coexist in different societies. It is a concern to investigate how the teaching and learning of Periodization is exposed in contexts of ethnic diversity and how the different representations directly impact on the acquisition of a complex temporal learning of the student's group. Periodization is a fundamental concept in the teaching and learning of historical timeline because it determines greater possibilities of understanding and expanding learning in relation to temporality and the construction of a historical consciousness to understand past, present and future relationships. Thus, it aims to understand the concept of temporality, multi-temporality and Periodization linked to the formation of a historical consciousness and tayiñ chegenmu (ancestral consciousness: wisdom). Due to this reason, the representations of Mapuche and non-Mapuche students and teachers are analysed. The study methodology is of a qualitative nature based on a case study with a mixed design, where the instruments used correspond to curriculum documents, questionnaires, interviews and classroom observations. The technique for processing the data was based on content analysis that favoured reading, organising and interpreting the quantitative and qualitative data from the different types of documents that make up the study corpus. The research responds to the need to make learning about temporality and Periodization meaningful in multi-temporal contexts. In this sense, the research contributes to the formation of complex temporal thinking and the improvement of the teaching and learning of history and social sciences. Among the contributions of the research, first of all, we can mention the construction of a conceptual framework of temporality considering aspects such as time, change/ continuity, temporality, historical awareness, multi-temporality and Periodization. Secondly, the methodology has provided information on the representations of periodisation and temporality considering the complexity of ethnic diversity that occurs in context. Thirdly, the findings allow us to organise the different categories to analyse the relationships between what is known and what should be known about time, multi-temporality and periodisation. Finally, it seeks the transformation of educational practice by accounting for the contradictions that occur in the teaching and learning of temporality in contexts of great diversity. We can mention the importance that the linear and irreversible representation of time still has as a consequence of a curriculum that emphasizes the chronological aspects of historical time. However, 95.6% of the students recognize change and easily associate it with those transformations of rapid duration at a personal level. In the area of global history, the curriculum considers the different scales to be dealt with (local, regional and global), however, the temporal interrelations are limited to a single understanding: the Eurocentric one. The teaching of temporality must establish a historical awareness that is directly related to the students' critical temporal thinking skills. This type of thinking should be directed towards decision making, engagement and intervention in socially relevant problems (Santisteban et al., 2016). Finally, the structure of the doctoral thesis is divided into three parts: the first part gives an account of the foundations and structure of the research, the second part presents the theoretical and methodological bases of the research and the last part presents the results obtained and the main conclusions of the research

  • Las representaciones de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la periodización en contextos de diversidad étnica: la cosmovision mapuche
    'Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona', 2021
    Co-Authors: Cartes Pinto Daniela

    La recerca versa sobre les representacions que l’estudiantat i el professorat té sobre la periodització en contextos de diversitat ètnica (poble maputxe a Xile). El temps històric i la periodització són artefactes significatius per entendre la temporalitat humana i comprendre els accelerats canvis, contradiccions i les diferències que conviuen a les diferents societats. La periodització és un concepte fonamental en l’ensenyament i aprenentatge del temps històric perquè determina majors possibilitats de comprensió i expansió dels aprenentatges en relació a la temporalitat i la construcció d’una consciència històrica per entendre les relacions passades, presents i futur. Així, es pretén comprendre el concepte de temporalitat, multitemporalitat i periodització vinculada a la formació d’una consciència històrica i el tayín chegenmu (consciència ancestral: saviesa). Per a tal, s’analitzen les representacions de l’estudiantat maputxe i no maputxes i del seu professorat. En concret, ens fixem en els estudiants i professorat dels cursos de setè i vuitè d’Educació Bàsica i de primer a quart d’Educació Mèdia (segons el sistema educatiu de Xile i corresponent a la ESO i Batxillerat a l’Estat Espanyol). La metodologia d’estudi és de caràcter qualitatiu basat en l’estudi de casos amb un disseny mixt. Els instruments utilitzats corresponen a documents curriculars, qüestionaris, entrevistes i observacions d’aula. La tècnica per processar les dades es basa en l’anàlisi de contingut a partir de la lectura, organització i interpretació de les dades quantitatives i qualitatives. La recerca respon a la necessitat d’aconseguir que l’aprenentatge de la temporalitat i periodització sigui significatiu en contextos multitemporals. En aquest sentit, la recerca contribueix a una formació del penasment temporal complex i a la millora del procés d’ensenyament i aprenentatge de la història i les ciències socials. Entre les aportacions de la recerca, en primer lloc, es pot esmentar la construcció d’un marc conceptual de la temporalitat considerant aspectes com el temps, el canvi/continuïtat, la temporalitat, la consciència històrica, la multitemporalitat i la periodització. En segon lloc, la metodologia ha proporcionat informació sobre les representacions de la periodització i temporalitat considerant la complexitat de diversitat ètnica que es dóna en el context. En tercer lloc, les troballes permeten organitzar les diferents categories per analitzar les relacions que es donen entre el que se sap i el que s’hauria de saber sobre temps, multitemporalidad i periodització. Finalment, es busca la transformació de la pràctica educativa donant compte de les contradiccions que es donen en l’ensenyament i aprenentatge de la temporalitat en contextos de gran diversitat. Podem esmentar la importància que segueix tenint la representació lineal i irreversible del temps com a conseqüència d’un currículum que emfatitza els aspectes cronològics del temps històric. No obstant, un 95,6% de l’estudiant reconeix el canvi i l’associa a aquelles transformacions de ràpida durada a nivell personal. En l’àmbit de l’història global, el currículum considera les diferents escales a tractar els continguts (local, regional i global), però, les interrelacions temporals queden limitades a una sola comprensió: l’eurocèntrica. Finalment, l’estructura de la tesi doctoral es divideix en tres parts: la primera que dóna compte dels fonaments i l’estructura de la investigació, la segona que exposa les bases teòriques i metodològiques de la recerca i l’última part que exposa els resultats obtinguts i les principals conclusions de la investigació.La investigación versa sobre las representaciones del estudiantado de segundo ciclo medio (secundaria) y del profesorado sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje sobre la periodización en contextos de diversidad étnica (pueblo mapuche). El tiempo histórico y la periodización son artefactos significativos para entender la temporalidad humana y con ello comprender los acelerados cambios, contradicciones y las diferencias que conviven en las diferentes sociedades. Es una preocupación indagar cómo se plantea la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la periodización en contextos de diversidad étnica porque las distintas representaciones impactan directamente en la adquisición de un aprendizaje temporal complejo del estudiantado. La periodización es un concepto fundamental en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del tiempo histórico porque determina mayores posibilidades de comprensión y expansión de los aprendizajes en relación a la temporalidad y la construcción de una conciencia histórica para entender las relaciones pasadas, presentes y futuro. Así, se pretende comprender el concepto de temporalidad, multitemporalidad y periodización vinculada a la formación de una conciencia historia y el tayiñ chegenmu (conciencia ancestral: sabiduría). Para ello, se analizan las representaciones del estudiantado mapuche y no mapuches y del profesorado. La metodología de estudio es de carácter cualitativa basado en un estudio de casos con un diseño mixto, donde los instrumentos utilizados corresponden a documentos curriculares, cuestionarios, entrevistas y observaciones de aula. La técnica para procesar los datos se basó en el análisis de contenido que favoreció leer, organizar e interpretar los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos de los diferentes tipos de documentos que componen el corpus de estudio. La investigación responde a la necesidad de lograr que el aprendizaje de la temporalidad y periodización sea significativo en contextos multitemporales. En este sentido, la investigación contribuye a una formación del pensamiento temporal complejo y mejora de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia y las ciencias sociales. Entre los aportes de la investigación, en primer lugar, se puede mencionar la construcción de un marco conceptual de la temporalidad considerando aspectos como el tiempo, el cambio/ la continuidad, la temporalidad, la conciencia histórica, la multitemporalidad y la periodización. En segundo lugar, la metodología ha proporcionado la información sobre las representaciones de la periodización y temporalidad considerando la complejidad de diversidad étnica que se da en contexto. En tercer lugar, los hallazgos permiten organizar las diferentes categorías para analizar las relaciones que se dan entre lo que se sabe y lo que se debería saber sobre tiempo, multitemporalidad y periodización. Por último, se busca la transformación de la práctica educativa dando cuenta de las contradicciones que se dan en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la temporalidad en contextos de gran diversidad. Podemos mencionar la importancia que sigue teniendo la representación lineal e irreversible del tiempo como consecuencia de un currículo que enfatiza los aspectos cronológicos del tiempo histórico. No obstante, un 95,6% del estudiando reconoce el cambio y lo asocia fácilmente aquellas transformaciones de rápida duración a nivel personal. En el ámbito de la historia global, el currículo considera las diferentes escalas a tratar los contenidos (local, regional y global), sin embargo, las interrelaciones temporales quedan limitadas a una sola comprensión: la eurocéntrica. La enseñanza de la temporalidad debe asentar una conciencia histórica que se relacione directamente con las habilidades del pensamiento temporal crítico de los estudiantes. Este tipo de pensamiento debe estar dirigido a tomar decisiones, comprometerse e intervenir en los problemas socialmente relevantes (Santisteban et al., 2016).The research is about the representations of High school students and teachers on teaching and learning about Periodization in ethnically diverse contexts (Mapuche people). Historical time and Periodization are significant artifacts for understanding human temporality and thus understanding the accelerated changes, contradictions and differences that coexist in different societies. It is a concern to investigate how the teaching and learning of Periodization is exposed in contexts of ethnic diversity and how the different representations directly impact on the acquisition of a complex temporal learning of the student’s group. Periodization is a fundamental concept in the teaching and learning of historical timeline because it determines greater possibilities of understanding and expanding learning in relation to temporality and the construction of a historical consciousness to understand past, present and future relationships. Thus, it aims to understand the concept of temporality, multi-temporality and Periodization linked to the formation of a historical consciousness and tayiñ chegenmu (ancestral consciousness: wisdom). Due to this reason, the representations of Mapuche and non-Mapuche students and teachers are analysed. The study methodology is of a qualitative nature based on a case study with a mixed design, where the instruments used correspond to curriculum documents, questionnaires, interviews and classroom observations. The technique for processing the data was based on content analysis that favoured reading, organising and interpreting the quantitative and qualitative data from the different types of documents that make up the study corpus. The research responds to the need to make learning about temporality and Periodization meaningful in multi-temporal contexts. In this sense, the research contributes to the formation of complex temporal thinking and the improvement of the teaching and learning of history and social sciences. Among the contributions of the research, first of all, we can mention the construction of a conceptual framework of temporality considering aspects such as time, change/ continuity, temporality, historical awareness, multi-temporality and Periodization. Secondly, the methodology has provided information on the representations of periodisation and temporality considering the complexity of ethnic diversity that occurs in context. Thirdly, the findings allow us to organise the different categories to analyse the relationships between what is known and what should be known about time, multi-temporality and periodisation. Finally, it seeks the transformation of educational practice by accounting for the contradictions that occur in the teaching and learning of temporality in contexts of great diversity. We can mention the importance that the linear and irreversible representation of time still has as a consequence of a curriculum that emphasizes the chronological aspects of historical time. However, 95.6% of the students recognize change and easily associate it with those transformations of rapid duration at a personal level. In the area of global history, the curriculum considers the different scales to be dealt with (local, regional and global), however, the temporal interrelations are limited to a single understanding: the Eurocentric one. The teaching of temporality must establish a historical awareness that is directly related to the students’ critical temporal thinking skills. This type of thinking should be directed towards decision making, engagement and intervention in socially relevant problems (Santisteban et al., 2016). Finally, the structure of the doctoral thesis is divided into three parts: the first part gives an account of the foundations and structure of the research, the second part presents the theoretical and methodological bases of the research and the last part presents the results obtained and the main conclusions of the research.Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Educaci

Øyvind Sandbakk - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • block vs traditional Periodization of hit two different paths to success for the world s best cross country skier
    Frontiers in Physiology, 2019
    Co-Authors: Guro Strøm Solli, Espen Tønnessen, Øyvind Sandbakk

    In short-term studies, block Periodization of high-intensity training (HIT) has been shown to be an effective strategy that enhances performance and related physiological factors. However, long-term studies and detailed investigations of macro, meso, and micro-Periodization of HIT blocks in world-class endurance athletes are currently lacking. In a recent study, we showed that the world's most successful cross-country (XC) skier used two different Periodization models with success throughout her career. One including extensive use of HIT blocks, namely BP, and one using a traditional method namely TRAD. In this study, we compare BP with TRAD in two comparable successful seasons and provide a detailed description of the annual use of HIT blocks in BP. The participant is the most-decorated winter Olympian, with 8 Olympic gold medals, 18 world championship titles, and 114 world cup victories. Training data was categorized by training form (endurance, strength, and speed), intensity [low (LIT), moderate (MIT), and HIT], and mode (running, cycling, and skiing/roller skiing). No significant difference was found in the total endurance training load between BP and TRAD. However, training volume in BP was lower compared to TRAD (15 ± 6 vs. 18 ± 7 h/wk, P = 0.001), mainly explained by less LIT (13 ± 5 vs. 15 ± 5 h/wk, P = 0.004). Lower volume of MIT was also performed in BP compared to TRAD (13 vs. 38 sessions/year), whereas the amount of HIT was higher in BP (157 vs. 77 sessions/year). While BP included high amounts of HIT already from the first preparation period, followed by a reduction toward the competition period, TRAD had a progressive increase in HIT toward the competition period. In BP, the athlete performed seven HIT blocks, varying from 7 to 11 days, each including 8-13 HIT sessions. This study provides novel insights into successful utilization of two different Periodization models in the worlds best XC skier, and illustrates the macro, meso and micro- Periodization of HIT blocks to increase the overall amount of HIT.

  • Block vs. Traditional Periodization of HIT: Two Different Paths to Success for the World’s Best Cross-Country Skier
    'Frontiers Media SA', 2019
    Co-Authors: Guro Strøm Solli, Espen Tønnessen, Øyvind Sandbakk

    In short-term studies, block Periodization of high-intensity training (HIT) has been shown to be an effective strategy that enhances performance and related physiological factors. However, long-term studies and detailed investigations of macro, meso, and micro-Periodization of HIT blocks in world-class endurance athletes are currently lacking. In a recent study, we showed that the world’s most successful cross-country (XC) skier used two different Periodization models with success throughout her career. One including extensive use of HIT blocks, namely BP, and one using a traditional method namely TRAD. In this study, we compare BP with TRAD in two comparable successful seasons and provide a detailed description of the annual use of HIT blocks in BP. The participant is the most-decorated winter Olympian, with 8 Olympic gold medals, 18 world championship titles, and 114 world cup victories. Training data was categorized by training form (endurance, strength, and speed), intensity [low (LIT), moderate (MIT), and HIT], and mode (running, cycling, and skiing/roller skiing). No significant difference was found in the total endurance training load between BP and TRAD. However, training volume in BP was lower compared to TRAD (15 ± 6 vs. 18 ± 7 h/wk, P = 0.001), mainly explained by less LIT (13 ± 5 vs. 15 ± 5 h/wk, P = 0.004). Lower volume of MIT was also performed in BP compared to TRAD (13 vs. 38 sessions/year), whereas the amount of HIT was higher in BP (157 vs. 77 sessions/year). While BP included high amounts of HIT already from the first preparation period, followed by a reduction toward the competition period, TRAD had a progressive increase in HIT toward the competition period. In BP, the athlete performed seven HIT blocks, varying from 7 to 11 days, each including 8–13 HIT sessions. This study provides novel insights into successful utilization of two different Periodization models in the worlds best XC skier, and illustrates the macro, meso and micro- Periodization of HIT blocks to increase the overall amount of HIT

  • 5 week block Periodization increases aerobic power in elite cross country skiers
    Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2016
    Co-Authors: Bent R Ronnestad, Joar Hansen, V Thyli, T A Bakken, Øyvind Sandbakk

    The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of two different methods of organizing endurance training in elite cross-country skiers approaching the competition period. During the 5-week intervention period, one group performed block Periodization (BP; n = 10) with 5 and 3 high-intensity sessions (HIT) during the first and third training week. One HIT was performed during the remaining weeks in BP, while the group performing traditional training organization (TRAD, n = 9) performed two weekly HIT except during the third week where they performed three HIT. HIT were interspersed with low-intensity training (LIT) and both groups performed similar total amount of both HIT and LIT during the intervention. BP achieved a larger relative increase in peak power output and power output at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol/L than TRAD (4 ± 4 vs -3 ± 6% and 11 ± 10 vs 2 ± 4%, respectively, both P < 0.01). BP also increased maximal oxygen uptake by 2 ± 2% (P < 0.05), while no changes occurred in TRAD. The effect sizes of the relative improvement in these measurements revealed moderate effects of BP vs TRAD training. The present study suggests that block Periodization of endurance training have superior effects on several endurance and performance indices compared with traditional organization.

Jonato Prestes - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • understanding the individual responsiveness to resistance training Periodization
    Age, 2015
    Co-Authors: Jonato Prestes, Dahan Da Cunha Nascimento, Ramires Alsamir Tibana, Tatiane Gomes Teixeira, Denis Cesar Leite Vieira, Vitor Tajra, Darlan Lopes De Farias, Alessandro De Oliveira Silva, Silvana Schwerz Funghetto, Vinicius Carolino Souza

    This study was designed to compare the effects of linear Periodization (LP) and undulating Periodization (UP) on functional capacity, neuromuscular function, body composition, and cytokines in elderly sedentary women. We also aimed to identify the presence of high responders (HR), medium responders (MR), and low responders (LR) for irisin, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to resistance training (RT). Forty-nine elderly women were assigned to a control group, LP, and UP scheme. Functional capacity, body composition, maximal strength, irisin, TLR-4, BDNF, and IL-1β were evaluated. Both Periodization models were effective in improving 45° leg press 1RM, chair-stand, arm curl, and time-up and go tests, with no significant differences in body composition and cytokines. Furthermore, HR, MR, and LR were identified for irisin, IL-1β, TLR-4, and BDNF, with differences between groups and moments. This study provides evidence that both Periodization models were effective in improving functional capacity and neuromuscular function, with no effect on body composition and cytokines (probably as a consequence of the different responsiveness). Furthermore, for the first time, HR, MR, and LR were identified for irisin, IL1-β, TLR-4, and BDNF in response to RT.

  • effects of linear vs daily undulatory periodized resistance training on maximal and submaximal strength gains
    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2011
    Co-Authors: Fabricio Miranda, Jonato Prestes, Roberto Simao, Matthew R Rhea, Derek Bunker, Richard Diego Leite, Humberto Miranda, Belmiro Freitas De Salles, Jefferson Da Silva Novaes

    The objective of this study was to verify the effect of 2 periodized resistance training (RT) methods on the evolution of 1-repetition maximum (1RM) and 8RM loads. Twenty resistance trained men were randomly assigned to 2 training groups: linear Periodization (LP) group and daily undulating Periodization (DUP) group. The subjects were tested at baseline and after 12 weeks for 1RM and 8RM loads in leg press (LEG) and bench press (BP) exercises. The training program was performed in alternated sessions for upper (session A: chest, shoulder and triceps) and lower body (session B: leg, back and biceps). The 12-week periodized training was applied only in the tested exercises, and in the other exercises, 3 sets of 6-8RM were performed. Both groups exhibited significant increases in 1RM loads on LEG and BP, but no statistically significant difference between groups was observed. The same occurred in 8RM loads on LEG and BP. However, DUP group presented superior effect size (ES) in 1RM and 8RM loads for LEG and BP exercises when compared to the LP group. In conclusion, periodized RT can be an efficient method for increasing the strength and muscular endurance in trained individuals. Although there was no statistically significant difference between Periodization models, DUP promoted superior ES gains in muscular maximal and submaximal strength.

  • comparison of linear and reverse linear Periodization effects on maximal strength and body composition
    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2009
    Co-Authors: Jonato Prestes, Cristiane De Lima, Anelena Bueno Frollini, Felipe Fedrizzi Donatto, Marcelo Conte

    There are few studies that have compared different Periodization methods for strength and hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of a 12-week strength training program with different Periodization models on body composition and strength levels in women ranging from 20 to 35 years of age. Participants had a minimum of 6 months of experience in strength training, and they were divided into two groups: linear Periodization (LP, n = 10) and reverse linear Periodization (RLP, n = 10). Intensity was increased weekly; LP began with 12-14 maximal repetitions (RM), reaching loads of 4-6RM, and RLP began with 6-4RM and finished with 12-14RM. In all exercises, three sets were accomplished; number of repetitions and rest between sets and exercises were in accordance with weekly prescribed intensity. Training was performed 3 days per week. The evaluations were baseline evaluation (A1), after 4 weeks of training (A2), after 8 weeks (A3), after 12 weeks (A4), and after 1 week of detraining (A5). Fat mass and fat-free mass, maximum strength (bench press, lat pull-down, arm curl, and leg extension) were evaluated. There was an increase in fat-free mass and a decrease in fat mass in A4 compared with A1 only for the LP group. Both the LP and RLP groups presented significant gains in maximum strength levels in all exercises analyzed. However, for LP, the increases were greater when compared with RLP. In practical terms, LP is more effective for strength and hypertrophy as compared with RLP, and 1 week may be an adequate period for application of detraining without causing decreases in the performance of the parameters analyzed.

Mark Pfeiffer - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • neuromuscular effects to 6 weeks of loaded countermovement jumping with traditional and daily undulating Periodization
    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2017
    Co-Authors: Boris Ullrich, Thiemo Pelzer, Mark Pfeiffer

    Ullrich, B, Pelzer, T, and Pfeiffer, M. Neuromuscular effects to 6 weeks of loaded countermovement jumping with traditional and daily undulating Periodization. J Strength Cond Res 32(3): 660-674, 2018-Loaded vertical jumps are routinely used to enhance athlete's power production in the lower extremity and to optimize jumping and sprinting performance. This study compared traditional (TP) and daily undulating (DUP) Periodization on muscle strength, jumping performance, electromyographic (EMG) muscle activity, and muscle architecture during preseason loaded jump training. Twenty-two athletes from different team sports (age: 24.3 ± 2.6 years, height: 175.9 ± 7.5 cm, body mass: 72.2 ± 8.4 kg, 12 males/10 females, strength training experience: 5.1 ± 2.2 years) performed 6 weeks of loaded countermovement jumping (CMJ) (18 sessions) during which subjects arranged the experimental training loads with either TP or DUP. Therefore, loading conditions corresponding to 0, 15, and 30% of individual body mass were used by manipulating weighted training vests and the intensity zones and training volume were equated between the groups. Pre- to post-training, center of mass (COM) maximal CMJ performance, isometric maximal voluntary contractive capacity of the leg extensors (MVC), EMG maximal voluntary muscle activity of knee extensor muscles, and vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscle architecture were examined. Repeated measures multivariate analysis of variances (MANOVA with factors: time × training group) revealed moderate (5-16%) but significant (p ≤ 0.006) temporal increases in COM jumping height, leg extensor MVC and muscle architecture in both groups. Importantly, these temporal alterations were similar using either TP or DUP. Therefore, our data indicate that both Periodization models can be effectively applied to increase leg extensor strength, vertical jumping performance, and muscle architecture during short-term preseason loaded jump training.

  • neuromuscular responses to short term resistance training with traditional and daily undulating Periodization in adolescent elite judoka
    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2016
    Co-Authors: Boris Ullrich, Thiemo Pelzer, Sergio Oliveira, Mark Pfeiffer

    Ullrich, B, Pelzer, T, Oliveira, S, and Pfeiffer, M. Neuromuscular responses to short-term resistance training with traditional and daily undulating Periodization in adolescent elite judoka. J Strength Cond Res 30(8): 2083-2099, 2016-The influence of different Periodization models on neuromuscular outcomes after short-term strength training periods has not been examined in adolescent athletes. Eleven elite judoka (age: 14.8 ± 0.6 years, height: 163.2 ± 7.5 cm, body mass: 57.3 ± 11.1 kg, 5 boys/6 girls, and strength training experience: 2.7 ± 1.1 years) performed two 4-week strength training mesocycles (each with 12 sessions) with either traditional (TP) or daily undulating (DUP) Periodization. Both mesocycles were separated by a 7-week washout period and added to the regular judo training. Strength training was performed as lifting and lowering of weights using squats, knee flexion curl, clean & jerk, snatch, bench press, barbell bench pull, and lat pull-down. The mesocycles were equated for the number of repetitions and different intensity zones (50-90% of 1 repetition maximum [1RM]), addressing the optimization of strength, power, or velocity. Laboratory and 1RM testing was carried out 2 times during the baseline (T1 and T2), after the TP mesocycle (T3), after the washout period (T4), and after the DUP mesocycle (T5). Isometric knee extensor and knee flexor maximum voluntary contractive capacity (MVC), electromyographic-estimated neural drive of the quadriceps femoris, vastus lateralis (VL) muscle architecture, and 1RMs of all training exercises were measured. ANOVA revealed moderate (5.5-13.5%) but significant (p ≤ 0.05) temporal gains in knee extensor MVC, 1RMs, and VL architecture during both the mesocycles. Wilcoxon tests detected no significant differences for the percentage changes of any outcome between the mesocycles. For adolescent judoka, TP and DUP were equally adept in improving neuromuscular outcomes during short-term training periods.

Michael H. Stone - One of the best experts on this subject based on the ideXlab platform.

  • The General Adaptation Syndrome: A Foundation for the Concept of Periodization
    Sports Medicine, 2018
    Co-Authors: Aaron J. Cunanan, W. Guy Hornsby, N. Travis Triplett, Kyle C. Pierce, Robert Sausaman, Kevin M. Carroll, John P. Wagle, Brad H. Deweese, Gregory G Haff, Michael H. Stone

    Recent reviews have attempted to refute the efficacy of applying Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (GAS) as a conceptual framework for the training process. Furthermore, the criticisms involved are regularly used as the basis for arguments against the Periodization of training. However, these perspectives fail to consider the entirety of Selye’s work, the evolution of his model, and the broad applications he proposed. While it is reasonable to critically evaluate any paradigm, critics of the GAS have yet to dismantle the link between stress and adaptation. Disturbance to the state of an organism is the driving force for biological adaptation, which is the central thesis of the GAS model and the primary basis for its application to the athlete’s training process. Despite its imprecisions, the GAS has proven to be an instructive framework for understanding the mechanistic process of providing a training stimulus to induce specific adaptations that result in functional enhancements. Pioneers of modern Periodization have used the GAS as a framework for the management of stress and fatigue to direct adaptation during sports training. Updates to the Periodization concept have retained its founding constructs while explicitly calling for scientifically based, evidence-driven practice suited to the individual. Thus, the purpose of this review is to provide greater clarity on how the GAS serves as an appropriate mechanistic model to conceptualize the Periodization of training.

  • strength gains block versus daily undulating Periodization weight training among track and field athletes
    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2012
    Co-Authors: Keith B Painter, Gregory G Haff, Michael W Ramsey, J M Mcbride, Travis N Triplett, William A Sands, Hugh S Lamont, Margaret E Stone, Michael H. Stone

    Recently, the comparison of “periodized” strength training methods has been a focus of both exercise and sport science. Daily undulating Periodization (DUP), using daily alterations in repetitions, has been developed and touted as a superior method of training, while block forms of programming for Periodization have been questioned. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare block to DUP in Division I track and field athletes. Thirty-one athletes were assigned to either a 10-wk block or DUP training group in which sex, year, and event were matched. Over the course of the study, there were 4 testing sessions, which were used to evaluate a variety of strength characteristics. Although performance trends favored the block group for strength and rate of force development, no statistically significant differences were found between the 2 training groups. However, statistically different (P ≤ .05) values were found for estimated volume of work (volume load) and the amount of improvement per volume load between block and DUP groups. Based on calculated training efficiency scores, these data indicate that a block training model is more efficient than a DUP model in producing strength gains.